Are You Awake? Are You Aware We Each Have A Mandate To Live for Christ Today!

Warning: the following is intensely personal!

Consider Romans 14:8 “If we live, we live unto the Lord, and if we die, we die to the Lord. So whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.” As a Christ Follower already 75 years young in this apparently out of control chaotic world, I’m thinking the confusing “sights & sounds” literally overwhelming us today are only a clever deception to keep the masses “distractingly entertained” while traveling on the “prince of the air’s fast moving broad road interstate to destruction.” We are assured in Ephesians 2: 1-2 the prince is “now at work in the sons of disobedience” (those who have not yet trusted and confessed Christ as Lord and Savior) and that he has authentic power in the world (I John 5:19) as given him by God ( Luke 4:6) and the reason he is called a prince rather than a king is because there is only one King – Jesus Christ (I Timothy 6:15)

The demons are also under the rule of Satan (Matt 12:24) and one of his titles is “prince of demons” (Matt 9:34), possessing a kingdom (Matt 12:26), and a throne (Rev 2:13) and the power to manifest evil in the world through influencing people and commanding demons. Although Satan has power and authority in the current world system in which we exist, his power is limited, always under the sovereign control of God (Job 1:12), and it is temporary (Romans 16:20). God has not revealed all the whys and whens concerning Satan’s rule, but He has made it clear that there is only one way to escape the power of Satan’s dominion, and that is through His Son, Jesus ( Acts 26:18, Col. 1:13-14). It is Jesus who, speaking of the impending Cross, declared victory: “Now the prince of this world will be driven out” (John 12:31).

Now for some early church His-Story. In Acts 17:6 we read that “These who have turned the world upside down have come here too.” FYI, consider the following death accounts of the Twelve Apostles. Realize you may not be called to die for Christ but you are certainly called to live for Him, our resurrected Lord.

Starting with Peter:crucified upside down. James: beheaded, John: natural causes. Andrew: crucified on a X – shaped cross. Philip: crucified. Bartholomew: skinned alive, beheaded. Matthew: stabbed to death. Thomas: speared to death. James: stoned, crucified, beaten to death. Jude: crucified. Simon: crucified. Matthias (replacement for Judas Iscariot): stoned and beheaded. And Paul: beheaded. A compelling track record for our reflection and motivation.

Jesus warned His original disciples before He was killed, “If they persecuted me, they will also you” (John 15:20). And when their faith was finally tested, when Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane, “…they all forsook Him and fled” (Mark 14:50)

What ever happened to turn that group of cowards into the core of courageous couriers of the Gospel who turned the world upside down and were willing to die for their beliefs? One thing: they witnessed the resurrection. This event had a transforming effect on the disciples, transforming them into apostles – “sent ones.” When they saw the risen Christ  (Confessing & Believing in the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension of Jesus Christ providing you the Holy Spirit for your continual Transformation & Empowerment as you too become on some divine future day, also a “sent one,” by having rejected the “temporary earthly pleasures” choosing instead to enjoy daily His Fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, & self-control) Galatians 5: 22-23.

Blessings my friends as you implement any needed changes in your life and then invite others to join His Family on our journeys to real living while communing and thriving at His Table of Abundance. Again, “You may not be called to die for Christ, but you are called to live for Him – the resurrected Lord.” And to enjoy His “Peace and Safety.”


Do we really fully understand how mere man, as the United Nations has displayed so well in the first words of their charter “To save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” (that now has been broadened to include health, climate, racism, religion, opportunity, resouces, one world government, etc.) all of which flies directly in the face of God, desecrating the orderly intentions that God put forth when He created man and woman in the Garden as He establishing His perfect Kingdom prior to Sin ? I think not. The UN uses the words “Peace and Security.” Who are they kidding? Sorta like building sand castles, or the parable of the wise & foolish men in Matt 7:24-27).

NEXT UP: Perhaps we’ll pursue more truths along today’s coveted hot button line “Peace and Safety,” an awareness defined so well by Dr Henry Cloud in his epic book titled “How People Grow: What the Bible Reveals About Personal Growth.” This book needs to be in every Christ Follower’s personal library and understood for its monumental revelations in the academics of psychology and theology, as a spiritually practical bridge builder too long ignored.

Perhaps. Or, maybe we’ll do a short simple clip on the word, INTEGRITY.

“The Christian church has RESURRECTION written all over it. DO YOU? F. G. Robinson

Now, chew on these no nonsense get-ready predictions from II Peter 2 after chapter one’s consolations/encouragements….

2 Peter 2:1-22 (MSG) 

1. But there were also lying prophets among the people then, just as there will be lying religious teachers among you. They’ll smuggle in destructive divisions, pitting you against each other—biting the hand of the One who gave them a chance to have their lives back! They’ve put themselves on a fast downhill slide to destruction,

2. but not before they recruit a crowd of mixed-up followers who can’t tell right from wrong. They give the way of truth a bad name.

3. They’re only out for themselves. They’ll say anything, anything, that sounds good to exploit you. They won’t, of course, get by with it. They’ll come to a bad end, for God has never just stood by and let that kind of thing go on.

4. God didn’t let the rebel angels off the hook, but jailed them in hell till Judgment Day.

5. Neither did he let the ancient ungodly world off. He wiped it out with a flood, rescuing only eight people—Noah, the sole voice of righteousness, was one of them.

6. God decreed destruction for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. A mound of ashes was all that was left—grim warning to anyone bent on an ungodly life.

7. But that good man Lot, driven nearly out of his mind by the sexual filth and perversity, was rescued.

8. Surrounded by moral rot day after day after day, that righteous man was in constant torment.

9. So God knows how to rescue the godly from evil trials. And he knows how to hold the feet of the wicked to the fire until Judgment Day.

10. God is especially incensed against these “teachers” who live by lust, addicted to a filthy existence. They despise interference from true authority, preferring to indulge in self-rule. Insolent egotists, they don’t hesitate to speak evil against the most splendid of creatures.

11. Even angels, their superiors in every way, wouldn’t think of throwing their weight around like that, trying to slander others before God.

12. These people are nothing but brute beasts, born in the wild, predators on the prowl. In the very act of bringing down others with their ignorant blasphemies, they themselves will be brought down, losers in the end.

13. Their evil will boomerang on them. They’re so despicable and addicted to pleasure that they indulge in wild parties, carousing in broad daylight.

14. They’re obsessed with adultery, compulsive in sin, seducing every vulnerable soul they come upon. Their specialty is greed, and they’re experts at it. Dead souls!

15. They’ve left the main road and are directionless, having taken the way of Balaam, son of Beor, the prophet who turned profiteer, a connoisseur of evil.

16. But Balaam was stopped in his wayward tracks: A dumb animal spoke in a human voice and prevented the prophet’s craziness.

17. There’s nothing to these people—they’re dried-up fountains, storm-scattered clouds, headed for a black hole in hell.

19. They promise these newcomers freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption, for if they’re addicted to corruption—and they are—they’re enslaved.

20. If they’ve escaped from the slum of sin by experiencing our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ, and then slid back into that same old life again, they’re worse than if they had never left.

21. Better not to have started out on the straight road to God than to start out and then turn back, repudiating the experience and the holy command.

22. They prove the point of the proverbs, “A dog goes back to its own vomit,” and, “A scrubbed-up pig heads for the mud.”

BOTTOM LINE: Anything above sound familiar to you considering our current events? I suggest you continue on into chapter three and then enjoy rereading both I & II Peter every month or so. If I recall, I’ve heard some theologians infer that these two epistles were written expressly for the “suffering church.” I’m thinking perhaps the American remnant may soon qualify. Are we ready?

NEXT UP: You ever hear how the Twelve Disciples transitioned to their eternal rewards? I’m sure you did, but if not, here goes… Blessings on your journey to sainthood… mle 050824

Just notice here how the Apostle Peter so succinctly speaks Life Giving Truths after yesterday’s AmericanMinute barrage of 3000+ words….

2 Peter 1:1-21 (MSG)

  1. I, Simon Peter, am a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ. I write this to you whose experience with God is as life-changing as ours, all due to our God’s straight dealing and the intervention of our God and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  2. Grace and peace to you many times over as you deepen in your experience with God and Jesus, our Master.
  3. Everything that goes into a life of pleasing God has been miraculously given to us by getting to know, personally and intimately, the One who invited us to God. The best invitation we ever received!
  4. We were also given absolutely terrific promises to pass on to you—your tickets to participation in the life of God after you turned your back on a world corrupted by lust.
  5. So don’t lose a minute in building on what you’ve been given, complementing your basic faith with good character, spiritual understanding,
  6. alert discipline, passionate patience, reverent wonder,
  7. warm friendliness, and generous love, each dimension fitting into and developing the others.
  8. With these qualities active and growing in your lives, no grass will grow under your feet, no day will pass without its reward as you mature in your experience of our Master Jesus.
  9. Without these qualities you can’t see what’s right before you, oblivious that your old sinful life has been wiped off the books.
  10. So, friends, confirm God’s invitation to you, his choice of you. Don’t put it off; do it now. Do this, and you’ll have your life on a firm footing,
  11. the streets paved and the way wide open into the eternal kingdom of our Master and Savior, Jesus Christ.
  12. Because the stakes are so high, even though you’re up-to-date on all this truth and practice it inside and out, I’m not going to let up for a minute in calling you to attention before it.
  13. This is the post to which I’ve been assigned—keeping you alert with frequent reminders—and I’m sticking to it as long as I live.
  14. I know that I’m to die soon; the Master has made that quite clear to me.
  15. And so I am especially eager that you have all this down in black and white so that after I die, you’ll have it for ready reference.
  16. We weren’t, you know, just wishing on a star when we laid the facts out before you regarding the powerful return of our Master, Jesus Christ. We were there for the preview! We saw it with our own eyes:
  17. Jesus resplendent with light from God the Father as the voice of Majestic Glory spoke: “This is my Son, marked by my love, focus of all my delight.”
  18. We were there on the holy mountain with him. We heard the voice out of heaven with our very own ears.
  19. We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.
  20. The main thing to keep in mind here is that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of private opinion.
  21. And why? Because it’s not something concocted in the human heart. Prophecy resulted when the Holy Spirit prompted men and women to speak God’s Word.
    • NEXT UP: Peter takes off his gloves in the next chapter (2) and gives us the bottom line just as he forsees it. Warning: May be offensive to many…. Blessings

There is a controversial new label the mainstream media is using, CHRISTIAN NATIONALISM? What is it? What did it used to be called?

To answer that, there are three points to consider:  
The first is, that nationalism is the opposite of globalism
second, that nationalism is defined by the integrity of that nation; and 
third, that Christian nationalism was formerly called Christian patriotism, and past Presidents, Democrat and Republican, encouraged it.  

1.) Let’s look at the first point: nationalism is the opposite of globalism.   
Did you know there are people called “globalists” who want to do away with nations and set up a one world government, which, of course, they will control. Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum produced an Agenda 2030 video, which had the line: “You will own nothing and be happy.”    This sounds a lot like Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto: “The theory of the communists may be summed up in the single sentence: Abolition of private property.”   “Abolition of private property” means “you will own nothing”! How do globalists plan on getting you to give up your property and freedom? –The Great Reset!

Jack Posobiec of Human Events Daily, stated on OAN, November 24, 2022: “The Great Reset is very much like communism … They’ll tell you it is about diversity … equality … climate … But … what they want is … total government.” People will not give up their property and freedom if everything is fine, but if there is a crisis, they will trade freedom for security. (Consider past covid as a trial run, perhaps computer hacking will be next? )  

The Great Reset is an orchestrated global crisis to produce dependency on international government.  Michael Rectemwald wrote in Imprimis “What Is the Great Reset?” December 2021: “Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret write that “if the past five centuries in Europe and America have taught us anything … it is that ‘acute crises contribute to boosting the power of the state.’”    Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal, warned in a lecture at Stanford’s Classical Liberalism Institute, November 18, 2022: “The zeitgeist [or mood] on the other side is ‘we are not going to make it for another century on this planet and therefore we need to embrace a one world totalitarian state right now’ …  Whatever the dangers are in the future we need to never underestimate the danger of one world totalitarian state …”    Thiel continued: “First Thessalonians 5:3, the political slogan of the antichrist is ‘peace and safety’ … I want to suggest … we would do well to be a little more scared of the antichrist and a little a less scared of Armageddon.” In other words, don’t be afraid of the world ending, be afraid of the people who promise to save you from the world ending. Henry Mencken wrote in Notebooks, 1956: “The urge to save humanity is almost always only a false-face for the urge to rule it.”   

2.) The second point is: nationalism is defined by the integrity of that nation. Most nations have an “honor-shame” culture, where an individual’s worth is based on what group they belong to, for example:   – Ancient Egypt’s social classes with the Pharaoh’s family on top;   – India’s caste system has four major castes and many minor ones;   – Imperial China had the Hundred Family Surnames;   – European classes divided royalty from peasantry;   – Islamic communities consider men worth more than women, who are worth more than infidels;   – Communist Party members are worth more than common people;   – Atheistic utilitarianism gives more value to those contributing to “the state.”   The latest rendition of this is “intersectionality,” where a person’s worth is based on how many minority groups they belong to, with “trans” being superior to all others, resulting in those on the left wanting to impose a “transgender-nationalism.” Where nationalism is bad in totalitarian nations as they deny individual rights, in America, nationalism has been preserving a nation where you have worth regardless of what group you belong to.   

President Roosevelt explained, June 14, 1942: “The belief in man, created free, in the image of God — is the crucial difference between ourselves and the enemies we face today.” President Truman said in his Inaugural Address, January 20, 1949: “The American people … believe that all men are created equal because they are created in the image of God.” President Eisenhower said November 9, 1954: “Democracy is nothing in the world but spiritual conviction … that each of us is enormously valuable because of a certain standing before our own God.” Lincoln stated in his Gettysburg Address, 1863: “Our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal …  That this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” 

Nationalism is bad in socialist and Islamist nations where governments do not guarantee to individuals inalienable rights, but in America, “nationalism” is supporting a nation whose very purpose is to guarantee to each individual their God-given rights. These rights include freedom of conscience, religion, speech, press, assembly, self-defense, impartial trial, no cruel and unusual punishment — the freedom to determine their own destiny.” Eisenhower said February 20, 1955: “The Founding Fathers … recognizing God as the author of individual rights, declared that the purpose of government is to secure those rights.”   

The third point to consider is: Christian nationalism was formerly called called Christian patriotism. It was as American as football and apple pie. The word “nationalism” was not even in use in America when Noah Webster compiled his 1828 American Dictionary of the English Language, –yet the word “patriotism” was. Webster’s 1828 Dictionary gave the definition: “Patriotism is the characteristic of a good citizen, the noblest passion that animates a man in the character of a citizen …   Love of one’s country; the passion which aims to serve one’s country, either in defending it from invasion, or protecting its rights and maintaining its laws and institutions in vigor and purity.” Past Presidents, Democrat and Republican, encouraged Christian patriotism. George Washington referred to both “Christian” and “patriot” in his order to troops at Valley Forge, May 2, 1778: “To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest Glory to laud the more distinguished Character of Christian.” Washington wrote, July 9, 1776: “The General hopes and trusts, that every officer and man, will endeavor so to live, and act, as becomes a Christian soldier, defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country.”   

Republican President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation and pushed through the 13th Amendment, freeing four million slaves. He stated in his Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861: “Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him … are still competent to adjust in the best way all our present difficulty.” Lincoln mentioned the words “patriotism” and “Christianity” right next to each other in his Inaugural Address! In the Post-Reconstruction era, Republican President Theodore Roosevelt condemned KKK mobs in Democrat southern states, December 3, 1906: “As Bishop Charles Galloway of Mississippi has said: ‘The mob lynches a Negro … Every Christian patriot in America needs to lift up his voice in loud and eternal protest against the mob spirit.” 

Republican President William Howard Taft had stated in 1908: “No man can study the movement of modern civilization … and not realize that … the spread Christianity [is] the basis of … modern civilization in the growth of popular self-government. The spirit of Christianity is pure democracy. It is equality of man before God — the equality of man before the law.” Democrat President Woodrow Wilson warned in 1923: “We call ours a Christian civilization, a Christian conception of justice … Our civilization … can be saved only by becoming permeated with the spirit of Christ and being made free and happy by the practices which spring out of that spirit.” Democrat President Franklin Roosevelt, an Episcopalian, wrote the prologue of a Gideon’s New Testament and Book of Psalms that was given out to millions of soldiers and sailors during World War II. Roosevelt stated October 6, 1935: “The printing of the first English Bible is an event of great significance … We trace … the widespread dissemination of those moral and spiritual precepts that have so greatly affected the progress of Christian civilization.”   

Roosevelt stated September 1, 1941: “Preservation of these rights is vitally important … to the whole future of Christian civilization.” FDR stated November 1, 1940: “Those forces hate democracy and Christianity as two phases of the same civilization … They oppose democracy because it is Christian. They oppose Christianity because it preaches democracy.” Would today’s mainstream media label Roosevelt a “Christian nationalist”?    

Democrat President Truman said, August 28, 1947: “This is a Christian Nation … As a Christian Nation our earnest desire is to work with men of good will everywhere to banish war.” Truman lit the National Christmas Tree, December 24, 1952, saying: “Through Jesus Christ the world will yet be a better and a fairer place.” Would today’s mainstream media label Truman a “Christian Nationalist”? 

Republican President Dwight Eisenhower said, November 9, 1954: “This relationship between a spiritual faith … and our form of government is … obvious … ‘Man is endowed by his Creator’ …   When you come back to it, there is just one thing … man is worthwhile because he was born in the image of God…   Any group that … awaken[s] all of us to these simple things … is … a dedicated, patriotic group that can well take the Bible in one hand and the Flag in the other, and march ahead.” Democrat President John F. Kennedy wrote to Brazil’s President, January 31, 1961: “To each of us is entrusted the heavy responsibility of guiding the affairs of a democratic nation founded on Christian ideals.” Would today’s mainstream media label Kennedy a “Christian Nationalist”? 

Americans have historically been patriotic and a majority Christian. Patricia U. Bonomi, professor emeritus of New York University, wrote: “The colonists were about 98 percent Protestant.” J. Tobin Grant wrote in Measuring Aggregate Religiosity in the United States, 1952-2005, that in 1965, America’s population was 93 percent Christian, consisting of 69 percent Protestant and 24 percent Catholic, with 3 percent of the population Jewish. Jeffrey M. Jones wrote: “According to an average of all 2021 Gallup polling, about three in four Americans said they identify with a specific religious faith. By far the largest proportion, 69%, identify with a Christian religion, including 35% who are Protestant, 22% Catholic and 12% who identify with another Christian religion or simply as a ‘Christian.’”   

In America, religious tolerance evolved from Pilgrims and Puritans to all Protestant Christians, then to Catholics, Jews, liberal pseudo–Christian groups, then to monotheists and polytheists, then to just about every religion, and finally Islamists, atheists, and satanists. Ironically, the last ones in want to kick the first ones out. They are intolerant of the beliefs that tolerated them. Ronald Reagan stated August 23, 1984:  “The frustrating thing is that those who are attacking religion claim they are doing it in the name of tolerance. Question: Isn’t the real truth that they are intolerant of religion?” Bob Unruh wrote in, April 1, 2024: “The state … attacks Christians with a so-called ‘non-discrimination’ agenda that actually discriminates against people of faith.” 

Why does the mainstream media insist on calling Christian patriots “Christian nationalists”? For the same reason they call Pro-Life supporters “anti-abortion.” No Pro-Life group labels itself “anti-abortion.” Yet every mainstream new article that covers the subject labels Pro-Life people “anti-abortion.” Why? Negative word association. They want to malign public opinion against them. What is happening is called psychological projection. Intolerant activists accuse Christians of being intolerant, when in reality, they are the ones who are intolerant of Christians. It is a narcissistic response called blame-shifting, where the attacker blames the victim. They accuse the innocent of what they are guilty of. Little children instinctively do this, saying, “I didn’t start the fight – you did!” A cheating spouse will accuse the faithful spouse of being unfaithful. In the Bible, Potiphar’s wife accused Joseph of lusting after her when she was lusting after him. Nero reportedly set fire to Rome yet blamed it on Christians. Democrat Political advisor David Axelrod said on NPR, April 19, 2010: “In Chicago, there was an old tradition of throwing a brick through your own campaign office window, and then calling a press conference to say that you’ve been attacked.” Nancy Pelosi called it “the wrap up smear.” Harry Reid accused Mitt Romney of not paying his taxes, causing negative press which perhaps cost him the election. TIME magazine fact checked and found Romney actually did pay his taxes. When questioned, Reid responded, “I lied about Romney, but he didn’t win, did he?” 

Left-wing activists use Critical Race Theory, DEI, ESG, to force an irreligious nationalism; an unprecedented satanist theocracy; a transgender-dominionism, to censor and cancel Bible–believing Christians and Pro-Life Catholics. They employ a “fear mongering” technique. The Telegraph’s article, December 12, 2023, exposed a Hollywood producer using fear mongering:   “Rob Reiner is deluded about ‘Christian nationalism’—The God and Country movie trailer presents ordinary religious Americans as nationalist boogeymen”: “Reiner’s … examples of Christian Nationalism … are so broad that even the late Queen Elizabeth had a brush with it … [and] … Billy Graham …   The inescapable conclusion is that average Christian beliefs and average Christian engagement in the public sphere is exactly what Reiner and his abettos [collaborators] hope to target. They want to shame followers of Jesus from taking part in the very same political activities their secular counterparts do.” reported February 23, 2024:  “Heidi Przybyla, a reporter for Politico, appeared on MSNBC this week and fretted as she explained that Christian Nationalists believe that Americans’ rights are granted by God and not Congress or the Supreme Court …   The rights of Americans DO come from God and not the government, which anyone knows if they have read the country’s founding documents. TheGateway published Mike LaChance’s article, February 29, 2024:  “Last week, a reporter for the liberal outlet Politico … suggested that if you’re an American who believes that your rights come from God and not the government, that you’re a Christian Nationalist … 

Family Research Council President Tony Perkins and Catholic Vote President Brian Burch fired off a letter … to Politico …  demanding an apology … saying …   Politico’s reporter failed to acknowledge ‘that our own Republic was founded on the belief that our rights come from God, not earthly kings or government,’ a revolutionary idea ‘clearly articulated in the Declaration of Independence …   Perkins and Burch called out Przybyla for “an attempt to spread misinformation about Christians.”    Ed Martin of Phyllis Schlafly Eagles, responded, March 1, 2024: “Heidi Przybyla … isn’t railing against ‘Christian Nationalism,’ she’s railing against the American Founding.” 

Mainstream media accuses Christian patriots of wanting to “force” their beliefs on others, but how can you force freedom on people? Instead of “dominionism,” patriots want “freedomism.” Patriots don’t want to force their beliefs on anyone, they just don’t want government forcing its progressive beliefs on them. They want the government to stop legislating immorality. 

So to simply review, what is Christian nationalism? The three points to consider when answering that question are: 

  1. nationalism is the opposite of globalism;
  2. nationalism is defined by the integrity of that nation; and 
  3. Christian nationalism was formerly called Christian patriotism, and past Presidents, Democrat and Republican, encouraged it.

Provided by the American Minute. Contact Bill Federer,, for more information.

BOTTOM LINE: As my childhood trusted radio commentator was frequent heard to quip, “and now for the rest of the story,” is sorta how I view this document from a group with whom I possess no history, pro or con, and indeed as the above article depicts, we are now witnessing “the rest of the story.” just as predicted. Considering my Anabaptist moorings, how I now long for conversations with the likes of my EMC profs from the later sixties as they had released their newly birthed Gen Ed series in the science auditorium in September 1968, right on the heels of the two assassinations, (Martin Luther King-April 4, Bobby Kennedy-May 6), the summer riots, etc. I am thinking particularly of then EMC’s two extraordinary contemplative historians: Albert Keim, birthed Amish in Holmes Co. and his Lansdale PA counterpart, John Lapp, for their comments today on the above document and its historical snippets. Little did we know back then during Fall Term ’68 while sitting in our cozy auditorium theater seats safe from the Vietnam atrocities, that the deception birthed in the later 19th century in the US and western Europe was well rooted and even already “flowering,” and that these episodic events of the sixties were not merely random, but an integral piece of their historical strategic march ever gaining diverse allegiances in their wake to culminate in global domination by 2030, citing now from their recent public narratives from the WEF quoted above…

Actually, the rest of the story is continuing to unfold now in plain sight, as declared from the predictive Biblical and ancient manuscripts, offering us opportunity to declare allegiance to His kingdom, OR otherwise. Either way, monumental eternal consequences await each of us…. even as the stringed quartet is playing beautiful music as the deck of the western civilization is slowly listing, reminiscent of the Titanic…

My Utmost for His Highest devotional reading for today, April 21, aptly summarizes our response to the Kingdom allegiance question: “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Phillip?” John 14:9. The readings last two sentences are: “God never guides us at some time in the future, but always here and now. Realize that the Lord is here NOW, and the freedom you receive is immediate.” Indeed a most timely profound reading …

NEXT UP: No idea. You only got this today because its been waiting in the wings since before vacation and I broke my computer screen on the flight. Much to share, dwindling time, eternity awaits, God is not mocked! >>>mle050224

How Come Churches Often Lag Behind the Business World Providing Us Examples Of Unity Like We Read Below?

In Dr. Henry Cloud’s book 2023 book Trust In Life & Business: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken, he identifies the five essentials of trust: Understanding, Motive, Ability, Character, and Track Record. In Chapter Five, while exploring the second essential, Motive, he relays this experience with a client corporation.

“One of the most powerful drivers of trust is knowing that someone’s motive is rooted in a higher calling principle or value that transcends their own interests. I recently conducted a retreat for the executive team of a major US company. Their accomplishments were legendary, outpacing their competitors exponentially and returning massive equity growth for their stockholders. The team had just emerged from successfully managing the worst of COVID, and it was time to set the next season’s strategy.

To begin the retreat, I wanted to see how the team of executives grasped the strengths that had driven their success in the previous couple of years and how well they understood what had happened and why. I gave them a simple assignment to begin: Take a few minutes and write down what you think is the greatest strength of this team.”

When they turned in their answers, I was astonished. I have never seen such unity among a group of executives. Unanimously, they said their greatest strength was one thing: “our commitment to our corporate purpose.” Not one person said it was their marketing savvy, their innovation, their creativity, or their research and development. They all said their greatest strength was their unity around the corporate purpose. And here’s the real magic: their corporate purpose is centered around serving others.

The fact that they all served a higher purpose allowed them to behave and to execute in a manner that everyone could trust. There was no silo behavior, no pushing of department agendas, no careerism to be found. They were all devoted to the higher purpose they had come together to achieve.

This resulted in an unprecedented level of collaboration – sharing resources, people, information, power and the like. These people truly worked together. Certainly, they had different opinions at times, but in a way that was always in search of “the best answer” instead of “my best interests.” These were not people who didn’t care about profits or accomplishments; they did. But they weren’t only motivated by profits. Their driving force was serving others and the purpose of the company.

As a result, the employees of this company trusted each other. When someone did something another person might question, the question wasn’t rooted in suspicion. Instead, it came from an attitude of “I wonder why she did that? I know she must have had a good reason.” This kind of trust goes a long way to avoid politics and division.

Trust is a powerful force, and as we’ve seen, it yields powerful results in everything from brain development to marriage to economics. In fact, trust is the fuel for all of life. The takeaway here is that trust increases when we know that someone’s motive is just not about themselves, but rather, about us and about a higher purpose that we all value as well.

Bottom Line: So why then are our “fragmented” friendships, relationships, marriages, families, churches, communities, states, and nations, so lacking in their “Unity of Purpose?” Especially since God wired us biologically to trust from infancy, learning that trust followed by satisfaction builds more trust, that we by placing our trust in God and other persons makes every system about us develop and ultimately thrive, and that for us to trust is human… and when we can’t trust, we handicap much of our future potential for His rich and rewarding human experiences….

My first thought after reading this account, was just how could a congregation ever begin to exhibit this level of unity in their purpose? And that was followed rapidly by the second thought to me personally, how can I contribute to such a unity being lovingly exhibited “in & around, out & about” as we live & build His Kingdom Today? Perhaps after being Unshakable in ’24, 2025 will focus on TRUST as being our fuel for all of life.

Next Up: We’re planning to be in Panama for two weeks finalizing our visas so we’ll see what else transpires, written or otherwise. Blessings…

Radio psychiatrist Frazier Crane (from the TV show Frasier) has had a long, rough day. Finally, when a man steals his waited-for seat at the local coffee shop, Frasier has had enough. Grabbing the man by the collar, he runs him out of the shop, shouting, “What you need is an etiquette lesson!”

Later Frasier chastises himself for allowing his more animal nature to momentarily rule. He prefers, he says, to settle his disagreements like an adult, with words and reason. But the newspaper hails him as a sort of folk hero. And to his dismay, people begin to follow his example, giving little etiquette lessons of their own. A caller, who used a leaf blower a seven AM, brags about smashing the leaf blower into a tree. Another shoves a pound of rotten shrimp into a rival’s air conditioner.

After dozens of callers describe their vigilante exploits, Frasier exclaims that they’ve gone too far. “I displayed a minor bit of force to just make a point. I didn’t go around smashing windows or torching lawns! Where does this end?” His caller replies, “Are you saying that what I did was wrong?” “Of course I am!” shouts Frasier. And the caller responds, “But what you did was ok?” This stops Frasier in his tracks. And then – and this is one of the reasons I really love this show – Frasier realizes what the right thing to do is, and does it. “Come to think of it, what I did was just wrong. I mean, who am I to draw the line at the acceptable level of force?”

Frasier realizes in that moment what God has provided for all along: righteousness must be complete to be worth anything at all. Any sin, whether more or less socially acceptable, is evidence of a root problem. Anger and murder come from the same place. It is only God who can draw the line, and it is only God who can toe it.

Today, remember that you’re worse than you think you are. But remember also, that God’s gift of righteousness to you is greater than you could ever imagine.

UP NEXT: In his Dr. Henry Cloud’s book 2023 book Trust In Life & Business: Knowing When to Give It, When to Withhold It, How to Earn It, and How to Fix It When It Gets Broken, identifies the five essentials of trust: Understanding, Motive, Ability, Character, and Track Record. In Chapter Five, while exploring the second essential, Motive, he relays this experience with a client corporation excelling in their UNITY OF PURPOSE…

Blessed are They Who Suffer in Faith, For the Glory of God is Theirs….

Reading of the text, Matt 5:1-12, begins at 32:00 minutes on the attached YouTube

My crude notes from Pastor Carl’s sermon April 14

Psalm 46: nations are in uproar. Israel, Ukraine, Be still and know that I am exalted,

Our God is inviting us to be unshakable in the midst of overwhelming shaking and quaking,

Jesus said there be famines and wars, and rumors of wars, the church needs to be prepared, theme for the year 2024 is being unshakable, now we’re talking about an unshakable kingdom, being unshakable ourselves, on the sermon on the Mount, the beatitudes, Matt 5: 1-12, our boat is tied, it appears we’re moving, but that’s because the world about us is moving, but we are anchored. God, help us to understand the reality of our situation

We will look at three parts of this passage:

  1. First, Jesus is teaching about our CITIZENSHIP: Process of naturalization, I want to be become a citizen here, forms, civics class, some basic functional knowledge, tested, ceremony, take an oath, similar to children of Israel, what does it mean for you to live in relationship with me, in a world that doesn’t acknowledge me? I’m making of you a nation, I’m giving you citizenship, you’ll have all the rights and responsibilities of citizenship in being in relationship with me, gave them and us the Ten Commandment, first four concerning our relationship to God as my people, next six for how are we going to live in relationship with people in His community, it’s all about citizenship in His kingdom, Sermon on Mount is 1.) instructional for us to join, 2.) invitational for us without to join, to become kingdom people, this is what it means to be citizens, to have a Savior from our past, to have a Lord of our lives right now, king & guide presently during this shaking, what does it mean for us to be kingdom people? Matt 6: 9 Kingdom prayer, not a ritual, thy kingdom come, thy will be done, seek first the K of G, kingdom Priority, then K Provision (seek His Rightousness, and thse things will be added to you, birds of the air, food, clothes, do not get so focused on provision, then onto K Priority, v 19,20, whoever Practices, unless you surpass the Pharisees, these are Practical, calls 4 , Peter, Andrew, James, John, He’s doing invitational, what does it mean to be Citizens in the Kingdom of God,
  2. Second, Jesus is teaching about our CONVICTIONS (what you believe about God), CHARACTER(who you are before God), and your CONDUCT (how you do live before God), Sundays are getting the desserts after all the meals of your self-studies of of the Kingdom meals you’ve been eating & living all week long, so you need to be worshipping, studying, and growing all week long, because if you’re just coming for desert on Sunday, that is not going to hold you over, So looking at each of these Beatitudes, what is God desiring to teach us from each of them in regard to driving and undergirding the formulation and implementation of our convictions, our character, and our conduct?

Start with V 3, do I recognize my being poor in spirit, my poverty in the image God created me to be, and when I see Him, do I recognize who this Holy God is? that on my own I can’t achieve or attain His intended Rightousness for me, I’m spiritually impoverished, so how does that shape my character? How does that determine how I conduct my life?

V 4 Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted? Does my spiritual character reflect an awareness that comes to me when I become aware of my own waywardness? Do I grieve that I am spiritually deficient, or even that the world about me is so spiritually impoverished?

V5 Blessed are the meek for they will inherit the earth… meek … colt born, later time to be trained, or broke, Meek here in his verse means to be broken, have I been broken for Kingdom use by recognizing my impoverishment even though as a son of the King so that God can use me, Just as a horse must be broken in order to be trained so to be usable by his Master, to be guided and controlled by the reins to move and to work appropriately for his master’s wishes, commands,

V 6, hunger and thirst after Rightousness, Jesus reflected, Do I Hunger & Thirst after Rightousness, Do I actually crave His Rightousness being exhibited within me? Do I exhibit His fruit of the Spirit? Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self-Control Gal. 5:22-23 Memorize them, because these are the character of Christ, don’t use another man to be your model, because you must  want to be like Jesus, that is whom you are hungering for, how does that impact your 3 C’s (convictions, character, conduct)

V 7 blessed are the merciful… do I show mercy, compassion to those I meet?

V 8 blessed are the pure in heart…does my outward walk reflect my inward heart?

V 9  blessed are the peacemakers, do I believe (God’s desire) is it my desire? Do I bring people together in love & reconciliation? As citizen people we have a God who is defining in the example of Jesus Christ, what Kingdom Citizenship looks like; how your convictions of who God is and who we are, will shape your character, who you are, and out of that will determine your conduct, how you will live as a Kingdom Citizen in this world, so we can’t expect people to act right if they are not believing right, if their heart isn’t right. They may have the right conviction, but it must permenate who they are, and that is a training process (broken as a horse) for all of us, and over time, since none of us yet have fully arrived, that we become transformed and empowered (via our convictions, character & conduct) and do battle with church membership imposters (luke-warm cultural Christian who excel at sitting soaking and souring in our faith communities until their lack of fruit reveal to everyone, that they are tares and they choose to either split and to remove themselves from Kingdom fellowship, or if they are so overwhelmed by the forgiveness and the reconciling love from within their community, they choose to repent, turning from the evil one toward Christ for the absolution of their sin and their complete restoration in their local community of the Kingdom of God…)

Question? Did those on the mountain that day understand all Jesus’ teachings on the first setting? No, it’s an ongoing continual process, that of learning who God is, who Jesus is, allowing that to shape me into who I am, before Him, then living that out, in the world around me,

So in summary, your citizenship will determine your convictions, what you believe, your character, who you are; your conduct, how you live; and I need to tell you these Beatitudes are not exhaustive, they are just illustrations of who God is, what He wants you to be, and how He wants you to live.

  • Third, Jesus is teaching about your CONDITION, for if you are a Kingdom Citizen, your Convictions, Character and Conduct will reflect Christ in your life and that these 3 C’s (convictions, character, & conduct):will cause your life to exhibit a specific CONDITION, which will be called what? Can you guess? The word is blessed…. It means happy or joyful, really. You will be blessed if you know you are a citizen in this kingdom, that is unshakable, that you serve an unshakable king, and that you absolutely know who He is, for when you know who He is, you will know more about who you are, you’re going to know about the past, present and future, and convictions on all kinds of things, such that you can declare, “I am a citizen of the Kingdom of God, part of the family of God, my Father is in heaven, He sent His Son because He loves me, and this is going to shape your character, and by the way He gives you His Spirit to just come along inside of you to help shape that character, that’s why we call it the fruit of the Spirit, but He keeps working on you, then guess what, the when you know who God is, and you know who He wants you to be, your life should show it, Ok? And then when all of that is happening, it really doesn’t matter what is happening all around you, I know this a little radical, yes, the world may be shaking, nations may be in uproar, mountains may be falling into the heart of the seas, or it may be your own life that is falling apart, the devil will try to bring things into your life, that will cause you to be shaken, but you don’t have to be, because you’ll say I know the King, And I’m part of his family… I’m a citizen of his kingdom, He is doing a work in my life, He is allowing me to live my life in a manner that reflects my relationship with Him, but I know and down the road, the war is won, even though the battle continues on…. and I already know the outcome, so I can live a blessed (happy & joyful life now!!

As Paul says in Philippians Two, “I’ve learned the secret of being content,” and living the really blessed life, it is not found in all that stuff, power, prestige, in fact the world keeps telling you that all that stuff will be beneficial and helpful, but they are wrong, for Paul says again in ch 4, I’ve learned that whatever I’m going thru I can just go before the Lord in prayer, and I’ll just be given this peace from God that nothing is going to happen to me that the King is not already aware of, and because I serve that King, and because I’m a citizen in that kingdom, because I serve in that Kingdom, then I think what Paul is telling us then, is that my condition is blessed. I can ignore the prison, the chains, ignore the possible death thing coming up, ignore all that stuff, because I’m blessed, and what Paul wants us to know is that Jesus is trying to help us, through the Sermon on the Mount, throughout the gospels, is to know what it means to be a citizen of his kingdom, in Christ, and let’s remember that attaining that citizenship is our primary, single focus, for when we understand that He is our king and we are his citizens, in his kingdom, (I think the term Kingdom comes up 121 times in the gospels) for when I understand I’m a citizen of this kingdom, then I understand, that awareness, or knowledge, is going to shape my convictions, going to shape my character, going to shape my conduct, of who I am in Christ, shapes me in all those areas, for when I know I’m a citizen, that then changes my condition to blessed…to blessed being happy & joyful, and that joy transcends, prisons, chains, all those things that Paul went through. Next week, Matt will speak on what it means to be salt and light in that Kingdom…

Blessed are They Who Suffer in Faith for the Glory of God is Theirs…

Next Up: A revealing short five paragraph incident with Radio psychiatrist Frasier Crane , from the TV show Frasier, giving the quote “Who am I to draw the line at the acceptable level of force?” Realize anger and murder come from the same root!

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction: Discipleship In An Instant Society. A Christian who stays put is no better than a statue, waiting to be pulled down when the tides changed..

by Eugene Peterson …   Psalm 132 explained.

I was recently introduced to the author Eugene Peterson by my friend Chuck so I ordered the four books he suggested but have only completed three so far savoring them like quality ice cream after an tasty meal (actually ice cream is welcome here anytime) .  And to think I had been incorrectly assuming all along, he had only written The Message! No longer! I find it noteworthy and indicative of the wordsmith he was, that Peterson once commandeered a key word phrase associated with atheist philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche – that the only way to live life is to find a standard and stick to it – and repurposed it to be about following Jesus nonetheless! Peterson literally stole the nonbeliever’s catchphrase, “a long obedience in the same direction,” and made it the name of his own best-selling Christian book first released in 1980. What makes Peterson’s message so unique today is he exudes the bedrock transformation offered only by Jesus Christ, whereas many believers today tend to view the Nietzsche and Marxist deception as smoke and mirrors leading to death. Take note for The Message, his paraphrase of the Bible, has transformed the dusty, ancient Christian scriptures into imaginative literature for contemporary readers seeking truth.

While I was reading this chapter 14 (which I’ve summarized below – now with the Preface (verbatim) over 2300 words long; perhaps you can read it in installments while rationing out your ice cream) when I just laughed out loud thoroughly enjoying the lead off hospital incident. The truths of his Kelly parable and the pollster’s definitive “frivolous” report resonates with me as I too at times can mistake a sore throat for a descent into hell.(“Peterson, pray for me!”) Perhaps the best possible antidote is when we can combine an accurate memory of God’s ways with a lively hope in his promises, the essence of Psalm 132.

20th– Anniversary Preface.. verbatim, not summarized.

As I sat down to revise A Long Obedience In The Same Direction I was prepared to do a lot of changing. I have hardly done any. It turns out there are some things that just don’t change. God doesn’t change: He seeks and He saves. And our response to God as He reveals himself in Jesus doesn’t change: we listen and we follow. Or we don’t. When we are dealing with the basics – God and our need for God – we are at bedrock. We start each day at the beginning with no frills.

So the book comes out in this new edition substantially as I first wrote it. I added an epilogue to reaffirm the ways in which Scripture and prayer fuse to provide energy and direction to those of us who set out to follow Jesus. A few celebrity names have been replaced by new ones (celebrities change pretty rapidly!), and I have changed a few references to current affairs. But that’s about it. It is reassuring to realize once again that we don’t have to anxiously study the world around us in order to keep up with God and his ways with us.

The most conspicuous change has been the use of a fresh translation of the Holy Scriptures, The Message, that I have been working on continuously since the publication of A Long Obedience. In fact, the fifteen Songs of Ascents (Psalms 120-134) that provide the text here for developing “discipleship in an instant society” provided the impetus for embarking on the new translation. All I had in mind at first was translating the Psalms into idiomatic North American language that I heard people using on the streets and in the shopping malls and at football games. I knew that following Jesus could never develop into a “long obedience” without a deepening prayer life and that the Psalms had always been the primary means by which Christians learned to pray everything they lived, and live everything they prayed over the long haul (No wonder I missed the boat spiritually so long. Only recently did I begin to read the Psalms).

But the people I was around didn’t pray the Psalms. That puzzled me; Christians have always prayed the Psalms; and why didn’t my friends and neighbors? Then I realized it was because the language, cadenced and beautiful and harmonious, seemed remote from their jerky and messy and discordant everyday lives. I wanted to translate these fifteen Psalms from their Hebrew original and convey the raw, rough and robust energy that is so characteristic of these prayers. I wanted people to start praying them again, not just admiring them from a distance, and thereby learn to pray everything they experienced and felt and thought as they followed Jesus, not just what they thought was proper to pray in church.

And so it happened that the unintended consequence of the writing of A Long Obedience in the Same Direction was this new translation of the Song of the Ascents, and then all the Psalms and then the NT and eventually the whole Bible. The inclusion of that translation in this new edition completes the book in a way I could not have anticipated twenty years ago.

Chapter 14. Obedience: How He Promised God

 “True knowledge of God is born out of obedience.” John Calvin

An incident took place a few years ago that has acquired the force of a parable for me. I had a minor operation on my nose and was in my hospital room recovering. Even though the surgery was minor, the pain was great and I was full of misery. Late in the afternoon a man was assigned to the other bed in my room. He was to have a tonsillectomy the next day. He was young, about twenty-two years old, good looking and friendly. He came over to me, put out his hand and said, “ Hi, my name is Kelly. What happened to you?”

I was no mood for friendly conversation, did not return the handshake,  grunted my name and said that I had gotten my nose broken. He got the message that I did not want to talk, pulled the curtain between our beds and let me alone. Later in the evening his friends were visiting, and I heard him say, “There’s a man in the next bed who is a prizefighter; He got his nose broken in a championship fight.” He went on to embellish the story for the benefit of his friends.

Later in the evening, as I was feeling better, I said, “Kelly, you misunderstood what I said. I’m not a prizefighter. The nose was broken years ago in a basketball game, and I am just now getting it fixed.”

“Well, what do you do then?”

“I’m a pastor.”

“Oh.” he said and turned away; I was no longer an interesting subject.

In the morning he awoke me: “Peterson, Peterson – wake up.” I groggily came awake and asked what he wanted. “I want you to pray for me; I’m scared.” And so, before he was taken to surgery, I went to his bedside and prayed for him.

When he was brought back a couple of hours later, a nurse came and said, “Kelly, I am going to give you an injection that should take care of any pain you might have.”

In twenty minutes or so he began to groan, “I hurt. I can’t stand it. I’m going to die.”

I rang for the nurse and, when she came, said “Nurse, I don’t think that shot did any good; why don’t you give him another one?” She didn’t acknowledge my credentials for making such a suggestion, told me curtly that she would oversee the medical care of the patient, turned on her heel and, a little too abruptly I thought, left. Meanwhile Kelly continued to vent his agony.

After another half hour he began to hallucinate, and having lost touch with reality, began to shout, “Peterson, pray for me; can’t you see I’m dying! Peterson, pray for me!” His shouts brought the nurses, doctors, and orderlies running. They held him down and quieted him with the injection I had prescribed earlier.

The parabolic force of the incident is this: when the man was scared he wanted me to pray for him, and when the man was crazy he wanted me to pray for him, but in between, during the hours of so-called normalcy, he didn’t want anything to do with a pastor. What Kelly betrayed in extremis is all many people today know of religion: 1.) religion is to help them with their fears but that is forgotten when the fears are taken care of; 2.) religion is made of moments of craziness but those are remote and shadowy in the clear light of the sun and routines of every day. In fact, I believe the most religious places in the world are not churches but battlefields and mental hospitals. You are much more likely to find passionate prayer in a foxhole than in a church pew, and you will certainly find more otherworldly visions and supernatural voices in a mental hospital than you will in church.

Stable, Not Petrified

Nevertheless we Christians don’t go to either place to nurture our faith. We don’t deliberately put ourselves in places of fearful danger, and we don’t put ourselves in psychiatric wards so we can be around those who clearly see visions of heaven and hell and distinctly hear the voice of God. What most Christians do is come to church, a place that is fairly safe and moderately predictable. For we have an instinct for health and sanity in our faith. We don’t seek our death-defying situations, and we avoid mentally unstable teachers. But in doing that we don’t get what some people want very much, a religion that makes us safe at all costs, certifying us as inoffensive to our neighbors and guaranteeing us as good risks to the banks. We want a Christian faith that has stability but is not petrified, that has vision but is not hallucinatory. How do we get both a sense of stability and a spirit of adventure, the ballast of good health and the zest of true sanity? How do we get the adult maturity to keep our feet on the ground and retain the childlike innocence to make the leap of faith?

What would you think of a pollster who issued a definitive report on how the American people felt about a new television special, if we discovered later that he had interviewed only one person who had seen only ten minutes of the program? We would dismiss the conclusions as frivolous. Yet that is exactly the kind of evidence that too many Christians accept as the final truth about many much more important matters-matters such as answered prayer, God’s judgment, Christ’s forgiveness, eternal salvation. The only person they consult is themselves, and the only experience they evaluate is their most recent ten minutes. But we need other experiences, particularly the community of experience of brothers and sisters in the Church and our local congregation, as well as the centuries of experience provided by our biblical ancestors. A Christian who has David in his bones, Jeremiah in his bloodstream, Paul in his fingertips and Christ in his heart will know how much and how little value to put on his own momentary feelings and the experiences of the past week. (clearly a choice definitive sentence! merlin)

A Christian with a defective memory has to start everything from scratch and spends far too much of his or her time backtracking, repairing, perhaps even starting over. A Christian with a good memory avoids repeating old sins, knows the easiest way through complex situations and instead of starting over each day continues what was begun in Adam.

You ever notice for all its interest in history the Bible never refers to the past as “the good old days.” The past is not, for the person of faith, a restored historical site that we tour when we are on vacation; it is a field we plow, disc, harrow and plant, fertilize, lovingly work to insure a bountiful harvest.

Christians who master Psalm 132 will be protected from one danger, at least, that is always a threat to our obedience: the danger that we should reduce our Christian existence to ritually obeying a few commandments that are congenial to our temperament and convenient to our standard of living. It gives us, instead, a vision into the future so that we can see what is right before us. If we define the nature of our lives by our mistake of the moment, or the defeat of the hour, or the boredom of the day, we will define it wrongly. We need roots in the past to give our obedience ballast and breadth just as we need a vision of the future to give our obedience both direction and goal.

If we never learn to do this – to extend the boundaries of our lives beyond the dates merely enclosed by our birth and death, and actually acquire an understanding and appreciation of God’s way as something larger and more complete than those anecdotes in our private diaries – we will forever be missing the point of things, by making headlines out of something that ought to be tucked away on page 97 in section C of the newspaper, or putting into the classified ads something that should be getting a full page color advertisement – perhaps mistaking a sore throat for a descent into hell! (“Peterson, pray for me!”) For Christian faith is a full revelation of a vast creation and a grandly consummated redemption. I prefer to define my faith, or your faith, by witnessing our obedient actions in the same direction, as led by the Holy Spirit

Christian living demands that we keep our feet on the ground, but it also asks us to make a leap of faith. A Christian who stays put is no better than a statue, waiting to be pulled down when the tides change. A person who leaps about constantly is under suspicion of being not a man but a jumping jack or worse. Our obedience requires we possess the strength to stand as well as a willingness to leap, and the good sense to know when to do which. Which is exactly what we get when our accurate memory of God’s ways are combined with a lively hope in his promises.         

So what if we do possess “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” if the big “O” (obedience) is predominately “cultural” and has not been “visibly transformational” for a century or two and just perhaps there are persons within and without, that tell us we’ve lost our way? One thing is certain though. if strife and chaos either emerges or invades, unknown leaders will be born as the flames rise and the love of Christ will be witnessed by the masses before the ashes cool. And some leaders may well die for their obedient actions. And some of His witnesses among the masses may be sacrificed. But rejoice that the exiting witnesses will directly enter Glory! But do pray for the millions of the masses who know not God and are ignorant of His Ways.

The blood of the martyrs has always built the Church. Martyrdom has been happening around the world for centuries. Our communities may no longer be exempt. Believers may even become endangered species. Prepare your heart, your mind, and your soul for the battle of your life. And rejoice abundantly in the event our country and the world is granted a reprieve from the imminent strife and chaos all about us; simply more time for believers to prepare and be a witness to the lost masses of the Hope that lies within us.

Peace does not mean to be merely in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart, which is only possible by centering on Christ’s love for you.

Leaders don’t force people to follow. They merely invite them to join them on their journey to Glory.

Think about this. A true leader does not lead with the intent to only create followers, BUT with the intent to create an abundance of more Leaders!

Leaders become great leaders not because of THEIR power, BUT because of their ability to spiritually EMPOWER others!

Next Up: YouTube of Pastor Carl’s Sermon Sunday past On Being Blessed… And Oh, Are We Ever!! Start at 32:00 minutes for the reading of the text…

Rejecting the un-Christ like God, not to be confused with the today’s tyrannical gods against humanity…

We are experiencing an unparalleled assault on our civilization that will be experienced first by societies non compliant, Christians included, because the first move by any totalitarian dictatorship, is to get rid of houses of worship, for if I bow down to God, I’ll not bow down to them. The mechanism they are using is fear, and if you’ve studied psychological warfare, you’ll know that anxiety, fear, and human isolation, will cause people to de-compensate psychologically and become very vulnerable, gullible and easy to manipulate. Look at yourself and those around you now since covid. How else can you explain this passive emotional fragility?

Seriously church, we are now in a war unlike any prior. How and when it escalates, only God knows. This war may not be typically combatant with guns, tanks, & bombs. Our conflicts are now largely psychological, and I fear we’re not prepared at all to go up against its games, whether we choose compliance, apathy, a Goliath, a fiery furnace, even a lion’s den, or a guillotine or any of the other weapons recorded in Martyrs Mirror. How does one prepare for such? I’ve been so sheltered.

None of the above was in the works when I typed up what follows. The last two days have been an unsolicited and unexpected journey for me. Understand I’ve been under conviction for months that at some point I would need to speak more candidly about what little I have been privileged to learn about our world and its subsequent implications for the anabaptist community.

I was told year’s ago by a friend to read Brad Jersak’s book “A More Christlike God, A More Beautiful Gospel, which I finally did, and now it’s buried amongst many boxes, awaiting its release. Therefore, I am sharing this formerly prepared document with you from pages 10-13.

“I’ve been pleasantly surprised how this proposition – the message that Jesus shows us what God is like – is often well received by those who don’t profess Christian faith. If I say, “God is love and Jesus was love incarnate,” no problem! Jesus is seldom the issue, even for a rabid, self-avowed ‘non-Christian’ such as Saturday Night Live satirist Bill Maher. His primary attacks are not against Jesus at all, but against Christians whose religion does violence in the name of the Prince of Peace. He castigates:

     “If you’re a Christian that supports killing your enemy and torture, you have to come up with a new name for yourself. . . . ‘Capping thy enemy’ is not exactly what Jesus would do. For almost two thousand years, Christians have been lawyering the Bible to try to figure out how ‘Love thy neighbor’ can mean ‘Hate thy neighbor’.  . . .

Martin Luther King Jr. gets to call himself a Christian, because he actually practiced loving his enemies. And Gandhi was so Christian, he was Hindu. But if you’re endorsing revenge, torture, or war,  … you cannot say of the guy who explicitly said, ‘Love your enemy’ and ‘do good to those who hate you.’ …

And not to put too fine a point on it, but nonviolence was kind of Jesus’ trademark – kind of his big thing. To not follow that part is like joining Greenpeace and hating whales. There’s interpreting, and then there’s just plain ignoring. It’s just ignoring if you’re for torture – as are more Evangelical Christians than any other religion. You’re supposed to look at that figure on the Cross and think, “how could a man suffer like that and forgive?” …                        

I’m a non-Christian. Just like most Christians.

If you ignore every single thing Jesus commanded you to do, you’re not a Christian – you’re just auditing. You’re not Christ’s followers, you’re just fans. And if you believe the Earth was given you to kick ass on while gloating, you’re not really a Christian – you’re just a Texan.”

Brad Jersak now:

Ok, Maher’s unbelief is actually biting hatred directed against un-Christlike perversions of God, the projections of religious fundamentalists. Audiences find this commentary comedic because the irony is tragically accurate and laughably contradictory. Instead of reacting defensively or hanging our heads in silent shame, why not hear his indictment as a clarion call back to explicit Christlikeness.

At other times, atheism is self-created through some offense. We despair of faith when a tragedy or disappointment makes nonsense of the God we inherited or imagined. Touched deeply by loss, our misperceptions of who God is, should have been or failed to be for us, can lead us from mere doubt to an active rejection of faith.

Charles Darwin exemplifies this experience. His discoveries about natural selection and the evolutionary process certainly undermined his faith in ‘special creation,’ but they did not ‘kill God’ for him altogether. In fact, Darwin’s theories were not generally regarded as problematic by key Christians of his day. That great battle comes later in America. Toward the end of his life, he wrote, It seems to me absurd to doubt that a man may be an ardent theist and an evolutionist.”

When his precious ten-year-old daughter died in 1851, it broke his heart and crushed his faith. Darwin could hold the good purposes of God and the suffering in natural processes in healthy tension until he had to endure the terrible suffering of his little girl. It was too much. Whatever Darwin had believed, about God, that belief could not survive his grief.

I wonder. In the case of the sardonic Bill Maher or the brokenhearted Charles Darwin, the real culprit may actually be a non Christlike image of God. Which is to say, no God at all. If so, I’m inclined to agree with Walter Wink, who affirmed such atheism as a first step toward true worship, because it represents the rejection of an idol. That is, people like Maher and Darwin might be turning from – i.e., repenting. The next step, which I don’t pretend they have taken, is a turning toward – i.e., faith. I say a Christlike God is worth turning to.

Continuing, when I personally turned my gaze to the God who is completely Christlike, I was confronted with how non Christlike the ‘church-God’ or even the ‘Bible-God’ can be. Setting Jesus as the standard for perfect theology, many of our current Christian beliefs and practices would obviously face indictment. Even significant swaths of biblical literature don’t line up well with the Christ of the Gospels. Claiming that God is revealed perfectly in Jesus triggers tough questions about the God I once conceived and preached. Jesus’ life and character challenges my religious cliches and standby slogans – especially the rhetoric of supreme power and irresistible force. Christ never reveals God that way in his teachings and especially not in his Passion ( that is, Jesus’ arrest, trial, torture, and death).

Yes, he proves victorious, especially in his resurrection, but remember that Paul resolved to preach ‘Christ and him crucified’ (I Cor 2:2). You could resist him, you could mock him and beat him up. You could kill him. And we did. Our God is the cruciform Christ, the ‘weakness of God’ I Cor 1:25) who is stronger than men. Why? Because he operates by overcoming love, not by overwhelming force. 

Take heart. Assuredly, we will encounter whatever comes, transformed by His love, and empowered by His Spirit, as we turn from, by repenting; and toward, in faith. … GO FORTH IN HIS CONFIDENCE>>>> mle

Next Up: Eugene Peterson literally stole the non-believer’s catchphrase “A Long Obedience in the Same Direction” and made it the name of his best book released in 1980, as well as commandeered a key word phrase associated with atheist philosopher Frederic Nietzche “that the only way to live life is to find a standard and stick to it.” Unfortunately for Frederic and the world ever since, he rejected his childhood standard, Jesus Christ, and instead became the pawn of the Imposter, the Devil himself. I’ve summarized Peterson’s Ch 13 titled Obedience. Two of his quotes are “a Christian who stays put is no better than a statue waiting to be pulled down when the tide changes” and “you ever notice for all its interest in history the Bible never refers to the past as “the good old days.” The past is not, for the person of faith, a restored historical site that we tour when we are on vacation; rather it is a field we plow, disc, harrow and plant, fertilize, and lovingly work to insure a bountiful harvest.”

Putting An End To The Blame Game & Saying Goodbye To Entitlement Mentality!

Last week I listened to nationally syndicated radio host and columnist Michael Brown’s handbook “Saving A Sick America,” (SASA) a biblically-based moral and cultural renaissance, revealing that the key for the inspiration and guidance necessary for a moral and cultural revolution for recapturing America’s greatness consists in returning to our spiritual and moral roots.

And yes indeed, at first blush, this book too appears to be just one more of the thousands continually appearing for decades now. But from my perhaps yet immature perspective as a blogger, I’ve already realized effective sustainable life change do not occur easily without significant reorientation of our perspectives and desires. And I particularly found Chapter Twelve in SASA titled “Putting An End To The Blame Game & Saying Goodbye To The Entitlement Mentality,” as a key document for exploration. But may I remind us as readers, since we are all to encourage and mentor others in various capacities every day, perhaps this has a wider application than I originally considered, therefore I am sharing it with you. Even though I spent considerable time attempting to condense this eleven page chapter, this document is still nearly 3000 words long. Make no mistake! This document remains a chapter. Pace your reading accordingly!

Ecclesiastes 1: 9–10 Tells us there is nothing new under the sun. The problems and challenges we face today, although packaged differently than in past centuries, are the same problems and challenges experienced by previous generations. We have the same fears, desires, lusts, loves, hopes, and dreams, whether we live in the 21st -century A.D. or the 21st – century BC. This is another reason God‘s word is so amazingly relevant: Our Maker knows us better than we know ourselves, and the sins and the shortcomings and the weaknesses of our forefathers, going all the way back to the garden of Eden – are our sins and shortcomings and weaknesses today. In many ways, we are just like Adam and Eve.

Let’s go back then, to the beginning, to an earthly paradise called the garden of Eden. We know the story all too well. Eve was deceived by the serpent, and she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, giving the fruit to her husband Adam, who also ate of it. This is what is known as the fall of man.

Immediately, Adam and Eve were conscious of their nakedness. Before that they had the innocence of little children and were one unaware they were unclothed. Now they had to cover up. For the first time they also experienced guilt and fear. They hid from the presence of the Lord, whose commandments they had violated. They also learned to make excuses and pass the buck. The narrative in Genesis 3 is remarkable:

Then the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”

He replied, “I heard you walking in the garden, so I hid. I was afraid because I was naked.“

“Who told you that you were naked? “asked the Lord God. “Have you eaten from the tree whose fruit I commanded you not to eat?“

The man replied, “It was the woman you gave me who gave me the fruit, and I ate it.“

Then the Lord God asked the woman, “What have you done?“

“The serpent deceived me, “she replied. “That’s why I ate it.” (v. 9–13 NLT)

This sounds just like you and me: “Lord, it’s not my fault! Someone else is to blame!“

When God confronted Adam, the man in essence replied, “It is not my fault! It was that woman that you gave me. She is guilty. And for the record, I never asked you for a companion. That was all your idea. You are the one who put her in the garden with me, so in reality, you’re the one responsible for what I did.”

When God confronted Eve she replied, “It is not my fault! The snake tricked me! And just for the record, although I’m not actually saying it out loud, you were the one who put that deceiver in the garden with me. Otherwise, I would never thought of disobeying you. Not in a million years. So, if there’s anyone to blame here, it’s you for putting that arch deceiver right in my own backyard.”

How did God respond? First, he pronounced a curse on the snake, then on the woman, then on the man (Genesis 3:14-19). Everyone is responsible before the Lord, and excuses evaporate in his presence. The blame game doesn’t work before an all-seeing God. To paraphrase the old joke, you can’t kill your parents and then plead for leniency from the court because you’re an orphan. Not in God’s court!

The Lord calls us to take responsibility for our actions, refusing to entertain her fragile excuses. This is something you find throughout the Gospels, where Jesus, who was so full of compassion and long-suffering and kindness and tenderness, showed no tolerance for excuses. He cut through them like a knife cuts through butter. He exposes them for what they were: empty words used to cover up the lack of willingness. That’s why, when Jesus was on the earth, he didn’t trust himself to people, “because he knew all people and needed no one to bear witness about man, for he himself knew what was in man” (John  2:24–25). He also knew that there was nothing new under the sun when it came to the human race.

When, in response to Jesus command to “follow me, “the man said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father,“ Jesus replied, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead. But as  for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God“ (Luke 9:59-60).

The fact is that Jesus was sensitive, and he was committed to honoring one’s parents (see especially Mark 7:1-13). But he saw through this man’s excuse, recognizing that the man was procrastinating. Today Jesus might seem harsh and uncaring. He is hardly like the Jesus we hear preached from our pulpits these days. The contemporary Jesus would never hurt any one’s feelings like this. But that, of course, is one of the big differences between the real Jesus – the Jesus of the Scriptures who is the same yesterday, today, and forever, (Heb 13:8) – and the modern, fairy tale version of Jesus.

It is absolutely true that we are saved by grace, not by works, and that eternal life is a gift. But Paul also made clear that with grace came responsibility, writing, “I therefore a prisoner for the Lord, urge you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have been called” (Ephesian 4:1). And “Therefore I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God to present your bodies as a sacrifice – alive, holy, and pleasing to God – which is your reasonable service. Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well pleasing and perfect” (Romans 12:1-2).

Paul also had no places for empty excuses, telling the believers in Rome that “each of us will give an account of himself to God” and explaining to the believers in Corinth that “we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body, whether good or evil” Rom. 14:12; II Corinthians 5:10).

These are sobering words. As children of God, we will give account to our Father one day, not to determine if we are saved or lost but to determine our future rewards.

It is true that he is for us, not against us; that he desires to bless, not curse; that there is no condemnation for those who are in Messiah Jesus; that Christ himself is our advocate, which means he is pleading our cause. Therefore we submit to the Lord out of love rather than cower before him in servile fear. This means we will take responsibility for our sins, which is something else we don’t hear about too often these days. As a Christian apologist Jeremiah Johnson observed, instead of repentance we hear “a lot of talk about brokenness and negativity, as if Christ humbled Himself to the point of death to cure depression and fix bad attitudes. The modern church has largely done away with the biblical language of sin and salvation, replacing it with gooey postmodern verbiage that appeals to a generation raised on psychobabble and self-help seminars.“

Johnson then quoted Pastor John MacArthur:

That kind of thinking has all but driven words like sin, repentance, contrition, atonement, restitution, and redemption out of public discourse. If no one is supposed to feel guilty, how could anyone be a sinner? Modern culture has the answer: people are victims. Victims are not responsible for what they do; they are casualties of what happens to them. So every human failing must be described in terms of how the perpetrator has been victimized. We are all supposed to be “sensitive“ and “compassionate“ enough to see that the very behaviors we used to label “sin“ are  actually evidence of victimization.

Victimization has gained so much influence that as far as society is concerned, there is practically no such thing as sin anymore. Anyone can escape responsibility for his or her wrongdoing simply by claiming the status of a victim. It has radically changed the way our society looks at human behavior.

We are not sinners anymore; we are morally challenged. We don’t break God‘s commandments; we have a disease. We are not wicked; we are weak. And above all, we’re not guilty, since guilt implies responsibility and God knows we are not responsible. Someone else is to blame!

The bottom line is this: if you want to grow spiritually, if you want to become mature, if you want to fulfill your God-given destiny, then adopt a no-excuses policy for your life.

You alone are responsible for your success or failure, and the quicker you learn to embrace this way of thinking, the quicker you will make progress – real, discernible progress. No one will be able to stop you from living a productive, meaningful life, and every stumbling block will become a steppingstone. His grace will empower you as you give yourself to him.

It is true that people often hurt us and that circumstances are often against us, and many times we do suffer because of other people‘s sins and negligence and misdeeds. But making excuses will make things worse, not better, while shifting the blame will not provide you with the single constructive solution.

But there is one more step to take if you really want to swim against the tide in today’s society, and so I encourage you to embrace this attitude as well: nobody owes me anything, and I’m not “entitled“ to a wonderful life. Unfortunately, many Americans hold the exact opposite of this belief, and this crippling entitlement mentality dominates much of our nation today. It is the mindset that says, “Society owes me a better life.“ defines entitlement mentality as a “a state of mind in which an individual comes to believe that privileges are instead rights, and they are to be expected as a matter of course.“ In the words of Alethea Luna, “a sense of entitlement is established upheld by the belief that we are the center of the universe, and if the universe doesn’t meet our needs and desires, all hell will break loose.“

According to, entitlement mentality is characterized by:

1.) A lack of appreciation for the sacrifices of others

2.)Lack of personal responsibility 

3.)An inability to accept that actions carry consequences

4.) Increased dependency on the Nanny state big government intervention, and expectation that the government will intervene to solve personal problems. Upon losing a job, for instance, someone with an entitlement mentality is likely to turn to the government for unemployment handouts rather than immediately seeking another job.

5.) Ignorance of the Bill of Rights. Those within entitlement mentality frequently imagine so-called rights that are in no way guaranteed – for instance, the “right to employment,“ or the “right to not be offended” or “the “right to healthcare.” Moreover, they misinterpret the Declaration of Independence’s affirmation of their right to pursue happiness as a Constitutional guarantee of happiness.

6.) Support for wholesale expansion of Welfare state social programs as a cure all for perceived “injustice.”

Now, if we go back to the garden, back to Adam and Eve, we can see that the entitlement mentality is the flip side of the blame shifting mentality. Blame-shifting says I’m not responsible for my failure; someone else is,“ while entitlement says, “I’m not responsible for improving my situation; someone else is.” Either way, someone else is to blame for my current situation, and if I don’t find myself where I want to be today, it’s someone else’s fault.

This dangerous attitude is crippling a whole generation, but once again, this attitude is nothing new. It is just greatly on the rise in our day. As expressed by Kate S Rourke, “Children in the most recent generation of adults born between 1982 and 1995, known as ‘Generation Y,’ were raised to believe that it is their right to have everything given to them more than any other previous generation.” This mind-set has been here before; it has just become much worse.

Once again, God‘s word has a major word of correction and redirection for us today. Entitlement mentality is destroying our culture and hurting a whole generation. The Bible’s directive to take full responsibility for our lives and quit making excuses is just what we need.

Notice the admonition in the Ephesians 4:28, “Let the thief no longer steal, but rather let him labor, doing honest work with his own hands, so that he may have something to share with anyone in need.” And now since the former thief is also a follower of Jesus, he is working not only to make a living, but he is working to have extra money to help those in need. This is the complete crucifixion of the entitlement mentality. Others are not responsible for me; I am responsible for others.

I believe the entitlement mentality is one of the greatest strongholds in our society today. It undercuts initiative, encourages apathy, and discourages visionary sacrifice. Worst of all, it is so deeply in bedded that we’re not even conscious of it, making it harder to resist and overcome. But resist it and overcome it we must. Otherwise, we’ll be stuck on a merry-go-round of blame shifting and victim hood, getting angry, pointing our fingers, making accusations, and going nowhere.

Jesus gives us three practical principles in Luke 16:

1.) “One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much“ (v.10). You will not be trusted with much until you prove yourself trustworthy with very little. In my early days of radio broadcasting when I was on the few smaller stations, I said to the Lord, “If you will give me a million listeners a day, I’ll make this the best radio show possible.” No sooner did I say the words that I knew what his answer would be: “Make this the best show possible, and I will give you a million listeners.”. 

2.) If you’re not faithful with money (what Jesus calls “the unrighteous wealth“), you won’t be faithful with true riches. (v.11). Many of us want to be spiritual heroes, but our earthly lives are a wreck due to our own irresponsibility, particularly when it comes to handling money. Of course, God doesn’t expect all of us to be financial wizards, but he does require us to be good financial stewards, and that means paying our bills on time, being generous, and being wise.

3.) “And if you’ve not been faithful in that which is another’s, who will give you that which is your own?“ The principal again is simple: If you are irresponsible with the things that don’t belong to you, caring for them as if they were your own, then you’ll never be entrusted with things that are your own. If you don’t care take care of your parent’s car when they loan it to you, you’re not ready for a car of your own.

In summary, the bigger the stakes, the more our good habits (and bad habits) will be magnified. So, faithful with a little, faithful with much; faithful with earthy riches, faithful with spiritual riches; faithful with that which belongs to someone else, faithful with that which belongs to you.

None of this is rocket science but once again, that’s what is so wonderful about God‘s Word. It is as practical as it is profound and as pragmatic as it is penetrating. The Word of God is wise, and we do well to live by the wisdom of the Word. And the word of God destroys the entitlement mentality, giving us something far better in its place.

Dr. John Townsend wrote,

“There is a solution to entitlement, which I called the Hard Way. The Hard Way is the entitlement cure. It is a path of behaviors and attitudes that undo the negative effects of entitlement whether in ourselves or others.” This was his definition of the Hard Way: “The habit of doing what is best, rather than what is comfortable, to achieve a worthwhile outcome.“

It is the hard way that pays long-term dividends, the hard way that produces long-term fruit, the hard way that yields long-term gratification. So quit passing the buck and shirking responsibility; don’t blame others for where you find yourself today; and determine, with God’s help, to be a giver not a taker, a producer and not a drainer, one who lifts others up rather than drags them down. To quote Paul once again, “Do everything without complaining and arguing, so that no one can criticize you. Live clean, innocent lives as children of God shining like bright lights in a world full of crooked and perverse people” (Phil. 2:14-15 NLT).

That’s our calling, that’s who we are, and that’s who our nation needs us to be. So, let’s wake up from our slumber. It’s a literally time to rise and shine.

Next Up Sun 4/14: Snippets from Saturday Nights Live Bill Maher’s comments via Brad Jersak’s book “A More Christlike God, A More Beautiful Gospel.”