“Pulling In vs. Pushing Out”

Utmost For His Highest…  December 13 Intercessory Prayer

The prior blog briefly mentioned  intercessory prayer. I’m thinking perhaps some clarifications are now in order for all of us.

Utmost today, December 13, titled “Intercessory prayer” cites Luke 18:1 “men always ought to pray and not loose heart”, or quit, or faint, etc. Not surprising, Chambers states “you cannot truly intercede through prayer if you do not truly believe in the reality of redemption. If so, you are only turning intercession into useless sympathy for others, which only increases their contentment for remaining out of fellowship and spiritually floundering.

Interesting how Chambers says true intercession involves bringing either the person or the circumstance, that seems to be crashing in on you in Real Time, before God until you are changed by His attitude toward that very person or circumstance. People describe intercession by saying “It is putting yourself in someone else’s place. That is not true. Intercession is better described as putting yourself in God’s place; and ultimately, having or identifying with His mind and His perspective toward the individual or situation in question.

Chambers warns us as an intercessors, we are not to seek too much information from God about the situations we are praying about, simply because we may become overwhelmed, hindering our prayers because the circumstances of those we’re praying for become so overpowering, that we can no longer see God’s vision to be accomplished because we are unable to get to the underlying truth. God wants our work to be in such close contact with Him that we have His mind about everything we do. If we operate without His mind, we then tend to substitute “doing” for “interceding.” Or could it be said we become merely “human doings” aligning ourselves perhaps with the social justice agenda rather than seeking God’s mind as fulfilled “human beings.” Trust me, those thoughts were not the original Utmost wording.

However, I think Chambers foreseen the emerging social justice shortcut when he said such substituted “doings”  does lead to praying for someone to be merely “patched up” rather than praying the person completely through into contact with very life of God. Pause for a few minutes and reflect on the number of people God has brought across our paths and even in our doors, only to see us drop them! We’re back again to Craig’s message Sunday encouraging us to “pull” others in, rather than to “push” them out. And that’s exactly what happens when we pray on the basis of redemption, for God will create something He can create in no other way than through effectual intercessory prayer.

I am reminded of a story used by Dutch Sheets on the last page (285) of his 25 year old book simply titled “Intercessory Prayer,” now virtually a classic during these last days as we enjoy his “spiritual preppie kingdom.”

Are We Ready?

We need to be like Sam and Jed. Hearing that a $5000 bounty had been offered for the capture or killing of wolves, they became bounty hunters. (Sorry, in typical Dutch fashion, he sometimes omits pressing details that allow our minds closure) Waking up one night, Sam saw that were surrounded by at least 50 pairs of gleaming eyes – ravenous wolves licking hungry chops. “Jed, wake up,” he whispered to his sleeping partner. “We’re rich.” (See, Jed & Sam had all the details (we don’t yet) and KNEW they were going to be rich. Much like God only knows all the details of our heavenly riches!)

Premier Point Here! WE need to see the present multitude of unbelievers (ravenous wolves) around us not as threats, but as limitless opportunities. Our task would be overwhelming were it not for the fact that we are relying on God’s strength and ability, not ours. Though a host should encamp against us, we can still be confident (see Ps. 27:23). Gideon’s 300 were more than enough to defeat 135,000 with God on their side. If He is for us, who can successfully be against us? (see my favorite verses, Rom. 8:31-39)

Let’s demonstrate the awesomeness of our God.

He is ready. Are we?

Are we ready to walk in our calling as an intercessor?

To re – present Jesus as the reconciler and the warrior?

To distribute His benefits and victory?

Are we ready to birth, liberate, to strike the mark?

To fill some bowls, to make some declarations, to watch and pray?

Are we all ready?

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