Continuing on from Page 225
So, I decided to resolve this dilemma no matter what it took. I knew God was real. And I knew the Bible was true in the ways we have discussed previously. But many of the Christian views I had learned of psychology were just not completely true, or, at the very least, where there was truth, fell short. I knew too much to go back to thinking they were right or accepting them as they were being presented. I could not live with that, so here is what I did. I basically dropped out of life for the better part of a couple years.
Of course, I still worked and played golf … couldn’t stop those. But every other waking moment I decided to do one thing: just read and study my Bible. I was not going to read any of the Christian stuff about psychology or mental health issues and what they had to say. I already knew that literature. I wanted to see what the Bible itself said about these issues. Just on its own, as I looked at it through the lenses of my clinical and scientific expertise that I had gained over those years. And here is what happened”
I was literally “born again.”
I could not believe it. Literally everything I was learning in the science that showed where mental health, relational, and performance issues came from, as well as how to resolve them, was right there in the Scriptures. All along, it was all there.
The causes and the cures of those issues were throughout the Bible, and much of the “Christian” material that one reads was not there and, not only that, was actually even taught against! It was much like my previous chapter on bad-behaving Christians. People reject the Bible because they see the falsehood of some Christians and think that is what faith is about, but as I have shown, the Bible sometimes agrees with the skeptics, not the other way around. In this case, the Bible supported my skepticism of the things some of the church was teaching and, instead, was agreeing with the science of psychology! (I am sure I will get some angry emails from some for that proposition, but that’s not new. I have had those debates for decades. Feel free to send them.) Remember, when Job suffered, God chastened the religious counselors for not speaking the truth, too. Religious people don’t always get it right. They gave Job all of the “Christian” answers of the time, and they were wrong too.
So, after a period of deep study, my conflict was resolved. But more than resolved … I had a new life mission in a sense. I could now really help people get u n c o n f l i c t e d, but more than that, I could show them and others that the Bible really does know you suffer and that what God says there can help you. So, I ended writing a lot of books on that topic, and I still do.
And it has been an amazing journey, for which I am grateful to God. One capstone I think back on that was particularly fulfilling was that after John and I designed treatment centers and hospital units that used all these faith- and science-based clinical treatment methods, we opened them up to outside university researchers. After their clinical research, that treatment program was documented to get better results than others that were non-faith-based in treating Axis 1 (DSM) clinical issues and, surprisingly for many, Axis 2 issues (personality disorders) as well. This research was presented at the American Psychological Association’s annual meeting and was surprisingly well received. It was a real highlight of all of this work.
My books Changes That Heal, Boundaries, and How People Grow (by myself and John Townsend) came out of this work and this season.
And all along the way, I have had a blast. It is surprising to me as well as how many people just do not know what the Bible has to offer in these areas that psychology addresses. I fondly recall a conversation I had with a woman on an airplane one day.
“So, what do you do?” she asked.
Usually, on airplanes, I do not answer that question, as I know what is to come. The person wants to tell me about some problem, and I’m in for a four-hour session when I was hoping to …