It’s really quite simple…

It’s a moment’s picture I’d like to freeze in time. The sun is weakening as it is sliding lower in its southwest journey. In an hour it will be down but each day its journey lengthens. The sun brightened areas of fresh snow and the looming expanding shadows alternate as I gaze down from my office windows into the ravine below toward the creek. Certainly no sprigs of green anywhere in sight today but in sixty days, we can hope, and that will be just the beginning of the evidence of the annual renewal. And it has occurred spring after spring since creation with no help from anyone. So effortless, and seldom do I even take time to notice.

This has been a strange afternoon for me as I sat listening to Brian’s funeral and enjoying the nature outside my windows. Earlier after lunch, Loretta sent me a link to the funeral including the pics from the viewing. The wonders of technology. A few of the pics struck my heart strings from the startup days for Kingsway.  

Brian is a legend in his generation. Just like Brian, we all possess seeds of spiritual greatness in our genetic code. Brian from early on invested his seeds particularly well, first into his own spiritual foundation, and then into the lives of all those around him, and ultimately spilling over into projects that just kept multiplying fruit and influence. The preponderance of evidence is invigorating to all of us. None of us would claim Brian was specially endowed. Indeed, we are all uniquely gifted and depending on how we integrate our “gifting” in to our life choices and experiences, will have everything to do with the “fruits”our efforts produce here. Indeed, some fruits are more visible than others but that is not the point. Blooming where we are planted with the “gifting” we’ve been given, all done in worship to our Creator God and Savior, is the sum reality of our spiritual existence.  

Today Carl preached from I Peter 5:1-5 entitling his sermon “Shepherd the Flock” expounding on five points: Relationships, Roles, Responsibilities, Righteousness, and Rewards. I plan to address only the first three components and suggest we examine the additional scripture Carl took from Ephesians 4:12 as it addresses these first three “R’s” rather well. I suggest we read it from the Message for a different twist. “He handed out gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist,and pastor-teacher to train Christ’s followers in skilled servant work, working within Christ’s body, the church, until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.”

 I highlighted “until we’re all moving rhythmically and easily with each other” because I am so attracted to the word “rhythmically” for what it implies; a seamless unity pervading the entire organization on all levels so all of its energies are laser focused for example, on “Living and Building the Kingdom of God.” The remainder of the verse reads “efficient and graceful in response to God’s Son, fully mature adults ….. fully alive like Christ.” Perhaps this is best accomplished as a result of purposefully investing our spiritual seeds of greatness under the direction of the Holy Spirit amidst the multitude our daily life choices and experiences.

Perhaps we need to contrast the above investment model over and against the typical daily default mode of our culture; rise, rush, tolerate work, “selfish crash time,” media time, sleep, and do it again tomorrow, and never mind all the relational stressors people are carrying around emotionally from prior poor relationships and financial losses! Gruesome indeed compared to grace and peace! Not that this is what we do, but perhaps we need to consider exactly what most people we meet every day are up against without the Hope of Christ. New Year’s Suggestions provide little success and neither do the self-help gurus.

Let’s recap quick. Nature performs flawlessly and will until the end of time. Man is flawed because of sin but the seeds of greatness are within his being as is his innate desire to worship, and the determining question is simply this: “Who or what will he worship?” That will ultimately determine his final destiny. His intellect and/or toys, or God? I maintain Brian understood this tension and he first chose God at nine years of age. Perhaps also, congregations that choose God over self, and worship Him in spirit and truth, will tend to be “moving rhythmically and easily with each other,” naturally, just like the arrival of spring each year, and our lives and congregations will exhibit an abundance of fruit and great joy! Certainly worth our consideration and prayer.       Blessings as You Go Forth>>>>

Greetings in this “dawning” of another Christmas Season

I’m drawing here from one of my favorite authors, Tim Keller, with his accent on the word “dawning” in his shorter than usual book, “Hidden Christmas: The Surprising Truth Behind the Birth Of Christ.” I was first encouraged to read Keller by our youth pastor years ago while we served as MYF sponsors with him. Thank you Thomas, because Keller’s books revealed the astonishing basic scriptural truths to me undoubtedly providing the spiritual impetus for what I refer to now in my blog as “Retooled and Thriving.”

Hidden Christmas is a book I now reread each fall following Thanksgiving in preparation for Christmas. Truthfully, I never was a Christmas addict, though as I am quite steeped in church culture, it was a season pretty much like all the others that came and went over the years devoid of any personal passion from me. That was until I read Hidden Christmas a few years ago (I think this is now my third such annual  encounter) after God started literally purging my “temple” as Josiah did the temple in the OT while re-discovering the scrolls  and re-instituting temple worship. The process that swept thru my mind a few years ago may best be described as the reformatting of my hard drive, certainly not merely a re-booting.

Starting with the Isaiah 9:2, 5-7 passage, I quote “the people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned….”  The New King James uses the word “shined” but I much prefer “dawned”, likely because very few people, except for truckers and dairymen, have witnessed more sunrises than I. Fact is for me, “dawned” connotes such a rich understanding of progressing from complete darkness to a full brilliancy of color in the sky and the freshness of a new day, from the glistening dew on the lush vibrant fields and forests to the swooping birds in flight. “Shining” does have potential too, but I find it more static, for “shined” can be either switched off or on. Whereas for me, “dawned” evidences a daily renewal of the redemptive process, not that the incarnation is a repeated event; let alone daily. Let it be known there was only one such event, ever! But yet, with us mere mortals, though we may need to shine as admonished in the Sunday School chorus from “hide it under a bushel, NO! I’m going to let it shine”, I prefer to focus on the incarnation event in that as “a light has dawned.”

And I do believe, “dawned” is the path many of us actually do discover Christ. My generation’s “accepting” Christ was more a “shined” event; we were “exposed” in a situation, whether camp, Bible School, youth retreat, crusade, revival, etc., where we suddenly found ourselves in the “time to make a  decision spotlight”, whether it was orchestrated or not, perhaps by “pure”coincidence, or as we reflect later, a “mass movement”, it was now time and the thing to do. And so we did.

See why I much prefer “dawned”. Keller explains it as “it doesn’t say from the world a light has sprung, but upon the world a light has dawned. It has come from the outside. There is light outside of this world and Jesus has brought that light to save us; indeed, he is the Light (John 8:12).”  And actually, now as we find ourselves in our mature years, we realize that we were actually “dawned” upon a number of times, speaking now solely of our spiritual growth cycles, throughout our life to date. Keller wisely ignores all this trivia, but goes dead center for the Christian religiosity cultural jugular artery or vein. He clearly makes the point, that unless you have first come to fully understand and appreciate the significance of the “incarnation”, you’ll not understand let alone appreciate, the fullness of God’s revelation of salvation afforded us by his resurrection, nor have any inkling of empowerment by the Holy Spirit.

So, what are we to do, with this fairy tale magical once upon a time event, that you and I have encountered annually since memory serves? First, perhaps we begin by believing the report about what has happened in  history, that God really did become a human being, and thank Him for his reality in our lives.  Secondly, in appreciation, simply ask Him for more faith in order to accomplish greater “works”, works best interpreted as “obedient actions” as we read in James 2:18.

Quoting Keller near the end of the first chapter, he writes “There has never been a gift offered that makes you swallow your pride to the depths that the gift of Jesus Christ requires us to do. Christmas means that we are so lost, so unable to save ourselves, that nothing less than the death of the Son of God himself could save us. That means you are not somebody who can pull yourself together and live a moral and good life. When Jesus died on the cross, darkness fell over the land. The Light of the world descended into darkness in order to bring us into God’s beautiful light (I Peter 2:9) The promises of Christmas cannot be discerned unless you first admit you can’t save yourself, or even know yourself, without the light of his unmerited grace in your life. This is the foundational truth from which we can proceed to learn the hidden truths of Christmas!”

Such hidden truths include “The Gospel is Good News, Not Good Advice”, “The Gospel Story Changes How We Read Other Stories,” “The Gospel Turns The Worlds Values Upside Down,” “God May Take His Time, But He Keeps His Word,” and “The Gospel Is Ultimate Rest.”

May we share the Gospel “dawning” as the truth has “dawned” upon us, whenever, wherever, however, in our lives thus far. Join the growing throng of Keller Annual Advent Readers (KAAR) seeking to be reminded of the Incarnation, its truths, and our subsequent obedient actions.

Merry Christmas!