While sitting here at brunch on Wednesday 9/4/24…

I do try to eat twice daily, 11 am & 6 pm, while skimming devotionals for pertinent future blog inspirational material, frequently getting inspired “out of my gourd,” so to speak; terminology from Hesston College days perhaps? I’m personally processing some rather heavy stuff with a very tight schedule for the next 30 days, such that I was seriously considering while driving to my 9 AM to see our accountant, thinking that I should really shut down the blog for the next 60 days, and give “everyone” a break!

Doug’s advice to us this morning was the word “simplify” and that I too sensed from the Lord, as i had just been processing taking a blog break. Understand, not only was our auction a trifle disappointing, but the way we added additional properties into the mix over the years, now exempt from our home tax exemption was not helpful either, for now it raises our tax liability. But you know what, our family was so very blessed those 41 years on those 10 acres in a community of paradise, both spawning and maturing each of us for our life’s destinies, that now I can only say, so what? After 41 years of tax breaks by running a business at home, and getting those breaks when we really needed them, how dare I quibble now over a possible tax liability of a good used car, or two, depending on your tastes? Again, it really is all about perspective; HIS, NOT ours!

Moving on, I spent 5 hours Tuesday PM in Aultman ER with my former neighbor of 17 years, Jeff, who had brain surgery in April and was initially given 1-5 years to live. After nearly a month in both Canton Aultman and the Cleveland Clinic, he was sent home with 4 different seizure meds that worked well the first month plus+, thru his first 30 day round of chemo & radiation, but for the past 4-5 days, he has fallen twice, with multiple seizures daily. So, after 10 hrs. in the ER, he was sent back to the Clinic by 11 pm for evaluation and med tweaking. Pray for Jeff’s healing and his newly found faith to thrive as he is a frightened 54 yr. old man with way too much baggage to process without Jesus.

Now, onto the “nugget” devotional I found while eating brunch and considering my tax liability, Day 152, from Robert J Morgan’s “All to Jesus” A Year of Devotions.

“For just as in Adam ALL will die. So also in Christ ALL will be made alive. I Cor 15:22

Dr. Bob Hill was a dear friend of mine and a member of my staff at Donelson Fellowship. He was 72 years old, has his degree in gerontology from Oxford, and had longevity in his genes. We assumed he’d live be a hundred years old.

When his mother passed away at 93 years, Bob drove to St. Louis to help conduct the funeral, and he opened the service with these words: We want to welcome everyone here to this memorial service for our mother. This is not a time for grieving but a time for celebration.”

Then Bob slumped to the floor and died of a massive cerebral hemorrhage.

I miss Bob terribly, but I often think of the incredible poignancy of his last words: “This is not a time for grieving, but a time for celebration!”

First Corinthians 15 is the “Resurrection Chapter” of the Bible. Apparently, some of the Corinthians had questions about the resurrection, and Paul tackled them in this glorious chapter. He began by reviewing the historical facts of Christ’s resurrection. Then he suggested that the bodily resurrection of Jesus provides the PROOF, POWER, & PATTERN for our own resurrections.

As in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive, “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet” (v 52).

Don’t worry about dying, and don’t over-grieve over loved ones in heaven. Christ arose, and all is well. It isn’t a day for grieving, but celebration!


And as I have heard it explained over the years, we as His redeemed empowered & transformed believers, are already in a spiritual sense, living resurrected lives here on earth, merely awaiting our final transitioning. So, what’s the big deal about death & taxes? Really now?

Claim your birthright! Live your destiny in Him! Now! And none of this “someday I’ll….”

Always remember Dr. Bob Hill’s last sentence! Perspective at its best!

DESIRED AT ALL COSTS: A Steadfast Spirit

Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

While on a family camping trip, a storm struck. The winds were so strong the parents stood the entire night clinging to the center pole of their old tent while their children slept. Had they not held fast to that center pole, the tent would have surely blown down and their outing would have been spoiled.

For Christians seeking to remain steadfast and faithful to God, the Word of God is our center pole! The world we live in will buffet us with winds of temptation, false doctrine, and compromise. To remain true to God and His call on our lives, we must hold fast to the Word and keep it central. When we look to the Word rather than the world, we can be assured that our doctrine will be correct, and our faith will be pure.


So, make it your aim to hold fast to the Word. Read it daily, and let it pervade your thoughts and actions. Consult your Bible in decisions large and small. In moments of confusion or trial, turn to the Scriptures for insight and guidance. Like the parents holding onto their tent’s center pole, hold on to the Word of God, and let it be your central focus.

Our strength is shown in the things we stand for. Our weaknesses are shown in the things we fall for. Hugh A. Cowan

Ouch! So, So Spot On!

Discovery: Experiencing God’s Word Day by Day Aug 12 David Jeremiah

Pouring Out Our Waters of Satisfaction? Perhaps Chambers Wrote This for Us Found Struggling in Scenario Three?

My Utmost For His Highest. Sept 3

He would not drink it, but poured it out to the Lord. 2 Samuel 23:16

What has been like “water from the well of Bethlehem” to you recently— love, friendship, or maybe some spiritual blessing (2 Samuel 23:16)? Have you taken whatever it may be, even at the risk of damaging your own soul, simply to satisfy yourself? If you have, then you cannot pour it out “to the Lord.” You can never set apart for God something that you desire for yourself to achieve your own satisfaction. If you try to satisfy yourself with a blessing from God, it will corrupt you. You must sacrifice it, pouring it out to God— something that your common sense (and our culture) says is an absurd waste!

How can I pour out “to the Lord” natural love and spiritual blessings? There is only one way— I must make a determination in my mind to do so. There are certain things other people do that could never be received by someone who does not know God, because it is humanly impossible to repay them. As soon as I realize that something is too wonderful for me, that I am not worthy to receive it, and that it is not meant for a human being at all, I must pour it out “to the Lord.” Then these very things that have come to me, even within sight of the Celestial City, will be poured out as “rivers of living water” all around me (John 7:38). And until I pour these things out to God, they actually endanger those I love, as well as myself, because they will be turned into lust. Yes, we can be lustful in things that are not sordid and vile. Even love must be transformed by being poured out “to the Lord.”


If you have become bitter and even outright sour from too much self-indulged sitting and soaking, perhaps it is because when God gave you a blessing you hoarded it? Yet if you had poured it out to Him, you would have been the sweetest person on earth. If you are always keeping blessings to yourself and never learning to pour out anything “to the Lord,” other people will never have their vision of God expanded through you. Perhaps scenario three is not so much about our rights, but rather about our responsibilities to others!


The remarkable thing about fearing God is that when you fear God you fear nothing else, whereas if you do not fear God, you fear everything else. “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord,” from The Highest Good—The Pilgrim’s Song Book, 537

Movie Momentum Is Responsible For This Post!

In April Loretta and I watched a 2006 movie titled “The Ultimate Gift,” based on Jim Stovall’s novel so titled starring Abigail Breslen, Ali Hillis, Drew Fuller, Bill Cobb, Lee Merriwether, and James Garner in his final live action film appearance before his death in 2014.

Last evening two close friends and I viewed it together and once more, I was greatly enamored with its message. Reading its reviews today though gave me a nagging chill, as I must assume I’m quite out of my league in predicting what constitutes a professionally done and a worthy inspirational flick. That being said, there are times you must trust what you’ve known and credentialed in your heart for years experientially, even when some friends & family, etc., are momentarily convinced that their sources, are the new norm and worthy of your acceptance.

I still like the film, even if the ratings are low, and a ponzi scheme may have been involved, as “Its sincerity, optimism, and its tight and often compelling screenplay, sparkling dialogue and ‘first-rate’ production values,” flies in the face of Rotten Tomatoes, who gave it an approval rating of 33% based on 60 reviews, or a 5.20 /10.0.

I was also enamored with Carl’s message yesterday such that I posted it detailing the three major invitations Jesus offers us at the Starting Gates of Life and beyond:  First Decision, which gate; followed by which Direction we choose to travel, that ultimately, determines our final Destination.  

May I make a suggestion? I think “The Ultimate Gift” movie is an excellent follow-up and conversation starter for these three scenarios: 1.) for the seeker approaching the Starting Gates, or 2.) for the struggling soul under conviction as they are being propelled down on the broad road as if in a stampede, or 3.) for those on the narrow road approaching their final destination having checked the Decision  and Direction boxes with authenticity, even joy, but now with the Celestial City Destination in view, you’re experiencing a fall chill in the air, and you’re at a loss to risk engaging conversation, for what would others make of your questions, concerns.

So, as I say frequently, when we are in the third scenario, and quite apt to just sit there, soak, and eventually sour, I suggest you first consider professional empowered focused Christian counseling. Why, because if you’re thrived thus far on your journey, you know the basics, you are established, your close friends have shared so many exquisite bonding encounters with you, etc., so that now, I suggest this seeing a professional is merely helping you gain a new perspective, by helping you noticing the clues about you much as Andy Andrews does in his book “The Noticer,” when actually this fictitious Mr. Jones is the undercover professional focused Christian counselor, in that he has been given a gift of noticing things that others, for whatever reason,  simply miss, and he even points this out frequently to those with whom he therapeutically dialogues.   

Now, if telling you to seek out a counselor offended you, just chill and read the book, or watch the movie, “The Ultimate Gift.” I also highly recommend reading two other books if you’re in the third trimester of approaching the Celestial City and are already experiencing a chill in your spirit pending your transitional delivery: 1.) “Going ‘Till You’re Gone” by Berlin OH. Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) prolific author, Gary Miller, and 2.) John Burke’s two most recent books, “Imagine Heaven” and “Imagine the God of Heaven. Three very different books but so uniquely spiritually anointed to minister to those of you struggling in scenario three as you prepare for eternity.

I’ll not bore you again but I credit my remarkable recovery after my 9/18/18 accident and instant unplanned retirement, such that within 12 months I stupidly racking up a $100,000 in debt; to first of all developing a daily routine including writing this blog, now over 400 posts (actually, I’m told writing is excellent therapy improving one’s mental health!), reading & reflecting on Utmost, reading & reflecting on dailylightdevotional.com, reading & reflecting on One Year Bible, Loretta’s major love and research, and John Burke’s Imagine Heaven book.

This post this Labor Day evening, 52 years after we buried my mother, Stella Mae Gingerich Erb, Labor Day 1972, 2 PM, came out of last night’s movies ferment. I almost forgot to include the 12 valuable life lessons the movie illustrates and follows on the screen after the credits. Profound. I didn’t even know there was Fox Faith production entity.

The Ultimate Gift based on a novel by Jim Stovall

The movie highlights the twelve gifts of Life:

1.) Work: “when you enjoy work like you just did, you can do anything.”

2.) Money:

3. Friend: “I plan to know Jason for the rest of my life.”

4.) Learning: “Do you truly know how to learn?” 

5.) Problems: “You don’t begin to live until you’ve lost everything, heck, I’ve lost everything 3 or 4 times, it is the perfect place to start.”

6.) Family:

7.) Laughter:

8.) Dreams: Your need to be free to dream…  “Actually, I don’t know if I can dream. I do know I can help others fulfill their dreams though.”

9.) Giving: “I do have to give away some money away….”

10.) Gratitude: “apparently, someone came by and paid my back rent, was it you? Thank you.”

11.) A Day

12.) Love: I love you Son. Good-by

Sometimes I think that this movie ought to be a requirement prior HS graduation, sorta like I now realize I should have taken some Home EC cooking classes. Same principle in operation.

Leading actors/actresses

Emily Rose – Abigail Breslen, Alexia – Ali Hilis, Jason Stevens – Drew Fuller, Theophilus Hamilton – Bill Cobbs, Miss Hastings – Lee Merriwether


“My Mom Says I’m Cool.” Arlen, RAE MUSIC

Dodge City Rockers

“Crazy” written by Willie Nelson, performed by Patsy Cline

“Gotta Serve Somebody.” written & performed by Bob Dylan

“Simple Gifts.” Shaker Hymn adapted and arranged by Aaron Copland

“The Thrill Is Gone.”   written by Rick Darnell & Roy Hawkins performed by BB King

“The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba” written by G. F. Handel performed by the LA Guitar Quartet

“Caramba” performed by Tierra Caliente

“Arrullo” performed by La Voz De Ninos Dios

“On Fire” written by Jon Foreman and Daniel Victor, performed by Switchfoot

“Breathe Me” performed by Dan Carey & Sia Furler

“Something Changed” written & performed by Sara Groves

“Legacy” written by Kelly Morrison & performed by Ed Goggin

Greetings Everyone! I was privileged again to be part of two services this morning …

… and both took their texts from Matt 7, Oak Ridge from verse 6, and KMC, from verses 13-14.

Oak Ridge, in the familiar scripture of not throwing your pearls to swine; is especially circumspect when read from The Message paraphrase: “Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege,” likely well spoken advice during these days.

Carl by focusing on the Narrow and Wide Gates, listed the Three Invitations of Jesus, first being our Decision at the Gates, which depending on the Gate we select, then determines the Direction we travel, which in turn determines our ultimate Destination; destruction or reward!

I just finished the YouTube of the KMC service and was compelled if at all possible, to offer it to you even though I have other posts prepared. I just sense it is important Carl’s word’s of encouragement be available to you. Carl’s words begin 38 minutes in. Enjoy.

Ever see this Help Wanted Ad? WANTED: Wise Conversationalists

…speaking the truth in love… Ephesians 4:15

A Chinese proverb says: “A single conversation across the table with a wise person is worth a month’s study of books.”

Let’s be that wise person. Colossians 3: 17 tells us us that whatever we do in word, we should do in the name of the Lord Jesus. In other words, we should speak as Jesus would on all occasions. What we say should always be true, and our words should be lovingly motivated and delivered. Speaking the truth without love is harshness. Speaking in love without truthfulness is hypocritical. We don’t have to say everything we think, and we don’t have to have the last word in every conversation. A harsh word stirs up anger, so we should rejoice in what stays unexpressed in our minds. Sometimes truth is offered in such a way that it is repulsed by the hearer. The method and the manner of expressing oneself matters.

As British writer Dorothy Nevill put it, “The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing at the right place but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.”


The man who lives right, has more power in his silence than another has by his words. Phillip Brooks

Discovery: Experiencing God’s Word Day by Day. 2012 David Jeremiah

No further words needed. Jesus is our model. And He’s not hiring. His Kingdom’s sons and daughters are His family, as are we endowed Gentiles having been grafted in, and beyond that, are now empowered to do even greater works than He! Even as His wise conversationalists!

Share this post with one other person. Don’t be a “hoarder.”

“As We Have Opportunity” Converts Mundane Days Into Exquisite Memories…

Day 138

His eyes are on ALL the ways of the sons of men in order to give to each person according to His ways. Jeremiah 32:19

Our ways are scrutinized by God, and our smallest deeds are rewarded in due time. I have a small book of ministerial anecdotes from the 1700s. One story involves Reverend John Brown of Haddington, Scotland, who was orphaned early in life. Being a bright child, he taught himself Greek. One day he visited an Edinburgh bookstore for a Greek New Testament.

The proprietor was surprised to find impoverished child looking for such a book. Pulling one from the shelf, he said, “If you can read it, you shall have it for nothing.” The boy read a page, translating it with reasonable ease, and received the book.

Twenty years later, he entered the shop again. “Sir,” he said, “I believe I am your debtor. Do you recollect that about twenty years ago a poor boy came and got a Greek New Testament from you and did not pay for it?”

“Yes,” said the owner, “I have often thought of it.”

“I was that boy. My name is Brown and I live in Haddington.”

“Mr. Brown,” said the bookseller, “I am glad to see you and have often heard of you. We have here in our shop your books, your Self-Interpreting Bible, your Church History, etc., which have brought the shop much money.”


It may take years, even decades, but in due time, all our deeds of kindness will come back to bless us.

All to Jesus: A Year of Devotions. Robert J Morgan 2008

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. THEREFORE, AS WE HAVE OPPORTUNITY, let us do good to all people… Galatians 6:9-10.

I’m just thinking utilizing the “As We Have Opportunity,” in life, can convert our potentially mundane days into His Kingdom’s Exquisite Memories, and perhaps such deeds of kindness will come back to bless us.

Simple Complicated Science For Our Perspective

Day 148

“Their message has gone out to all the earth.” Psalm 19:4

God is the author of two books described in this Psalm. The first half of Psalm 19 describes His Book of Creation (vv1-6); the last half describes His Book of Scripture (vv. 7-11). Psalm 19 then concludes with a fitting prayer of confession and commitment in verses 12-14.

The psalmist opens with a sweeping appreciation for God’s handiwork in the skies. The sun, he said, is a runner who starts a sky race every morning and completes it each evening. It’s a star 93 million miles away, composed of hydrogen and helium, a literal fireball of remarkable energy generated by nuclear fusion reactions, producing 10 million megatons of energy per second. Its temperature is about 10,000 degrees on the surface and approximately 25 million degrees at its center. If it were a little larger, its gravity would pull us into it and we’d burn up; a little smaller and we’d and we’d drift off into deadly coldness. If it were a little hotter, we’d be consumed; a little colder and we’d freeze. If it were a little brighter, we’d be blinded; a little dimmer and our world would be perpetually dimmed.


In every way, the sun perfectly matches earth, making our planet the only known spot in the universe for human life. There’s no locale or person on Earth where the sun doesn’t shine. God’s creation is accessible to all, telling everyone of God’s majesty and declaring His glory.

All to Jesus: A Year of Devotions. Robert J Morgan 2008

MY FURTHER REFLECTION: The potential hypocrisy of my (man’s) heart’s past, present & future belligerence to acknowledge God as the sole Creator of our universe, considering the preponderance of evidence now known, or, yet being discovered, even within the human body (brain, genetics, nutritional & chemical influencers, etc), or beyond our bodies, in such as by the transforming power of His Holy Spirit in matters of our relationships past, present, & future, not to mention the healing impact of His Divine Love throughout our lives at this very moment…

We are truly blessed beyond our mere comprehension. How can I even begin to worship His creation and works in me appropriately?

Next, consider the marvel His salvation provides us, and the “access” to life He provides us?

Today, and in the future, the key word in this techie world may be “ACCESS.” How does one insure continual access to whatever? Avoid the ACCESS DENIED caption!

Next, consider the invitational Jesus of the Scriptures, and our timely response to insure our future access…   

Next, consider the perspective of “Our puny rituals” vs. “His endless realities of Love!”

Go forth today celebrating His abundance that is NOW accessible to you! Indeed! The message has gone throughout the earth! Psalm 19:4

As I conclude this post, I am reminded that my very first computer purchased in 1984 was indeed named “Access” housed in a black box cube with a hinged lid. Weighing 43 lbs., Monochrome of course, 2 floppy drives, with both phone modem receptacles top side as well as an Epson printer, and we were in business and on the move! I’m now just reflecting now how well named it was. I’m wondering now what power it’s developers had access too?

About all I remember now is that I wrote a check for $2000 and picked it up at 8 am at a unmarked side door in a nondesript warehouse in N. Canton just up from the Toyota dealer. I presume my dairy nutrition guru friend Donovan Beyeler, formerly of Orrville, then of Elkhart, was instrumental in arranging the sale as he was continually researching the then dribbling pipeline of portable home business computers prior the introduction of laptops… as I certainly was not knowledgeable of the latest and greatest. And it was because of Don, I’m sure that they even took my check!

But here again, we return to ACCESS, don’t we? It is the WHO we know! Be it via “puny rituals” or His “endless realities.” Don’t you love that we serve an “invitational Jesus” capable of both empowering us and opening the necessary doors? Pure Kingdom Joy! None of this fabricated synthetic Chicago misnamed vocab! First, the New Agers hijacked His rainbow, now even the word joy! May we concertedly live every moment “invitationally alive” with Jesus. Do not become consumed by the encroaching dark deception about us. It is so temporary!

I’m reminded today(Aug 28) of Job’s words in the One Year Bible from Job 24:22-24 “though they become established, they have no assurance of life. He may let them rest in a feeling of security, but his eyes are on their ways. For a little while they are exalted, and then they are gone; they are brought low and gathered up like all others; they are cut off like heads of grain.”  And if you were ever “privileged” to monotonously gaze into a combine header watching the heads of grain being gathered in, you better understand being brought low and gathered up like all others, be it spiritually, or mechanically!

Seriously now, today (Aug 28) One Year Bible has these verses from I Cor.2: 14-17 “But thanks be to God, who always leads us in joyful triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the smell of death; to the other the fragrance of life. And who is equal to such a task? Unlike so many, we do not peddle the Word of God for profit. On the contrary, in Christ we speak before God with sincerity, like men sent from God.

Now read it from the Message. Both are powerfully inspired! 2 Corinthians 2:14-17 (MSG) In the Messiah, in Christ, God leads us from place to place in one perpetual victory parade. Through us, he brings knowledge of Christ. Everywhere we go, people breathe in the exquisite fragrance.
Because of Christ, we give off a sweet scent rising to God, which is recognized by those on the way of salvation—an aroma redolent with life.
But those on the way to destruction treat us more like the stench from a rotting corpse. This is a terrific responsibility. Is anyone competent to take it on?
No—but at least we don’t take God’s Word, water it down, and then take it to the streets to sell it cheap. We stand in Christ’s presence when we speak; God looks us in the face. We get what we say straight from God and say it as honestly as we can.

Got the picture? Then I must act accordingly!

So, Am I Really Seeking to Serve My Redeemer with all my Heart, Mind, and Soul? Just to Become ANOTHER SLAVE of His Righteousness?

Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:18

As familiar as many of us are with the Passover and Exodus, one aspect of that great event is often overlooked: God redeemed His chosen people from bondage to Pharaoh for the purpose that they might become servants (slaves) to Him. Freedom for the sake of absolute freedom from all responsibility was never God’s purpose. The children of Israel, once they came out of Egypt, did not suddenly scatter to the four points of the compass to do whatever they wished. God’s desire was that they might walk in His Will and invest their freedom from bondage in obedience to His Will. Why? So that He might bless them! When they failed to obey Him, He did not revoke their redemption and send them again into bondage! Indeed not! But they did miss out on the temporal blessings of continued obedience.


The parallel between the nation of Israel in the Old Testament and the individual believer today is inescapable. We should invest our freedom from slavery to sin, not indulging the whims of the flesh, but in seeking to serve the God who redeemed us, WITH ALL THAT LIES WITHIN US! 

Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God  David Jeremiah Aug 20


Today while traveling highways (such as 77 S, 70 E, 79 S to Morgantown WV) to take Loretta to return with Paul to DC to babysit our grandson Robin for the month of Sept, I encountered the stark reality of being grimly reminded of how grossly I did miss out on my earlier years of temporal blessings because of my “discontinued or interrupted” obedience.

Perhaps I didn’t encounter during my travels today, or even recent dreams, the enchanting ladder as Jacob, or the shady vine as Jonah, or the cock’s crowing thrice as Peter, but I did encounter the loving arms of my Father’s embracing restoration and glimpses into the gross depths of my missing the mark and how far down into the canyons of my sin He indeed reached to pull me up & out and present me faultless before a Holy God. What a Savior! And that a road trip today would so uniquely remind me of my derelict “life & times during 1977- 1993?”

In a way, I both pity, and yet envy you, if you have no such vivid recollections of how great a salvation you personally have been given at various times throughout your life to date, whether it be stimulated by a short road trip as I, OR for you, after browsing thru an earlier journal of yours from decades ago while relaxing in your recliner! We’re always to be ready to give an account for the hope that drives us on>>>>>

 Again, Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:18 Now, my only desire is to more fully revel as a slave in the joyful trappings of His righteousness… Free at last, Thank God, I’m free at last!


So, I’m increasingly being drawn to Transformational Power as His key! Here is what I think as I attempt to write! What’s the big deal or the point of talking about becoming His “inhabited” slaves of righteousness, if we continually choose to remain as the culturally inhibited while sitting, soaking, & souring on Christ’s sidelines contemplating our “profession of faith” while walking the tightrope avoiding going obnoxiously overboard while engaging or activating our “practices of faith.”

Wake up folks! Our western civilizations cultural demise is a spiritual problem that first begins in our marriages, homes, churches, communities, and then our local, state and national governments. Expecting any meaningful changes to begin anywhere else except those first four is quite preposterous! Although, I must admit the recent change of events in El Salvador does fuel ones spiritual optimism!

If our local churches today are as Menno Simon’s repeatedly identified in his writings, even remotely dependent on our rituals, and not on the realities of “being born again” and the all-sufficiency of Christ as outlined in scripture, no wonder our congregations are sliding toward hospice care. Should not churches be serving as an inspirational spiritual beacon and an effective rallying center for the leadership folks in our communities?

We’re not to be necessarily the quiet hiding out avoiding confrontation or messy politics in the land of the free, but rather, empowering the spiritual entrepreneurs engaging in all aspects of community life, whether in our expressions of worship, education, business, medicine, mental health, governmental entities, etc., with real answers in the marketplace of His creative ideas, beginning first with our invitational “unknown God,” such as Paul did on Mar’s Hill. Only when His love is visibly present, fruitful and forth-coming in our homes and churches, will we move His Kingdom beyond the scourge of hospice care into an ever expanding transformed source of His newly formed disciples fulfilling their Kingdom identities & destinies, much as Jamie Winship instructs.

The rampant “silent” doom and gloom today we’re permitting in our churches and communities is ironically deafening. Actually, it is the elephant in our midst. Are we going to ignore it and cower as the Saul’s army did before Goliath, or, will we as David take stock, prepare, and engage? We are not powerless, we’re simply not empowered. And primarily, because we’re playing games about professing our faith, (still counting the cost) and then, consequently, are not (actually, can not be) serious about practicing our faith, so in no way, will we become Holy Spirit empowered!

If we continue to skirt and dance about the issues in our churches and communities wringing our hands while seeking frantically “man’s new methods, materials & means to patch up our MESSES”, when we simply lack His explicit understandings:

Come unto me and rest, for my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, into His courts with Praise.

“if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves, if they will pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and forgive their sin and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14.

“He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and the mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Psalm 40: 2-3.

Time to stop all this chronicling! It is time to Simplify-Come-Rest-Enter-Praise-Humble Ourselves-Pray-Seek-Pray-Praise-Then Communicate-Pray-Praise-Take stock-Pray-Praise-Prepare-Pray-Praise-Engage-Pray-Praise-Evaluate/Reassess-Pray-Praise >>>>>> repeat continually. Trust His Spirit! Yes!

Guess What? Designed For Children, This is Both Simple & Profound Processing!

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I do hope. Psalm 130:5

There is a sense in which we have to wait before God for Him to reveal Himself to us, so we can learn more about Him. The reason has to do with how we learn anything. We learn things in the human realm by acquiring a new piece of knowledge and comparing it to something we already know. But with God, since He is beyond our finding out, we have nothing to compare Him too.

Perhaps we cannot know God completely because we don’t have enough common ground to associate who He is with what we know. And so, we are consigned to waiting before Him as He reveals more of Himself to us. If that seems strange to us, it is because we are not used to thinking of God in the truly transcendent terms in which He exists. As we grow in our experience and knowledge of God, we develop more and more common ground with Him, by which we can learn even more.


Therefore, knowing God is a process, and waiting before Him in worship is the means to knowing Him better. And in Worship & Word I Do Hope!! Thereby exchanging the institutional “trinket rituals” for the “gospel’s realities of salvation.”

Inspired by Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God. David Jeremiah Aug 18.

Next UP:

So, Am I Really Seeking to Serve My Redeemer with all my Heart, Mind, and Soul? Just to Become ANOTHER SLAVE for His Righteousness? Having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness. Romans 6:18