Today, while considering the perspective of our impending futures as outlined in biblical prophecy, I chose to send you all some light, love and hope, to replace today’s media’s prevailing narrative designed to camouflage the truth realities of our nation and world.

For example, I offer you this uplifting quote in Jamie Winship’s book “Living Fearless: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God.” Page 40. Know there are people groups TODAY being truly LIBERATED!

“There are 69 worldwide movements of Muslims coming to Christ. A movement is defined as being more than 2000 in number with at least 1000 baptisms, three generations wide, 100 new churches, and totally voluntary.”

David Garrison, “Muslims Turning to Christ – A Global Phenomena,” Premier Christianity, May 11, 2016,

I suggest we practically contrast the above clip to our evolving track record the past decades as anabaptists, especially on the eve of we celebrating next year our five centuries as a movement. Sadly, I admit the words “hospice care” or “last rites” comes to mind when considering our diminishing Mennonite membership since the ’95 merger, but perhaps the ‘fence-jumpers,’ hopefully are now in another fold grazing in more nutritious pastures, and not wandering about aimlessly in their own wilderness. Perhaps our form of “living in denial” as anabaptist Christ followers does parallel the west’s similar denial of their culture’s demise? Question? Are we are giving our cultural expectations greater preference and prominence than we do from scripture and the Spirit?

I recall the lament of an anonymous European Anabaptist brother centuries ago astutely observing “when our houses were wooden, our hearts were golden; but now as we’ve prospered, our homes are golden, but our hearts are wooden.” Read Deuteronomy 8:1-20 for additional perspective.

And also, what is the significance of the clip’s “totally voluntary?” The Amish and some of their conservative cousins choose to operate without budgets or buildings in their communities. See John 4:35 as the fields are ripe and ready for harvest. I ask myself in regard to living my faith, am I perhaps more taken up with my “form,” or my faith’s outward appearance, rather than on its “substance,” such as the Spirit’s empowerment while resting in the presence of God?

Oswald Chambers says it well in his March 25 reading in Utmost “Yet most of our life is not spent in trying to be consciously obedient, but in maintaining this relationship – being the ‘friend of the bridegroom.’ Christian work can actually be a means of diverting a person’s focus away from Jesus Christ. Instead of being friends ‘of the bridegroom,’ we may become amateur providences of God to someone else, working against Him while we use His weapons.” OUCH!

Actually folks, the above paragraph sums up too much of my life; hopefully, not yours!

Simply my two cents in 518 words before the lights go out… Or perhaps better stated, before THE LIGHT comes on, when Christ returns and ALL WILL BE REVEALED! Truly, time is of the essence, for me and all of humanity. How about you?

Only as I see it…. merlin

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