What Is A Human?

Keith Gunta continually puts forth truth in dimensions for Christ Followers (CF’s) a quantum leap or two above where we have too often have “settled for” and are maintaining our comfortable lodging. I suggest you read the following against the backdrop of John 1:3-5. “All things were created by God, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. In Him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness can not “master it.” Note The Message paraphrases it as couldn’t put it out; the NKJV says did not comprehend it; KJV comprehended it not; Amplified is unreceptive to it; LNT can never extinguish it; RSV has not overcome it.

Therein, may I add that CF’s must never forget that the real battle is against Satan, not mere men’s ideas and theories for it is he who brings such evil into their lives and tempts them to sin. Believers who view other people as the enemy will not be able to vanquish the real foe. Spiritual battles must be fought with spiritual weapons. God’s people do not fight with arguments or violence but with truth as found below and in abounding in scripture including righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God. God promises that such weapons will defeat the enemy. (Eph. 6:17)

In addition, a study of OT wars reveals that when the armies of Israel fought in their own strength, they always lost. But when they cast themselves upon God’s mercy, victory always followed. Supplication means to ask God for whatever one needs. Asking is the rule of the kingdom (Matt.7:7-11) and the rule of the church (see I Thess. 5:17; James 4:2; I John 3:22). Significant for us today to overcome this “mass psychosis brainwashing?”

Be prepared for an awakening within your Contagious Renewed Mind” (CRM) as you read what is a human and GO FORTH TODAY in HIS PRESENCE>>>>>merlin


Is Our Continued Silence Now Approaching Complicity?

This is the third such “INSP I RED” rolling text message video clips I have recently witnessed. All were very thought provoking for our circumstances today, one by a businessman, the other by a Jewish MD and intellectual. I present this clip as everything I offer: Strictly FYI, or For Your Reflection Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond….(FYRTT&B). This will likely never appear on CNN for obvious reasons. And you know from previous blogs that I tend to view Fact-Checkers as a marvelous idea simply gone awry in this era of censorship, perhaps even deteriorating to the level of becoming an idol for sloppy biblical truth seekers.

However, in the event you do have or know of a similar more neutral or even opposing viewpoint document, or clip as brief and as succinctly presented as Archbishop Vigano of the Catholic Church below, please do share it with me.

This clip features AB Vigano speaking encouragement to the Canadians, though now aging from his prior battles, yet yesterday was quite articulate, supposedly now in protective hiding and understandably so, who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Viganò was ordained a priest in 1968 and spent most of his career working in a diplomatic capacity for the Holy See. As a priest, he served on a number of diplomatic missions before being consecrated a bishop by Pope John Paul II in 1992. (Wikipedia) Click on the link below.


The Price of a Permanent Emergency……

FYI, or Your Reflection Today (YRT, and tomorrow, and the next day, etc

by Graham Shearer 02/16/22

Governments across the globe have taken extreme measures over the past two years to combat COVID-19. The rationale is always the same: This is an emergency. But do governments understand the implications of this claim? A perpetual state of crisis cannot be a stable basis for civil government. Politicians who continually appeal to this justification may soon find they have unleashed forces beyond their control. 

It is hard to live in a state of emergency for two years or more, especially when it affects everything from the air in front of your face to your ability to travel. Throughout the pandemic, many have repeated Milton Friedman’s quip that “there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.” They were warning that the “exceptional circumstances” justifying emergency measures might prove enduring. Unfortunately, this warning has become our reality. Governments that were quick to impose restrictions have been reticent to rescind them, and many measures may not be rescinded at all. Leaders have learned that they can mandate masks, confine citizens to their homes, and limit public life to those who have had a certain medical procedure. Once leaders taste such powers, it is tempting to cling to them.

And even where some restrictions are loosening, governments are not relinquishing the right to impose such restrictions. This month, Scotland is set to renew the Coronavirus Act, which granted the Scottish government emergency powers earlier in the pandemic. If this happens, by the time the powers expire, the government will have had emergency powers for two and half years. Never mind that in 2020, the rate of age-adjusted all-cause mortality in Scotland was lower than in 2009. In Scotland, as in many other countries, vaccine passports, mask mandates, school closures, and lock downs appear to have become part of the magistrates’ governing repertoire—ready to be implemented again the moment the opportunity arises. 

In an interview for Le Monde in March 2020, Italian political philosopher Giorgio Agamben said, “The epidemic has made clear that the state of exception to which our governments have actually accustomed us for quite some time, has become the normal condition. . . . A society that exists in a perennial state of emergency cannot be free.” Agamben had written previously about the concept of “the state of exception” in reference to the “war on terror” and the way that the threat of terrorism served to justify the suspension of civil liberties for a certain group of people. For Agamben, the novel coronavirus was simply a fresh occasion for a similar approach. Leaders used the threat of impending death and catastrophe to give the government extraordinary powers in order to defeat the enemy.

Nearly two years after Agamben spoke to Le Monde, we remain in this state of exception. It is easy to be pessimistic about the future. However, in the foreword to Where Are We Now? (2021), a collection of pandemic reflections, Agamben strikes a different note. 

What accounts for the strength of the current transformation is also . . . its weakness. . . . For decades now, institutional powers have been suffering a gradual loss of legitimacy. These powers could mitigate this loss only through the constant evocation of states of emergency. . . . For how long . . . can the present state of exception be prolonged?

Agamben’s question is a good one. A state of emergency is unstable by definition. 

The current protests against vaccine mandates in Canada reveal that government authority and legitimacy are more fragile than we ordinarily suppose. For in emergencies, it is not only governments who respond. The Canadians who are protesting vaccine restrictions also appeal to extraordinary circumstances to justify their actions. After Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau complained that the protesters “are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives,” the Babylon Bee published an apt headline: “Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can Shut Down City.” Governments who claim that circumstances require extraordinary measures may find that their citizens also take extraordinary measures.

Governments cannot have it both ways: Ordinary times carry with them ordinary constitutional constraints on government action and ordinary obligations to obey and comply. If governments appeal to a permanent state of exception to elude the former, it will find that more and more people consider themselves free of the latter.

That is why, for the sake of constitutional order and legitimacy, government claims for extraordinary powers must cease. Now that the deadliest phase of the pandemic has passed, the real emergency, at this point, is the permanent appeal to emergency. The urgent need is for governments to abandon urgency and return to the slow, steady business of governance. Good jurisprudence and government depend on a return to precedented times. As it is, too many governments are paying the mortgage on their extraordinary powers with the capital of their legitimacy. If they persist for much longer, some may begin to find that both have been spent.

Graham Shearer is a doctoral student at Union Theological College in Belfast and a fellow of the Chalmers Institute.

Real Faith Stories #36 – Jamie Winship – “I may never see my family again.”

Real Faith Stories #72  Jamie Winship – “I may never see my family again”

Following are my random notes minus the stories from this You Tube clip above introducing Jamie Winship with the minutes such as (5:32) inserted for quicker referencing. My spiritual mentor introduced me to him over two years ago and similarly to Carole Ward just recently, Jamie has opened for me spiritually new doors, perspectives, insights, opportunities, & responsibilities. Enjoy a life changing video. merlin

I desired to be a policeman since 8th grade, met a recovery nurse at 17 after surgery introduced me to Christ, wanted to be a policeman like she was a nurse. 1.) as a WDC policeman, was never to talk religion, NEVER, not even a review process for the infraction; 2.) no where to go to find out how to share your faith, areas we’re not even trained in,

Carried a notebook, Acts my model : in time I learned Lord, 1.) what do you want me to know; and 2.) what do you want me to do? When, in a dead end, situation without precedent I learned, 1.) God still speaks & 2.) his word still cuts.. we (church) don’t believe this anymore…The more we pursue the Lord, the further he’ll take us… he’ll keep (5:32)raising our level of observing his presence in our midst , plus then, he walks us through our fear out to the other side of it, actually we do not become braver, we become less fearful, we become fearless, not this macho, but very calm,

Then the Lord takes us to the next level, because we’re afraid of everything all the time, most of our decisions as humans are all self-protection and self-promotion, Christians as well, we make decisions based on fear, risk assessment, counting the cost, ….. What do you want me to know, what do you want me to do?

(6:50) Question: Give me example: We had an abduction of a 3rd grader in early 80’s when a kid vanished, 2 hrs late on the trail, I told the father “we’re going to find him” not an accepted protocol. Drive away from scene 3 blocks pulled over & stopped. Thinking “What do I need to know & what shall I do?” Can You locate a kid? You are a God of mercy. What’s your probable cause for pulling this car over? Nope- not gonna  work! Where did you get the idea to stop that car? I felt the presence of evil! A training officer said “trust your gut, trust your gut,” that’s how cops talk about it. Why would I just sit there and feel bad after the moment of opportunity passed? Definition of obedience in OT is to hear (listen) and respond. Hear O Israel, the Lord is one Lord! “It is not here is a list of rules,” that’s crazy, rather “hear & respond.” Basically, I’d asked the question and God responded, other times I sat on it, not perfect, Too often we get stuck in the listening mode, always receiving & getting fed, so when it’s time to exercise our muscles of faith, we end up just sitting there paralyzed…too busy looking at other persons and how God spoke to 13:00 them, rather than to us.. God doesn’t want us to compare ourselves to others, he speaks to us uniquely, it is all about worship and abiding, I can’t tell you what to know, but I can tell you how to know, the goal is not what to know, but rather how to know….

14:00 Jesus was not about formulas, but how do we know what to do! How did Jesus know to talk to the Samaritan woman? Why did you even go to her? How did He know what to say? “I say what the Father is saying, I see what the Father is doing… It is not how to do evangelism, the Four Laws, how did you even know to go (14:30)  to her?  I say what the Father is saying, I do what the father is doing, otherwise you’re just imitating whoever.. For example, a person is motivated/prompted to say something by the Lord, but when you hear it, the Spirit of God awakened or prompted your mind so that you heard instead what you needed to hear for the task at hand, …. (15:06) Where does a formula play in there? Not to be locked  in to a formula which is false, actually it is the mystery of relationship,  based on truth-telling…..

15:50 Question: How did you transition from being a police officer to your foreign assignments in Islamic  countries?  A walk with Christ is always a progression, and an ascension, every human has a biology of transcension, of looking up and out, all creation is this way, never gets to remain stagnant, stationary, made to move and grow, changing, and be transformed by the “renewing of our minds, then you’ll know the more excellent way”.. as I was practicing this as a policemen, I was progressing into higher levels of interactions, relationships, and getting promoted by being creative with Him, if you’re not creative, something is not right…

(16.49) Phone call from a magistrate to meet a gov official who asked me “how do you do what you do? Had files of every case I’d worked… how are you closing these cases, like this one for example? I don’t think you’ll like my strategy, we don’t care, we do like your results! “It involves my capacity of tapping into hearing God speak, and doing what God says in these different cases” and the guy said “yeah, I don’t like that.” “By their fruit they will know you… we can spend all day explaining to the world why we believe what we believe, and all that, but just do it, we just need to do it, let the world see it, like my nurse when I was 17 in recovery, she never explained anything to me, she just did it, she was it, her “being” informed her “doing” and that connected with me, for years…

(18:40) Question: Can you do this in a Muslim country? 1979. Are Muslims different than other humans? What I’m doing works with humans. Just because you think Muslims are different than you, that is already your mistake.. already your strategies are failing…. Agent spins a real time scenario, JW listening as he always does, “I have the mind of Christ, I have the Spirit of the Living God inside of me, so I’m listening inside the Trinity to the situation, not just me, and I’m using all my past police experiences and what God has taught me, … and so I explained what we’d do… and he says “you’re hired.”  Offered package on the spot, that’s how desperate the world is for new ways of thinking about things! Instead of conforming to patterns of the world over and over again. And so that was the beginning of me thinking of employment overseas….

20:22 This is God inviting me into the next level of who I am, identity on a higher scale, with greater risk and opportunity… I will not sign a contract with you because that contract alone with you will destroy anything that would work, it cannot be attached to foreign policy… so I will take the challenge but no contractual relationship. I cannot serve two masters…. It took me three years to prepare the strategy ( Moses of OT gets strategy credit) and the bad guys hired me and put me in their university…. and my wife and I did this work all over the globe for 26 years.. Mission explained. (23:00) Model was “Attack & Extract” during which time I lost my capacity to just listen to God and have Him tell me what to do… I had progressed into an academic framework in my mind, I left my “heart” and went into my “head.” (Amazing analysis and we all fight this battle… Question though is how often until we learn??) Conflict emerged. Got sloppy. Spur of the moment reaction I broke the law of the country. Notified I would be given a 10 yr prison sentence. Fear emerged and consumed me and the 6 member, Once our positive imaginations becomes fear projecting – Self-protection and self-promotion producing an all-consuming anxiety, all on me to figure it out, (30:00) trial account, why am I deconstructing all this stuff, Jesus didn’t do that.. God, I feel this is all my mistake, God’s presence confirmed my suspicions… I broke their laws, insulting their god, I on the spot in my trial asked for God’s forgiveness… He did! Returned to “What do you want me to know, What do you want me to do?” Welcome back Son from the religion of Christianity, into abiding in Christ?

33:10 Does anyone want to speak to speak on his behalf?

38:00 “Listen, I’m doing this for you. When you open your mouth to these pupils, you are insulting them, and their feelings. And I know what you’re trying to say, but you better find another way of saying it..… That is the word of the Lord right to me. Your job is not to go around the world and insult people, and use shame and guilt to convert persons from one religious system to another, you love those people, and you self-empty for them, and you sacrifice for them, and you love them unconditionally, that’s what Jesus does for people. I never forgot that lesson. And the Lord let me walk through all that just to wake me up. What is my goal here? To prove I’m right and they are wrong or is it to be other-focused, self -emptying, sacrificial, loving unconditionally?….. This transforms people, It’s what that recovery nurse did for me while suffering thru my ridicule 5 days. Not built on power and control, built on love..    

That’s all for now.

Go forth now and live amazed, continually asking “God, what do you want me to know about this task at hand?” And that being answered, “just what do you want me to do about it?” >>>>>  merlin

If Conservatives Want To Defend Manliness, They Better Know What It Means….

I find this article worthy of sharing as I specifically have not observed this issue reviewed in my usual sources nor do I imagine you have either. I may draw the ire of a few of you but that’s OK. We all need to be challenged continually, or what’s the point? “I believe by enduring the intricacies and challenges during the process of either learning or achievement, on the journey to our destination, is exactly what makes the destination ultimately rewarding and valuable to us, preparing us then, for yet, another summit.” (merlin 020222)

A good friend of mine, Isaiah, today brought the fact to my attention that our pastor never makes a reference to either political party – he just stays with the Scriptures… likely inferring I should do the same, just after I sent him a podcast that I requested he only listen to specific minutes, 36-50. I know Isaiah well enough to know that he may likely short circuit if he listened to the earlier minutes … which he did, and from the very beginning … and he did quit listening. No problem, I understand it perfectly. I once was there too and still struggle at times. Perhaps it was simply information overload. Isaiah said the podcast speaker mentioned “stolen elections, “blue cities,” and other such toxic statements that simply further polarize our country. He was also sadden that I would promote this type of rhetoric but that he still loves me as a brother. And I know, that he really, really does. He is one of my strongest supporters and I do send him my stuff at times to review it before I publish it. Actually, I try not to promote anything except to lift up Jesus (see John 12:32 from Feb 1 Utmost) so I do very cautiously share my ideas much as the Apostle Paul shared about eating meats or dietary practices to avoid offense.

So I know assuredly Isaiah and I are not always on the same page. So what? That’s life. Get over it. I believe as a faith facilitator I’ve been empowered by the Holy Spirit to usually rise above such relationship stress or glitches. First it is a choice, and secondly, and this is so much harder, is to so love the truth of the situation so much that you intimately realize it is not at all about you, but rather, all about them. That wasn’t cool in my generation, and regardless of the word for it today, it still isn’t. Actually, it’s impossible without divine help.

My off the cuff crude response to Isaiah went as follows: “Say, I listen to a wide variety of stuff. I ignore the rhetoric on both sides and go for the gold. From 36 minutes to the end, that podcast had a perspective of merit I find refreshing and needed today as together we strive for solutions. I knew the earlier minutes would short circuit you so I tried to expose you only to the meat. No offense taken. I have thick skin. Sometimes mining for Truth requires we throw a lot of scrap out the back door!”

Next, I addressed his comment about our pastor. “Doesn’t he have to promote or present only the idealized interpretation of scripture in his position as pastor? Otherwise the congregation in today’s climate may well be in near total chaos. I see no wiggle room for him currently.”

But then I go on to ask Isaiah, “But do you think I’m bound similarly as a member in the same congregation? What about the other members? Is there no other thinking allowed outside your “personally perceived truth box?”(PPTB). I say, for the church, and in this case, for me and my friend, this is where the rubber meets the road, in that we each may interpret and yet respect many of the “outside the box hot buttons” vastly differently from the stance of our brothers and sisters…. and just what do I usually do about it? Too often in my past I may have ostracized, polarized, ridiculed, etc., or if I were a more subdued Menno, I would just be silent; sit, soak, sulk, sour, and “seethe,” before I split to elsewhere.

Is it remotely even possible we claiming to be anabaptists do not practice what we preach? At times I actually believe we are some of the most paranoid easily threatened and divisive Christians out there. I should know for I was one of them for most of my life. But because my wife Loretta extended to me such unbelievable forgiveness, grace and mercy for 40 plus years, accompanied by some very unique life circumstances, world events, and a community of intimate believers that loved me when I was not really very lovable, all account for me even being here, and the fact that He is, still very much refining me.

I realized I was so very much missing the core and heart of Carole Ward’s message to the American church as she presented it in her interview in my 1/15/22 blog. At some future time we will delve much deeper into the cures for the challenges we all face daily.

All this is merely the introduction to possibly “drawing your ire” with the “manliness” article, which regardless of your position on that continuum, is a worthy read by John Daniel Davidson as presented in the Federalist.

I particularly found George Washington’s apparent plagiarism (perhaps mere editing) of these maxims originating in the late sixteenth century in France and were popularly circulated in America during Washington’s time. It is reported he began this document he titled “110 Rules For Civility” when he was only 14 years old. All 110 are listed and they are a hoot. Some compare their merits to the famous quote near the end of the 4th volume of Douglas Southall Freeman’s epic four volume biography of Robert E Lee, when he answered in response to an infant’s mother asking him to bless her child, he simply said, “Teach him he must deny himself.” Powerful words! A worthy identity garnered even if you never read the article!

Note Senator Josh Hawley and David Azerrad of Hillsdale College, both have links in this article. For some of you, that is well beyond your comfort zone and an easy out for you. I certainly understand. Blessings to all of you in your pursuit of worthy truths to guide your pathways into your unknowns>>>>>merlin


Meet my Coach Jonathan Dunn

A person who started out as my coach last spring when I finished rehab has now become an even greater friend for life. Jonathan recently started a wonderful project with his daughter spreading encouragement and love throughout the world.  They have a weekly YouTube channel with absolutely world-class content that has been curated to help you lead your best life now. Jonathan has literally been to hell and back with what he’s experienced in life.  I highly encourage you to check out his weekly content and if you like it, please hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single video.  He has absolutely nothing to sell; only a massive amount of love and understanding in a compelling perspective to positively motivate you toward  becoming the-best-version-of-yourself.

I recommend starting now with “Start With Your Heart.” May we all be friends like Jay demonstrated!

The Fisherman

Taken From Matthew Kelly’s “OFF Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction, pages 1-4.

Once upon a time there was an investment banker. He lived in New York City, was phenomenally successful, and made a ton of money. But his life was busy, noisy, and very stressful.

So, once a year, he would leave the city and go down to a small coastal village in Mexico. For two weeks he would rest, relax, and allow himself to be rejuvenated. One day he was standing on the pier just before lunch, looking out to sea, when he noticed a small fishing boat coming in to dock. He thought this was a little strange because most of the fishermen stayed out late into the afternoon so they could catch as many fish as possible before coming in and preparing the fish for market.

Curiosity overcame him so he walked over to where the fishing boat was about to dock. Looking into the boat, he saw just one fisherman and several large yellow fin tuna.

“How long did it take you to catch those fish?” he said to the fisherman.

“Not very long,“ the fisherman replied with a smile.

“Is there something wrong with your boat?“ the American asked.

“Oh, no,” the fisherman said. “In 13 years I have never had a problem with the boat.”
The American was a little perplexed, so he asked the fisherman, “Why don’t you stay out there longer and catch more fish?”

The fisherman smiled again and said, “This is plenty here for my family right now. Some of the fish we can eat, and the others we can sell or trade for the other things we need.” 

“But it’s not even lunchtime. What do you do with the rest of your time?”

“In the morning,” the fisherman explained, “I like to sleep late. When I wake I fish a little, mostly just for the pleasure of fishing. In the afternoon I play with my children and take siesta with my wife. In the evenings I have dinner with my family. And then, when my children are sleeping, I stroll into the village, or I sip wine and play guitar with my friends.”

The American scoffed and said, “I’m a Harvard MBA and I can help you.“

The fisherman was a little skeptical, but nonetheless he obliged and asked, “How? “

“You should fish longer every day,” the American counseled, “late into the afternoon. This way  you will catch more fish and make more money, and you can buy a bigger boat. With the bigger boat you will catch even more fish and make even more money, and then you can buy another boat and hire another man to work the second boat.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman inquired. “Oh, we are just getting started! With two boats you’ll catch even more fish and make even more money, and before you know it you’ll have a whole fleet of boats and every man in the village looking for work will come to you.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked.

“Before too long, you can cut out the middleman, sell your fish direct to the cannery, and make more money.

As your fleet of boats continues to expand you can build your own cannery. And before you know it, you’ll be able to leave the small coastal village, move to Mexico City, and manager your expanding enterprise.“

“But what then? “the fisherman persisted.

“Well, then you can begin to ship your fish to different parts of the world. Down into Asian and Australia and up into North America. And as demand grows for your fish, you can leave Mexico City, move to Los Angeles, open a distribution plant there, and begin to ship your fish to Europe and every corner of the globe.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked again.

The Americancontinued, “by then your business will be one of the great ventures of the industry. You can move to New York City and manage your empire from the epicenter of the business world. “

“How long will this all take?” the fisherman asked.

“Twenty-five, maybe thirty years,“ the banker explained.

“But what will I do then?” the fisherman asked.

The American’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “That’s the best part,“ he said. “When the time is just right, you can go down to Wall Street, list your business as a public company, offer an IPO, and make millions and millions of dollars.“

“Millions?“ the fisherman asked.

“More money than you ever dreamed you could earn in ten lifetimes,“ the American explained.

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked.

The American didn’t know what to say. He had reached his climax. He was stumped. But then a thought crossed his mind and triggered an idea, and he turned once more to the fisherman and spoke.

“Well, then you could move to a small coastal village, you could sleep late, you could fish just for the pleasure of fishing, in the afternoons you could take siesta with your wife, in the evenings you could have dinner with your family, and then you could stroll into the village and sip wine and play guitar with your friends…

So why this story? Would you really like to live as this fisherman? Most of you likely could if you chose to, and it is not the money that’s stopping you, but it is “everything” you’d have to give up. If all the cards were on the table, we’d say no to the fisherman’s life. Imagine life with no technology, electricity, heating or AC, never seen a dentist, has no health plan, never eats out, maybe can read, certainly doesn’t drive even a Prius, and his dear wife of many siestas (I like that), makes and repairs his few clothes; but he does enjoy his life … and family, and he really knows how to fix a tasty meal of fish, and frequently too!

I’m told well under $200 per month could provide you this fisherman’s life as depicted. A mere $100,000 at 3% interest would be ample and you could give the fish away…or sleep later. But you know what, very few of my audience are likely even attracted to such a life. Oh, with some fudging as tourists we’d enjoy several weeks perhaps, but a year being that primitive reminds me too much of our neighbors in black who drive buggies and have lanes without gravel. Personally, even this fisherman’s life sounds heaps better than their existence! I admit and confess I am much too addicted to our cultural comforts! I know this because I grew up that way too, without the black, but English and in poverty!

But while we’re on the subject of life satisfaction, lets first define it as “the contentment and fulfillment that arise from the gratification of needs and desires.” Statistically, I understand many of us have given up on ever being vocationally satisfied and are merely existing “biding our time” until … Finishing that sentence with people is always interesting. Try it if you get the opportunity.

Perhaps the Fisherman story got you to dream for five minutes. You realize that honestly, you don’t really like your life right now, and the simplicity of fishing (or not) on the Mexican coast can’t be any worse, plus the serenity and beauty of the Pacific Ocean, Wow! So by now are we all tucked back into our Wayne Co. security blankets just singing its praises…. But a bit shocked perhaps how DISSATISFIED we found ourselves for the five minutes we were off in our dreamworld of something better!

Which is most interesting because we hadn’t even allowed ourselves to consider the possibility prior that just maybe we are not all that satisfied vocationally. Ouch, is that revealing or what? I’m going to tell you something I’ve learned recently the hard way; sometimes it is really good (and even downright necessary) to get in touch with our dis-satisfactions in life. Too often we can deceive ourselves right into oblivion, or worse. I am also now living by the premise I’m not nearly so concerned about what I happen to do for money, (or not do), or vocationally, etc., or perhaps I did do before retirement, as I am concerned about what I am becoming. As Christians, we must never forget it is all about the process. We are all on the journey. It is not about who we were, what we did prior, even what we are doing now. Rather it is all about who we are becoming.

So, let’s think a minute about the life you really want; perhaps it surfaced for several seconds during the story. To stimulate further thought, I’m going to pose you a series of seven questions I suggest you write down, post them for easy multiple daily sightings, as well as in your new Staples booklet (call it your God book, Dream book, Keep-Me-Honest-book, etc.) and reflect on them until you’ve got your answers. Next, just think about it all for several months; and write your thoughts down to track your processing. Then either email me for further instructions or buy the book.

1. What do you like about your life as it is today?

2. What don’t you like about your life as it is today?

3. Do you feel trapped by any of the things you don’t like about your life today?

4. If you went to the doctor next week and he told you that you were dying and had one year to live, what would you do for the next year?

5. If you inherited $10 Billion, what would you do with the rest of your life, and what would you do with the money?

6. What is holding you back from the life you really want?

7. If you could change three things about your life, what would they be?    

These seven may take several cups of coffee to even get you started good. I suggest you buy a $4 Staples booklet (sorta like the Moleskins but do not spend $20; they were on sale for $2 when I was in) and write down these questions. I hope this booklet stays as close as your Bible for the rest of your life. Only one question on a page though! Believe me, you’re going to need the space beneath for your notes if you are serious.

You know, too often we just don’t ever sit down and think about how we’re living. I hear most of us spend more time planning our vacations than we do our lives. That is not Biblical! I do believe too often we stumble into our culturally acceptable mode of living that is satisfying to us (compared to what though). Actually, the real issues of life and our mandate to be disciples (here and now, not someday I’ll..) is being lulled to sleep by the trivial busyness of merely economic survival soon followed by poor health, dysfunctional families, and too often, spiritual despair.    

More ideas on this next week. Blessings as YOU GO FORTH>>>>       Merlin

Personal Insights From The Wednesday Past!

I am not kidding! This morning after a particularly disappointing Wednesday, I set out to do exactly what I wanted to do for once, just as I had decided prior to going to sleep! Even though I have some self-imposed writing deadlines beckoning strongly … and letters to write to some new book friends about the US, I knew this morning it was time to work outside; I really needed some therapy time. I’m sure you can relate but the fact is for most of you not enjoying retirement or at least a “wind-down phase” in preparation for such,  you seldom can allow yourself such a “personal passion day” (PPD). And you will indeed be amused (or not!) at just how I spent those “I want to do it my way” hours last Thursday!

You are likely beginning to realize now that one aspect of my life’s passion is creating, whether it be writing, or verbally communicating what I’d written prior, to people who I desire to be in relationship with, to enjoy hearing their response to whatever I’ve communicated so as to broaden my understanding and appreciation of them. Just as you may admire an athlete, a musician, or a particular craftsman, I have always admired skilled orators.

Strange now that at 70 years, I can say that I greatly admired one particular Bible scholar and radio speaker, even though his name escaped me recently, and not so much for his eloquence though he was a skilled and polished communicator, but I remembered him solely for his actions, whom I only observed one time. This person was Warren Wiersbe, author of more than 80 books, including his recent autobiography“Be Myself: Memoirs of a Bridgebuilder,” former pastor of the historic Chicago Moody Church and later radio pastor of Back-To-The-Bible Broadcasts. In fact, I can’t tell you now a thing he said that evening when I first heard him in person, but what he did prior to speaking, I’ll never forget as long as I live. When we arrived, he was down in the pews and aisles meeting and greeting folks as they filled the sanctuary of seven doors. Long time pastor of Kidron Mennonite Church, Bill Deweiler, had invited Wiersbe to speak that evening in the late ‘80’s, and no doubt quite a number of NE Ohio folks familiar with Wiersbe from his radio broadcasts on WCRF were in attendance, so he was completely in his  “element” of meeting and greeting his many friends from over the years. And for some unknown reason, that action by him that evening 40 years ago, really impressed me. So much so that his action precluded me even remembering for certain who this person was; as initially, I had him narrowed to three when Ruth set me straight. I knew his identity was with either Moody Bible or Back to the Bible and I was partially correct on both counts. But the point I want to make here is: it was the action I remembered that spoke volumes, not the man’s name or his ability with words. Perhaps that is the kind of disciple I wish to be. My identity is not at all important. Only my actions and possibly words in rare occasions, pointing whoever whenever wherever & however to being discipled by the Master of this universe, is of any significance. I have just began to read “The Thirteenth Disciple” by Paul Stutzman. Perhaps I’ll learn more from him about becoming a disciple in “late bloom!” to which he alludes.

I just now googled Warren’s name and found his first quote of the ten listed, taken from his “Be” series of commentaries to be as follows: “Each member in the body of Christ is important (I Cor. 12:12-31), and we all need one another and to minister to one another. Since there’s no competition in the work of the Lord (John 4:34-38; I Cor. 3:5-9), there’s no need for us to promote ourselves. The important thing is that God receives the glory.” from his Be Available: Judges. Interesting man indeed and I will be reading his autobiography soon.

So let’s return to the pervading question; just how  was I going to bless myself this Thursday by “doing it my way?” Certainly not by meeting and greeting! It should be no surprise then since I not only admire orators but enjoy reading, that I’d have my ear buds in and be listening to some form of encouragement. The disappointments of Wednesday inflicted their subtle attacks on my perception of my character as well as the understanding that nine month’s work had just possibly got flushed. I am continually tempted to take negative events that could possibly be connected to my actions as a reflection of me.

Before going to sleep Wednesday evening, I decided my therapy Thursday would be physical work in order to clear my head, as well as to get my strength and agility back.I didn’t even consider either a driving or shooting range for my emotional release; no, I needed physical work doing something positive and hard. I worked off my disappointments and rare anger as a boy, either by doing chores among the Holsteins or by cutting wood. Both were for room and board when younger but later, I cut wood for myself and money. That was a double win! Besides I didn’t have access to or money for either ranges, clubs or guns. Lucky me!

 I know God never wastes actions; ultimately, mistakes whether caused by us or others, can glorify God and build both character and virtue in us. If upon realization of the error, repentance and forgiveness is sought; restoration and renewal will be enjoyed. Already before going to sleep Wednesday evening, God reminded of a similar caper in my life, actually way back in April of ‘74, months  after we were married, when I did something far more stupid than what I was stewing over with God now for perhaps wasting my time? What I didn’t remember when sharing my memory of this caper In Sterling IL with Loretta, was that she was not even aware of the deception I’d instigated before leaving!  So very interesting how God so timely restored my memory after 45 years. That was His part in my restorative therapy! The rest was up to me. As St Augustine said, “God provides the wind, man must raise the sail.”

As you know, I do write with numerous bunny trails continually cropping up. Today, professional writers may use side bars offering you a choice to read or abstain. As of yet, mine are embedded in the script making such choices impossible. For example, I keep throwing you these historical clips that factually have contributed to making me who I am today … and help you understand perhaps why I write the way I do. But allow me another clip before we move into the garage.

Being 70 now, and actually this clip has nothing to do with our age, as much as it does with all of us finally realizing we are on “borrowed” time; and that will do one of two things to you and I in our psyche. Either, we’ll submit to the pressures that surround us, or we will rise up and resist those pressures. I do not believe there is a middle ground. Merely going with the flow of what you’ve planted and invested so far  in your life to date, whether young or old, is in my opinion, submission to mediocrity. For examples of rising up and resisting the pressures of, I’ll just mention two here, aging and poor investments. The effects of aging are largely determined by our investments of lifestyle, including our habits of good nutrition, adequate exercise and rest, avoiding or at least relieving stress, etc. Poor investments may trigger financial thoughts but even more importantly, are our relational investments on all fronts; with God, family, friends, acquaintances, as well as people you have not even met yet.

Personally, I’ve chosen to rise up and resist. But having said that, please realize, that we each possess a vast diversity of abilities when it comes to rising up and resisting. And generally rising and resisting (definitely not your typical R &R) is a journey that involves all of life and our continual change dependent on our readings, experiences and education.   

The whole point to this “clip,” is to tell you one way of many that I “seize my day” daily and that is by strategic intervention to secure a dynamic existence, or, a fulfilled and joyful life. The culture out there is in direct opposition to me or anyone accomplishing that! There are numerous ways to secure your dynamic existence but I am best acquainted with electronic enhancements such as audible books or YouTube, whether listening to scripture, podcasts, sermons, or uplifting  books that instill within me the desire to invest in myself and others as we together pursue becoming the best possible versions of ourselves; as well as enable you to become the best possible version of yourself. And I do these activities precisely, as many of you do, in our mentally unproductive times during physical chores, exercise, driving, or even while working if I’m doing rote meaningless tasks such as in my simple milk microbiology lab.

Some of you may contend you need your quiet space, and are not about to buy into this electronic invasion no matter how good the material. And I certainly will not go up against you on this point. But I am asking you honestly to consider  what you think about during your quiet times before you snooze. If after you reflect, God speaks and you take notes, you’re likely on track for significant spiritual growth and I applaud you!

So finally upon going out into the garage, I was greeted by all the tasks since my accident that needed my attention; Christmas decorations totes, boxes to be knocked down for recycling, and items to put away that only I knew where, and by all means, sweep the floor. I had attempted two cleanups prior in the garage, the first in December from a wheel chair. Not easy but I did later get pretty good at vacuuming carpet in the house traffic areas from a wheelchair. The second time was later in January on my feet,  but my strength was so limited. Today though, I felt I was well on my way to being normal by September 18, 2019.

I had taken the Prius out of the garage earlier but not the Explorer … and of course, its battery was dead from sitting too long, but that was soon rectified and in less than two hours, the garage premises were good for the moment at least.

Next on the list after the garage, were the two “bridges,” actually ramps that Chet Miller had built for me on our patio so Loretta could wheel me into the house. The therapy folks of course had to do their inspection of our home before they would discharge me, necessitating Loretta hauling me out to our home. They met us here, as I recall a day or two prior my discharge, with a list of tasks, including handrails on the bridges, which never happened! But it was only today I fully appreciated Chet’s  efforts when I closely examined his work.

You see, as I came out onto the patio area, which actually has three levels, I was  first confronted with what do I do with these bridges. Loretta wanted them removed, as did I, because they totally mess up the summer seating. No offense Chet, because you had followed my instructions precisely when I said I really don’t care what they look like, just make them simple and functional out of the scrap lumber upstairs in the barn as they’re just temporary anyway. 

And he did. I didn’t even know I had some of the heavy dimension pieces and as far as I could tell today, he only purchased two or three 1’x2’. But I’m getting ahead of my story. Actually, I first sat down to consider my options on the southern style rocking chair on the upper level that had contributed considerable history to our family. We had bought the chair in NC at a Cracker Barrel coming home in the early 90’s from Hilton Head. As I recall, Cracker Barrel was opening a lot of stores back then and we got well acquainted with this enterprising manager later one Saturday evening just before closing and learned these store managers were quite competitive with the other stores in their district. They had a record breaking Saturday, and evidently were ahead of the others, but still desired more sales to insure their honor. Fact is, we’d been looking at these rockers prior and on that evening, I think they were marked down $50., perhaps from $149 to $99, so we brought one home and helped them clinch their title. The rocker was a bit of a trick to fit in our Jimmy conversion van though, especially with the big Pioneer wagon and everything else.

But back to the bridge situation. Of course, I’d turned off the audible book for all this heavy rocking chair thinking because suddenly I had a dilemma. As I often do, I took a picture of the situation and then text it to my wife and our three sons. This was my text: “About to dismantle my most visible recent bridges of my life … certainly not going to burn them. I shall not need them again while I’m here! Is that determination? Or merely foolishness? I prefer to think wisdom. Blessings.”

But now, only twelve hours later, I find the wisdom comment as being quite presumptuous. Actually, when we built the addition in ’02, I was thinking we ought to make our home wheelchair accessible, in the event I ever needed such. But at the time, to do so would have required some major landscaping maneuvers and structural changes that were nigh impossible given our space constraints.

So today, before dismantling, I was thinking, what if I go down again for whatever reason (my record thus far for avoiding injuries stinks as I was on my back three times in the past 30 months and twice I needed a wheelchair for a month or longer ) and just when may I need  ramps again in order to get discharged to come home? The therapy folks kept wanting us to build this huge permanent monster structure with a much lower slope so I could self-navigate.

For me to self-navigate either up or down, was never conquered. It was just too steep and I would have needed rubber tires for traction. And when snow would blow in, it really got interesting. I never once even attempted going down myself. I could see the fatality caption: “Dalton man rolls wheelchair off ramp and breaks his neck.”

So what was my solution? I knew it had to go and as soon as I started dis-assembling, I realized Chet had already thought of that and had built the ramp bridges in components so they could be stored for a repeat performance if and when needed. He likely used four dozen wood screws and it was built tough enough to have served as bridges on a competitive dirt bike racing track. So the further I went in the tear down mode, the better I felt about retiring and storing it.

We speak loosely about burning our bridges to insure we do not have the option to retreat. And in my text, I said wisdom, but that actually was mostly foolishness. I may have great resolve and determination to not repeat my September 18 adventure, but actually, I have very little to do with a future similar incident regardless of my resolve or good intentions. Life happens and at my age and with my decreased agility and OI, things can go south quickly and force me to re-visit a wheelchair again. At least now we know the temporary structures are nearby and ready for access within an hour or two.

I’m sure some of you “curious George’s” are going to ask, “just which audible book were you listening to to counteract the negativity from the day prior, at least when you weren’t doing that heavy thinking for five minutes?” Actually, I do have a book I am returning to frequently in the past two weeks. I’m embarrassed to say this but I’ve “listened through” this book numerous times but have not yet read it or underlined it. Personally, I find reading a book so much more satisfying than merely listening to it but sometimes time only permits listening.

This book is by one of my favorite authors, John Bevere, and is titled “The Fear of the Lord: Discover the Key to Intimately Knowing God,” with four sub captions: Positions Your Heart to Receive Answers, Promises Divine Protection, Provides Clarity and Direction, and Produces Riches, Honor, and Life. It is strange how I’m so drawn to this one book recently but I do believe God knows both how fragile I am as a“late blooming” Christian. And he also knows the extent to which I need to more fully comprehend just how foundational  my understanding of the “Fear of the Lord” is to building a fulfilling joyful life.

You see, I always knew salvation was a free gift, one that I cannot earn, and that is true. However, and herein lies our challenge, neither can you or I retain it (salvation) if we do not give our entire life in exchange for it. Even a gift must be protected from being lost or stolen! John goes on to say “a true believer, a disciple, lays down his life completely for the Master. Disciples are steadfast to the end. Converts and onlookers may desire the benefits and blessings, but they lack the endurance to last to the end. Eventually they will fade away.”Jesus gave the Great Commission to “go therefore and make disciples of all the nations….”(Matt 28:19). Note again he commissioned us to make disciples , not merely converts.

I recently was reminded of two verses in Psalms that I have adopted for now as my verses of the 7th decade of my life. Psalms 145: 4 says, “One generation shall commend your works to another and shall declare your mighty acts.” Psalms 71: 17-18 says, “O God, from my youth you have taught me, (He taught but it was I who didn’t learn so well) and I still (perhaps I need to change it to read “I will still) proclaim your wondrous deeds. So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me, until I proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.”

To this end may I be faithful. For His glory, my good, and hopefully, for your learning and enjoyment.

Blessings as you too GO FORTH BEING and MAKING DISCIPLES>>>>   Merlin

Hilton Head Island: First at 40, Now at 70!

It is interesting to visit a favorite vacation spot after being absent for nearly 20 years. During the 90’s, we spent many of our summer vacations on the island. It seems numerous NE Ohio residents had invested in condos on the island whom in turn rented them to their friends and neighbors creating blocks of Ohio plates in the parking lots about the island. Such vacations were affordable, within 12 hours driving time of home, and greatly appreciated by the kids for the expansive beaches and decent waves, if for only one week each year.

Prior, we always drove straight thru. This time we did it in two days which elevated the trip a quantum leap for enjoyment, but also more expense for lodging and food…but on the positive side, it is an opportunity to experience a new community and its culture and food in route, particularly if you get creative in finding lodging and food away from the franchises, such as a bed and breakfast.

On the island, our twenty year absence visually revealed its growth. This time we visited for the first time the National Game Refuge, thanks to Teddy Roosevelt, the first of its kind, near Savannah GA, within sight of the new bridge and the shipping docks. We spotted 13 alligators on our drive thru today. One day we toured the Coastal Discovery Museum, a 68 acre portion of a plantation on the island, converted to an amazing collection of paintings and crafts from local artists, to elaborate walkways out over the lowlands demonstrating the habitat for the life cycles of crabs and oysters, and numerous displays detailing the islands various stages of its historical accounts since it was discovered.

I find it strange now to realize just how recently this island has become so developed for tourism. The first bridge was built in ’56 at a cost of 1.5 million which was replaced in ’82 by a 4 lane structure. I cannot recall any place in that I have personally witnessed such a change in the past 30 years (1989-2019) that really only began its tourist development 30 years prior (1959-1989). The airport opened in 1967.

So, I’m sitting here in the Disney complex in unit 1822 with the door open to the porch looking out over the salt water lagoon as the sun sets. We have three huge bedrooms; two up, one down, 4 baths. We are enjoying Loretta’s brother Larry(Debbie) generosity as they are Disney members, who invited Loretta’s oldest brother, Ken(Linda) and younger brother, Everette, and Loretta and I here for a week of renewal and relaxation. A year ago Loretta and I invited everyone to join us in Hawaii for 5 days but Ken and Linda were not able because of Ken’s recent surgery then. We have not yet decided what we’ll attempt next year.

And just as the local economy and geography of the island has undergone startling transformations, so have we as a family; not so much as an expansion of numbers necessarily, as many of you are so accustomed, as much as it is that our physical appearances have changed. Aging is not kind but we are all blessed with good health currently, though for a few of us, our mobility is currently challenged.

As you can imagine, I utilized my spare time to read. I learned on the way down that I can read very comfortably in the back seat of the car on my tablet so I finished reading and underlining both John Eldredge’s book, All Things New, as well as Imagine Heaven. Two recent acquisitions from Matthew Kelly,  A Call to Joy, and Resisting Happiness, were quickly devoured and between the four, I experienced a delightful smorgasbord indeed that I will savor for weeks to come. Truth told, I don’t think I’ve ever  witnessed such an understanding of truth from a 24 year old author as Matthew was when he penned A Call To Joy: Living In The Presence Of God.

Several quotes from it that I’ll pass along to you are:

“Only two things exist in eternity: Joy and misery”

“You will not be any happier today than you were yesterday, unless you do something different, at least in a different manner, with a different state of mind or heart.”

“Your fears are a passport to a new state, to a higher level, to a greater joy.”

“What you become is more important than what you do.”

Kelly  repeatedly drives home the importance of “loving our fellowman into the kingdom”as “they”  are the only investment we can send ahead into eternity as equity in exchange for our heavenly rewards in the second judgement, a  point also under girding the message from Imagine Heaven in the last two paragraphs of Chapter One.

“In the western world, we live for retirement. We have a vision, a mental picture in our imaginations, of what retirement will be like — home, vacations, hobbies, and time to spend with the people we love. Because we can picture it, we will work for it, save for it, sacrifice for it. There is nothing wrong with retirement, but it lasts only a few decades at best.

What if we became a people who have vision for the ultimate Life to come? What if it’s true that this life is merely a tiny taste on the tip of our tongues of the feast of Life yet to come?What if Heaven is going to be better than your wildest dreams? And what if how you live really does matter for the Life to come? That would change how we live, work, love, sacrifice – wouldn’t it? That’s what I pray will happen for you as you get a clearer picture of Heaven…”  

Consider Kelly’s second most recent book, Resisting Happiness: A true story about why we sabotage ourselves, feel overwhelmed, set aside our dreams, and lack the courage to simply be ourselves…. And how to start choosing happiness again! This little 37 chapter 186 page easy read is a spiritual powerhouse in helping us overcome resistance which is summed up well at the end of the first chapter,“The first lesson is that you never defeat resistance once and for all! It is a daily battle.” The remaining 36 chapters each have a Key Point and an Action Step to insure your daily victories. Not to even mention his quotes! Such as near the end of chapter 25, “Any type of inner slavery limits our ability to love ourselves, to love God, and to love others.” Well said indeed. Thanks for reading.


Convalescence and Family Reunions

Greetings everyone!

I am happy to report that Dr Ficco, the surgeon who artfully reassembled my September 18 “impact exploded” R ankle, released me from his care on March 5th very pleased with its progress. Initially, the x-rays indicated it may a difficult fix, and I’m grateful for all the prayers, and quite likely, some divine intervention that occurred.

Loretta indeed performed magnificently on the home front revamping the micro lab as two days prior the accident, the old computer had crashed necessitating both  a new computer and software program. We also at that time switched to using Petri Film rather than agar and petri dishes, and Loretta accomplished that transition all on her own with me coaching from Aultman via FaceTime on our phones.

But then, after 21 days in the hospital and rehab, I went home and life really got complicated for Loretta. No longer could she just visit me and go home, but now she had to endure me in close proximity while I convalesced at home literally waiting on me hand and foot, never complaining but very near total exhaustion. Life did improve January 1 when I was able to stand and walk again, and three weeks after that, I was off ibuprofen.

I have heard from other couples that when the husband retires and suddenly is home 24-7, that major relational eruptions can occur, so just imagine the added stress by injecting into that equation, a helpless but quite demanding convalescing house bound husband for four months! We are happy to report we did actually survive, and now indeed are anticipating thriving together, particularly, if I can just quit inflicting new injuries. Needless to say, she and her cousin Beth, will soon embark on numerous trips during the next six months, some that were even on the books prior, as she so well deserves for her stint of “Home Alone with …… husband.” And yes, of course I’d like to replace Beth, but I am still working part time, and quite frankly, am very glad to have the work and able to do it, while I anticipate my next adventure.

Also, I’m happy to report during her recent 16 days in Honduras, with CAMO, Central America Medical Outreach, my ankles really began to improve. Prior I was quite distraught in that it hurt so much to walk. I tried to push hard during therapy (finished March 1) by walking in the woods and fields to loosen up the ankles to no avail. And then on a nice day two weeks ago, I decided rather than just walking, I’d start cleaning up all the branches and twigs in the areas I mow, so I got out my rake and went to work, thinking how this raking was indeed a new experience for me but likely good for the upper body muscles as well as for the ankles. Normally, since Loretta got me a Stihl Back Pak when I turned 50, the rake was retired and all the leaves, sticks, etc.,  were either moved by air or chopped up by the mower. And several days later, I noticed walking was much easier. On our recent two snow days when I used the snowblower, I averaged over 10 miles according to my tracker, normally 5-7 miles. So I am much encouraged in the past week and do believe now that by this September I will experience a complete recovery.

I am so very thankful for the health I now enjoy and can better identify with the persons who experience Near Death Experiences (NDE’s).  Frequently they express this ever present thankful understanding of being spared and for what purpose? Such thoughts just occur as we view our life to-date in our rear view mirror, but of greater significance, is how do we live out the remainder of our lives, now better realizing the fragility of life, its experiences and relationships on all levels.

As you’ve heard me say before, Loretta several weeks ago again, said “you need to listen to this book.” This time it was “Imagine Heaven”by engineer and now pastor, John Burke. So while I was walking the fields, the woods, I’d be listening to this Imagine Heaven book. I found it utterly fascinating. In fact, I listened to it twice  and today ordered the Kindle version so I can underline and more easily refer to the Biblical references he uses.

If you’ve been reading my blog, you know this recovering workaholic has; no, now it’s had, an attitude, such that I figured I’d have all of eternity to discover and experience heaven, which should be more than sufficient, therefore an excuse to keep focusing on the here and now that I thought was of greater importance. To a degree, that may be true but the problem was, I refused to understand at all, that I was not investing well in the here and now, to even get close, to ever experiencing the family reunion of all times waiting for each of us in heaven. And I can just hear you saying, “I could care less about a future family reunion, even if it were in heaven. Just three hours with those still here that Sunday afternoon last summer at Cousin Mary’s did me in. I even left early, thank you very much.”

If that remotely describes you, you really do need a change of scenery, perspective, reality, etc., and Imagine Heaven will certainly open your eyes and maybe, your seldom or underused imagination. Christians ought to be the most imaginative folks you can meet on this planet; although I’m not always so convinced. Seriously, how are we to go about living by faith without an imagination? And some of us are such Thomas’s “except we see the ….” We may think we see here on earth, but I understand earthly 3-D and color is very bland and boring compared to heavenly dimensions and colors, and we won’t need the media there either, since we may communicate without words, but instantly by thoughts. And here we thought the internet and Wi-Fi was neat, though quite addictive for the unimaginative; there totally outdated and not needed!

Now you know where to look at least. The Bible and Burke provides the interesting accounts and the scripture verses. Handy for us being so unimaginative, you know! Thanks for reading. Google the book and download the free sample. Take your imagination out of storage!             Blessings as YOU GO FORTH>>>>                   Merlin