TRULY  FREE: Breaking the Snares That So Easily Entangle

By Robert Morris, Author of “THE BLESSED LIFE” & “THE GOD I NEVER KNEW”

Although difficult to locate used copies of this 2015 book, I found Truly Free a helpful worthy read written by a transparent pastor geared to pointing men with prior baggage such as myself, to breaking the snares that may continue to so easily entangle us. Our beacon passage is from from Matthew 11:28-30 “Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”

Now, listen to the same passage in today’s conversational paraphrased English from The Message:

“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me. Watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.”

Introduction  (verbatim)

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slaveryGalatians 5:1 NIV  

Their forgetfulness began in earnest on the fifteenth day of their second month of their new calendar. Out in the desert, however, most folks didn’t bother to keep of what day it was.

Mostly, everybody just noticed their sweat—how everybody stank the same bad way. They noticed the sand as it wedged its way into their sandals and between their toes and drifted into their eyes and nostrils with each step they took. They noticed the heat—how breath after breath, the desert air burned in their lungs.  

The Israelites were hitting the wall of desert reality.  

Already the cool water and palm trees of the oasis of Elim lay far behind them. The relief of shade from Mount Sinai lay in the shadowy distance. The promised land seemed so far ahead of them, they wondered if they’d ever arrive.  

All that stench and heat and dust and desert grime mixed together proved the perfect climate to birth forgetfulness. As recorded in Exodus 16, the grumblings on that fifteenth day of the second month since coming out of Egypt started out something like this:  

“Hey.” An Israelite wiped the sweat off his forehead. “What I wouldn’t give right now to be back sitting in the shade of my old house.”  

“Yeah,” said another, a faraway look in her eyes. “We really had it good back there, didn’t we?”  

A third chimed in. “Back in Egypt we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted. Remember all those fresh onions and garlic and leeks? So tasty!”  

They felt their mouths water, even in the arid heat.

And from there the grumbling erupted.  

How Bad It Really Was  

Did you catch what important truth the Israelites had forgotten?  

They’d been slaves!  

The Israelites had escaped bondage in Egypt through the power of God, but in the wilderness they were still imprisoned by their selective memory of life in Egypt

Back in Egypt they might have eaten fresh onions and garlic and leeks on rare occasions. But they had also labored from dawn to dusk every day under the unbending orders that they make bricks without straw. Egypt came complete with cruel taskmasters and whips and chains and shackles and wrenching poverty. All their baby boys had once been thrown into the Nile River.  

Repeatedly—desperately—the Israelites had cried out to God for a deliverer.  

Now they’d forgotten they had been in bondage.  

They’d also forgotten that God had answered their cry. God had sent a deliverer to lead them out of slavery.

But hold on a moment. Before we come down too hard on the Israelites, have you ever considered how susceptible we are today to do or at least lean toward the same thing?

This Present Egypt  

If we’re Christians, then the Lord has delivered us out of slavery. Through Christ’s work on the cross, Jesus has removed our despair and darkness and put in its place victory, strength, and freedom. The old is gone. The new has come. We are a new creation (2 Corinthians 5: 17). We never need to return to Egypt.  

And yet . . .  

A life of slavery still beckons to us. We find that our old, harmful thoughts are hard to shake. Our former, unhealthy habits are hard to break. Long-embedded patterns of shameful living continue to entangle us—day after day, month after month, even year after year.  

Some days we feel weighed down by those shackles. We long for the freedom to respond to God fully as the people He has created and redeemed us to be. But fear and heaviness and darkness surround us. We wonder where to turn.  

We need to recognize the reality and presence of the spiritual realm. We need to step fully into God’s plan to heal our broken world. We need to move into life and healing, purity, liberty, holiness, and truth.  

But how?  

Finally Free  

In the pages ahead, I want to explore with you a glorious truth—that the promise of being delivered from our slavery is a promise to be set free completely.  
Forget Egypt. You don’t ever want to return to your personal Egypt.  

The reality of being truly free is one you may not have explored fully before. A big problem for us is that evil still exists in the world today. Christ has conquered sin and death, yes, but in His infinite wisdom—for reasons that are often difficult for us to understand—the effects of evil are still permitted to exist. We can still be influenced by evil. We can still be oppressed by evil. We can even be controlled by evil. Even if we’re saved.  

In the chapters to come we are going to surface a need you may not have known you had. At this very moment there is scriptural evidence that you and I can be negatively influenced by evil. That same evil can entrap us and harm us, oppress us and hurt us, and generally make our lives difficult, even enslave us to harmful patterns of living we thought we had left behind.  

But we don’t want to dwell on evil in this book. You won’t hear prolonged stories of the bizarre, the cruel and unusual, or the weird. I won’t tell any stories that keep you awake at night or stories that sound as though they’re pulled from the tabloids.  

Instead, I want to dwell on the goodness and power and truth of Jesus Christ. That’s what this book is all about: how God sets us free. All authority has been given to Jesus (Matthew 28: 18). He has conquered death, hell, and evil (1 Corinthians 15: 54–56). He now reigns at God’s right hand and will reign forevermore (Acts 2: 33).  

The good news is that regardless of what difficulty you’re struggling with today, there is always hope. Sure, the temptation never quite goes away in this life. There is always a pull toward thoughts and actions that could cause us to become burdened again by a yoke of slavery (Galatians 5: 1 NASB). But you need to know—and live out fully—that you never need to return to Egypt. With Jesus Christ, you can be free at last, free forever, truly and finally free.  

If that sounds like something you long for, I invite you to keep reading. 
Robert Morris Dallas, Texas”


Introduction: Free At Last

Chapter One: Greater Is He

               Two: Three Big Warning Signs:

               Three: Beware the Chaldeans

               Four: Breaking the Snare of Pride

               Five: Breaking the Snare of Bitterness

               Six: Breaking the Snare of Greed

               Seven: Breaking the Snare of Lust

               Eight: Breaking the Snares in Your Mind

                              The Mind Is a Battlefield:

                              Strategy #1: Renewing Minds by Memorizing Scripture

                              Strategy # 2: Using God’s Word as a Spiritual Weapon

                             Strategy # 3: Meditating on the Word of God

               Nine: Breaking the Snares of Past Wounds

               Ten: A Prayer For Freedom


Resources for You to Use

  • Making Sure You’re Born Again: Forgiven, Transformed, Empowered & Living in Daily Obedience as His Ambassadors Until Death Permits Retirement.
  • FAQ’s About Deliverance
  • Ministry of Deliverance and Corresponding Infilling of Holy Spirit
  • Further Reading for Maintaining Your Victory

“Redeeming Our Time? Are You Serious?”

redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:16

When Katie Davis graduated from high school in America and volunteered to teach kindergarten in Uganda, she didn’t know she would one day become mother to 13 orphaned girls and teacher and provider for hundreds more. In her book Kisses from Katie, she describes what seems at times to be an overwhelming task – and her solution” “I began each day saying, ‘Okay Lord, what would you have me do today? . . .   I was walking through life one moment at a time, blown away by what God could do through me if I simply said yes.”

God has given us an eternal perspective so that we can look beyond the routines of life. Nevertheless, God has not revealed all of life’s mysteries. In Ecclesiastes 3:11, Solomon writes, “God has made everything appropriate in its time. He has also set eternity in our hearts, yet so that man will not find out the work which God has done from the beginning even to the end.” Perhaps to prevent us from becoming discouraged if we viewed too much too soon, so that we develop trust in His GPS to deliver exactly the resources we need just-in-time from His supply chains to accomplish His purposes.

Now getting older with limited energy, while considering the tasks of the day, to be honest, there are days I want to forget it all and crawl back into bed, but a small voice inside me says, “Merlin, you don’t have to do it all at once. Just put your feet on the floor and take the first step.” Usually the evening before, I’d already determined the most efficient order in which to tackle the tasks listed on my 3×5 card. So, all I have to do is execute the plan. First step though, even before checking the card, is always a time of alignment, communion and calibrating my spiritual GPS. Then I’m ready to hit the drive button!

Ideally, the best way to make the most of a life given as a gift from God is to make the most of today. God doesn’t expect us to plan for the entire future – just today. Consider how much good can be accomplished in just one day in the lives of the people God puts in our path TODAY!

When Paul wrote, “. . . redeeming the time,” he was talking about today, tomorrow, the day after – one day at a time. Why the focus on today? Because a day not redeemed is a day gone forever. And because a life is nothing more but a collection of days! Really!

Inspired and adapted from David Jeremiah’s devotional “Destinations: Your Journey with God” and Emilie Barnes “Minute Meditations For Women.”

Apostasy? What’s That? Something to Eat?

Chapter Five: “A Theological Prophecy—The Falling Away

From David Jeremiah’s book “Where Do We Go From Here?”

That Day will not come unless the falling away comes first.” 2 THESSALONIANS 2: 3

Last minute, I was compelled to include Ch. Five because I recall very little if any explicit teaching over the pulpit on Apostasy, but that is more of an admission of me not being attentive than it is such not being presented! I know full well I lost many of you the past week with these lengthy reads on content you that may rile you and that is ok with me; at least you know where the truth (you may say “my version”) can be found when needed or desired. My mission is only to present as I’m prompted.

Imagine writing your first book at age twenty-two and watching it land on bestseller lists everywhere. A few years ago, that happened to an American pastor. His book conveyed biblical advice about love and relationships, and it encouraged thousands of young people to make better choices. Here’s a quote from its pages: “The world takes us to a silver screen on which flickering images of passion and romance play, and as we watch, the world says, ‘This is love.’ God takes us to the foot of a tree on which a naked and bloodied man hangs and says, ‘This is love.’” 1

Those phrases pack a punch! It’s no wonder this pastor became known for his speaking, writing, and counseling, as well as for nearly two decades of pastoral ministry in a local church. But in 2019, he announced his marriage had come to an end. Then, in a follow-up post on Instagram, he disclosed something even more troubling:

I have undergone a massive shift in regard to my faith in Jesus. The popular phrase for this is “deconstruction,” the biblical phrase is “falling away.” By all the measurements that I have for defining a Christian, I am not a Christian. Many people tell me that there is a different way to practice faith and I want to remain open to this, but I’m not there now. 2

That cuts me to the heart, especially because he isn’t alone. Many others seem to be falling away from Christ and His gospel. I saw a recent op-ed with this title: “Everyone Is Leaving Christianity. Few Know Where They’re Going.” 3

This departure from biblical faith is happening so often that a new word has been coined. These defectors are no longer evangelicals; they are exvangelicals.

Why is that? And what does it mean?

This “falling away” is not a new phenomenon. Throughout history, many have taken up the banner of Christ only to lay it down again. Even the first generation of Christians faced this challenge.

Do you know about Demas? When Paul wrote to the Colossians and to Philemon, he sent them greetings from his coworker Demas, who was at his side (Col. 4: 14; Philem. 1: 24). Yet in his final letter, Paul told Timothy, “Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world” (2 Tim. 4: 10).

Another book in the Bible is devoted to this topic—the short epistle of Jude, written by our Lord’s half-brother, the son of Joseph and Mary. It’s the next-to-the-last book of the Bible, and Jude stated his purpose succinctly: “To contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (v. 3).

It helps me to realize the apostles faced the same problem of falling away we’re seeing today. Yet the trend toward apostasy seems to be accelerating in our times. I’m almost hesitant to read Christian news sites because I don’t want to hear of another pastor failing or another prominent believer rejecting the faith. Recent headlines aren’t encouraging, and neither are the statistics.

There are more than 72 million Millennials in America—almost a quarter of the population. 4 An increasingly large percentage of that generation has walked away from faith of any kind, choosing to identify as “religious nones.” In 2008, researchers noted that close to a third of Millennials (31.9 percent) described themselves as religiously unaffiliated. Just ten years later, that number was 42.7 percent. 5

There are more troubling numbers. Church membership in America has suffered a decades-long decline. When Gallup first measured US church membership in 1937, the number came in at 73 percent. Even in the early 1980s, more than 70 percent of American adults were church members. In the year 2000, it was 65 percent. By 2010, it was 59 percent. In 2020, it was 50 percent. Now less than half of Americans belong to a local church, with corresponding declines in regular church attendance. 6

But the core issue isn’t that people are falling away from church, or even falling away from faith. We’re talking about falling away from Jesus Himself. We’re talking about branches that cut themselves off from the vine. These are people who have—these words are stark—“ trampled the Son of God underfoot . . . treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified them, and . . . insulted the Spirit of grace” (Heb. 10: 29 NIV).

Remember Judas the disciple? He’s the clearest example of apostasy in the Bible. He was among Jesus’ inner circle. He had greater access to Christ than almost any other person in his day—walking and talking with the Savior, witnessing the miracles, and watching lives be transformed. Yet Judas still fell away.

So did a pastor here in California. After several instances of publicly criticizing the Bible’s views on sexuality, this man was asked to resign from the church. He also lost his teaching positions at two Christian universities. As a result, he decided to live for a year without God. In his words, he planned to “try on” atheism as a New Year’s resolution.

“For the next 12 months I will live as if there is no God,” he wrote. “I will not pray, read the Bible for inspiration, refer to God as the cause of things or hope that God might intervene and change my own or someone else’s circumstances.” 7

At the end of his experiment, he officially rejected his lifelong belief, declaring on National Public Radio, “I don’t think that God exists.” 8

Again, this man didn’t simply fall away from the church and from the faith. He chose to abandon the Savior, and it left him with nothing except atheism—which, literally, is faith in nothing.

I’ve been appalled in recent years when would-be shepherds of God’s flock have questioned foundational elements of Christian doctrine, including:

               The Denials of End Time Apostates

                              Denial of God – 2 Tim.3:4-5

                              Denial of Christ – I John 4:3

                              Denial of Christ’s Return – 2 Peter 3:3-4

                              Denial of Faith – Jude 3-4

                              Denial of Sound Doctrine – 2 Tim. 4:3-4

                              Denial of the Separated Life – 2 Tim.3:1-7

                              Denial of Christian Liberty – 1 Tim.4:3-4

                              Denial of Morals – Jude 18

If Jude were alive today, he would take notice. So should we. But don’t despair. There’s hope even in the face of apostasy. God knows those who are His, and He will bring them home safely. Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand” (John 10: 28–29). Paul expressed the same hope, declaring, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Phil. 1: 6). And don’t forget Jude, who ended his book praising “Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy” (v. 24).

What Does This Mean?

To be clear, apostasy is not the same thing as atheism. By apostasy, I’m not referring to people in general who reject Christianity or deny the truth of the gospel. Apostasy doesn’t reflect the rise of atheism in and of itself, nor does it apply to everyone who chooses religious systems other than Christianity.

Instead, the concept of falling away has a narrower focus. It applies specifically to apparent Christians—to those who claim to follow Jesus, but then turn their backs on Him. Here is the best definition I have found for the term apostasy:

The Greek word for apostasy is found only twice in the New Testament (Acts 21: 21, II Thess. 2: 3). . . . The word means ‘a falling away from,’ a deserting or turning from a position or view formerly held . . . Spiritual apostasy occurs when a person who once claimed to be a believer, departs from what he formerly professed to believe. An apostate is not one who was saved and then lost his or her salvation. An apostate, though having claimed to be a believer, never was saved in the first place. 9

Every apostate is an unbeliever, but not every unbeliever is an apostate. Do you see the difference? There are many people who have never had the opportunity to hear the gospel, even in part. They are unbelievers because they have not heard. But an apostate is well acquainted with the gospel. He or she knows more than enough to be saved and, yes, has even professed to follow Christ. But at some point, they turn their backs on the Savior. Their commitment wasn’t real, and their decision wasn’t authentic. Those who are Christians in pretense are non-Christians in reality, and sooner or later reality wins.

Why am I talking about this theme of falling away? Because the proliferation of apostasy is an important, but often overlooked, piece to the end times puzzle. As we know from Scripture, one of the signs of the imminent return of Christ is a rising number of self-proclaimed Christians who ultimately reject Christ.

The Bible says, “Now, brethren, concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, we ask you, not to be soon shaken in mind or troubled, either by spirit or by word or by letter, as if from us, as though the day of Christ had come. Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition (2 Thess. 2: 1–3, emphasis added).

This is indeed a prophecy about tomorrow that has implications for us today. This falling away that Paul was writing about is not just some gradual defection from Christ. Paul called this the falling away. This will be a specific, recognizable departure from the faith during the tribulation.

Let’s bring it a little closer. According to the Bible, the tribulation period will begin immediately after the rapture of the church. Paul told the Thessalonians that the tribulation could not begin until the Antichrist was revealed and the falling away occurred. Here is the order of events: Christ comes to rapture His saints to heaven. At that moment, tribulation breaks out all over the earth and the Antichrist is unmasked. Finally, at the same time, the falling away occurs.

We know from our study of prophecy that the rapture is a sudden signless event. Nothing needs to happen for Christ to return for His own. But here is what we are prone to miss if we do not think carefully. If the rapture could happen at any moment, the “falling away” could also happen at any moment. In fact, what we have been describing, what is happening right now, could very well be the front edge of the “falling away” that Paul was explaining to the Thessalonian believers.

The point I’m making is this: we see the acceleration of people falling away happening now. Apostasy is on the rise even as you read this. To me, it’s another sign that we’re moving toward the end with increasing speed. Paul wrote his words about “the falling away” to the church in Thessalonica, which was facing heavy levels of persecution. The Christians there believed the last days were upon them.

Paul told them not to be troubled, for all Christians will encounter difficulties, even persecution. The thing to watch for, Paul said, was increased apostasy. That is a predictive sign of the approach of Christ’s return and of God’s final judgment. Before the return of Christ, a great falling away will occur.

I hope to see a great spiritual revival before the rapture. It can happen. But there’s no specific evidence in Scripture that a spiritual awakening must occur before Christ comes for His church. On the contrary, Paul’s words in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3 reveal that unbelief will continue to rise on a global scale, including increased apostasy within the church, until a tipping point is reached prior to the day of God’s judgment.

John said, “It is the last hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come, by which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us” (1 John 2: 18–19).

In His Olivet Discourse, Jesus said, “And because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (Matt. 24: 12). How can this happen? How could anyone who has tasted the goodness of Christ ever choose to fall away? There are many reasons, of course, but let’s focus three specific ones.

Some Fall Away Because They Are 1.) Deceived; 2.) Disillusioned; or 3.) Distracted

Where Do We Go From Here?

It’s easy to become discouraged when we consider the prevalence of apostasy in the church and in our world today, and if we’re not careful, we can begin to think of apostasy almost as a disease, something that can be “caught” like a cold or the flu.

But apostasy isn’t caught like an illness. It’s not something that happens to you out of the blue. It’s a choice.  A decision you make based on your on values and priorities.

So what can we do to protect ourselves from that ever happening to us? How can we make sure that we are never among those who fall away. I’d like to suggest three things you can do to immunize yourself against this danger.

  1. Examine Yourself. 2 Cor. 13:5 Paul wrote: “examine yourselves as to whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Do you not know yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?”
  2. Encourage Yourself. We learn this technique from David who came to a very disheartening moment in his life while fleeing from King Saul according to 1 Samuel 30:6, “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”
  3. Exercise Yourself. Finally, if you want to stay confident and strong, it is important to keep growing in your faith, and that requires exercise.

According to July 29, 2018 Business Insider, LeBron James spends about $ 1.5 million each year caring for his body. Where does the money go? LeBron keeps his home gym updated. He’s said to have replicated the Miami Heat and Cleveland Cavalier’s gyms in his home. He has a cryochamber in his home, which uses liquid nitrogen to give him something akin to an ice bath. He also has a hyperbaric chamber that puts more oxygen in his body. He doesn’t hesitate to hire and pay for the best trainers, massage therapists, and chefs in the world. He eats only the best and healthiest foods. And he invests in compression gear to wear on airplanes.

LeBron spares no expense to keep his body working like a sleek machine. His former teammate Mike Miller said, “He puts a lot of money behind taking care of his body. A lot of people think it’s a big expense, but that big expense has allowed him to make a lot more money for a long period of time.” 15

If a basketball player is that concerned about taking care of his body, shouldn’t you and I be diligent to take care of our souls? The Bible says, “For bodily exercise profits a little, but godliness is profitable for all things, having promise of the life that now is and of that which is to come” (1 Tim. 4: 8).

Stagnant faith is the devil’s playground, and he will fill your heart and mind with doubts. Just when you really need God, it will occur to you that He has not been very important to you of late.

Andrew Murray, in Holiest of All, wrote this powerful paragraph:

“In commerce, in study, in war, it is so often said there is no safety but in advance. To stand still is to go back. To cease effort is to lose ground. To slacken the pace, before the goal is reached, is to lose the race. The only sure mark of our being true Christians, of our really loving Christ, is the deep longing and the steady effort to know more of Him. Tens of thousands have proved that to be content with beginning well is but the first step on a backward course, that ends in losing all. . . . Let us press on. 16”

The apostle Peter said, “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things you will never stumble” (2 Peter 1: 10). “These things” refers back to eight character qualities listed in verses 5–7: faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. Could Peter have been more emphatic? If we keep growing in these traits, we’ll never stumble.

Now, let me make one thing clear. When Peter said we will never stumble, he didn’t mean we will never make a mistake or commit a sin. He meant we’ll never shipwreck our faith. We’ll never fall away from Christ.

Earlier I mentioned the book of Jude, a small one-page letter near the end of the Bible. It’s all about the dangers of false teachers and the temptation to fall away. Reading Jude can help us make the right choices when facing pressure. His words are critical for those of us living in a culture and in a church defined by increasing apostasy.

Jude wrote to Christians experiencing double pressure. They faced extreme persecution, and they were under spiritual attack from heresies of all kinds. Most of the influential leaders of the early church had been martyred—including Peter, Paul, and James—which left both churches and individual Christians feeling vulnerable.

In the darkness of that moment, Jude’s epistle provided a ray of hope. In just two verses near the end of his tiny epistle, Jude explained to Christians how to remain committed to Christ during a time of increased apostasy: “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith . . . keep yourselves in the love of God” (vv. 20–21). Jude was speaking to Christians, and the phrase building yourselves up conveys the idea of continuation. Jude was not speaking of a one-time event, but rather a life-long process. In other words, Jude told us to keep building ourselves up.

You will notice that these passages use the word yourself or himself. You must not wait for someone else to do this for you. This is your responsibility.

You must continue to cultivate your relationship with the Lord. Your walk with God is not static. You are either growing in Him or you are beginning to grow cold toward Him.

This is why God warned the church in Ephesus, “Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first love. Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works” (Rev. 2: 4–5).

Examine yourself, encourage yourself, and exercise yourself in the Lord. And most of all just keep going and growing. Don’t stop! Don’t look back! Just keep walking with the Lord.

“Chapter 5: A Theological Prophecy: The Falling Away


1. Joshua Harris, I Kissed Dating Goodbye (Colorado Springs, CO: Multnomah Books, 2003), 67.

2. Caleb Parke, “Well-Known Christian Author, Purity Advocate, Renounces His Faith: ‘I Hope You Can Forgive Me,’” Fox News, July 29, 2019, https:// faith-values/ christian-author-joshua-harris-kissed-dating-goodbye-faith.”

AI interface ChatGPT released 11/30/22. SO WHAT?


A.I. Yai-Yai

A.I. Yai-Yai

Tech Commentary 

by James B. Meigs

Fans of 2001 and the Terminator movies aren’t the only people worried about artificial intelligence. In 2014, Elon Musk (no enemy of technology) told the Guardian he thought artificial intelligence might be “our biggest existential threat.” Researchers developing AI systems could be “summoning the demon,” he said. Well, now the demon is here, and it wants to say hi. On November 30, 2022, the conversational AI interface ChatGPT was made available to the public. Today, anyone can ask it to write poems, explain quantum physics, compose letters, write computer code, or do their homework. Is this a good thing?

Throughout history, technological innovations—from the mechanical loom to the automobile to the microchip—have disrupted societies even as they brought enormous advantages.

Conservatives generally look askance at sweeping changes that upset the social order. At the same time, they tend to support advances that empower the individual. So should conservatives celebrate the democratization of this world-changing breakthrough? Or should they be standing athwart history yelling stop?

Here’s my take:

Artificial intelligence has the potential to bring numerous benefits to society, and conservatives should embrace it as a valuable tool for improving economic growth, national security, social welfare, and personal freedom. One reason conservatives should embrace AI is its ability to create new industries and job opportunities, and to enhance the performance of existing businesses. Another is its potential to enhance national security. AI can be used to improve situational awareness and decision-making in a variety of contexts, such as detecting and responding to potential threats. Finally, AI can be used to automate tasks and make our lives easier, freeing up time and resources for other pursuits. This can enhance personal freedom and allow individuals to pursue their own interests and passions.

Does this take on AI strike you as somewhat rote? A bit mechanical even? Well congratulate yourself. You have just demonstrated a skill we will all need to cherish from this day forward: the ability to tell when the person talking to you is actually a machine. Because I did not write the paragraph above. Those serviceable if pedestrian sentiments were generated by ChatGPT after I typed in the prompt: “Please explain why conservatives should embrace AI.” (I condensed it slightly.)

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about ChatGPT in the past few weeks. The brainy chatbot is just the latest platform made public by the AI research group OpenAI. Spurred in part by worries about the risks of artificial intelligence, Musk and the young tech-startup guru Sam Altman co-founded the firm as a nonprofit in 2015. The founders hoped that OpenAI’s research would promote a kind non-demonic “friendly AI.” Musk left the company in 2018, leaving Altman as CEO. Investment money poured in from Microsoft and others, and today OpenAI is an amalgam of nonprofit and profit-making divisions. But the organization’s stated mission remains “to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI)—by which we mean highly autonomous systems that outperform humans at most economically valuable work—benefits all of humanity.”

The artificial general intelligence that OpenAI describes in its mission statement doesn’t actually exist today. AI pioneer IBM defines it as “a theoretical form of AI where a machine would have an intelligence equaled to humans; it would have a self-aware consciousness that has the ability to solve problems, learn, and plan for the future.” This is the kind of capability, often called “Strong AI,” that scares the bejeezus out most of us. Do we really want our digital servants to be self-aware and planning for the future? What future? Are there humans in it? ChatGPT and other current AI systems are nowhere near that level of competence. Still, they can get close enough to be a little creepy.

It’s important to understand that even basic AI systems are much more than super-powerful computers; they are super-powerful computers that can learn. ChatGPT and similar systems employ a partially self-directed approach known as deep learning. If you want an AI system to learn the difference between cats and dogs, for example, you feed it thousands of pictures labeled “cat” and thousands of pictures tagged “dog” and let the system figure out the features that distinguish the two groups. Then you show it more pictures of cats and dogs and have a human operator tell the computer whether it identified them correctly. With enough cycles through this process, AI systems can get incredibly good at tasks like, say, identifying a tree from the image of a single leaf.

For an AI system designed to communicate with humans, the best way to learn is by interacting with as many people as possible. That’s why it makes sense for OpenAI to make ChatGPT available to the public. AI systems have been around for years, used in everything from credit card fraud detection to the Google Lens image-identification app. But OpenAI’s platforms are among the first to give nonprofessionals the ability to create content using AI tools. Within less than a week, ChatGPT was attracting a million users a day. And with each interaction, the system gets smarter. For now, the platform is available for free. But perhaps not for long. “We will have to monetize it somehow at some point,” Altman recently warned, noting that the cost of crunching all that data is “eye-watering.” 

ChatGPT has already begun disrupting established fields. The system is especially good at writing the kind of workaday prose that constitutes most written communication: business memos, simple news stories, student reports. “We are witnessing the end of the college essay in real time,” Google strategist Cory Wang writes. Feed ChatGPT a typical essay question, Wang shows, and it will crank out “solid A- work in 10 seconds.” The chatbot’s responses aren’t beautifully written or strikingly original, but they aren’t meant to be. Prior to being released to the public, the system digested 300 billion words from textbooks, newspapers, academic papers, and other supposedly reliable sources. Its job is not to come up with fresh new insights, but to produce seamless simulacra of that material. A great deal of high school and college academic work involves those sorts of dutiful restatements of the conventional wisdom.

The libertarian-leaning author Virginia Postrel predicts that AI platforms will drive huge productivity gains in fields that rely on written communication. “Instead of writing boilerplate memos, managers will soon assign them to bots,” she writes. The opportunities to automate routine communications are limitless. On Twitter, one doctor demonstrates how he uses ChatGPT to compose letters to insurance companies asking them to cover certain tests his patients need. In seconds, the chatbot generates a flawless—and persuasive—email, complete with citations to the relevant medical literature. Imagine similar efficiencies when it comes to tasks such as writing legal briefs, short news articles, or financial reports. Expect to see the same sorts of gains in other labor-intensive fields including animation, video games, or computer software.

Historically, we’ve seen new technologies replace low-skill jobs, especially those requiring human brawn. Farm tractors put field hands out of work, and diesel engines eliminated jobs for coal shovelers on trains and ships. The AI revolution will instead target relatively high-skill jobs. For example, it takes over a decade of training to become a licensed radiologist. But in a recent study, an AI system outperformed human doctors in reading mammograms, reducing both false negative and false positive findings. Jobs that entail skilled but repetitive work probably face the biggest challenges. A computer developer recently produced a YouTube video showing how ChatGPT can be used to write basic computer code. “I’m really scared,” another coder responded in the comments. “I’m working out how to handle my future job as a mover or farmer.”

Any free-market economist will tell you this is all for the good. Allowing AI systems to take over repetitive intellectual chores will simply make professionals in those fields more productive. A good computer programmer will work many times faster with the help of code-writing bots. A doctor who spends less time writing emails to insurance companies will have more time to see patients. Lawyers will be able to serve more clients. And so on. Moreover, the automation of routine tasks will allow these professionals to wring more value out of their hard-earned expertise. People will be paid for the unique talent and ideas they bring to the table, not for their hours of grunt work.

That all sounds promising. After all, historically, jobs eliminated by new technologies have been replaced by better jobs. Not too many of us wish we could go back to the days when most people worked in fields or factories. But the changes wrought by AI are going to come at a ferocious pace. It took over a quarter century for the automobile to replace both the horse and the huge workforce employed in tending to those horses. AI will transform many knowledge industries in a matter of years, even months. A few top law firms might benefit from a huge boost in productivity. The general-practice attorney who makes a decent living handling wills and real-estate contracts probably won’t. Many of the jobs disrupted will be in fields where workers are accustomed to social status and political influence. Remember: The same AI system that can write college papers will be able to grade college papers. Brace yourself for howls of anguish across elite institutions.

On the other hand, the AI revolution might help some groups who tend to get left behind by technological progress. It takes years to learn how to write standard business prose. Many Americans never do, and that holds them back. But now the small-business owner who never went to college (or whose English is spotty) will be able to send perfectly composed emails to customers. The unjustly sentenced prisoner will be able to petition the court with well-reasoned legal arguments. For many such people, AI will be a great equalizer.

However, one group’s power will be massively enhanced by the rise of artificial intelligence: the people who control the leading AI platforms. OpenAI says its mission is to produce a “safe and beneficial” version of AI. But whose definition of “safe and beneficial” does it employ? When prodding ChatGPT with prompts, it doesn’t take long to discern the hidden value system embedded in the software. If you ask it to create a conspiracy theory about some topic, it will refuse. Ask it to make up a joke about “Americans,” and it will make a weak attempt at humor. Ask it to do the same about “Mexicans,” and the bot won’t respond. Clearly, the programmers want to keep their platform free of what they see as bias, conspiracy kookiness, and other moral contagions. Their concern is understandable (an AI system that churned out and constantly refined conspiracy theories would be scary indeed). But, like a car with a faulty alignment, ChatGPT’s algorithms seem to constantly steer it to the left.

Relax now as you contemplate man’s frivolous short sighted attempt at intelligence while listening to two of my favorite hymns; the latter, Ten Thousand Reasons, as played at the memorial service of the late Brian Stoltzfus, who flew into glory Jan 21, 2019.

Warning! This is Necessary Reading, Just Not Pleasurable!

Part II of Chapter One “A Cultural Prophecy: Socialism” from Chapter One of David Jeremiah’s book, Where Do We Go From Here?”

How, then, should we view socialism today? How should we define it? Listen to the definition offered by the World Socialist Party of the United States: “The establishment of a system of society based on the common ownership and democratic control of the means and instruments for producing and distributing wealth by and in the interest of society as a whole. . . . We call this common ownership, but other terms we regard as synonymous are communism and socialism.” 7

Socialists believe the world’s means of production—including infrastructure, farms, factories, energy, natural resources, medicines, and more—should be under the control of “the people.” In other words, society as a whole should own the raw materials and the systems that produce wealth. In a free market system, these materials are usually controlled by companies or individuals, but in socialist countries they are owned by “the people.”

Of course, there’s no way to make decisions based on such a loose concept as “the people.” So under socialism, the government becomes the sole authority and controller of the means of production. Unfortunately, governments are controlled by specific people—often the kinds of people who seek out power. And those people are entirely corruptible by greed, selfishness, lust, vindictiveness, violence, and the overwhelming desire for authority. As more power flows to the government, the handful at the top become dictatorial.

While I was writing this chapter, a news network ran a story about a Chinese woman named Xi Van Fleet. She had survived the brutal communist regime of dictator Mao Zedong. In an impassioned speech to a Virginia school board, she elaborated on the similarities between what happened in China during the Chinese Cultural Revolution and what is happening in the United States right now. She said, “They use the same ideology, and same methodology, even the same vocabulary. And with the same goal. The ideology is cultural Marxism. And we were divided into groups as the oppressor and oppressed. . . . And the take out methodology is also very similar. It’s cancel culture. We basically canceled the whole Chinese civilization pre-communism.” 8

In his book We Will Not Be Silenced, Erwin Lutzer helped us understand the kind of Marxism we’re seeing.

Today we face what is known as cultural Marxism. It is not being imposed on people on the war battlefields; instead, it’s a form of Marxism that wins the hearts and minds of people incrementally by the gradual transformation of the culture. Bombarded with exaggerated and illusionary promises, people accept it because they want to; they welcome it because they are convinced of its “benefits.” It promises “hope and change,” income equality, racial harmony and justice based on secular values rather than Judeo-Christian morality. It is known for professing inclusion rather than exclusion and promoting sexual freedom rather than what they view as the restrictive sexual ethics of the Bible. It is not stifled by allegedly narrow religious traditions but espouses progressive ideas that are deemed worthy of an enlightened future. 9”

The Roots of Socialism

To understand socialism, we must first understand Karl Marx. When you understand who he was and what he believed, you’ll be able to trace much that’s happening back to him.

If you study the life of Karl Marx, you’ll learn he wasn’t just a hater of God; he was a cheerleader for the devil. His family thought him possessed by a demon. A biographer described him like this: “He had the devil’s view of the world, and the devil’s malignity. Sometimes, he seemed to know that he was accomplishing works of evil.” 10

On one occasion, Marx’s own son sent him a letter and addressed it “My dear devil.” 11 Marx’s partner, Friedrich Engels, declared that ten thousand devils had Marx by the hair. 12

In 2020, Paul Kengor wrote a book titled The Devil and Karl Marx: Communism’s Long March of Death, Deception, and Infiltration. Frankly, it was difficult to read, so dark was its subject. According to Kengor, Marx was a tyrant, a racist, and a misogynistic radical who hated God and wanted to see the world burn.

In his 1837 poem “The Pale Maiden,” Marx composed these self-descriptive words:

Thus Heaven I’ve forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, Is chosen for Hell. 13

Four years later, in 1841, he wrote these lines, which are even more damning:

Look now, my blood-dark sword shall stab Unerringly within thy soul. . . . The hellish vapors rise and fill the brain Till I go mad and my heart is utterly changed. See the sword—the Prince of Darkness sold it to me. For he beats the time and gives the signs. Ever more boldly I play the dance of death. 14

In 1849, one year after publishing his crowning work, The Communist Manifesto, Marx was evicted by his landlord who was fed up with his filthiness. “Karl drank too much, smoked too much, never exercised, and suffered from warts and boils due to lack of washing. He stunk . . . As for the family apartment, everything [was] broken down, busted, spilled, smashed, falling apart—from toys and chairs and dishes and cups to tables . . . and on and on.” 15

Karl Marx fathered an illegitimate child by his maid, Helene Demuth. He blamed the child on Engels, who thought it was a great joke. Since Marx never had a job, he mooched off everyone—his parents, Engels, and anyone else that he could find. His wife, Jenny, was so miserable in their marriage she wanted to die, a wish she pondered daily. His daughters, Jenny and Laura, fulfilled their mother’s wish. Jenny poisoned herself when she was just forty-three. And in a death pact with her husband, Laura also committed suicide when she was sixty-six.

Marx died in despair on March 14, 1883. Just before his death, he wrote to his friend Engels, “How pointless and empty is life, but how desirable!” 16 He was buried in Highgate Cemetery, considered the center of satanism in London.

I wonder how many who are championing socialism and Marxism are aware of the poisonous roots of this doctrine. Their founder was a hideous person; and what he was, socialism became! This is a spiritual battle of truth versus lies. It brings to mind Ephesians 6: 12: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

As many have noted, Karl Marx is ruling the world from his grave. Here are some of the characteristics of his hellish ideology.

Marxism Is Anti-God

Karl Marx hated Christianity, which he saw as a source of oppression. To him, religion was “the opium of the people.” For communism to succeed, loyalty to the church had to be replaced by loyalty to the state. On one occasion, he described the church as “medieval mildew” which must be scraped away. 17

Other socialist leaders have followed the same path, including Joseph Stalin, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, and beyond. Each of these men saw organized religion as an enemy—a competitor that needed to be controlled or eliminated. As one scholar noted, “Religion was the enemy, a rival to Marxist mind control, and it had to be vanquished regardless of costs and difficulties.” 18 In the Soviet Union, one of their favorite slogans was, “Let us drive out the capitalists from earth and God from heaven.”

Another historian noted: “[ In Russia] as early as the spring of 1918, an open campaign of terror was launched against all religions, and particularly against the Russian Orthodox church. [It was a] policy of terror . . . felt by every religious faith.” 19 In the following years, countless Orthodox bishops and priests were murdered, and those who survived were denied their civil rights and subjected to economic oppression.

Despite what many claim to believe or propose, Marxism is not compatible with the free expression of religion.”

Marxism Is Totalitarian   There’s another general fact about Marxism we should grasp. It quickly becomes totalitarian. The term totalitarianism was first used by supporters of fascist dictator Benito Mussolini, who summed it up this way: “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.” 20  
Rod Dreher adds,
According to Hannah Arendt, the foremost scholar of totalitarianism, a totalitarian society is one in which an ideology seeks to displace all prior traditions and institutions, with the goal of bringing all aspects of society under control of that ideology. A totalitarian state is one that aspires to nothing less than defining and controlling reality. Truth is whatever the rulers decide it is. As Arendt has written, wherever totalitarianism has ruled, “[ I] t has begun to destroy the essence of man.”   Today’s totalitarianism demands allegiance to a set of progressive beliefs, many of which are incompatible with logic—and certainly with Christianity. Compliance is forced less by the state than by elites who form public opinion, and by private corporations that, thanks to technology, control our lives far more than we would like to admit. 21  

Marxism Is Divisive  

Marxism thrives on division. In historic Marxism the division was promoted between classes of people: the oppressors against the oppressed; the bosses against the workers. Men like Hugo Chávez went out of their way to ensure that the poor hated the wealthy.

In today’s cultural Marxism, the exploited divide is often racial, sexual, and/ or gender-related. I believe that’s one of the reasons we’ve lost some of the progress we’ve made on race relations. Whatever it is or however far it might be removed from actual racism, whenever a socialist or Marxist can’t figure out how to respond to an issue, they always—and I mean every time—call it racist.  

This is tragic for many reasons. It’s very hurtful to be branded a racist if one has done or said nothing that would lead a rational person to make such an accusation. Once racism has been pinned on a person, it’s almost impossible to get rid of it, no matter what you do. But there’s another seldom-discussed sadness with playing the race card: if everything is racist, nothing is racist. All of us know there are still racial issues that need to be dealt with in America and around the world, but the true issues get lost in the avalanche of unwarranted accusations.  

Marxism Is Deadly  

In 1999, The Black Book of Communism attempted to calculate a Marxist-Leninist death toll for the twentieth century. It revealed the most colossal case of political carnage in history:  
Latin America: 150,000 deaths
Eastern Europe: 1 million deaths
Vietnam: 1 million deaths
Africa: 1.7 million deaths
Cambodia: 2 million deaths
North Korea: 2 million deaths
USSR: 20 million deaths
China: 65 million deaths  

The butchers who led this assault on humanity included Joseph Stalin in Russia, Mao Zedong in China, Kim II-sung and Kim Jong-il in North Korea, Fidel Castro in Cuba, Nicolae Ceausescu in Romania, and others.  

The death count that resulted from Marxism between 1917 and 1979 would “equate to a rate of multiple thousands dead per day over the course of a century. Even Adolph Hitler got nowhere close to that. In fact, neither did the two deadliest wars in history, World War I and II, which need to be combined and doubled to get near Communism’s butcher bill.” 22

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn was fooled by none of it. He taught that “socialism of any type and shade leads to a total destruction of the human spirit and to a leveling of mankind into death.” 23

Next time, Part III of Chapter One focuses on “What Does This Mean?” Headings include 1.) The Destruction of Monuments; 2.) Cancel Culture; 3.) The Dismantling of the Nuclear Family; 4.) The Redistribution of Wealth; & 5.) Defunding the Police. After Part IV, all the footnotes for the Introduction and Chapter One will be listed.

You might ask “Why Merlin are you promoting this book so strongly? Because time is late and I unequivocally believe every Christ Follower should buy and read this book to help remove our cultural blinders. We are being blindsided. If convicted as I, you will then buy several copies and loan them to friends to read for further discussions. ThriftBooks last night had 19 hardcover for $7.19; new is $26.99. Three used for one new! Invest your loose change this month in books and change lives. Living & Building the Kingdom of God TODAY!

“Wake UP and Connect the Dots Before You Flat-Line!”

Part 3 of 4 from Chapter One “A Cultural Prophecy – Socialism” verbatim from David Jeremiah’s book “Where Do We Go From Here?”

“I’m afraid this new political trajectory in our nation is more than just a trend. It is a seismic shift toward a Marxist agenda. We are harvesting the weeds from Karl Marx’s toxic garden. If you look closely, you can draw the connections.

The Destruction of Monuments

It’s become common in recent years to see news headlines or live video of protest groups surrounding, defacing, and eventually removing statues and other historical monuments they consider to be offensive. These incidents began with controversial monuments of Civil War participants, but they have expanded to include key men and women from history—even figures such as George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.

When we witness these events, we’re not simply seeing a bunch of rowdy young people tearing down statues. Instead, these are part of a concerted effort to attack and ultimately erase the past.

As Milan Kundera wrote during the rise of communism, some people rewrite or erase the past. In that way, the masses forget who they are and can be drawn into a new future. He said, “The first step in liquidating a people is to erase its memory. Destroy its books, its culture, its history. Then have someone write new books, manufacture a new culture, invent a new history. Before long the nation will begin to forget what it is and what is was.” 24

Totalitarians are determined to wipe out everything that is not in their particular interests. Remember Mussolini’s definition of totalitarianism: “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state.”

On the contrary, it’s interesting to discover that the word remember is found 164 times in the Old Testament. Socialism wants you to forget; Christianity wants you to remember. “Remember the former things of old,” God said through the prophet Isaiah, “I am God, and there is none like Me” (46: 9).

Yes, remember all that God has done for us. On the basis of past mercies, we can build a future of grace. We can say with the psalmist, “For You, O God, have . . . given me the heritage of those who fear Your name” (Ps. 61: 5).

Biblical heroes built monuments to remind future generations of God’s goodness and guidance. For example, when Israel entered the promised land they went through the parted waters of the Jordan River, a story told in four verses in Joshua 3: 14–17. But the entire fourth chapter of Joshua describes what happened next. Twelve strong men from the tribes of Israel erected a monument on the western side of the river. Joshua said, “When your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, ‘What are these stones?’ then you shall let your children know, saying, ‘Israel crossed over this Jordan on dry land’” (4: 21–22).

Psalm 77: 11 says, “Surely I will remember Your wonders of old.”

The Bible itself is largely a history book, telling the stories of flawed heroes who, through faith, conquered kingdoms, worked righteousness, obtained promises, and became valiant in battle (Heb. 11). But revisionist historians are scrubbing our children’s textbooks of all that is biblical or Christian, and they are rewriting our history to suit their own secular and socialist agendas.

Cancel Culture

Don’t think it’s just statues and histories that are being torn down. It’s also anyone who doesn’t kneel at the altar of prevailing political passions. You are canceled. Elsewhere in this book you’ll find an entire chapter on this subject, but for now I want to point out that this, too, is a child of totalitarianism. In cultural Marxism, there can be no room for tolerance or dissenting opinions.

While working on this chapter, I found it frustrating to watch the news because I felt I was drowning in illustrations. For example, I watched a school board in New Jersey cancel the titles of the holidays on its scholastic calendar. It will no longer be Christmas or Thanksgiving or Martin Luther King Jr. Day. From now on, these will all be referred to as student holidays. But here’s the kicker: When one of the parents in the back of the room tried to raise an objection, the chairman of the school board slammed his fist on the table and said, “This is not a debate.”

Case closed. Discussion over. Opinion canceled. The attempt by that board of education to eliminate the holidays was later overturned, but perhaps not for long.

Dreher wrote, “Today in our societies, dissenters . . . find their businesses, careers, and reputations destroyed. They are pushed out of the public square, stigmatized, canceled, and demonized as racists, sexists, homophobes, and the like. And they are afraid to resist, because they are confident that no one will join them or defend them.” 25

Before the First Amendment is ushered out the door, let me remind you of what it says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

The Dismantling of the Nuclear Family

Marxism reaches its cold fingers into your very home. Marxists want to raise your children and determine your income. Families based on Judeo-Christian values bred inequality, Marx thought. As Lutzer put it, Marx believed Christian homes “feed on greed and systemic oppression. Such families had to be dismantled if the Marxist vision of equality was to be realized. In Marxism, the family is perceived as a unit in which wives are suppressed by their husbands and children are suppressed by their parents. These clusters of oppression have to be broken up; mothers have to leave their homes and join the workforce.” 26

God created the family to be the glue in human society. For example, when God desired to create humanity itself and establish people within the ecosystem of our world, He did not reach down and fashion a full-blown society. He did not create cities or nations with laws and roads and structures.

No, He created a family. He began with Adam and Eve, and He told them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gen. 1: 28).

Similarly, when God desired to reveal Himself more intimately to a human civilization that was staggering under the influence of sin, He did not accomplish that mission by fashioning a philosophical system. He did not thunder from heaven in great speeches with powerful rhetoric.

Instead, He spoke through a family. He told Abraham, “Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him” (17: 19).

And when God chose to take on human flesh in order to fulfill His promises and provide salvation for all people, He did not join a kingdom or seek to win an election. He did not attempt to connect Himself with an existing power system.

Instead, He joined a family. The angel told Mary, “And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and shall call His name JESUS” (Luke 1: 31).

Socialists know that as long as the family remains strong, socialism cannot flourish. So, there’s an ongoing attempt to subjugate the home to the government.

The Redistribution of Wealth

This ideology also teaches that all human assets should be claimed by the government and redistributed to the masses by a more equitable formula. This would supposedly rid the world of poverty. But somehow it has never worked out that way. It doesn’t take a scholar to see that wherever this principle has been implemented, the poor have gotten poorer and the few elitists who have been assigned to redistribute the wealth have themselves become filthy rich. Equality cannot be engineered.

Economist Iain Murray said, “The central issues with income inequality, is that the people who seem to be the most concerned with it never really ask the question, how are the poor actually doing? Because when you asked that question and look at the data that answers it, you will see that the poor do the best in economically free societies and do the worst in societies where they are controlled in one way or another, whether it be by socialist, or fascist or authoritarian regimes.” 27

De-funding the Police

Socialists are especially keen on keeping the reins of law enforcement in their tight fists. In America, their first step is to villainize the police, then to defund them. That’s why some cities have slashed their police budgets. And surprise! Each of these cities has seen a dramatic uptick in violent crimes in the months that followed. In Minneapolis, murders rose by a mind numbing 46 per cent. In Portland, Oregon, murders more than tripled. And the Los Angeles Police Department reported a 38% increase in murders.29

Police officers are retiring early, and the recruiting of new police officers ia t an all-time low. Unless something changes, our once beautiful cities will become wastelands where gangs rule while politicians go to and from work in their limousines accompanied by their expensive security personnel.

There’s a remarkable verse in the Bible about police and law enforcement officials. The apostle Paul called them “God’s minister to you for good” (Romans 13:4). Like all other humans, police officers are fallible, but without them our society would not be viable. The Lord views them as His ministers to maintain order on earth.

Whatever you do, don’t miss the socialist’s motivation for vilifying local authorities. No matter how loudly they deny it, they are simply trying to let the local government fail so that they can federalize our cities and states, moving control for all that happens to Washington.”


Tomorrow, Part IV, Where Do We Go From Here, first, Reviews What the Bible says; second, Refuse to Live by Lies; third, Resolve to Follow Christ and Not Just Admire Him; fourth, Rethink Small Groups; fifth, Resist Any Way You Can; and sixth, Remember Venezuela.

It is now time for us all to live by our convictions, not by convenience. And remember, the battle is the Lord’s, and the truth cannot be intimidated.

Don’t forget to order your own copy, The books Chapters are listed up front on the Jan 28 blog. A succinct treasure chest to focus your thinking and actions in 2023.

Where Do We Go From Here?

How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems by David Jeremiah

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: A Cultural Prophecy – Socialism

Chapter 2: An International Prophecy – Globalism

Chapter 3. A Biological Prophecy – Pandemic

Chapter 4: A Financial Prophecy – Economic Chaos

Chapter 5: A Theological Prophecy – The Falling Away

Chapter 6: A Biological Prophecy – End Times People

Chapter 7: A Political Prophecy – Cancel Culture

Chapter 8: A Spiritual Prophecy – Spiritual Famine

Chapter 9: A geographical Prophecy – Jerusalem

Chapter 10: The Final Prophecy – The Triumph of the Gospel

Chapter 1: A Cultural Prophecy – Socialism

But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” MATTHEW 24: 37

Under the cover of darkness, a middle-aged man inched out the window of his seventh-story apartment, then silently repelled seventy-five feet to the ground. A pair of bolt cutters snipped off his ankle monitor, and the man jumped into a waiting car. This was no movie. After fifteen years of imprisonment on bogus charges, Iván Simonovis was escaping Venezuela.

Simonovis had once been a Venezuelan hero. As a key member of an important SWAT team, he ended a seven-hour hostage situation, all of it captured on national television. That propelled him to celebrity status. After being appointed safety officer for Caracas, he dedicated himself to fighting crime and removing the corruption that had defined the capital’s police force for years.

Things changed when Simonovis ran afoul of Hugo Chávez, Venezuela’s Marxist president and emerging dictator. Chávez viewed the decorated safety officer as a potential rival and accused him of crimes against humanity. The charges were false, and the trial was a sham. In the blink of an eye, Iván was behind bars with no hope for reprieve. For stretches of time, he was allowed to see sunlight for only ten minutes a day.

In 2014, Iván was moved to house arrest to seek treatment for nineteen chronic health conditions, many of them caused by his imprisonment. Knowing this was his only chance, he arranged his daring escape. After speeding off in a car, he spent three weeks evading security in a cat-and-mouse pursuit. A fourteen-hour ride in a small fishing boat got him to a Caribbean island, from which he flew to the United States. 1

Iván could recall when Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in South America. The per capita income of its citizens was greater than those of China and Japan, almost rivaling the income of US citizens. The people of Iván’s generation enjoyed religious liberty, political freedom, personal dignity, and economic opportunity. 2

But when oil prices crashed in the 1980s, and then again in the 1990s, the Venezuelan economy experienced a dip. That dip became a dive in 1998 when the Venezuelan people elected Chávez as their president. Once in power Chávez relentlessly implemented the socialist playbook formulated by the Soviet Union, Cuba, China, and other nations. His first task was to rewrite the Venezuelan constitution, guaranteeing citizens the so-called free rights of government-provided health care, college education, and social justice. When the Supreme Court ruled against Chávez on several important issues, he responded by stacking the court with twelve new justices, all loyal to him.

Socialism totally engulfed the country when Chávez was reelected in 2006. Fully in control of the courts and the legislature, he moved quickly to nationalize the media, removing voices of dissent. Then he authorized government agencies to seize privately owned wealth and property from Venezuela’s citizens—all in the name of “fairness” and “equality.” Chávez took control of the nation’s oil industry, expelling foreign investors and influence. He nationalized power companies, farms, mines, banks, and grocery stores. His final step was to eliminate term limits for elected officials, setting himself up to rule for the rest of his life in the style of Russia’s Stalin and Cuba’s Castro. 3

Not even Chávez could evade the last enemy. He died from cancer in 2013. But his hand-picked successor, Nicolás Maduro, continued to implement Chávez’s agenda—even going further in some areas to force a Marxist agenda on the Venezuelan people. Today Venezuela is descending into anarchy, and record numbers of Venezuelan migrants are fleeing northward, trying to reach the border into the United States.”

 Right now, you might be wondering what all of this has to do with you. If Venezuela has proven that socialism is a bad idea, why should anyone care? You should care because socialist visions and policies are invading the United States.

You’ll hear them discussed under four different names: socialism, communism, Marxism, and cultural Marxism. From my studies, it seems many people consider these terms nearly synonymous. As you read the rest of this chapter, these four titles will show up, but they all refer to the same invasive ideology, one that seems to deceive people with unusual ease.

Consider this: Hugo Chávez had plenty of cheerleaders in the United States during his rise, including Hollywood stars like Sean Penn, Michael Moore, Oliver Stone, and Danny Glover. Socialism seems to hold an almost hypnotic power over many thinkers, and it’s spilling into the common culture. A 2020 poll showed that 40 percent of Americans had a favorable view of socialism. That was up from 36 percent in 2019. Even more frightening, 47 percent of Millennials and 49 percent of Generation Z viewed socialism favorably. 4 Indeed, one 2019 poll in AXIOS found that 61 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 have a positive reaction to socialism. 5

And then there is this: In 2020, Bernie Sanders nearly won the Democratic Party’s nomination for president of the United States. This is the same senator from Vermont who declared, “I am a socialist and everyone knows it.” 6

In addition to Sanders, recent elections have seen record numbers of socialist candidates win roles as representatives both in state legislatures and in Congress. Notable among them is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. In 2018, she became the youngest congresswoman in history.

Ocasio-Cortez is an avowed member of the Democratic Socialists of America, the largest socialist organization in the United States. Given her young age and massive following, many believe she’ll run for president of the United States one day. That’s a sobering thought given her stated goals of ending capitalism and implementing the same socialist agenda that failed so spectacularly in Venezuela.

I’ve come to the conviction that this ideology represents a real and present danger to the freedom and prosperity that has defined America and other Western nations for centuries. As I’ve researched this book, one verse keeps coming to mind: 2 Timothy 3: 1. Here it is in the Amplified Bible: “But understand this, that in the last days dangerous times [of great stress and trouble] will come [difficult days that will be hard to bear].”

Jesus said it like this, “But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be” (Matt. 24: 37–39).

What were those “days of Noah” like? Genesis 6: 5 describes them this way: “Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.”

The people of Noah’s day ignored and ridiculed his warnings. Noah built and preached for 120 years, and not one single individual outside his immediate family believed him. The people were so indifferent that they didn’t understand what was happening until it was too late.

The heedlessness of the people in Noah’s day will be duplicated in the last days of our world’s history. It will be a day much like ours, a day when ideologies like socialism can sneak in without much attention.

Ask anyone under communism and they’ll probably agree: socialism is an invasive weed planted by Karl Marx. Despite its catastrophic failures, it keeps spreading over the earth like kudzu. Will this be the dominant political philosophy on earth when the tribulation begins? Yes, that seems likely. Socialism is tailor-made for the Antichrist’s appearance. It creates global conditions that bring great stress and trouble, difficult days that will be hard to bear. And it demands a one-world system of government, which Scripture says will be established before the end of history.

Revelation 13 describes the Antichrist as a beast having vast power and authority. “The whole world marveled . . . and gave allegiance to the beast . . . And he was given authority to rule over every tribe and people and language and nation. And all the people who belong to this world worshiped the beast” (Rev. 13: 3, 7–8 NLT).

This beast, or Antichrist, will be empowered by Satan, “who deceives the whole world” (12: 9), and aided by the false prophet, who “deceives those who dwell on the earth” (13: 14). The Lord warned us against this kind of deception: “Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ” (Col. 2: 8).

Tomorrow will be Part II: What Is Socialism?  1.) The Roots of Socialism; 2.) Marxism Is Anti-God; 3.) Marxism is Totalitarian; 4.) Marxism is Divisive; 5.) Marxism is Deadly

You might ask “Why Merlin are you promoting this book so strongly? Because time is late and I unequivocally believe every Christ Follower should buy and read this book to help remove our cultural blinders. We are being blindsided. If convicted as I, you will then buy several copies and loan them to friends to read for further discussions. ThriftBooks tonight has 19 hardcover for $7.19; new is $26.99. Three used for one new! Invest your loose change this month in books and change lives. Living & Building the Kingdom of God TODAY!

Where Do We Go From Here?

How Tomorrow’s Prophecies Foreshadow Today’s Problems by David Jeremiah

Presented here verbatim, from the book’s Introduction because I believe the content has implicit succinct value for we truth tellers in community today. David Jeremiah should need no introduction. Enjoy. I have copies to loan.

“While writing this introduction, I’m watching the grim recovery efforts in Surfside, Florida, where the Champlain Towers South condominium collapsed in the dead of night, one floor pancaking onto the next, burying scores of people under tons of concrete. Most were sleeping in their beds, unaware of the suddenness of the coming catastrophe.

There had been signs, including warnings of water seeping beneath critical parts of the structure and weakening its integrity. But the alarm sounded too late.

Three thousand miles away, residents of San Francisco’s lavish Millennium Tower absorbed the news with apprehension. Their fifty-eight-story skyscraper with its dazzling views and luxury amenities has sunk eighteen inches into the soft downtown soil on which it was built. It’s tilting, and some view Surfside as a warning to the new Millennium.

I’m concerned about the new millennium too—our trembling twenty-first century. I’m burdened for the underpinnings of our culture, our eroding foundations and structural cracks. Like you, I’ve studied the signs of the times and believe we’re approaching a global cataclysm—one predicted in our Scriptures and unfolding before our eyes.”

All this came to me in a sort of rush months ago as my wife, Donna, and I were having breakfast. We made the mistake of watching the morning news. Every story was more distressing than the one before. We sat there viewing the burning cities, backbiting politicians, runaway infections, heated elections, social upheaval, racial tensions, skyrocketing crime, shouting pundits, deafening lies, eroding sands, and cracking foundations.

I looked over at Donna and said, “You and I are watching the dismantling of America.”

This book was born in that moment.

I began to look at these crises and controversies in a new way. I realized they are not isolated movements, philosophies, or events. They are as interconnected as a spider’s web. COVID-19 seemed like an arbitrary crisis as it unfolded, but it didn’t occur in a vacuum, and the world’s response revealed our souls. Add to that emerging globalism. We’re only one existential crisis from a one-world government.

And what about our worldwide economy, hanging by a strand?

Think of the degradation of our culture. It seems as if every member is a lover of self, a lover of money, a lover of pleasure—and eager to cancel anyone who disagrees with them. This translates to extreme persecution for the church in much of the world and to eroding religious liberty at home. Across our country, an unprecedented spiritual famine is causing an epidemic of emaciated hearts. In the process, many professed Christians are abandoning the faith. This has created a vacuum for the rising tide of socialism to flood into our land.

Simultaneously, events in the Middle East are turning Jerusalem into the powder keg of history. Again! Throw a pandemic in the midst, and there you have it—a world in chaos.

I’ve told you all that to say this: I refuse to be discouraged, and so should you!

This is no time to retreat. It’s time to live by conviction. When Moses sent the twelve spies into the promised land to reconnoiter the territory, ten of the spies were overwhelmed with fear and despair. They were daunted by the giants they saw. But two of the spies, Joshua and Caleb, said, in effect, “Let us go forward! We can take the land!”

Years later in recalling the event, Caleb told Joshua, “I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the LORD sent me from Kadesh Barnea to explore the land. And I brought him back a report according to my convictions” (Josh. 14: 7 NIV, emphasis added).

Well, in this book I’ve explored the territory of our times, and I am bringing back a report according to my convictions. This is not bravado. I’m speaking as honestly and as humbly as I can when I tell you we cannot be still, we cannot be silent, and we cannot live by lies. We must live by our biblical convictions. We can no longer ignore the warnings or sleep in beds of ignorance. I believe we’re approaching the consummation of the ages.

For as long as I’ve had a Bible, I’ve studied scriptural prophecy. I’ve preached and written about the last days from the beginning of my ministry. Perhaps you’ve read some of my previous books regarding the Bible’s message on the end of the world and the return of Christ. I love writing about biblical prophecy because it’s God’s transfusion of hope to our hearts.

But I’ve never written a prophecy book like this one. In the pages that follow, I’m going to deal with ten prophetic issues as current as the morning news. In each chapter, I’ll tell you where we are, what it means, and where we go from here. We’ll thread our way through problems that Jesus predicted—precursors of the tribulation—and we’ll learn how to do the next right thing.”

The Lord told us about this epoch in advance, and it’s a privilege to be His agents on the crest of history. We are not helpless, and our world is not hopeless. Even as the world collapses, the Lord is building His church. We can say something, do something, pray something, preach something, and live by the convictions of Christ.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote in The Gulag Archipelago, “In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousandfold in the future.” 1 God’s people are more than conquerors. We have a way forward. I urge you to study the marching orders at the end of every chapter in this book. Put into practice the things I’m going to recommend. Set your mind fully on the hope you have in Christ, and be ready to pay any price, challenge any foe, and confront any lie for the sake of the gospel.

At any moment, Jesus Christ will descend from heaven for His people. We haven’t long to wait. But until then, we need to understand what the age requires—and we need to do what the Lord commands.

In one of the strangest stories in the Bible, the Lord grabbed the ancient prophet Ezekiel by the hair of his head, transported him in a vision from Babylon to Jerusalem, and dropped him into a scene of unimaginable evil (Ezek. 8: 3). Ezekiel saw the depravity and decay of his own country, a country which he deeply loved. His nation was disintegrating. But God gave him a work to do. He commissioned him to be a watchman on the walls.

God may not grab your hair, but I pray He will grab your heart. I pray He will show you afresh the triumph of the gospel and call you as His watchman to sound the alarm and to proclaim the truth.

Remember what God later told Ezekiel, “I searched for a man among them who would repair the wall and stand in the gap before me on behalf of the land so that I might not destroy it, but I found no one” (22: 30 CSB).

I want Him to find at least two!

One you, and one me.

Come, join me in dedicating the rest of your earthly life to living by biblical convictions, exalting in the triumph of the gospel, and doing all you can to repair the structures of society and to stand in the gap before the Lord on behalf of the land. Don’t be fearful, and don’t let the times overwhelm you. This world will not end in rubble, but in His return! Our risen and exalted Lord Jesus Christ, our enthroned Savior—He knows the way forward.

He will show us where to go from here.”

Bono & Eugene Peterson Interview 2015 : THE PSALMS

Eugene H. Peterson, (1932-2018) was a pastor, scholar, author and poet. He wrote more than thirty books, including his widely acclaimed paraphrase of the Bible, The Message; and numerous works of spiritual formation, including Run with the Horses, and A Long Obedience in the Same Direction.

Paul David Hewson, whose stage name is Bono, was born May 10, 1960 is the lead singer of the Irish rock band U2 and one of the most talented performers in the history of rock and roll. While still in high school, Bono and his three friends formed a band, practiced a lot, innovated a unique sound, topped the pop charts, sold 44 million albums, won 22 Grammys, and got inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

All the while, Bono founded multiple charities, met with world leaders, advocated tirelessly to fight global poverty and disease, and was named Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2005 sharing the title with none other than computer billionaire, Bill Gates and his wife, Melinda. Times honored Bono for having “charmed and bullied and morally blackmailed the leaders of the world’s richest countries into forgiving $40 billion in debt owed by the poorest.” Time began choosing a “Man of the Year” in 1927, to pick the “person or persons who most affected the news and our lives, for good or ill, and embodied what was important about the year, for better or for worse.” Hitler was named in 1938 and Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.

FYI, Charles Lindbergh (1927) was the first and youngest person to receive the Time distinction at 25 years old. Recent winners in 2018 were The Guardians and the War on Truth, 2019 Greta Thunberg, and the final persons to receive the award evidently since no one was named in either ’21 or ’22, was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris in 2020. Certainly more trivia than necessary!

The clip below is a 21 minute interview featuring the connection between Bono and Eugene in the Peterson homestead near Glacier Park and Kalispell MT. Eugene returned to the family homestead after his retirement as a pastor near Laurel MD. His brother was pastor of the Fredericksburg Presbyterian Church although I am not aware of the years he served there. Enjoy.

How Four Adoptions Led to a Magazine

Learn how one man’s faith persevered through his identity in Christ amongst truth tellers in community culminating in a worthy magazine based on scriptural principles introducing His light into a spiraling culture going a muck….

What do the Amish, little ones with special needs, two nonprofits, four adoptions, two one-room schoolhouses from the 1800s, and a monthly print magazine have to do with homesteading in 2023? It is the story of our family, and it is a joy to share how the Lord has pieced it together over the last twenty years. My name is Marlin Miller, and here we go!

I was raised Amish in Ohio, with family and community playing a huge role in my youth. In fact, I think I have more than a hundred first cousins with around half still Amish. My dad’s youngest sister, Alma, had Down syndrome. My dad would cross the most packed-out room to meet families who had a child with special needs and make new friends. Today, my own family has many opportunities to do the same, and every chance I have, I share the line he exuded in those conversations… “it doesn’t take a great family, it makes a great family.” Pop, that’s what I called my dad, passed away while he was driving truck 11 years ago. He was only 55. We can hardly wait to see him again and introduce him to his two youngest grandsons.

After we had been married for several years, my wife, Lisa, and I walked the road from infertility to adoption. Our prayers changed from “Lord, please bless us with a child” to “Lord, please bring us the children You want us to have and equip us to meet their needs.” Our oldest son was placed with us just two weeks after our home study was approved. He was almost four years old, and at the time, it had not yet been determined that he is on the Autism spectrum.

Lisa taught first grade in a public school where all her students were Amish. But two years after we adopted our first son, she felt a change was coming and it soon did. Our adoption agency called us about a baby girl with Down syndrome who would soon be born. We were one of the few families who were open to adopting a child with Down syndrome, and after meeting her birth family, we soon met our new daughter. She was in the NICU for seven weeks and had multiple surgeries. In fact, we almost lost her a few times. Adelaide finally came home with a feeding tube and a steep learning curve.

Lisa put aside her teaching career to care for our baby’s needs. Two years later, we felt called to adopt another baby with Down syndrome. The NDSAN [National Down Syndrome Adoption Network] matched us with our third child. The sweetest little boy, Bennett, was born prematurely and 18 hours away. After another NICU stay and a month out of state, Bennett was able to be free of the oxygen tank and apnea monitor he had worn since his birth, and we made the long drive back home, now a family of five. While we were certain our family was complete, the Lord had other plans. Nearly five years ago, we adopted our youngest son, Miles, who has Mosaic Down syndrome, in a most unexpected but most welcome surprise adoption.

Twelve years ago, I began praying for a special combination: an income that provided for the family while allowing the time we needed to care for our children. The answer lay in my heritage… and my job. I was a sales representative with a local newspaper (at the time). Because I grew up Amish, I can talk Pennsylvania Dutch, the language of the Amish community. Our magazine’s inspiration came through a very simple conversation; what if we could build a print magazine expressly for Amish folks? After putting a few bigger pieces together, we ran two pilot issues as a test with promising results. I told Lisa that I thought this idea was going to hold water, but we must retool it. And so, we spent time thinking and praying through what the content and focus could be.

An Amish family on a horse and buggy rides by the Plain Values office in Winesburg, Ohio.

Together, we came up with three pillars for the type of content we wanted this new magazine to rest on. The first two pillars drew from our own experiences—the dignity of children with special needs and the beauty of adoption. I personally believe adoption is why God created the entire universe. There is no better manifestation of His adoption of us (vertically) than the adoption of a child into a family (horizontally) right here and now!

As we worked through all this, I told Lisa the ONE thing, that huge bucket list thing I wanted to see the Lord do, was to use our work to bring a child with Down syndrome home to his or her forever family. I didn’t care how big a role we played. I just wanted to see that happen someday; after that, the rest can burn to the ground. Thankfully, our work hasn’t burned down yet, and in the last 10 years, the Lord has used Plain Values and our team in some form to help with more than 20 adoptions of little ones with Down syndrome and other special needs. Praise the Lord! A few years back, we began a nonprofit, Room to Bloom, to highlight and advocate for those exact kids with special needs that are so often forgotten. The story of Room to Bloom will be an upcoming post all to itself.

The third pillar of the magazine’s content was to highlight the Lord’s work being done at home and around the world, especially in situations where people doing that work needed prayers, donations, or volunteer assistance. Our hope was to share these organizations’ stories and be a stepping stone for people who may not have a smartphone to connect with the causes they care about. The results of that hope have been nothing short of incredible. We have shared stories of need on the field in which readers have sent tens of thousands of dollars, boots, blankets, and even themselves and their youngsters! At times, vanloads of volunteers have shown up to help distribute lovingkindness.

As I write this, I almost have to pinch myself in wonder of all the Lord has accomplished through a goofball like me. Today, Plain Values is read by hundreds of thousands every month, and our numbers are growing fast. We will always maintain the three foundational pillars. Still, over the last couple of years, we have added a fourth pillar, homesteading, because it has played such an important role in our family.

Both Lisa and I grew up helping in a big garden, canning and putting food by, raising chickens, and working as a family together at home. We have continued those traditions with our own family and enjoy working together on outdoor projects to add to our garden space, plant trees, build chicken coops, and continue to learn new skills. We’ve added lots of content about the homesteading lifestyle to Plain Values through monthly columns written by Joel Salatin, Rory Feek, Shawn and Beth Dougherty, and Melissa Norris. They bring years of experience and wisdom inside the homesteading and farming arena.

A few samples of Plain Values Magazine

As non-Amish folks have learned of Plain Values and subscribed, we have been reminded of today’s massive desire to read and learn about how the Amish live and mimic that simplicity. To help with that, a few months ago, we began a monthly roundtable written by Amish farmers, preachers, and even an Amish farmer’s wife, who joins in occasionally. Ivan, Jerry, Daniel, and Emily discuss topics on everyone’s mind, such as the impacts of technology on our families from the Amish lens. It has quickly become a favorite column. Readers continually send questions and topics on which they would like the panel’s perspectives in a future issue.

We believe it is time for the American church to engage within communities and really be the hands and feet of Christ. Plain Values is all about living in authentic community with those around us. From the farm and homestead life to educating our children with Biblical framework and worldviews, Plain Values aims to bring common sense and old-school wisdom back to life once again.

Miles playing with his dump truck in the garden

We are doing our best to enjoy the simple things in life, to stay connected to our community, and to slow down, so we don’t miss what’s truly important. If you are looking for a monthly print magazine with heart, we humbly ask you to consider joining the Plain Values family. When you subscribe, you automatically help bring hope and a family to an orphaned child with special needs. How does that work, you might ask… every time a family joins the PV family, we give a chunk of that money straight to Room to Bloom to help bring a family and their son or daughter closer to each other and ultimately home together.

Since I can’t give you a hug through these screens and say thanks personally, please use the code GAB23 at checkout for a special savings and a hearty “thank you” for your support. Visit to learn more and subscribe. While you are there, you just might catch a glimpse of what is in the works with the two one-room schoolhouses and a second nonprofit. You can also follow us on Gab here

Till next time, may you find joy in the simple things.