Biden Prepares To Hand America’s Sovereignty to the WHO

This all reminds me strangely (and rather sickeningly) when as a child during the fifties, I heard warnings that someday America would self destruct from within…. and figuratively, that it would happen without firing a shot. Back then, there were prophetic historians who could read the signs. Today, they’ve been silenced. Or de-platformed! Remember The Matrix? Your choice. Red pill or blue pill? “Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.” James 1:16 merlin

May 18, 2022

The ultimate control over America’s health care and its national sovereignty will be put up for a vote next week at a meeting of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) governing legislative body the World Health Assembly (WHA) on May 22-28, 2022. The 76th World Health Assembly will convene at UN headquarters in Geneva Switzerland, with delegates from 194 nations, to vote on the Biden’s administration’s proposed amendments to the international Health Regulations that will hand over national sovereignty and authority to WHO.

On Jan 22, 2022, officials from the Biden Administration quietly sent the WHO extensive amendments without an official statement or a single press conference. These proposed amendments are written to strengthen the organization’s ability to unilaterally intervene into the affairs of nations merely suspected of having a “health emergency” of possible concern to other nations. If these amendments are approved, the WHO will have the power to to declare an “international health emergency,” nullifying the power of nation states.

The US amendments delete a critical existing restriction in the regulations: “WHO shall consult with and attempt to obtain verification from the State Party in whose territory the event is allegedly occurring….” This enables the Director-General to declare health emergencies at will and can be used to justify ostracism and economic or financial actions against the targeted nation by other nations aligned with WHO or who wish to harm the accused nation.

These sweeping new powers will be invested in the Director – General of WHO to act on his own. The D-G is Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, commonly known as Tedros. Tedros, the first non-physician D-G of WHO, is an extremely controversial Marxist activist and politician from Ethiopia installed by the Chinese Communist Party. His original election in 2017 followed by his re-election without opposition in 2022, is an ominous display of CCP influence over WHO, which makes further empowering the UN agency extremely dangerous.

The contents of the proposed amendments were not made public until April 22, 2022 leaving little time to protest before the votes. . The existing WHO regulations provide for an 18 month grace period during which a nation may withdraw its “yes” vote for amendments. However, the current proposed amendments would reduce that opportunity to six months.

Covid-19: make it the last Pandemic,” a report published by the UN in May 2021, claims the “pandemic”would have been prevented if the WHO had been given more global authority. Thee report states, “In its current form, the WHO does possess such powers…. To move on with the treaty, WHO therefore needs to be empowered – financially and politically… The treaty should possess an adaptable incentive regime, [including] sanctions such as public reprimands, economic sanctions, or denial of benefits.”

On March 2020, the WHO pushed democratic nations to implement lock downs, mandates, vaccine passports, digital “health” surveillance , etc. Labeled “interim guidance,” the WHO’s latest release pushes new digital vaccine passports to be used on a global scale. The WHO openly states these personalized digital documents could “be extended to capture vaccination status to protect against other diseases” and may “be used for continuity of care as or as proof of vaccination for purposes other than health care,” such as employment, university education, and international travel.

Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver stated, ” The Biden administration has now set America up to cede (synonym: relinquish) U.S. sovereignty concerning the of Americans to the WHO. The proposed amendments would give the WHO global jurisdiction over the U.S. including the authority to declare national emergencies. We have already seen the lawless abuse of power under Joe Biden by the Centers for Disease Control, which fortunately the courts have blocked. If not stopped, Americans would have very little recourse against the WHO. America must not give up its sovereignty to the WHO.”

If adopted this month, Biden’s amendments will go into effect in November. This proposal is such a radical change it should need the approval of the U.S. Senate. We need to act now to communicate with every legislator to do everything in their power to stop this massive attack on freedom, our loss of sovereignty.” – Mat

Call 202 224-3121 to request a Senate vote on these WHO amendments and vote NO with your legislator. Thank You for your due diligence. And then pray mightily for our country during these perilous times that His justice will prevail here and around the world alleviating the inevitable future pain, famine, death, and destruction.

Two Years Too Late… But Still Good To Know! Truth Always Prevails and the Principles Yet Apply….

Posted on 11/13/2021 on Several days ago I came across Beth Troyer’s article in the magazine “Sprigs Life” which prompted discovering her blog’s website if you are interested. I resonated with her extensive 74 footnote researched links embedded throughout this article enabling you to click on the number and then be promptly connected to that website. You will find all 74 websites listed at the end of the article.

I really apologize for not locating this article for you earlier. I do realize this is not your casual feel good reading; but by now, you certainly know that is not my mission in this blog. Rather, it is all about being prepared! But in this moment, I do strongly invite each of you to invest the minutes needed to read the two introductory paragraphs and the final five paragraphs in section 8 to better understand the under-girding principles which drives Beth Troyer’s Informed Health blog and very likely provide you a future point of reference. There is even a link to writing a request for an exemption. Words underlined without a footnote number lead to her blog articles on the subject. The frosting though, on this celebratory “Cake For Life” is viewed by clicking on the very last three words in the article, live by lies, at the end of the paragraph five. I need say no more. Blessings on your journey for truth. merlin

Here is Beth’s article titled: The Covid Vaccines

How does one go over the risks and benefits of the covid vaccines? Where do you begin? How do you choose what to share and what to pass over? What are the most important things to be aware of as we make decisions for our future and the future of our children?

Well, here is my list. I’ve decided to limit myself to 10 problems or concerns I have with these products because I know this will be incredibly long even if I limit myself, but please know that this is the tip of the iceberg and there is so much more I could say. I tried to be thorough but also concise. I have not strayed into “conspiracy theories”. All of this is easily verifiable, concrete, and based in the scientific data. If you want a glimpse at how much deeper I could have dived, check out these well written arguments here and here.

Small disclaimer: I will be talking mostly about the mRNA jabs and lumping things together instead of breaking down each one by type. For the sake of clarity (if you don’t already know this), there are two mRNA vaccines (Moderna and Pfizer), and two main viral vector vaccines (Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca). The mRNA jabs have the same formulation (for the most part) and certainly the same mechanism of action, as do the viral vector vaccines. I go over how they are made in connection to abortion here and have a little discussion on religious exemptions here.

1. They don’t work

First of all, the clinical trials were not designed to measure anything but mild infection. We don’t know if these products save lives, decrease hospitalization rates, or stop severe disease from the clinical trial data. They were designed to measure mild infection and were decided based on less than 200 people. [1]

And then we come to evidence of either extreme sloppiness or intentional skewing of data. The Pfizer trial, who makes a claim of 95% efficacy also notes that there were “3,410 cases of suspected but unconfirmed covid 19 in the overall study population, 1594 occurred in the vaccine group vs. 1816 in the placebo group.” [2]

It doesn’t say “negative PCR test with symptoms of covid.” It says “unconfirmed”. Why would that be? Why were they not tested? Why are they left unconfirmed? Unfortunately, we don’t yet have answers to these questions.

And now we have a whistleblower from the Pfizer trial saying this was the sloppiest clinical trial she’s ever been a part of. She has a list of data integrity issues including skewed data, no follow up with patients who had severe adverse events, unblinding of the data early on in the trial, and failure to test people with symptoms. [3,4]

We must also take into account the difference between absolute and relative risk. Relative risk is what the trials tout as 95% efficacy, but that only tells part of the story. Absolute risk measures the risk with and without the vaccine, and considers the entire population. Measuring the absolute risk takes your immune system into account and doesn’t pretend that we are all dependent on a product to save us. The ARR for Moderna was 1.2% and 0.84% for Pfizer. [5] Not as impressive, but more realistic.

Highly vaccinated populations in real life are proving that efficacy simply does not hold up. Click here for a fun video of headlines that start with 95% efficacy and slowly devolve into the 20s before they switch to talk about boosters.

Israel is one of the highest vaccinated populations in the world. Their efficacy had dropped to 39% by July, [6] and they are now seeing another rise in cases even since they’ve rolled out boosters. [7]

One million vaccinated with third dose by mid August:

Even if these shots start out at 95% effectiveness, they stopped measuring that in trials March of 2021, so we can’t tell how long we have until immunity begins to wain. Some studies have shown drops in immunity that are “considerably lower” than what we have been told based on the trials. [8]

According to a study from Israel, “In the vaccinated population, we observe higher initial antibody titers, but the titers quickly drop, decreasing by 40% each passing month. Conversely, in the convalescent population, initial titers are lower, but the titers decrease much more slowly, by ~4% every month.” [9]

A recent study out of Sweden showed “Vaccine effectiveness of BNT162b2 (Pfizer vaccine) against infection waned progressively from 92% at day 15-30 to 47% at day 121-180, and from day 211 and onwards no effectiveness could be detected. [10] That’s less than 50% in a little over 3 months and zero effectiveness in a little over 6 months. Johnson and Johnson has dropped all the way down to only 3%. [11]

To make the claim that they work, we would at least need evidence of a drop in cases after mass vaccine campaigns take place. The opposite has occurred in every single location as far as I can see. We actually had more deaths from covid by June 2021 than all of last year combined. [12] I know there are many factors involved, but one would expect some improvement after millions have been vaccinated, if they do actually work.

And honestly, all we need to do to answer this question is look at the talk surrounding boosters. We went from “very efficacious” and bizarre claims of the vaccine having better immunity than actually catching and surviving covid (such a claim would need extremely strong evidence; artificial immunity seeks to MIMIC natural immunity and has to this day never succeeded in being stronger or more long-lasting than natural immunity) to needing a third dose, to talk about needing a dose every five months [13] and they’re discussing a fourth dose even though it’s doubtful most people have even gotten their third one yet. [14]

Boosters this early in the game are not a sign of a “highly effective” vaccine.

Side note: Have y’all noticed the immunocompromised are the first ones getting rejabbed? The argument that we’re supposed to get injected to protect the vulnerable doesn’t hold up anymore since we’re injecting the vulnerable first.

2. There is no Transparency

Scientists have been asking for the raw data to the clinical trials from the beginning and the information was not released until after the vaccines were being taken en masse by a trusting public. [15]

Even now that the Pfizer vaccine has been granted approval (even though the approved version is not available to the public yet here in the US [16]) despite multiple promises for full transparency, the FDA has redacted one of the ingredients. [17] An ingredient, that incidentally, makes up 22% of the formulation. [18] There is currently a lawsuit underway to try and force them to actually fulfill that promise. [19]

On top of the aforementioned whistleblower alluding to severe adverse events being ignored within the trial, and trial participants coming forward with stories of injury and being ignored (more on that later) we have Maddie. A heartbreaking story of paralysis and severe suffering of a 12 year old girl who was a trial participant that was completely swept under the rug by Pfizer. Her adverse event was entered in the data as “functional abdominal pain” and not investigated or followed up on. [20]

3. Language is changing

So far I’ve counted 5 changes of definition by major public health officials:

  1. Vaccine:
    • it used to be: “a preparation of killed microorganisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms that is administered to produce or artificially increase immunity to a particular disease” [21] (the mRNA jabs would not have qualified as vaccines under this definition, just FYI)
    • It is now (changed Jan 2021): “a preparation that is administered (as by injection) to stimulate the body’s immune response against a specific infectious agent or disease: (please note: stimulating the immune system is not the same thing as producing immunity) such as b: a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein)” [22] (oh good, the mRNA gene therapy is now a vaccine. Voila!)
    • Click here for an interesting exchange of emails at the CDC that precipitated this change.
  2. Gain of function:
    • As recently as Oct. 19, the NIH defined “gain-of-function” experiments as “a type of research that modifies a biological agent so that it confers new or enhanced activity to that agent.” The NIH noted that “This research poses biosafety and biosecurity risks,” and warned that “these risks must be carefully managed.[23]
    • The new definition downplays the concept of gain-of-function and largely focuses on “enhanced potential pandemic pathogen” (ePPP) research. “While ePPP research is a type of so called ‘gain-of-function’ (GOF) research,” the revised definition explains, “the vast majority of GOF research does not involve ePPP and falls outside the scope of oversight required for research involving ePPPs.” [24]
  3. Anti-vaxxer:
    • A person who opposes the use of vaccines” is the description used by most but
    • …or regulations mandating vaccines” has recently been added to the Merriam Webster dictionary. [25]
  4. Herd Immunity:
    • The World Health Organization used to describe herd immunity as follows: “Herd immunity is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” [26]
    • It has now removed the part where it can be achieved through natural immunity which is worse than a lie because herd immunity has yet to be proven attainable through vaccination at all. To pretend it is only achieved through vaccination is the worst kind of bias. But they now say, “Herd immunity is a concept used for vaccination, in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. In other words, herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to it.” [27]
  5. Breakthrough Infection:
    • This is an entirely new term that used to be called “vaccine failure”. It’s a positive spin on something that is obviously not the desired effect. The definition of a breakthrough infection “is defined as the detection of SARS-CoV-2 RNA or antigen in a respiratory specimen collected from a person ≥14 days after receipt of all recommended doses of an FDA-authorized COVID-19 vaccine.” So if you’ve been twice vaccinated and get COVID and test positive, you are not a breakthrough infection and will be labeled as “unvaccinated” until you get that third shot, and so on as more and more boosters are required to be able to attain the term “fully vaccinated.” [28]
    • As of May, 2021, “after thousands of reported breakthrough cases” the CDC stopped counting anything other than hospitalized and dead breakthrough cases. They rely on “voluntary reporting from health departments through passive systems” to get these numbers right. [29]
    • Spoiler alert: they are not accurate. Many hospitals don’t even document vaccination status. (And when they do thoroughly document, they find results like this.) So all the stories in the media and those memes counting patients by vaccination status are not only discriminatory and ugly (imagine doing that with obesity, for example, which is also a personal health choice that people make), they are suspect and utterly meaningless unless we can prove that hospital is counting accurately and thoroughly.

Do you see how hard they have to work to prop up the narrative? They have to redefine words and make up new ones, just to explain away the truth. It’s what happens when you tell one lie and the truth keeps tripping you up so you have to pile lies upon lies until the whole thing starts teetering and people see through the holes.

4. We are not following the data

There are so many examples of this. I’ve covered some of it in previous posts. I’m not going to go into great detail here, because if you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably noticed the inconsistencies as well, plus this is already getting long.

The data on lockdowns is clear. We kill more people than we save. [30] The evidence that they do more harm than good is overwhelming.

Masks don’t make enough of a difference to be worth the risk. Especially to children. (No reference here, it’s too big of a topic, but this is the conclusion I have reached after much research, especially the research of reading the studies the CDC uses as proof that they do work. I highly recommend with starting there if you’re curious about this topic. Keep this rule (picture below) in mind as you go, along with actually looking at the percentages of statistical evidence that they cite.)

We’re deliberately killing small businesses while all of our money gets shunted to men who are already billionaires. [31]

PCR testing is extremely faulty. “…if someone is tested by PCR as positive when a threshold of 35 cycles or higher is used (as is the case in most laboratories in Europe & the US), the probability that said person is actually infected is less than 3%, the probability that said result is a false positive is 97%.” [32] Yet this is the very basis of most of the pandemic.

We ignore the data on medications like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and have yet to form a protocol that includes early treatment. Instead, if you go into the ER with a positive test and shortness of breath, you will likely be sent home until you are sick enough to be hospitalized and ventilators are still being pushed early in care despite evidence that they increase your risk of death. [33]

In a bizarre demonstration of either extreme ignorance or bias, the FDA ignored the fact that ivermectin won the Nobel prize as a medication for humans in 2015 and told people not to use it “because you’re not a horse”. [34] (If that’s their best argument against it, their grounds must be weak indeed.)

Could it be the skepticism and adamant denial of any medication that actually works is because if we had a cure, we wouldn’t need a vaccine?

From the beginning we have ignored the data on the actual risk of covid 19. It is now very evident what that risk is. Here are the latest numbers (age and survival rate): [35]

  • 0-19 = 99.973%
  • 20-29 = 99.986%
  • 30-39 = 99.969%
  • 40-49 = 99.918%
  • 50-59 = 99.73%
  • 60-69 = 99.41%
  • 70+ = 97.6% (non inst.)
  • 70+ = 94.5% (all)

And now we are moving forward to vaccinating children despite the danger of covid to children being “so low as to be difficult to quantify.” And “an unvaccinated child is at less risk for severe covid than a vaccinated 70 year old.” [36] Even long covid is almost nonexistent in children. [37]

But still, we move forward with recommendations to get them all vaccinated. This is not following the data.

Mandates forcing everyone to get vaccinated are also not following the data. More on transmission later.

5. We will never know the risk of the vaccines

I already went over the sloppy work in the clinical trials when it comes to efficacy, but haven’t focused on the safety aspect other than the people coming forward with eye witness testimonies. If you would like to see some interviews of clinical trial participants and others who have been injured and their interaction with the pharmaceutical companies, you can watch a few here, here, and here.

On top of them seemingly ignoring and sweeping any severe reaction under the rug in the clinical trials, after a mere 6 months, they started vaccinating the placebo group. [38] This effectively takes away any scientific group we can measure against. You see, the only way to truly establish a causal connection between a product and an injury is through a randomized placebo controlled clinical trial. Once a vaccine is added to the recommended childhood schedule by the CDC, a study of this nature becomes “unethical” (because we cannot withhold a life saving vaccine from a group of children who would obviously drop dead without it). So we are left with retrospective studies which can only prove correlation. And then we enter a maze of denial and obfuscation and smug quotes of “correlation doesn’t equal causation” and we will be stuck in that cycle forever. No matter how many studies show a causal link or mechanism of action, no matter how many people come forward with injury stories. The science wasn’t done and then it’s unethical to do it. Maybe that’s what they mean when they say “the science is settled?”

So since we can’t do the science required, we must rely on post marketing surveillance and this is mostly contained by a passive system called VAERS. The website itself is rife with disclaimers and admissions of underreporting being a problem. In fact a study funded by the CDC found that less than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported. [39] This study notes the CDC basically ghosted them after they realized how bad the reporting was and the system was never automated as the goal had been when the study was first started. This was published over a decade ago and nothing has been done since so I assume they concluded less than 1% is good enough for government work.

There is evidence of extreme underreporting with the covid vaccines today. For an example, anaphylaxis is an extreme reaction that would result in death if immediate medical help is not administered. The reaction usually occurs within 17 mins of administration of the product causing the reaction and it is the most easily recognized adverse event. It is impossible to miss and nearly impossible to pass off as coincidence because it usually happens so quickly after the product is given. So if any reaction were to be thoroughly documented, it would be this one, right?

The CDC strongly encourages and even notes that doctors are required by law to report adverse events to VAERS even if they don’t know if the vaccine caused the reaction. [40] And this is now the only way we are monitoring the safety of these products, so who wants to guess how well we’re doing with anaphylaxis? A recent study in JAMA notes that VAERS data shows the rate of anaphylaxis is 2.5-11 per one million doses. Their independent research outside of VAERS showed the rate is actually 2.47 per 10,000 doses. [41] Now, I’m not very good at math, but even I know there’s a huge difference between 10,000 and one million.

If we can’t even capture anaphylaxis, no one can convince me we’re capturing anything else. Plus, doctors are coming forward with statements of having no idea that they were required by law to report injuries, and when they do, they get told in no uncertain terms to stop it by their bosses, because we wouldn’t want to do anything that could possibly add to vaccine hesitancy (scientific integrity be damned). [42]

But even with this crappy system, we currently have over 18,000 reported deaths, 88,910 reported hospitalizations, and in all, 856,917 reported adverse events. [43] It is a fact that all vaccine injuries in the past 30 years combined do not equal the carnage we’ve seen in 2021 alone. [44]

This is death per million doses, so it cannot be argued that we’re seeing more death because more vaccines are being administered.

As far as the $science goes, I don’t think we’ll ever have clear admissions of causal injuries (and when we do, they still recommend the vaccine, but more on that later), so we are left with combing through the evidence available, and listening to people’s stories.

Which brings us to censorship and the fact that social media platforms are across the board, silencing, shadowbanning, and outright deleting people’s accounts for simply sharing stories of their injuries. And despite this difficulty, we have these people finding each other in groups of thousands.

When we step outside of VAERS, to look at independent data there is evidence that the death count from February to August 2021 alone ranged from 146K to 187K. [45] This study also notes that “VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20”. But despite multiple independent studies with similar findings, the CDC is still holding strong that no deaths at all can be linked to the vaccines.

So my conclusion based on this evidence is that any risk based on VAERS data is much larger than they are admitting, and there are many unknown risks that will never be admitted or proven in any official capacity. And that includes menstrual changes and miscarriages after vaccination, which they are now finally looking into because of the absolute clamor being raised by the public. [46]

5. Myocarditis

I’ve seen disturbing evidence of a fanatical, almost cult like belief in vaccines from our health authorities that is willing to push aside any risk in a single minded devotion to vaccines as the only possible solution to all of our problems. From the FDA helpfully hiding an ingredient for Pfizer, to the CDC pausing the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine to see if it was causing blood clots (based on VAERS data), admitting that it does cause them, and then reinstating it despite that fact. [47]

But nothing makes this more clear than myocarditis in young people. The CDC has admitted that the available data (again from VAERS) “suggest an association of myocarditis with mRNA vaccination”. [48] And we now have evidence that the vaccine is actually up to 6 times more dangerous (for the risk of myocarditis alone) than the risk of hospitalization from covid for this age group. [49] The observed rates of myocarditis for these age groups are much higher than what is expected post vaccination:


Please watch this video for a cardiologist’s perspective on the claim that myocarditis is “mild.”

For this behavior to actually make sense, the risk from covid would need to be extremely high for this age group. It’s not. Not even for hospitalization, never mind for death or lasting disability, which myocarditis can cause. Athletes around the world are collapsing in the middle of games and others are losing their careers over heart problems post vaccination. The world record holder for static breath hold in free diving is one of many. [50] This hockey player died. [51]

And still it is recommended. It’s even recommended if the first dose causes myocarditis. The second dose is to be deferred until the “heart has recovered” (whatever that means since heart muscle does not regenerate). I can find no scenario where the risk is too great to completely contraindicate this product.

6. Spike Proteins

As far as I know, all of the vaccines are based on the spike protein portion of the virus. We have recently discovered that the spike protein is actually the part of the virus that is causing damage. A study from April explains, “The researchers created a “pseudovirus” that was surrounded by SARS-CoV-2 classic crown of spike proteins, but did not contain any actual virus. Exposure to this pseudovirus resulted in damage to the lungs and arteries of an animal model—proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease. Tissue samples showed inflammation in endothelial cells lining the pulmonary artery walls.” [52]

The original claim was that the vaccine contents would remain in the arm of the recipient and not circulate too much, but circulating spike protein has been found in plasma, [53] kidney, liver, and spleen, and large amounts in the ovaries. [54]

There is new evidence that the spike protein takes up to 15 months to clear for some people post infection, which explains long haul covid. [55] But what happens when your body is actually making the spike protein and it is replicating over and over by your own cells? And what happens when you’re getting another booster every few months? If it takes over a year for some people to clear the spike protein after the virus, what will happen if we need to be injected with that same spike protein every 12 months?

It has been shown that injected spike protein can cross the blood brain barrier in mice. [56] And a recent study from Sweden talks about how the spike protein inhibits DNA damage repair. They say, “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.” [57] One of the genes that is impeded by the spike protein is called “the guardian of the genome.” Its name is 53BP1 and it is a “key player of DNA damage response with critical functions in cancer.” [58] Another reason it is so important for long term studies to be done on how these vaccines effect cancer rates, but we don’t do that with any vaccine. (Check any insert)

Interestingly, when I shared a doctor’s take on this new study on my Instagram, my story was flagged and fact checked with this article linked as proof. Despite the fact that the article is talking about birth defects and really doesn’t apply to this new study, it is still used as proof that this new information is “false”. Their exact words are “The mRNA in COVID vaccines does not enter the nucleus of human cells, where the DNA is, and does not alter the DNA…” What’s fascinating is that this new study (citation 57 above) states, “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair by impeding key DNA repair protein BRCA1 and 53BP1 recruitment to the damage site.” Oops. The fact checkers are wrong again.

So if the spike protein is the culprit and we now know it can cause all of the symptoms of covid without even having a virus to go on, does that not beg the question whether commanding our bodies to become little spike protein factories is a good idea?

This explains all the blood clots, strokes, menstrual problems, pulmonary embolisms, and heart attacks post vaccination, by the way. It also explains brain fog and the blood clotting problems for covid itself. I do realize that the spike protein is part of covid. So all of the problems listed could be evidence that covid is dangerous. I have no problem admitting that. I’ve never had a problem with that. But it does not follow that the solution should then be the vaccine. The vaccines are essentially injecting that exact problem into ourselves, and could potentially be worse. Just think about the mechanism of action. Our cells are being commanded to make this spike protein. More on how they have to bypass the immune system later, but even if this virus was lab made and tampered with by humans, I think my immune system, in its natural state will have a better chance of dealing with a spike protein on a virus I contract naturally versus having my body being made into a spike protein factory.

Byram Bridle, a viral immunologist, sums it up like this, “We made a big mistake. We didn’t realize it until now. We thought the spike protein was a great target antigen, we never knew the spike protein itself was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. So by injecting people we are inadvertently inoculating them with a toxin.”

7. There is no liability

I think this is pretty well known by now so I’m not going to bother with references. Please note that there is no product on the earth more “take at your own risk” than these. If you are injured, the pharmaceutical companies will not chip in to pay for your medical bills. Even insurances are turning down claims if the vaccines are mentioned. Your pro-mandate friends will likely turn on you (one of the reasons many will not go public with their stories of injury: the fear of being ostracized by their friends), and people online will label you an “antivaxxer” even though you obviously took the vaccine so that label does not apply. If you lose your job due to injury, there is no one who will step in to pay your bills.

One of the injured in the interview above (a surgeon) says there is one word to describe how he felt as he suffered through his paralysis and the loss of his job and health post vaccination: “abandoned”.

8. Transmission is not stopped

Let me be very clear. None of these injections stop transmission. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Anyone pretending there was evidence that these products stopped transmission in the beginning were being scientifically dishonest. There may have been hope that they stop transmission. But as the clinical trials did not measure this, the basis for such claims was nonexistent. The recommendation for the vaccinated to continue wearing masks should have been a clue that the health authorities knew this from the very beginning. But now we have clear evidence of the head of the CDC making the statement that vaccination does not effect transmission. [59]

Here is the current wording on the cdc website: “If you are fully vaccinated and become infected with the Delta variant, you can spread the virus to others.” [60]

Viral loads in those vaccinated and unvaccinated are the same. [61]

I feel like the entire conversation could start and end on this one point. This is a personal decision and if I myself am not scared of covid, and I see the risk of the vaccines as greater than the risk of the infection for myself, then no more thought needs to go into this. No manipulative coercion about loving my neighbor, nothing about “doing the right thing”; that’s it. Because all those controlling, bigoted arguments are based on lies.

No vaccine that does not stop transmission will ever achieve herd immunity. Even vaccines that do stop transmission cannot achieve herd immunity, [62] so again, that claim is extraordinary and would require extraordinary evidence.

It’s not even skeptical to refuse to believe baseless claims. It’s just common sense. When people make extraordinary claims (even if they are wearing a lab coat or frequently seen in the media, or labeled an expert), they need extraordinary evidence to back it up. Otherwise, it’s just hopeful conjecture at best, and lying at worst.

9. We are ignoring natural immunity

We have mountains of evidence (or at least 123 studies as of today—it was 102 last week) proving natural immunity is “durable, broad based, long term, and effective.” [63] We have found the reinfection rate for those with severe disease is less than one percent. [64] Natural immunity is being called “super immunity” because it protects across different variants/strains. 23 of them, in fact, and natural antibodies also exhibit an “absence of selection pressure” which actually decreases the risk of “escape mutation acquisition and subsequent development of resistant viral variants.” [65] There is even evidence of immunity through other coronaviruses (like the common cold) through T cell immunity. [66]

Discrimination is running rampant and it’s (mostly) based on vaccination status. Why is natural immunity being ignored? It’s crazy that people who caught the dread disease and survived are being discriminated against simply because they might not want to take on the added risk of a medical product that is too late for them.

You see, when you encounter a virus in the wild, you breathe it in, and from there on, your body is learning it, and fighting it off. You will experience this virus (the entire virus, every sequence, every minute particle) with every single layer of your immune system. You will likely get sick as this occurs (but for a large, healthy majority, this sickness will be of short duration and easily overcome—disclaimer: not denying that some find it more difficult to overcome, not denying that some die), but if you do survive, your body will boast immunity the vaccine could never touch.

Plus you will actually be adding to the protection against more virulent strains, whereas the vaccines do the opposite. [67] In fact, a recent study actually showed that “fully vaccinated were more likely than unvaccinated persons to be infected by variants carrying mutations associated with decreased antibody neutralization.” [68] (This study is huge. It’s evidence that the vaccinated actually pose a greater risk to society as a whole than the unvaccinated. The opposite of what we’re told by the media. It’s also another study that notes the vaccinated and unvaccinated have the same viral loads.)

Here’s a fun little bunny trail on how the vaccines reprogram our immune systems: on Moderna’s website, under the heading “Overcoming Key Challenges”, they note, “Using mRNA to create medicines is a complex undertaking and requires overcoming novel scientific and technical challenges. We need to get the mRNA into the targeted tissue and cells while evading the immune system. If the immune system is triggered, the resultant response may limit protein production and, thus, limit the therapeutic benefit of mRNA medicines.” [69] I read that last year and immediately wondered how they figured out how to “evade” the immune system since isn’t that the very thing we’re targeting with these vaccines?

Well, it looks like the way to “protect the mRNA from the body’s immune defenses” is to “ablate the immune system” by “changing the code” that then subsequently “affects the toll like receptors.” [70] (The definition of ablate is “to remove or destroy the function of” just to anyone else who found this a new word.)

Turns out, mRNA technology actually reprograms both your adaptive and innate immune responses. [71]

But back to toll like receptors. What do they do? What happens when we ablate them? They are the gatekeepers that empower the immune system and do things like:

  • Recognize native vs foreign mRNA
  • Distinguish healthy cells from cancer cells
  • Put viruses in check so they remain dormant

Which may explain why we are having reactivation of varicella, [72] shingles, [73] (lymes disease flare up, anyone?) autoimmune disease flare ups, and aggressive cancers or returns of cancer post remission, all occurring shortly after vaccination. [74]

10. I cannot align myself with lies and control

There are simply too many lies swirling around out there. Even the accusation of misinformation is usually a lie (which is really ironic) and simply a phrase used to attempt to silence someone. Many times, the general narrative is actually the exact opposite of the actual truth. The truth is important to me. I truly believe that aligning myself with a lie has the power to tarnish my soul. The more lies a person defends, the more they will lose the ability to tell the difference between truth and deception and the faster they will move to the realm of calling good evil and evil good. An example of this is calling discriminatory legislation that mandates vaccines “for the greater good”.

The greater good argument is frequently used for vaccines and I often think “the end justifies the means” would be a more accurate description of what’s going on here. Have you noticed that the greater good argument always comes back to control? The push for certain behaviors is always cloaked in seemingly good intentions, but the end goal is still compliance to certain requirements being instigated largely by people who have no understanding of God or Christianity or Truth. The same people who tell us they’re following the science believe that we came from monkeys, that gender is fluid, and that abortion isn’t killing a human being.

I’ve seen so many “love your neighbor” posts by well meaning Christians but they always seem to forget that Jesus finished that command with two more words: “as yourself.” It’s understandable they want to leave that part out since the logic follows that if I believe a product to be harmful for myself there is no biblical basis for taking it for my neighbor. Sorry. That’s once again, twisting things into a lie to further an agenda. And twisting Jesus’ own words is dangerous ground, if you ask me. You don’t have to lie to people to get them to do what is right. The truth stands on its own and people have to make their own choices. If you cannot respect that, I would dare to say you are not loving your neighbor at all, but are caught in the throes of worldly ideology.

A more loving approach (if extremely condescending) is one I’ve seen on Facebook that claims those who refuse the vaccines are like the weaker brethren in Romans who don’t want to eat meat offered to idols even though that was part of the law Jesus had set them free from. I’m fully willing to accept that label if it means those who apply it to me will then also obey the following command that states the weaker brother is to be supported in heeding his conscience, for to do otherwise, is not faith, and is thus, sin. To try and convince him otherwise would be to encourage someone to sin, and we wouldn’t want that, would we?

Even when applied to vaccines that do stop transmission, passing over the free will of an individual for the believed benefit of many is not something Jesus ever taught. If an individual chooses to sacrifice themselves, that is different. But forcing that choice on others is the very farthest thing from loving your neighbor as yourself. Would you want to be forced to choose between a job and something you find morally wrong or physically risky? No, don’t pretend that you would. We all want what we think is best for ourselves. Jesus never disregarded what was best for the individual as a clause on how to love our neighbors. (More on that here)

Even the greatness of the good is no validation for us to demand that people do what we think is right. Jesus is truth. He made a way for us to be saved from sin. That is the greatest good humanity has ever experienced. And yet He never lied. He never coerced or manipulated or tried to control anyone. The greatest good, the gift of heaven, and still He never forced it on anyone. The truth is clear. It is straightforward. You can take it or leave it. It’s not about control. You certainly don’t have to base things on lies to get the truth out. The end never justifies the means if the means are based in lies, and I refuse to live by lies.


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What Is A Human?

Keith Gunta continually puts forth truth in dimensions for Christ Followers (CF’s) a quantum leap or two above where we have too often have “settled for” and are maintaining our comfortable lodging. I suggest you read the following against the backdrop of John 1:3-5. “All things were created by God, and apart from Him not one thing was created that has been created. In Him was life, and the life was the light of mankind. And the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness can not “master it.” Note The Message paraphrases it as couldn’t put it out; the NKJV says did not comprehend it; KJV comprehended it not; Amplified is unreceptive to it; LNT can never extinguish it; RSV has not overcome it.

Therein, may I add that CF’s must never forget that the real battle is against Satan, not mere men’s ideas and theories for it is he who brings such evil into their lives and tempts them to sin. Believers who view other people as the enemy will not be able to vanquish the real foe. Spiritual battles must be fought with spiritual weapons. God’s people do not fight with arguments or violence but with truth as found below and in abounding in scripture including righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God. God promises that such weapons will defeat the enemy. (Eph. 6:17)

In addition, a study of OT wars reveals that when the armies of Israel fought in their own strength, they always lost. But when they cast themselves upon God’s mercy, victory always followed. Supplication means to ask God for whatever one needs. Asking is the rule of the kingdom (Matt.7:7-11) and the rule of the church (see I Thess. 5:17; James 4:2; I John 3:22). Significant for us today to overcome this “mass psychosis brainwashing?”

Be prepared for an awakening within your Contagious Renewed Mind” (CRM) as you read what is a human and GO FORTH TODAY in HIS PRESENCE>>>>>merlin

Is Our Continued Silence Now Approaching Complicity?

This is the third such “INSP I RED” rolling text message video clips I have recently witnessed. All were very thought provoking for our circumstances today, one by a businessman, the other by a Jewish MD and intellectual. I present this clip as everything I offer: Strictly FYI, or For Your Reflection Today, Tomorrow, & Beyond….(FYRTT&B). This will likely never appear on CNN for obvious reasons. And you know from previous blogs that I tend to view Fact-Checkers as a marvelous idea simply gone awry in this era of censorship, perhaps even deteriorating to the level of becoming an idol for sloppy biblical truth seekers.

However, in the event you do have or know of a similar more neutral or even opposing viewpoint document, or clip as brief and as succinctly presented as Archbishop Vigano of the Catholic Church below, please do share it with me.

This clip features AB Vigano speaking encouragement to the Canadians, though now aging from his prior battles, yet yesterday was quite articulate, supposedly now in protective hiding and understandably so, who served as the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. He previously served as Secretary-General of the Governorate of Vatican City State from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011. He is best known for having publicized two major Vatican scandals. These were the Vatican leaks scandal of 2012, in which he revealed financial corruption in the Vatican, and a 2018 letter in which he accused Pope Francis and other church leaders of covering up sexual abuse allegations against former cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Viganò was ordained a priest in 1968 and spent most of his career working in a diplomatic capacity for the Holy See. As a priest, he served on a number of diplomatic missions before being consecrated a bishop by Pope John Paul II in 1992. (Wikipedia) Click on the link below.

The Price of a Permanent Emergency……

FYI, or Your Reflection Today (YRT, and tomorrow, and the next day, etc

by Graham Shearer 02/16/22

Governments across the globe have taken extreme measures over the past two years to combat COVID-19. The rationale is always the same: This is an emergency. But do governments understand the implications of this claim? A perpetual state of crisis cannot be a stable basis for civil government. Politicians who continually appeal to this justification may soon find they have unleashed forces beyond their control. 

It is hard to live in a state of emergency for two years or more, especially when it affects everything from the air in front of your face to your ability to travel. Throughout the pandemic, many have repeated Milton Friedman’s quip that “there is nothing so permanent as a temporary government program.” They were warning that the “exceptional circumstances” justifying emergency measures might prove enduring. Unfortunately, this warning has become our reality. Governments that were quick to impose restrictions have been reticent to rescind them, and many measures may not be rescinded at all. Leaders have learned that they can mandate masks, confine citizens to their homes, and limit public life to those who have had a certain medical procedure. Once leaders taste such powers, it is tempting to cling to them.

And even where some restrictions are loosening, governments are not relinquishing the right to impose such restrictions. This month, Scotland is set to renew the Coronavirus Act, which granted the Scottish government emergency powers earlier in the pandemic. If this happens, by the time the powers expire, the government will have had emergency powers for two and half years. Never mind that in 2020, the rate of age-adjusted all-cause mortality in Scotland was lower than in 2009. In Scotland, as in many other countries, vaccine passports, mask mandates, school closures, and lock downs appear to have become part of the magistrates’ governing repertoire—ready to be implemented again the moment the opportunity arises. 

In an interview for Le Monde in March 2020, Italian political philosopher Giorgio Agamben said, “The epidemic has made clear that the state of exception to which our governments have actually accustomed us for quite some time, has become the normal condition. . . . A society that exists in a perennial state of emergency cannot be free.” Agamben had written previously about the concept of “the state of exception” in reference to the “war on terror” and the way that the threat of terrorism served to justify the suspension of civil liberties for a certain group of people. For Agamben, the novel coronavirus was simply a fresh occasion for a similar approach. Leaders used the threat of impending death and catastrophe to give the government extraordinary powers in order to defeat the enemy.

Nearly two years after Agamben spoke to Le Monde, we remain in this state of exception. It is easy to be pessimistic about the future. However, in the foreword to Where Are We Now? (2021), a collection of pandemic reflections, Agamben strikes a different note. 

What accounts for the strength of the current transformation is also . . . its weakness. . . . For decades now, institutional powers have been suffering a gradual loss of legitimacy. These powers could mitigate this loss only through the constant evocation of states of emergency. . . . For how long . . . can the present state of exception be prolonged?

Agamben’s question is a good one. A state of emergency is unstable by definition. 

The current protests against vaccine mandates in Canada reveal that government authority and legitimacy are more fragile than we ordinarily suppose. For in emergencies, it is not only governments who respond. The Canadians who are protesting vaccine restrictions also appeal to extraordinary circumstances to justify their actions. After Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau complained that the protesters “are trying to blockade our economy, our democracy, and our fellow citizens’ daily lives,” the Babylon Bee published an apt headline: “Trudeau Demands Protesters Stop Shutting Down City So That He Can Shut Down City.” Governments who claim that circumstances require extraordinary measures may find that their citizens also take extraordinary measures.

Governments cannot have it both ways: Ordinary times carry with them ordinary constitutional constraints on government action and ordinary obligations to obey and comply. If governments appeal to a permanent state of exception to elude the former, it will find that more and more people consider themselves free of the latter.

That is why, for the sake of constitutional order and legitimacy, government claims for extraordinary powers must cease. Now that the deadliest phase of the pandemic has passed, the real emergency, at this point, is the permanent appeal to emergency. The urgent need is for governments to abandon urgency and return to the slow, steady business of governance. Good jurisprudence and government depend on a return to precedented times. As it is, too many governments are paying the mortgage on their extraordinary powers with the capital of their legitimacy. If they persist for much longer, some may begin to find that both have been spent.

Graham Shearer is a doctoral student at Union Theological College in Belfast and a fellow of the Chalmers Institute.

Real Faith Stories #36 – Jamie Winship – “I may never see my family again.”

Real Faith Stories #72  Jamie Winship – “I may never see my family again”

Following are my random notes minus the stories from this You Tube clip above introducing Jamie Winship with the minutes such as (5:32) inserted for quicker referencing. My spiritual mentor introduced me to him over two years ago and similarly to Carole Ward just recently, Jamie has opened for me spiritually new doors, perspectives, insights, opportunities, & responsibilities. Enjoy a life changing video. merlin

I desired to be a policeman since 8th grade, met a recovery nurse at 17 after surgery introduced me to Christ, wanted to be a policeman like she was a nurse. 1.) as a WDC policeman, was never to talk religion, NEVER, not even a review process for the infraction; 2.) no where to go to find out how to share your faith, areas we’re not even trained in,

Carried a notebook, Acts my model : in time I learned Lord, 1.) what do you want me to know; and 2.) what do you want me to do? When, in a dead end, situation without precedent I learned, 1.) God still speaks & 2.) his word still cuts.. we (church) don’t believe this anymore…The more we pursue the Lord, the further he’ll take us… he’ll keep (5:32)raising our level of observing his presence in our midst , plus then, he walks us through our fear out to the other side of it, actually we do not become braver, we become less fearful, we become fearless, not this macho, but very calm,

Then the Lord takes us to the next level, because we’re afraid of everything all the time, most of our decisions as humans are all self-protection and self-promotion, Christians as well, we make decisions based on fear, risk assessment, counting the cost, ….. What do you want me to know, what do you want me to do?

(6:50) Question: Give me example: We had an abduction of a 3rd grader in early 80’s when a kid vanished, 2 hrs late on the trail, I told the father “we’re going to find him” not an accepted protocol. Drive away from scene 3 blocks pulled over & stopped. Thinking “What do I need to know & what shall I do?” Can You locate a kid? You are a God of mercy. What’s your probable cause for pulling this car over? Nope- not gonna  work! Where did you get the idea to stop that car? I felt the presence of evil! A training officer said “trust your gut, trust your gut,” that’s how cops talk about it. Why would I just sit there and feel bad after the moment of opportunity passed? Definition of obedience in OT is to hear (listen) and respond. Hear O Israel, the Lord is one Lord! “It is not here is a list of rules,” that’s crazy, rather “hear & respond.” Basically, I’d asked the question and God responded, other times I sat on it, not perfect, Too often we get stuck in the listening mode, always receiving & getting fed, so when it’s time to exercise our muscles of faith, we end up just sitting there paralyzed…too busy looking at other persons and how God spoke to 13:00 them, rather than to us.. God doesn’t want us to compare ourselves to others, he speaks to us uniquely, it is all about worship and abiding, I can’t tell you what to know, but I can tell you how to know, the goal is not what to know, but rather how to know….

14:00 Jesus was not about formulas, but how do we know what to do! How did Jesus know to talk to the Samaritan woman? Why did you even go to her? How did He know what to say? “I say what the Father is saying, I see what the Father is doing… It is not how to do evangelism, the Four Laws, how did you even know to go (14:30)  to her?  I say what the Father is saying, I do what the father is doing, otherwise you’re just imitating whoever.. For example, a person is motivated/prompted to say something by the Lord, but when you hear it, the Spirit of God awakened or prompted your mind so that you heard instead what you needed to hear for the task at hand, …. (15:06) Where does a formula play in there? Not to be locked  in to a formula which is false, actually it is the mystery of relationship,  based on truth-telling…..

15:50 Question: How did you transition from being a police officer to your foreign assignments in Islamic  countries?  A walk with Christ is always a progression, and an ascension, every human has a biology of transcension, of looking up and out, all creation is this way, never gets to remain stagnant, stationary, made to move and grow, changing, and be transformed by the “renewing of our minds, then you’ll know the more excellent way”.. as I was practicing this as a policemen, I was progressing into higher levels of interactions, relationships, and getting promoted by being creative with Him, if you’re not creative, something is not right…

(16.49) Phone call from a magistrate to meet a gov official who asked me “how do you do what you do? Had files of every case I’d worked… how are you closing these cases, like this one for example? I don’t think you’ll like my strategy, we don’t care, we do like your results! “It involves my capacity of tapping into hearing God speak, and doing what God says in these different cases” and the guy said “yeah, I don’t like that.” “By their fruit they will know you… we can spend all day explaining to the world why we believe what we believe, and all that, but just do it, we just need to do it, let the world see it, like my nurse when I was 17 in recovery, she never explained anything to me, she just did it, she was it, her “being” informed her “doing” and that connected with me, for years…

(18:40) Question: Can you do this in a Muslim country? 1979. Are Muslims different than other humans? What I’m doing works with humans. Just because you think Muslims are different than you, that is already your mistake.. already your strategies are failing…. Agent spins a real time scenario, JW listening as he always does, “I have the mind of Christ, I have the Spirit of the Living God inside of me, so I’m listening inside the Trinity to the situation, not just me, and I’m using all my past police experiences and what God has taught me, … and so I explained what we’d do… and he says “you’re hired.”  Offered package on the spot, that’s how desperate the world is for new ways of thinking about things! Instead of conforming to patterns of the world over and over again. And so that was the beginning of me thinking of employment overseas….

20:22 This is God inviting me into the next level of who I am, identity on a higher scale, with greater risk and opportunity… I will not sign a contract with you because that contract alone with you will destroy anything that would work, it cannot be attached to foreign policy… so I will take the challenge but no contractual relationship. I cannot serve two masters…. It took me three years to prepare the strategy ( Moses of OT gets strategy credit) and the bad guys hired me and put me in their university…. and my wife and I did this work all over the globe for 26 years.. Mission explained. (23:00) Model was “Attack & Extract” during which time I lost my capacity to just listen to God and have Him tell me what to do… I had progressed into an academic framework in my mind, I left my “heart” and went into my “head.” (Amazing analysis and we all fight this battle… Question though is how often until we learn??) Conflict emerged. Got sloppy. Spur of the moment reaction I broke the law of the country. Notified I would be given a 10 yr prison sentence. Fear emerged and consumed me and the 6 member, Once our positive imaginations becomes fear projecting – Self-protection and self-promotion producing an all-consuming anxiety, all on me to figure it out, (30:00) trial account, why am I deconstructing all this stuff, Jesus didn’t do that.. God, I feel this is all my mistake, God’s presence confirmed my suspicions… I broke their laws, insulting their god, I on the spot in my trial asked for God’s forgiveness… He did! Returned to “What do you want me to know, What do you want me to do?” Welcome back Son from the religion of Christianity, into abiding in Christ?

33:10 Does anyone want to speak to speak on his behalf?

38:00 “Listen, I’m doing this for you. When you open your mouth to these pupils, you are insulting them, and their feelings. And I know what you’re trying to say, but you better find another way of saying it..… That is the word of the Lord right to me. Your job is not to go around the world and insult people, and use shame and guilt to convert persons from one religious system to another, you love those people, and you self-empty for them, and you sacrifice for them, and you love them unconditionally, that’s what Jesus does for people. I never forgot that lesson. And the Lord let me walk through all that just to wake me up. What is my goal here? To prove I’m right and they are wrong or is it to be other-focused, self -emptying, sacrificial, loving unconditionally?….. This transforms people, It’s what that recovery nurse did for me while suffering thru my ridicule 5 days. Not built on power and control, built on love..    

That’s all for now.

Go forth now and live amazed, continually asking “God, what do you want me to know about this task at hand?” And that being answered, “just what do you want me to do about it?” >>>>>  merlin

If Conservatives Want To Defend Manliness, They Better Know What It Means….

I find this article worthy of sharing as I specifically have not observed this issue reviewed in my usual sources nor do I imagine you have either. I may draw the ire of a few of you but that’s OK. We all need to be challenged continually, or what’s the point? “I believe by enduring the intricacies and challenges during the process of either learning or achievement, on the journey to our destination, is exactly what makes the destination ultimately rewarding and valuable to us, preparing us then, for yet, another summit.” (merlin 020222)

A good friend of mine, Isaiah, today brought the fact to my attention that our pastor never makes a reference to either political party – he just stays with the Scriptures… likely inferring I should do the same, just after I sent him a podcast that I requested he only listen to specific minutes, 36-50. I know Isaiah well enough to know that he may likely short circuit if he listened to the earlier minutes … which he did, and from the very beginning … and he did quit listening. No problem, I understand it perfectly. I once was there too and still struggle at times. Perhaps it was simply information overload. Isaiah said the podcast speaker mentioned “stolen elections, “blue cities,” and other such toxic statements that simply further polarize our country. He was also sadden that I would promote this type of rhetoric but that he still loves me as a brother. And I know, that he really, really does. He is one of my strongest supporters and I do send him my stuff at times to review it before I publish it. Actually, I try not to promote anything except to lift up Jesus (see John 12:32 from Feb 1 Utmost) so I do very cautiously share my ideas much as the Apostle Paul shared about eating meats or dietary practices to avoid offense.

So I know assuredly Isaiah and I are not always on the same page. So what? That’s life. Get over it. I believe as a faith facilitator I’ve been empowered by the Holy Spirit to usually rise above such relationship stress or glitches. First it is a choice, and secondly, and this is so much harder, is to so love the truth of the situation so much that you intimately realize it is not at all about you, but rather, all about them. That wasn’t cool in my generation, and regardless of the word for it today, it still isn’t. Actually, it’s impossible without divine help.

My off the cuff crude response to Isaiah went as follows: “Say, I listen to a wide variety of stuff. I ignore the rhetoric on both sides and go for the gold. From 36 minutes to the end, that podcast had a perspective of merit I find refreshing and needed today as together we strive for solutions. I knew the earlier minutes would short circuit you so I tried to expose you only to the meat. No offense taken. I have thick skin. Sometimes mining for Truth requires we throw a lot of scrap out the back door!”

Next, I addressed his comment about our pastor. “Doesn’t he have to promote or present only the idealized interpretation of scripture in his position as pastor? Otherwise the congregation in today’s climate may well be in near total chaos. I see no wiggle room for him currently.”

But then I go on to ask Isaiah, “But do you think I’m bound similarly as a member in the same congregation? What about the other members? Is there no other thinking allowed outside your “personally perceived truth box?”(PPTB). I say, for the church, and in this case, for me and my friend, this is where the rubber meets the road, in that we each may interpret and yet respect many of the “outside the box hot buttons” vastly differently from the stance of our brothers and sisters…. and just what do I usually do about it? Too often in my past I may have ostracized, polarized, ridiculed, etc., or if I were a more subdued Menno, I would just be silent; sit, soak, sulk, sour, and “seethe,” before I split to elsewhere.

Is it remotely even possible we claiming to be anabaptists do not practice what we preach? At times I actually believe we are some of the most paranoid easily threatened and divisive Christians out there. I should know for I was one of them for most of my life. But because my wife Loretta extended to me such unbelievable forgiveness, grace and mercy for 40 plus years, accompanied by some very unique life circumstances, world events, and a community of intimate believers that loved me when I was not really very lovable, all account for me even being here, and the fact that He is, still very much refining me.

I realized I was so very much missing the core and heart of Carole Ward’s message to the American church as she presented it in her interview in my 1/15/22 blog. At some future time we will delve much deeper into the cures for the challenges we all face daily.

All this is merely the introduction to possibly “drawing your ire” with the “manliness” article, which regardless of your position on that continuum, is a worthy read by John Daniel Davidson as presented in the Federalist.

I particularly found George Washington’s apparent plagiarism (perhaps mere editing) of these maxims originating in the late sixteenth century in France and were popularly circulated in America during Washington’s time. It is reported he began this document he titled “110 Rules For Civility” when he was only 14 years old. All 110 are listed and they are a hoot. Some compare their merits to the famous quote near the end of the 4th volume of Douglas Southall Freeman’s epic four volume biography of Robert E Lee, when he answered in response to an infant’s mother asking him to bless her child, he simply said, “Teach him he must deny himself.” Powerful words! A worthy identity garnered even if you never read the article!

Note Senator Josh Hawley and David Azerrad of Hillsdale College, both have links in this article. For some of you, that is well beyond your comfort zone and an easy out for you. I certainly understand. Blessings to all of you in your pursuit of worthy truths to guide your pathways into your unknowns>>>>>merlin

Meet my Coach Jonathan Dunn

A person who started out as my coach last spring when I finished rehab has now become an even greater friend for life. Jonathan recently started a wonderful project with his daughter spreading encouragement and love throughout the world.  They have a weekly YouTube channel with absolutely world-class content that has been curated to help you lead your best life now. Jonathan has literally been to hell and back with what he’s experienced in life.  I highly encourage you to check out his weekly content and if you like it, please hit the subscribe button so you won’t miss a single video.  He has absolutely nothing to sell; only a massive amount of love and understanding in a compelling perspective to positively motivate you toward  becoming the-best-version-of-yourself.

I recommend starting now with “Start With Your Heart.” May we all be friends like Jay demonstrated!

The Fisherman

Taken From Matthew Kelly’s “OFF Balance: Getting Beyond the Work-Life Balance Myth to Personal and Professional Satisfaction, pages 1-4.

Once upon a time there was an investment banker. He lived in New York City, was phenomenally successful, and made a ton of money. But his life was busy, noisy, and very stressful.

So, once a year, he would leave the city and go down to a small coastal village in Mexico. For two weeks he would rest, relax, and allow himself to be rejuvenated. One day he was standing on the pier just before lunch, looking out to sea, when he noticed a small fishing boat coming in to dock. He thought this was a little strange because most of the fishermen stayed out late into the afternoon so they could catch as many fish as possible before coming in and preparing the fish for market.

Curiosity overcame him so he walked over to where the fishing boat was about to dock. Looking into the boat, he saw just one fisherman and several large yellow fin tuna.

“How long did it take you to catch those fish?” he said to the fisherman.

“Not very long,“ the fisherman replied with a smile.

“Is there something wrong with your boat?“ the American asked.

“Oh, no,” the fisherman said. “In 13 years I have never had a problem with the boat.”
The American was a little perplexed, so he asked the fisherman, “Why don’t you stay out there longer and catch more fish?”

The fisherman smiled again and said, “This is plenty here for my family right now. Some of the fish we can eat, and the others we can sell or trade for the other things we need.” 

“But it’s not even lunchtime. What do you do with the rest of your time?”

“In the morning,” the fisherman explained, “I like to sleep late. When I wake I fish a little, mostly just for the pleasure of fishing. In the afternoon I play with my children and take siesta with my wife. In the evenings I have dinner with my family. And then, when my children are sleeping, I stroll into the village, or I sip wine and play guitar with my friends.”

The American scoffed and said, “I’m a Harvard MBA and I can help you.“

The fisherman was a little skeptical, but nonetheless he obliged and asked, “How? “

“You should fish longer every day,” the American counseled, “late into the afternoon. This way  you will catch more fish and make more money, and you can buy a bigger boat. With the bigger boat you will catch even more fish and make even more money, and then you can buy another boat and hire another man to work the second boat.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman inquired. “Oh, we are just getting started! With two boats you’ll catch even more fish and make even more money, and before you know it you’ll have a whole fleet of boats and every man in the village looking for work will come to you.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked.

“Before too long, you can cut out the middleman, sell your fish direct to the cannery, and make more money.

As your fleet of boats continues to expand you can build your own cannery. And before you know it, you’ll be able to leave the small coastal village, move to Mexico City, and manager your expanding enterprise.“

“But what then? “the fisherman persisted.

“Well, then you can begin to ship your fish to different parts of the world. Down into Asian and Australia and up into North America. And as demand grows for your fish, you can leave Mexico City, move to Los Angeles, open a distribution plant there, and begin to ship your fish to Europe and every corner of the globe.“

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked again.

The Americancontinued, “by then your business will be one of the great ventures of the industry. You can move to New York City and manage your empire from the epicenter of the business world. “

“How long will this all take?” the fisherman asked.

“Twenty-five, maybe thirty years,“ the banker explained.

“But what will I do then?” the fisherman asked.

The American’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “That’s the best part,“ he said. “When the time is just right, you can go down to Wall Street, list your business as a public company, offer an IPO, and make millions and millions of dollars.“

“Millions?“ the fisherman asked.

“More money than you ever dreamed you could earn in ten lifetimes,“ the American explained.

“But what then?“ the fisherman asked.

The American didn’t know what to say. He had reached his climax. He was stumped. But then a thought crossed his mind and triggered an idea, and he turned once more to the fisherman and spoke.

“Well, then you could move to a small coastal village, you could sleep late, you could fish just for the pleasure of fishing, in the afternoons you could take siesta with your wife, in the evenings you could have dinner with your family, and then you could stroll into the village and sip wine and play guitar with your friends…

So why this story? Would you really like to live as this fisherman? Most of you likely could if you chose to, and it is not the money that’s stopping you, but it is “everything” you’d have to give up. If all the cards were on the table, we’d say no to the fisherman’s life. Imagine life with no technology, electricity, heating or AC, never seen a dentist, has no health plan, never eats out, maybe can read, certainly doesn’t drive even a Prius, and his dear wife of many siestas (I like that), makes and repairs his few clothes; but he does enjoy his life … and family, and he really knows how to fix a tasty meal of fish, and frequently too!

I’m told well under $200 per month could provide you this fisherman’s life as depicted. A mere $100,000 at 3% interest would be ample and you could give the fish away…or sleep later. But you know what, very few of my audience are likely even attracted to such a life. Oh, with some fudging as tourists we’d enjoy several weeks perhaps, but a year being that primitive reminds me too much of our neighbors in black who drive buggies and have lanes without gravel. Personally, even this fisherman’s life sounds heaps better than their existence! I admit and confess I am much too addicted to our cultural comforts! I know this because I grew up that way too, without the black, but English and in poverty!

But while we’re on the subject of life satisfaction, lets first define it as “the contentment and fulfillment that arise from the gratification of needs and desires.” Statistically, I understand many of us have given up on ever being vocationally satisfied and are merely existing “biding our time” until … Finishing that sentence with people is always interesting. Try it if you get the opportunity.

Perhaps the Fisherman story got you to dream for five minutes. You realize that honestly, you don’t really like your life right now, and the simplicity of fishing (or not) on the Mexican coast can’t be any worse, plus the serenity and beauty of the Pacific Ocean, Wow! So by now are we all tucked back into our Wayne Co. security blankets just singing its praises…. But a bit shocked perhaps how DISSATISFIED we found ourselves for the five minutes we were off in our dreamworld of something better!

Which is most interesting because we hadn’t even allowed ourselves to consider the possibility prior that just maybe we are not all that satisfied vocationally. Ouch, is that revealing or what? I’m going to tell you something I’ve learned recently the hard way; sometimes it is really good (and even downright necessary) to get in touch with our dis-satisfactions in life. Too often we can deceive ourselves right into oblivion, or worse. I am also now living by the premise I’m not nearly so concerned about what I happen to do for money, (or not do), or vocationally, etc., or perhaps I did do before retirement, as I am concerned about what I am becoming. As Christians, we must never forget it is all about the process. We are all on the journey. It is not about who we were, what we did prior, even what we are doing now. Rather it is all about who we are becoming.

So, let’s think a minute about the life you really want; perhaps it surfaced for several seconds during the story. To stimulate further thought, I’m going to pose you a series of seven questions I suggest you write down, post them for easy multiple daily sightings, as well as in your new Staples booklet (call it your God book, Dream book, Keep-Me-Honest-book, etc.) and reflect on them until you’ve got your answers. Next, just think about it all for several months; and write your thoughts down to track your processing. Then either email me for further instructions or buy the book.

1. What do you like about your life as it is today?

2. What don’t you like about your life as it is today?

3. Do you feel trapped by any of the things you don’t like about your life today?

4. If you went to the doctor next week and he told you that you were dying and had one year to live, what would you do for the next year?

5. If you inherited $10 Billion, what would you do with the rest of your life, and what would you do with the money?

6. What is holding you back from the life you really want?

7. If you could change three things about your life, what would they be?    

These seven may take several cups of coffee to even get you started good. I suggest you buy a $4 Staples booklet (sorta like the Moleskins but do not spend $20; they were on sale for $2 when I was in) and write down these questions. I hope this booklet stays as close as your Bible for the rest of your life. Only one question on a page though! Believe me, you’re going to need the space beneath for your notes if you are serious.

You know, too often we just don’t ever sit down and think about how we’re living. I hear most of us spend more time planning our vacations than we do our lives. That is not Biblical! I do believe too often we stumble into our culturally acceptable mode of living that is satisfying to us (compared to what though). Actually, the real issues of life and our mandate to be disciples (here and now, not someday I’ll..) is being lulled to sleep by the trivial busyness of merely economic survival soon followed by poor health, dysfunctional families, and too often, spiritual despair.    

More ideas on this next week. Blessings as YOU GO FORTH>>>>       Merlin