FACT: Lawrence of Arabia Visited Paris 100 + Years Ago…

The whole assembly fell silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul describing all the signs and wonders God had done through them. Acts 15:12

After World War I, Lawrence of Arabia visited Paris accompanied by friends who had never been outside the desert. Lawrence showed them City of Lights, (just think how they would react if they were there today for the summer Olympics?) but he was amused to find they were most fascinated by the faucets in their rooms. They constantly turned them off and on, marveling at the instant supply of water. While packing to leave, Lawrence found them in the bathroom trying to detach the faucets. “It’s very dry in Arabia,” they explained. “What we need are faucets.”

They didn’t realize they also needed the plumbing that went with them. (what a good analogy to the Church today? Faucets everywhere, though only a few are hooked up!)

When we labor for Christ, it’s encouraging to see ourselves as faucets. It’s not what we do for Jesus, but what He Himself does through us by His Spirit. (Amen)

Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, he should come to me and drink! The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him” (John 7:37-38). Notice that we drink from Jesus (“come to Me and drink”), but from that drink comes a stream (streams of living water flow from deep within him”). In response to simple faith, the Lord does far more through us than we can ever imagine.


It doesn’t depend on our personalities, gifts, skills, or looks. Any old faucet will convey water so long as it’s connected with the source. Don’t think about what you can do for Christ, but never underestimate what He can do through you.

Thanks again to Robert J Morgan’s “All to Jesus: A Year of Devotions. Day 57 2008


After reading Acts 15:12, my continually questioning mind asks me, just when exactly was the last time I witnessed that “the assembly fell silent and listened to anyone describe all the signs and wonders that God had done.” OR, even much more pertinent, is now doing. Give me an example. I pray you can, especially, from within the last week.

Truth be told though, our worship today is not geared for that interchange, even if examples or pertinent material were present. Might I include our SS classes also? I have in fact at times removed myself from the “assembly” to escape the worship on stage…., which quite frankly reminds me more of the Baal worship Elijah observed on Mt Carmel than the “falling silent and listening” in Acts 15. Just saying.

Or consider, the other extreme, being lulled to sleep by professionals who may have the knowledge but have not yet fully experienced His streams of living water in their faith community, or perhaps even more likely, have an inhibiting audience that will not tolerate such capers. This clip, as well as yesterday’s, on truth and grace, really cut to the chase with me.

As a child, I personally witnessed a few churches with members possessing and displaying spiritual knowledge and a few with startling transformations. Today unfortunately, we have made a “profession of faith” the goal of evangelism and there too often, we end the process. Contrary to popular belief, this professing belief in Jesus does not make one a Christian, biblically speaking.

We must consider these words of Jesus, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Anyone can mouth the words, but that’s not the same as actually believing it, and then, acting on it.

So, given the trends, pressures, & chaos, too often our churches are filled more by the “professors,” rather than disciples – and Jesus never commissioned us to gather in professions of faith; rather, didn’t He commission us to make disciples of the “called,” not the “coerced.” That is exactly why I so much appreciate books like Wendell Martins Go Now, & Jamie Winship’s “Fearless Living: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God.” I just happen to believe in today’s twisted church cultures, there are those aspiring vibrant Christ-Followers that would benefit from reading & implementing the scriptural truths in these two books, and perhaps, even have copies to loan out “for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” Truly a different perspective.

Understand, although I could have written and I sorta did in last Friday and Saturday’s posts, the last two paragraphs are from another brothers position paper titled “Shifting Our Evangelism Paradigm: A Deeper Look at a New Re-Formation” sprouting from Galatians 4:19, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,” might I add via discipleship, not merely professions of faith. Sorta reminds me today why the Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences were written and posted on their blog door in 1517 that caused the first Reformation, doesn’t it?

I just searched the internet with the above title and was inundated with screens of evangelism paradigm shifts. Just wait up searching now until I get permission to post this brother’s succinctly abbreviated paper as I much appreciate his wisdom, interpretation, and approach to the challenge.

In the meantime, review the BOTTOM LINE once more from above. It is absolutely not the faucet; it’s all about being connected, transformed, transparent, and obedient! Consider today how vital the authentic vibrancy of our “assembling” speaks volumes to both the “seekers” and the “planted in our midst each Sunday morning , whether they be “disconnected from the vine, or a disconnected faucet.”

Again, as I’ve said before, we do live in exciting times to disciple effectively by:

1.) remodeling the disconnected faucets within our walls, Or

2.) if you prefer only plumbing new construction as I see in the Help Wanted ads, stay outside the walls and the dry dusty church culture crowd and run new lines to the dry faucets out and about your centers of influence whom were never yet in a church or certainly vowed they’d never return…

In parting, I Peter 1:22 “Seeing that you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.”

These are powerful words folks. Think on them.

Short & To The Point: His Truth & Grace & Our Cliffs

Day 57

The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the father, full of grace and truth.” John 1:14

Truth, by itself, is quick to post warning signs and guardrails at the top of the cliff. Yet it fails to empower people to drive safely – and neglects to help them when they crash.

Grace, by itself, is quick to post ambulances and paramedics at the bottom of the cliff. But it fails to post warning signs and build guardrails. In so doing, it encourages the very self-destruction it attempts to heal.

Truth without grace degenerates into judgmental legalism. Grace without truth degenerates into deceitful tolerance of sin.         


Christ’s heart is equally grieved by grace-suppression and truth-suppression, by grace-twisting and truth-twisting. Grace and truth are both necessary. Neither by itself is sufficient.


If needed for your quick reference during the next days to fully comprehend & apply truth & grace, take a picture of this post on your phone. Consider our use of our Father’s gifts of truth & grace when we’re struggling with gravity near our life’s cliffs…. Actually, gravity is God’s gift to us also, for in this example, it too is a merely a symptom of the fact we’ve gotten off His path for us… and therefore, gravity is His gift to interject the reality of His love into our sin shattered lives.

Thanks to Randy Alcorns Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word Day 57

What? There’s another post? I thought you said there wouldn’t be any more ’til next week?

Yes, but I’ve been under such conviction to finish what I started yesterday. Actually,I’d written the last seven paragraphs last evening after proofreading yesterday’s post, but then I accidentally erased them and it was too late and I was too tired so I sent it out without my concluding remarks. This morning being a new day, I was compelled to reconstruct them, and get this, first I erased them last night, and then today, immediately after rewriting my seven paragraphs at the bottom, I closed the computer and picked up David Jeremiah’s 2012 devotional Discovery: Experiencing God’s Word Day By Day and read the July 17 reading titled “Know Thyself”, and immediately wanted to throw up! Give me a break Satan! I really do believe someone out there besides me, needs to read these words, and I will not be deterred, even though during most of my life I would have flushed it and sought shade like Jonah.

As much as it is humanly and spiritually possible, everything I write is always to myself first. Perhaps that is why I’m so attracted to Dr. Henry Cloud’s books in that he addresses frequently my being over-introspective on one hand, and too quick too critical, on the other, causing me to often withdraw and so, I say nothing. Too often, I possess a nonconfrontive compliant spirit. You know, it IS humanly safer living that way today, like an ostrich! But God expectantly designed us for engagement, and even empowers us with the needed strength and resources to accomplish our Kingdom responsibilities. And therein lies the risk to lose our very own Kingdom rewards! The David Jeremiah reading I encountered is verbatim below:

Know Thyself. Psalm 139: 3

The ancient philosopher said, “Know thyself,” but that’s hard to do. Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?” The apostle Paul cautioned us against being too quick to approve ourselves or condemn others, saying, “I care very little if I am judged by you … indeed, I do not even judge myself. My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent. It is the Lord who judges me” (I Corinthians 4: 3-4, NIV).

We must be careful about being overly self-introspective, and about being too quick to criticize others. As fallen creatures, we’re capable of wounding ourselves and others with our misguided judgements.

Yes, be discerning about right and wrong, and be willing to properly admonish someone when the Spirit leads; but remember there’s only One who can actually read the heart. How much better to say with the psalmist, “Search me, O God, and know my heart, try me and know my anxieties, and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me into the way everlasting.

The best of (us) are too apt to judge rashly, and harshly, and unjustly; but (God’s) judgement is always according to truth. Matthew Henry (1662-1714)

Merlin now writing. Two other notable quotes of his are; “It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for our last day,” and, “The three qualifications of a good surgeon (imagine this in his era as opposed to today?) are requisite in a re-prover: He should have an eagle’s eye, a lion’s heart, and a ladies hand; in short, he should be endued with wisdom courage and meekness.”

Now here are my seven paragraphs that I was retroactively spazzing out about without any edits. I am really trying to be transparent with you.

While I myself was reflecting throughout Thursday on the last post, I keep being reminded of the in-our-face example of the ever-engaging apostle for Christ, Paul, from the Mars Hill account in Acts 17: 22-31. My question is where TODAY are the either publicly engaging persons, such as Paul (perhaps someday even Tucker?), or even some undercover ambassadors such as John Rich for Christ warriors, who were dealt a hot potato download from God that he took all the way to the mat, as he defined it?

And also, I am continually reminded, so I’ll ask you as well, do you recall the impetus behind the explosion of the early church in its first century, besides such as the whole book of Acts including Peter’s explosive preaching and Paul’s three missionary journey’s? And then again, what so moved our forefathers during & following the Reformation? Wasn’t it indeed also the waves of persecutions that scattered the early Christians throughout the then known world during the first century and then again in the centuries since Martin Luther, such as transplanting our very forefathers about Europe and America? And so I ask, what perhaps is God preparing us for now during these latter day rains, except to be scattered anew in ways we can’t even begin to fathom, or for sure, perhaps are choosing not to comprehend, preferring our seclusion as being the quiet in the land, when God is actually desiring to both tell and lead us to “go & do now” as in Wendell Martin’s recent vibrant book, Go Now.

Again, to me it seems too often we are weak anemic Kingdom specimens floundering about like the ten foolish virgins waiting ill-prepared to piggy back or sponge off the virtuous ten wise prepared virgins, being so deceived that while we’re anticipating and awaiting the approaching celebration, when actually, we may well be the tares, being allowed to live until the harvest. See Matthew 13:30 if not familiar with their plight!

Again, it seems to me, we are experiencing such a waste of potential engagers in these possibly concluding moments of history that we’re all so privileged to witness first hand, and especially so, when we’ve got access to such engaging Kingdom building tools that again, it seems to me, that we are just so often ignoring; and  how can we view it otherwise? We, as His children, do have or will be empoweringly Spirit driven, with the necessary TIME, MONEY, MATERIALS and most importantly, the “HIS MOTIVE” as were the Christ- Follower’s during the first century and again during and after the Reformation.

Yes, indeed, our lives are all about and likely far beyond what we can even imagine, just I (we) are daily Connecting, Healing, & Growing as admonished in Colossians 2:6-7 “So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, CONTINUE to LIVE (not merely exist) your lives in Him, ROOTED and BUILT UP in Him, STRENGTHENED in the FAITH as you were TAUGHT (who am I (we) now teaching, or encouraging?), and OVERFLOWING with THANKFULNESS! (Ouch, not so sure I’m doing much of that while I’m deflecting with His shields’ all this consuming negative chaos?)

 A rather tall order given the Colossians and us! Perhaps we might just need to get out of our routine evening recliners while being nightly mesmerized by all our screens, AND INSTEAD, CHOOSING to RISE UP and Go & Do Now!


I really like the quote from Matthew Henry; about “it oughta be the business of every day to prepare for our last day.” And many of you, like me, know full well our last days are coming fast, and hasn’t God been so gracious in preparing us oldsters for these transitions; and the many opportunities He gives us YET to continue to LIVE & OVERFLOW WITH THANKFULNESS!!

A spiritual highlight of the week: Nick Jones highlighting segments of Tucker’s podcast interviewing John Rich about his recent song “Revelation.”

Be sure to scan the comments. Really good stuff for we “quietly hiding out in the land” to encounter the reality of evil about us NOW! FYI, the full Tucker 85 minute interview follows the (and I don’t necessarily, advise this full length podcast for everyone!) Nick Jones 30 minute clip, and the 4 minute “Revelation” song is last. (PS: This morning (5:44 am) my phone will not access the three YouTubes whereas my computer does, I presume because my phone has tighter settings?)

Do remember though before you pass your quick off the cuff judgements, that this song wasn’t designed for me and many of my readers, as John Rich makes very clear; rather, it’s for the younger crowds and fans under the influence of our culture’s demonic music barons, such as Eminem’ newest album. Even disregarding the music, too many of you can’t yet even stomach Tucker since he left Fox and you in the fog; sorta reminds me of staying on “milk” too long, when we really ought to be thriving on spiritual “meat!” See I Corinthians 3:2; I Peter 2:2; & Hebrews 5:11-14.

This is your invitation to a quantum spiritual leap (or two) in a single simple post. In fact, this is the last post for the week. You have not time for any more. I’ve been quenching the Spirit for over a week, ever since my ever sleuthing wife Loretta introduced me to Nick Jones hitting hard on quenching the Spirit. I listened to the clip three times before watching it as I was in the flower bed with ear buds. I instantly knew I’d at some point share it with you.

I’ve given you some exquisitely vibrant material all in one post to jump start your spiritual digestion this week end. Remember the comment from the youth SS teacher who said “I actually used this video as a start for a lesson in Quenching the Spirit for my High School age SS class…” How will they (HS aged SS) ever learn sound teaching & doctrines if we of the 2 & 3 prior generations don’t get real & quit quenching the Spirit in our own lives today?” And, I do mean NOW!” I’ve been guilty of such procrastination far too long. May God grant me (us) mercy.


At 13 minutes into the Nick Jones clip, John shares his X account introduction to the song by saying”This is the most important song I’ve ever written. I hope it brings courage to the saved, conviction to the lost, ( Tucker included) and absolute terror to the truly wicked.” Within 48 hours, the song Revelation was battling with the big boys for top billings for downloads. Well done John Rich!


No idea. Yet.

Kathy Tshciegg, founder of CAMO, Positive Account of Encountering CrowdStrike in Atlanta this Past Friday-Saturday

Long weekend long post😉. CAMO Central America Medical Outreach

Journey to Honduras on Friday at 3AM started like any other trip, but sitting at the gate things started to change. CrowdStrike crashed Microsoft Windows systems around the globe Friday. Glitch in the update of the operation system, looping, requiring all individual computer to be manually reset.

The result I experienced was a delayed flight for five hours, landed just 10 minutes too late to catch the flight to Honduras that was delayed 4 hours. On de-boarding the situation became very clear, the line to the Delta help desk was 4 hours long, now for people traveling together they could hold the place in line, but for a older gal like me it was a painful on the feet and bladder.
Travelers would get up to the help desk to be told they also have to wait on people with the QR code. I called our travel agent Linda she could not access the system, so I asked her to secure a room. She did, I was one of the lucky ones. Now the largest airport in the world saw a domino effect. No monitor worked. One tech setting up the ladder to reboot one monitor, I asked him approximately how many CPU and monitor needing to be individually rebooted in the Atlanta airport: he estimated 3000.
Pilots, attendants not available for the flights, planes dead heading it. Now 6 pm on Friday I found a taxi and headed to the hotel. Calling the 800 number I was able to secure a flight out to Honduras early Sunday Morning.,…. so 6:30am at the airport , checked in told flight was on time. At boarding time announced a delay until 10:30 am.

Airport, every gate all chairs taken, floor with sleeping bodies, people camping out, hall ways packs and difficult to navigate.

11:30 flight canceled: the main monitor demonstrated the crisis. Flights canceled to Central America and could be canceled daily.

I decided to get the flight back to CLE After 1 hour on hold on the 1-800 line they were able to get me the last seat. Delayed 4 hours I made it back to Cleveland without my luggage and home by 8 pm Sunday night.

But there is more to the story: the calm and kindness of every Delta staff was amazing, the bathroom attendants were posted at the doors and were cleaning constantly. At an airport restaurant a young women sat across from me and unexpectlly paid for my meal. My taxi cap driver asked me what I did. He, Lekan from Nigeria, upon hearing what I did recalled that on Friday he drove two eye surgeons to the airport. We discovered it was the two traveling to work in the Robles clinic. He tells me he has dreamed of doing something for his native country. He shared the problems common to many underdeveloped countries and the death of his sister. He felt he could never do it as he was not wealthy. We shared our faith, I shared the concept and website of CAMO and miracles along the way encourage him to believe in miracles. We shared contact info. On Sunday Lekan picked me up to take me back to the airport, and shared with me he had been thinking all night and was so encouraged by the model and the miracle of CAMO. It gave him hope that he could do that for his native country.

The airport crowded with individuals, groups and families stranded….. but everyone calm, kind, helpful. When flight crew made it to the gate on flights that had been delayed for many hours the crowd cheered.

No matter what might be going on in the world we are capable of kindness, calm and unity. The situation at the Alanta airport had people from every corner of the world, every belief represented and there was unity!! We have so much to learn from every situation, WHEN WE choose to see the good in those very difficult times and all people!

FYI, Loretta has for 26 years, not consecutive, served CAMO a week each February or March, and now since retirement eight years ago, serves annually for two weeks, certainly being a fruitful and worthy ministry with its base right here in Orrville, Wayne Co OH. Thanks Kathy for sharing. Fortunately, Loretta & I Monday morning, while headed thru Houston to the Republic of Panama experienced no such difficulties, actually even better than our last trip in May. Minutes ago we learned the Croatia airports have been hacked during the last hours, hopefully not being a new norm.

Consider Barabbas Being Set Free. This Actual Encounter and Invitation For Us, Goes Way, Way Beyond We Merely Dodging Bullets for Safety. It’s His Lifestyle of Being Engaged!

II Corinthians 5:21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.

I once heard someone say that of all men who ever lived, Barabbas should have the best understanding of vicarious substitution. Somebody died in his place. This murderer and thief walked out a free man, the crowds cheering his release. At the same time, an innocent Jesus was sentenced to die.

But Barabbas isn’t the only one who can say that Jesus died in his place. We all can say that Jesus died on that Cross for us, just as He did for Barabbas. In the words of II Corinthians 5:21, “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Jesus simply died that we might live. He was bound, that we who are in bondage to sin might indeed be set free; though too often, we’re not even aware of how bound we actually are.


When word of his freedom came, he only had to walk out of that cell to be truly free. Through Christ, our cell door has sprung open. All we have to do is say, “I accept what Christ did for me, and I will now live in the light of that truth.”

David Jeremiah’s Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God July 17


Our problem as man, is that we desire hope and transcendence without our surrendering, to God and His inconvenient Truths… yesterday’s post lead sentence…

I’ve had an interesting day. I awoke this morning that four airlines were shut down because of computer problems and a few minutes ago a friend called saying some banks are closed because of similar problems.

Earlier this afternoon, I overheard a longtime Christian trucker friend, Mike who possesses an astute open and savvy political mind who is a modern-day Benjamin Franklin, (Ben’s type are unusually scarce today even though their soapboxes are everywhere) whom loves America waxing lovingly eloquent with a newbie fellow trucker much as the Apostle Paul did on Mars Hill, who my heart really ached for, because this newbies demeanor, I thought, even screamed “help!” I had introduced myself to him earlier in the week but had not uncovered all this, but Mike had evidently done his homework with the lad because I quickly learned from their engaging conversation that he was a rather beaten man, without a spiritual compass or identity, an emotionally broken husband in a contractual marriage whence he was the pawn, or a belittled gopher. Their conversation was focused on his wife’s extreme hatred of Trump, such that she would have shot him in Butler herself had she the opportunity.

I know Mike is more an independent voter type avoiding the hype, for his conversational thrust was that we are we all at fault, especially the church, big business, and corrupt politicians for not merely allowing this polarization in America, but actually outright promoting it. This poor lad was so distraught at his wife’s hatred of Trump that he’d been victimized by it as well. He appeared unable to engage in any meaningful conversation about any of the issues facing our nation. I excused myself as Mike was more knowledgeable of the lad and skilled than I, and for sure, I was out of time.

While driving home, I reflected on the lad’s brokenness, his wife’s extreme hatred of anything Republican, and Mike’s simple assessment of America’s decline having been caused by spiritually dead churches, selfish big business and selfish politicians. Yes, indeed. If it were just that simple. I concluded with thinking that this posts main character, Barabbas, perhaps is our answer. For example, we’re all victims of sin as we struggle for freedom in our self-imposed emotional & psychological  prisons, (that we’ve all been prepared or equipped, as was Barabbas, to simply walk out of or away from) and it is also quite evident, we are not ready to Exchange the Lies of the World, for the Liberating Truth Of  Almighty God and Jesus Christ, as the Jamie Winship book’s title proclaims, and all of Scripture reveals! I’m done. merlin

Our problem as man, is that we desire hope and transcendence without our surrendering, to God and His inconvenient Truths…

Day 35:

Reflect the magnificence of this verse “The Law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple.” Psalm 19.7

Understand those who reject God’s truth do not believe in nothing; they believe in anything. Once you surrender objective truth, upon what rational basis can you reject even the most absurd truth-claims?

People long to be believe in the transcendent – something above and beyond us. Perhaps that’s why UFO’s and benevolent aliens fascinate us. We desire hope and transcendence without surrender to God and His truths, some of which we find very, very inconvenient. And some of the same people who believe these outrageous stories reject Christianity because they think them unbelievable. Aren’t we all in for a surprise?


It’s easier to find a score of men wise enough to discover the truth than to find one intrepid enough, being characterized by sufficient resolute fearlessness, fortitude, and endurance, when in the face of opposition, to stand up for it.”   Archibald Alexander Hodge (1823-1886)

AAH was the principal of Princeton Seminary 1878-1886, and the son of Charles Hodge, the latter quite famous for his prolific quotes. See quotes.net or Quotefancy.com, for Charle’s quotes, such as “the grace of God exalts a man without inflating him, and humbles a man without debasing him.” OR “the gospel is so simple that small children can understand it, and it is so profound that studies by the wisest theologians will never exhaust its riches.”

Randy Alcorn Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word 2017 Day 35

And whoever said books, (or today, internet searches) aren’t relevant or interesting?

Interesting How Today’s Hollow & Deceptive Philosophy … Leads Us To Being Conceited & Understanding Nothing … Such That Among Today’s Religiosity, “Christianity Is Precisely Less Than Moderately Important!”

I should certainly know better by now than to think I can predict what the next post is to be… Especially since God prefers we live in His moments, over ours. Even to the extent that a chirping smoke detector overrules the thoughtfully set alarm from the evening prior.. merlin

See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8

Christians who believe biblical truths are skeptical about hundreds of other truth-claims.

Secular society – which we often think of as skeptical – is remarkably gullible about falsehoods they ought to reject.

The Bible is unsympathetic to teachings and worldviews that contradicts God’s Words: “If anyone teaches otherwise and does not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ and to godly teaching, they are conceited and understand nothing.” I Timothy 6: 3-4

Why is false doctrine connected with conceit? A proud person elevates self over God, believing he is smarter than God’s Word and can improve on it.


“If false, Christianity is not important.

If true, it is of infinite importance.

What it can not be is moderately important.”   C.S. Lewis

Oh boy! That last line really does hurt; or convict!

Thanks to Randy Alcorn for his Day 34 from his book Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word

Confession Doesn’t Mean Saying You’re Sorry…

I was a police officer for several years back in the 1980’s. When I arrested somebody, I would bring them in and ask them for a confession. I didn’t ask them for an apology. We teach confession as though it were just saying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” When a police-officer hands you a pen and paper and says “Write the truth about what happened,” and you write “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” it resolves nothing.

We grew up thinking confession was just telling everyone and God that we we’re sorry about stuff. But “I’m sorry” doesn’t lead to a transformation.

Confession is telling God the truth about what you really believe about him, yourself, and others. It’s the greatest act, a sacrament. God loves honest confession. Confession is the beginning of a genuine transformation. If you don’t tell God your truth, how can he enlighten your reality with his truth?

If I say to God, “I think you let me down every day, and I’m afraid to take a new job because I’m afraid you won’t show up,” he will always work with that. Always.

He will respond to truth. Jesus says, “For if you embrace the truth, it will release true freedom into your lives” (John 8:32 TPT). Truth always sets you free. Hiding the truth always makes you a slave. If you will not tell the truth, you’re in bondage to the lie, the deception, and the rationalization. Don’t apologize for your perceived reality; tell the truth about it. That’s confession. Remorse is not repentance.

Confession, repentance, transformation.

We practice confession and repentance all the time. Every time I feel intimidated by a situation, I say, “God, let me tell you how I feel right now.” God already knows how I feel and what I really believe. I’m not faking him out. I just say, “Lord, I really feel intimidated. I feel fearful right now. I feel powerless with this person. That’s how I feel.” That’s confession. Notice I’m not saying, “Lord, I’m so sorry for feeling afraid; please take the fear away.” God doesn’t want to merely remove your fear; he invites you to allow Him to simply transform it. Trust Him!

Acknowledging the truth about your fear opens the way for repentance and for your truth (fear) to be transformed by God’s truth. Then you have authority over your fear rather than the fear controlling you. That is called freedom.

God’s response to true confession is always grace and mercy. He “might whisper, “Beautiful. Let’s work with that. No one has authority over you. No one ever has or ever will. I brought you into this situation because this is what I want to accomplish with you. This person needs you. They’re hurt. They need you.” Boom! Repent – change the way you think – turn around and go the new way. That’s confession and repentance.


When you live in continuous confession and repentance, your life is transformed in every area: professionally, spiritually, emotionally, physically. In every way, you will begin to ascend.

As I guide you in asking God questions, be prepared to write. Write ideas on your phone, on paper, on your hand …write down what comes to mind. You want the false things you’re believing to come into the light. Don’t live your life in secret. The fingerprints of Satan on your life are secrecy and shame. Writing down thoughts and impressions gets them out of your mind and into the light.

It’s even freeing to say these beliefs out loud to others you trust who are in the process with you. This is a great way to get to know one another in a small group and certainly a much better way than using those superficial formulaic introductions.  

Confessing to one another is the greatest way to form true community because it draws people together. They never forget one another because they’ve been with each other in their fear. And they’ve worked through their fear into victory. Confession makes communities function well together. This is true, spiritual relationship reality.

Silencing the Room & Moving On…

As a cop, I learn that when I go into a very tense situation and silence the demonic, the situation calms down. I call this exercise “silencing the room.” It got to be rather funny when I was training rookies. I would tell them, “Watch this.” Then I would pray out loud and the entire room would go silent. The surprised rookie would ask, “Where did you learn that? It’s not in the academy.”

When you’ve picked up this book, you brought all kinds of false ideas with you. You can’t help it; you’re human. Anxiety, fear, guilt, shame – all the garbage came with you, and the enemy is attached to it. The enemy has no authority over you. But if you think he does, in that way he does. That’s sort of his game. He asks you to give him permission to run your life, and you say yes by believing his deceptions: “I’m not good enough,” “Nothing will ever change,” “I’m stuck in this situation,” “God will never use me,” “I’m alone in this mess,” and so on. The enemy is ruling your life, and you become what you believe.

To Aid Your Further Reflections:

So, we’re going to silence the room. With God’s help, we’re going to silence the negative voices that disrupt our lives. Doing so puts the room and everything in it back in its rightful order. As we silence the room, your mind is going to open. As your mind begins to unlock, start writing down the ideas, thoughts, or impressions that come to mind. More to come.

(verbatim from Living Fearless by Jamie Winship, pages 47-51)


A necessary prayer of our dedication to Almighty God to Live Fearless; by exchanging the lies of the world for the liberating truth of God.

Several Utmost Instigated Thought-Provoking Bunny Trails…

My Life’s Spiritual Honor and Duty

By Oswald Chambers My Utmost For His Highest  July 15

I am a debtor both to Greeks and to barbarians… —Romans 1:14

Paul was overwhelmed with the sense of his indebtedness to Jesus Christ, and he spent his life to express it. The greatest inspiration in Paul’s life was his view of Jesus Christ as his spiritual creditor. Do I feel that same sense of indebtednesss to Christ regarding every unsaved soul? As a saint, my life’s spiritual honor and duty is to fulfill my debt to Christ in relation to these lost souls. Every tiny bit of my life that has value I owe to the redemption of Jesus Christ. Am I doing anything to enable Him to bring His redemption into evident reality in the lives of others? I will only be able to do this as the Spirit of God works into me this sense of indebtedness.

I am not a superior person among other people— I am a bondservant of the Lord Jesus. Paul said, “…you are not your own…you were bought at a price…” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ and he said, in effect, “I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the gospel of Jesus; I am free only that I may be an absolute bondservant of His.” That is the characteristic of a Christian’s life once this level of spiritual honor and duty becomes real.


Quit praying about yourself and spend your life for the sake of others as the bondservant of Jesus. That is the true meaning of being broken bread and poured-out wine in real life.


Yesterday morning this word “barbarian” really struck my consciousness anew! Remember from your high school world history classes Middle Age historians’ accounts of the barbarians (middle-ages terrorists, not merely middle-aged men or late maturing boys!) who were then threatening, indeed, as now, are seen by perhaps certain vocal Christian pontificators as challenging and shaking the very moorings and the foundations of our western civilization?

A closer examination of my grandfather’s Thompson Chain Reference Bible refers me to I Cor 14:11 (unknown tongues?) and that to Col 3:11 and that in turn, to chain #341, also including Acts 28:4 “and when the ‘barbarians’ saw the venomous beast (snake) hang on his hand, they said amongst themselves, no doubt this man is a murderer, though he (Paul) hath escaped the sea…”

Perhaps the word barbarian is better interpreted today as our “in the image of God brothers” yet outside the “fold” as indeed was Saul (later, becoming our beloved Apostle Paul) prior to his encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, who was “yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord” … And don’t forget in our current cultural passivity, that Saul was prior the encounter, the kingpin in the leadership of the organized church.

I think our task to be salt and light today and beyond, is similar to the way the 20 construction workers from the Libya Coptic Church evidently witnessed back in February of 2015, to the 21st victim, named Matthew Ayariga, of black African descent from Ghana, or perhaps Chad, who stated at some opportune moment in their transport to that beach, “I am a Christian and I am like them,” joining the 20 martyrs that fateful day. Search greekcitytimes.com for more interesting details.

This all reminds me of an account(s) somewhere in Martyrs Mirror, where during public on the town square mass burnings of dozens of Christians, such as our forefathers in Europe, that spectators in the crowds were so compelled by the previous witness of Jesus empowering the daily living of these persecuted and tortured men and women, even teens; that the “called” spectators voluntarily joined those confined in the flames sacrificing their lives, joining their new brothers in Christ, that very day in eternity. Consider, as is declared in Hebrews 11:25 speaking of Moses and all martyrs, “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season…

Restated from Utmost above, Paul sold himself to Jesus Christ and he said in effect, “I am a debtor to everyone on the face of the earth because of the gospel Jesus; I am only free that I may be an absolute bondservant of His.”  

In regard to this word barbarian, I prefer to dwell on interpreting our current fragmented global planet and its God ordained domestic villages from the mysteries and majesty of Almighty God and the admonitions I read in such passages as Col 3:10-17 (actually, one should include the first nine verses as well!

10.) And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

11.) Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision or uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.

12.) Put on therefore as the elect of God, holy and beloved, bowels of mercies, kindness, humbleness of mind, meekness, longsuffering;

13.) Forebearing one another, and forgiving one another, if any man have a quarrel against any: even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye.

14.) And above all these things put on charity, which is the bond of perfectness.

15.) And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

16.) Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

17.) And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.