Any Similarities of Crowd Manipulation during Holy Week to Our Events Today? Are We Being Victimized by Satan’s Four Weapons: Lies, Suffering, Pride & Self-Accusations?

So, a week has already passed since Easter! Are we still focused on its supreme triumph, shaking the very foundations of hell? And do we so consider there is nothing in time or eternity more absolutely certain and irrefutable than what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross, making it possible for the entire human race to be brought back into a right-standing relationship with God? And furthermore, hasn’t He made redemption the very foundation of human life, and the only way for every person to enjoy permanent fellowship with God?

Oswald Chambers continues the accolades that the Cross of God can never be comprehended thru merely human experience. Nor is it a gate we can pass right thru; No, for it is there at the Cross where we may abide in the life that is found there. And do realize, the reason salvation is so easy to obtain is that the Cross cost God everything, for it was that intersection where God and sinful man merged with a tremendous collision that opened man’s Way to Life forever, and all the cost and pain of that collision was absorbed by the heart of God. Oswald does have a way with words.

Quite honestly, the busyness of the past six days since Easter has literally “eclipsed” the focus of our worship and adoration last Sunday, perhaps just as in Jesus’ day, when we noticed the sway of public opinion from the Palm Sunday’s Hosannas until the Pharisee prompted Good Friday’s rants of “Crucify Him.” Consider the manipulations today that we’re not fully comprehending. For example, how many of you knew President Biden again issued a proclamation on Good Friday recognizing March 31 as Transgender Day of Visibility, as was begun 15 years ago, and as he has so commemorated on March 31 every year since taking office. It’s embarrassing to admit but I was not aware of either the 15th year, or Biden’s annual observance.

And this week, may we just consider the likely purposeful hype about the eclipse, thereby diverting the attention of the Church from Easter to the next “shiny” thing, or for the worlds masses, away from the myriad of significant news events, such as NATO and Russia heightening their posturing in Europe. Never is the Church exempt from being distracted from its Christ given message and mission by Satan’s four weapons of Lies, Suffering, Pride, and Self-Accusations.

I strongly encourage every Christ Follower to memorize Warren Wiersbe’s main points below summarized from his book The Strategy of Satan: How to Detect & Defeat Him; involving four Old Testament Pillars, and Satan’s Four Personalities of Deception, their Targets, their Weapons, their Purposes, and lastly, our Defenses against such actions of Satan.

1.) Eve was approached by Satan The Deceiver. Satan’s Target – Your Mind, Satan’s Weapons – Lies, Satan’s Purpose – To Make You Ignorant of God’s Will, Your Defense – The Inspired Word of God.

2.) Job was approached by Satan The Destroyer. Satan’s Target – Your Body, Satan’s Weapon – Suffering, Satan’s Purpose – To Make You Impatient with God’s Will, Your Defense – The Imparted Grace of God.

3.) King David was approached by Satan The Ruler. Satan’s Target – Your Will, Satan’s Weapon – Pride, Satan’s Purpose – To Make You Independent of God’s Will, Your Defense – The Indwelling Spirit of God.

4.) Joshua was approached by Satan The Accuser. Satan’s Target – Your Heart and Conscience, Satan’s Weapon – Accusation, Satan’s Purpose – To Bring an Indictment by God’s Will, Your Defense – The Interceding Son of God.

I believe memorizing the above 125 words and being able to speak them forth with conviction and understanding in these last days, perhaps even last hours of His lingering grace and mercy, for certain at least, of our mortal existence as an aging population, is top priority for all Christ Followers.

Now onto a lighter note, when I opened our church email bulletin this morning, I saw additional insults added to the past week’s injuries. I can just imagine that three or four decades ago, some of the movers and shakers amongst the Church Council members may have been contacted during the week by one of our former church council chairs were they still walking amongst us, asking them if they’d seen last week’s services figures yet? In a nutshell, as a skilled scholarly statistician, this council chair would have admonished them that the congregation’s attendance was good at 299, but it was Easter and it should have been 399; and that the SS attendance had dipped to a perilous 99 (no further comment there), and worse of all, the offering on Easter was pitiful, though conceding that the prior weeks were largely exemplary. No further comments were forthcoming.

This post was prompted by inputs from:

1.) the April 6 reading from My Utmost for His Highest, titled the Collision of God and Sin …“who himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree…” I Peter2:24;

2.) that our lack of implementing Scriptural teaching and encouraging each other as we are reminded in Hebrews 10:24-25: “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging on another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hence, the Strategies of Satan book summarized for practical referral and usage, and

3.) just enough history from the “by gum by gone” years to be “interesting, and hopefully, not too, dangerous.”

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