If Conservatives Want To Defend Manliness, They Better Know What It Means….

I find this article worthy of sharing as I specifically have not observed this issue reviewed in my usual sources nor do I imagine you have either. I may draw the ire of a few of you but that’s OK. We all need to be challenged continually, or what’s the point? “I believe by enduring the intricacies and challenges during the process of either learning or achievement, on the journey to our destination, is exactly what makes the destination ultimately rewarding and valuable to us, preparing us then, for yet, another summit.” (merlin 020222)

A good friend of mine, Isaiah, today brought the fact to my attention that our pastor never makes a reference to either political party – he just stays with the Scriptures… likely inferring I should do the same, just after I sent him a podcast that I requested he only listen to specific minutes, 36-50. I know Isaiah well enough to know that he may likely short circuit if he listened to the earlier minutes … which he did, and from the very beginning … and he did quit listening. No problem, I understand it perfectly. I once was there too and still struggle at times. Perhaps it was simply information overload. Isaiah said the podcast speaker mentioned “stolen elections, “blue cities,” and other such toxic statements that simply further polarize our country. He was also sadden that I would promote this type of rhetoric but that he still loves me as a brother. And I know, that he really, really does. He is one of my strongest supporters and I do send him my stuff at times to review it before I publish it. Actually, I try not to promote anything except to lift up Jesus (see John 12:32 from Feb 1 Utmost) so I do very cautiously share my ideas much as the Apostle Paul shared about eating meats or dietary practices to avoid offense.

So I know assuredly Isaiah and I are not always on the same page. So what? That’s life. Get over it. I believe as a faith facilitator I’ve been empowered by the Holy Spirit to usually rise above such relationship stress or glitches. First it is a choice, and secondly, and this is so much harder, is to so love the truth of the situation so much that you intimately realize it is not at all about you, but rather, all about them. That wasn’t cool in my generation, and regardless of the word for it today, it still isn’t. Actually, it’s impossible without divine help.

My off the cuff crude response to Isaiah went as follows: “Say, I listen to a wide variety of stuff. I ignore the rhetoric on both sides and go for the gold. From 36 minutes to the end, that podcast had a perspective of merit I find refreshing and needed today as together we strive for solutions. I knew the earlier minutes would short circuit you so I tried to expose you only to the meat. No offense taken. I have thick skin. Sometimes mining for Truth requires we throw a lot of scrap out the back door!”

Next, I addressed his comment about our pastor. “Doesn’t he have to promote or present only the idealized interpretation of scripture in his position as pastor? Otherwise the congregation in today’s climate may well be in near total chaos. I see no wiggle room for him currently.”

But then I go on to ask Isaiah, “But do you think I’m bound similarly as a member in the same congregation? What about the other members? Is there no other thinking allowed outside your “personally perceived truth box?”(PPTB). I say, for the church, and in this case, for me and my friend, this is where the rubber meets the road, in that we each may interpret and yet respect many of the “outside the box hot buttons” vastly differently from the stance of our brothers and sisters…. and just what do I usually do about it? Too often in my past I may have ostracized, polarized, ridiculed, etc., or if I were a more subdued Menno, I would just be silent; sit, soak, sulk, sour, and “seethe,” before I split to elsewhere.

Is it remotely even possible we claiming to be anabaptists do not practice what we preach? At times I actually believe we are some of the most paranoid easily threatened and divisive Christians out there. I should know for I was one of them for most of my life. But because my wife Loretta extended to me such unbelievable forgiveness, grace and mercy for 40 plus years, accompanied by some very unique life circumstances, world events, and a community of intimate believers that loved me when I was not really very lovable, all account for me even being here, and the fact that He is, still very much refining me.

I realized I was so very much missing the core and heart of Carole Ward’s message to the American church as she presented it in her interview in my 1/15/22 blog. At some future time we will delve much deeper into the cures for the challenges we all face daily.

All this is merely the introduction to possibly “drawing your ire” with the “manliness” article, which regardless of your position on that continuum, is a worthy read by John Daniel Davidson as presented in the Federalist.

I particularly found George Washington’s apparent plagiarism (perhaps mere editing) of these maxims originating in the late sixteenth century in France and were popularly circulated in America during Washington’s time. It is reported he began this document he titled “110 Rules For Civility” when he was only 14 years old. All 110 are listed and they are a hoot. Some compare their merits to the famous quote near the end of the 4th volume of Douglas Southall Freeman’s epic four volume biography of Robert E Lee, when he answered in response to an infant’s mother asking him to bless her child, he simply said, “Teach him he must deny himself.” Powerful words! A worthy identity garnered even if you never read the article!

Note Senator Josh Hawley and David Azerrad of Hillsdale College, both have links in this article. For some of you, that is well beyond your comfort zone and an easy out for you. I certainly understand. Blessings to all of you in your pursuit of worthy truths to guide your pathways into your unknowns>>>>>merlin
