Amidst all our Glitz, Glitter, and Christmas Celebrations, the Ultimate Reason for the Season, Less We Succumb to the Deception

Utmost For His Highest     December 19 reading

As I read this first thing today as usual, I was compelled to blog this reading verbatim for someone today.

Confronted Once Again! Author Oswald Chambers is relentless.

Perspective at the Crossroads.…… His or Mine?

Reading based on “I did not come to bring peace but a sword” (Matt.10:34).

“Never be sympathetic with a person whose situation causes you to conclude that God is dealing harshly with him. God can be more tender than we can conceive, and every once in a while He gives us the opportunity to deal firmly with someone so that he may be viewed as the tender One. If a person cannot go to God, it is because he has something secret which he does not intend to give up – he may admit his sin or wrongdoing, but he would no more give up that thing than he could fly under his own power. It is impossible to deal sympathetically with people like that. We must reach down deep in their lives to the root of the problem, which will cause hostility and resentment toward the message. People want the blessing of God, but they can’t stand something that pierces right through to the heart of the matter.

If you are sensitive, to God’s way, your message as His servant will be merciless and insistent, cutting to the very root. Otherwise, there will be no healing. We must drive the message home so forcefully that a person cannot possibly hide, but must apply its truth. Deal with people where they are, until they begin to realize their true need. Then hold high the standard of Jesus for their lives.

Their response may be, “We can never be that.”

Then drive it home with, “Jesus Christ says you must.”

“But how can we?”  

“You can’t unless you have a new Spirit.” (see Luke 11:13).

There must be a sense of need created before your message will be of any use. Thousands of people in this world profess to be happy without God. But if we could be happy and moral without Jesus, then why did He come? He came because that kind of happiness and peace is only superficial. Jesus Christ came to “bring a sword” through every kind of peace that is not based on a relationship with Himself.”

In addition to giving us His Spirit, he has provided us the scriptures.

Consider, this introduction in each Gideon Bible.

“The Bible contains the mind of God,

the state of man,

the way of salvation,

the doom of sinners,

and the happiness of believers.

Its doctrines are holy,

Its precepts are binding,

Its histories are true,

and its decisions are immutable.

Read it to be wise,

Believe it to be safe,

And practice it to be holy.

It contains light to direct you,

Food to support you,

And comfort to cheer you.

It’s the traveler’s map,

the pilgrim’s staff,

the pilot’s compass,

the soldier’s sword,

and the Christian’s charter.

Here Paradise is restored,

Heaven opened,

And the gates of hell disclosed.

Christ is its grand subject,

Our good the design,

And the glory of God its end.

It should fill the memory,

rule the heart,

and guide the feet.

Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully.

It is a mine of wealth,

A paradise of glory,

And a river of pleasure.

It is given you in life,

Will be opened at judgement,

and be remembered forever.

It involves the highest responsibility,

Will reward the greatest labor,

And will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.”

May rich blessings penetrate your heart, mind, and spirit as you

prepare for the celebration of His birth>>>>> mle