Abraham Lincoln’s Timeliness of Perspective for Us Today

from his Lyceum Address on Jan 27, 1838, 184 years ago.

Against the backdrop of a controversial killing of a black man in St. Louis and seething rage across the United States, a young lawyer stood before a small group of men and delivered a speech that would make him famous.

“If destruction be our lot,” he proclaimed, “we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.”

The young man was Abraham Lincoln in the year 1838. The black man was Francis McIntosh, a freedman who had been chained to a tree and burned to death by a white mob. The Civil War wouldn’t officially begin for over two decades, but the twenty-eight-year-old Lincoln already recognized one of the warning signs of an unraveling society: disregard for the rule of law.

Lincoln continued,

I hope I am over wary; but if I’m not, there is, even now something of ill-omen amongst us. I mean the increasing disregard for law which pervades the country; the growing disposition to substitute the wild and furious passions, in lieu of the sober judgements of Courts, and the worse than savage mobs, for the executive ministers of justice. This disposition is awfully fearful in any community; and that it exists now in ours , though grating to our feelings to admit, it would be a violation of truth, and an insult to our intelligence, to deny. Accounts of outrages, committed by mobs, form the every-day news of the times.

Lincoln was not “over-wary.” His concerns would be played out repeatedly until the entire nation exploded into bloody war. Unfortunately, we are again witnessing “something of an ill-omen amongst us” as mobs periodically assemble in various communities across the country, emerging in acts of violence, theft, and swelling unrest.

We are experiencing the attempted destruction of life and liberty in our own heartland from coast to coast. It is all-out rebellion against the rule of law. For years we have seen blatant disregard of laws, from our borders to our very halls of governance. The root of it all is setting aside God’s Word, His Law, and disregarding His counsel. At this moment there are evil men who intend to set our nation on fire, burning up forever the greatest national expression of freedom’s beauty ever witnessed by mortal man. America, with all of its ills, failures, and need for correction from time to time, is still the greatest example of a nation established on the rule of law as revealed in sacred Scriptures.

Right now in our country, some foolishly zealous people are encouraging a revolt against the rule of law and accusing those who risk their lives seeking to protect our citizens as though they were targets to be attacked, discredited, and destroyed. Many are simply ignorant of the facts, but others are intentional provocateurs, manipulating the media and the crowd for their own selfish gain. Still others are agents of evil, stirring up passions to provoke violence, as exemplified by death chants against police officers. This is worse than nonsense. It is terrorism at home!

Again, Lincoln recognized this destructive spirit:

When men take it in their heads today, to hang gamblers, or burn murderers, they should recollect, that, in the confusion usually attending such transactions, they will be as likely to hang or burn someone who is neither a gambler nor a murderer as one who is; and that, acting upon the example they set, the mob of tomorrow, may, and probably will, hang or burn some of them by the very same mistake. And not only so; the innocent, those who have ever set their faces against violations of law in every shape, alike with the guilty, fall victims to the ravages of mob law; and thus it goes on, step by step, till all the walls erected for the defense of the persons and property of individuals, are trodden down, and disregarded. But all this even, is not the full extent of the evil. By such examples, by instances of the perpetrators of such acts going unpunished, the lawless in spirit, are encouraged to become lawless in practice; and having been used to no restraint, but dread of punishment, they thus become, absolutely unrestrained. Having ever regarded Government as their deadliest bane, they make a jubilee of the suspension of its operations, and pray for nothing so much, as its total annihilation.

 After the tragedy in Ferguson, Missouri, President Obama seemed as if he were seeking to undermine the Supreme Court, Congress, and even our justice system. His remarks condemning police officers who were proven to have acted justly and his quick association with supposed victims who, when the facts came forth, were proven to be in the wrong, play a significant part in the lawless spirit pervading our land today. The president may have been playing to the populace, but he was undermining the very constitution he was entrusted to protect. Politicians toeing this line will win friends among the mobs but alienate an even greater number of honest citizens, as Lincoln noted:

Good men, men who love tranquility, who desire to abide by the laws, and enjoy their benefits, who would gladly spill their blood in the defense of their country; seeing their property destroyed; their families insulted, and their lives endangered; their persons injured; and seeing nothing in prospect that forebodes a change for the better; become tired of, and disgusted with, a Government that offers them no protection; and are not much averse to a change in which they imagine they have nothing to lose. Thus, then, by the operation of this mobocractic spirit, which all must admit, is now abroad in the land, the strongest bulwark of any Government, and particularly of those constituted like ours, may effectually be broken down and destroyed.

 Lincoln took on, as we must, the enemy within. By our own disregard of the Word, wisdom, and counsel of God, we have allowed the enemy of life and freedom to set in motion a tsunami of moral and economic collapse destroying personal responsibility and true freedom. Good people – godly people – must stand up and speak the truth. Pure passion can be misguided and dangerous. We need, as Lincoln pointed out, “general intelligence, sound morality, and in particular, a reverence for the constitution and the laws.”

This practice of playing to the mobs must end. That means voters must repudiate any politician, regardless of party, who demonstrates this tendency. Instead, we must learn to come together in peace, calm, and unwavering strength to face the enemy for all who long for and love freedom, or we will watch it vanish from this once great nation and the entire world.

Our nation was founded on biblical principles. To these we must hold. These truths are our only hope, for as Lincoln concluded, “Upon these let the proud fabric of freedom rest, as the rock of its basis; and as truly as has been said of the only greater institution, ‘the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.’”

Taken from James Robison’s 2016 book “The Stream: Refreshing Hearts & Minds Renewing Freedom’s Blessings.” All of Lincoln’s quotes come from his Lyceum Address Jan 27, 1938. Available at www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/lyceum.htm. See Lynching of Francis McIntosh Wikipedia for more details.

Widows, Worship, & Changing the Calendar

Today I am compelled to share Ferree’s writing’s with you. Now 48 years into our marriage, Loretta and I realize that although we’ve been richly blessed, we have no guarantees for tomorrow but are increasingly aware we’re being drawn into worship. We were planned for God’s pleasure and our doing that is worship. Anthropologists have noted that worship is a universal urge , hard-wired into the very fiber of our being – an inbuilt need to connect with God. Worship is far more than music, and not merely a synonym for music. Actually, every part of a church service and far beyond may be acts of worship!

Having just finished her book, I am reminded of Evelyn Husband’s telling in “High Calling” of the Columbia shuttle disaster of 2003, how at her husband Rick’s memorial service while watching video clips of her late husband both sing and speak at his own memorial service, that “in the middle of my immeasurable grief, something happened: I worshipped. I got lost in God’s holiness and provision. I was swept away by his faithfulness and presence. In the depths of my agonizing heartache, God was there comforting and holding me.” King Jesus wants to do the same with us in our daily living, not just during tragedies

PDL author Rick Warren is spot on stating worship is not part of your life, it is your life. Col. 3:23 Message Paraphrase says “Take your everyday life, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work-life, and walking around life—and place it before God as an offering.”

Real worship is all about falling in love with Jesus, wanting to know him, to please him anyway possible, and again, continually, regardless, and best of all, in the absence of fear. I’ve heard it said the safest place you can ever be in this world is in the center of God’s will. Sometimes since covid, because of all the posted no fear signs, it seems that the Christian’s identity with John 3:16 has possibly been replaced by I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect  love casts out all fear; because fear hath torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.” Actually both verses are so spot-on!

Perhaps we do not usually associate fear and worship typically with widows, but my personal experience with such loss and healing proves otherwise. Therefore, relax and relish Ferree’s experiential wisdom of grieving sent out 1/27/22 via email to subscribers of Plain Values.

Click on the link below to view the email to get better acquainted with Ferree.



This was originally written and presented frequently by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, I think sometime during the 1990’s. A copy was attached on my lab incubator door since then and I am deeply appreciative of the wisdom it has provided me. This afternoon after listening to Carole Ward again in SS this morning, (see prior post) I felt compelled to tackle Nancy’s original document and perform some major editorial license slicing & dicing to prayerfully and hopefully enhance the effectiveness of her original message to us today.

And especially so, during this uniquely historical moment both politically and spiritually, no matter where we each find ourselves on this continuum of being proud vs. broken. I envision this document’s underlying message as an absolute necessary precursor for many of us to literally inhale in preparation for the numerous spiritual battle engagements Carole so aptly identified for the North American church throughout her 50:31 min. clip sent out in yesterday’s blog. I thank God that such frail faithful humans though remarkably Spirit empowered broken clay vessels, such as Nancy and Carole are speaking truth in such great darkness today. May we too, be so empowered by His light. And sooner than later.


PROUD PEOPLE (PP)focus on the failures of others. BROKEN PEOPLE (BP) are overwhelmed with the sense of their own spiritual need.

PP have a critical, fault-finding spirit; they look at everyone else’s faults with a microscope but conveniently ignore their own blemishes… BP are compassionate; they can forgive much because they know how much they’ve been forgiven.

PP are self-righteous, look down on others. BP esteem others better than themselves.

PP are independent & self sufficient. BP possess a dependent spirit seeking to join God’s work wherever needed.

PP maintain control at all costs; must be their way or else. BP surrender control aiding & assisting wherever God is at work.

PP have to prove they are right! BP are willing to yield the right to be right.

PP claim rights. BP yield their rights.

PP exude a demanding selfish attitude. BP are internally compelled by a giving sacrificial demeanor.

PP are self-protective of time, rights, and reputation. BP deny self so as to always elevate Christ.

PP desire to be served. BP are motivated to serve others.

PP desire to be a success. BP desire to help others become the best possible version of themselves.

PP desire to be recognized & appreciated. BP possess a healthy sense of their unworthiness and are thrilled to be used at all, always eager for others to get the credit.

PP on a good day, may think briefly what they could do for God. BP know they have nothing to offer God but their love and appreciation.

PP feel confident in how much they know. BP are humbled by how much they have yet to learn.

PP are always calculating their next selfish move. BP are not driven by selfish personal agendas.

PP keep people at arm’s length. BP risk being close to others by loving selflessly.

PP are quick to blame others and the ripples engulf us. BP accept responsibility; they can see their errors and are empowered to self-correct.

PP are unapproachable. BP are “easy to be entreated.”

PP are defensive when criticized. BP receive criticism with a humble open heart.

PP are concerned with being “socially respectable.” BP are only concerned with being a trusted ambassador for Christ.

PP are too often concerned with what others think. BP understand all that matters is what God knows and obedience to Him.

PP find it difficult to reveal or share their spiritual needs or desires with others. BP are quick to admit failure and seek forgiveness.

PP when confessing sin, deal only in generalities. BP can deal with the needed and relevant specifics of the sin.

PP are remorseful for sin when caught or discovered. BP are repentant for their sins and forsake them.

PP compare themselves with others and relish in the deserving of honor and recognition. BP only compare themselves to the holiness of God and their desperate need for His mercy and grace.

PP are blind to their true heart condition. BP celebrate walking in the Light of Scripture & Holy Spirit.

PP don’t think they have anything to repent of. BP possess a continual heart attitude of repentance.

PP are proud unbroken persons who don’t think they need revival but they are sure everyone else does. BP are humble broken persons who continually sense their need for a fresh encounter with God and a fresh filling of His Holy Spirit.


Carole Ward: Favor of God Ministries … Nations Podcast

Carole Ward lives a life many would not believe is real. She dares to follow God and change nations one life at a time. Here is the story of one woman’s commitment to her God and to the love for His people.

Her journey and her story began by stepping out in faith when she prayed with a sincere heart, “send me where no one wants to go.” Although she was told repeatedly by US authorities and other organizations she would come back in a body bag, Carole through her faith in the power of God has been transforming lives in Northern Uganda and South Sudan for the Kingdom for the last fourteen years.

The Lord has since used her ministry to rescue countless children from the clutches of the rebel leader Joseph Kony, who had trained 30,000 of them to be used as soldiers, sent out on killing rampages against their own people. After being healed physically, spiritually and emotionally by the Lord, many of these, now grown, have become active members of Carole’s large ministry staff. She has been training godly men and women of Uganda and South Sudan to carry on as missionaries to their own people instead of relying on outsiders.

Carole was trained and led by the Holy Spirit to raise up national leaders instead of procuring more American missionaries. This is why Carole believes empowering the nation to heal itself is being done by portable Bible Schools, training centers and the establishment of hundreds of churches in even the remotest areas. Large revival meetings help spread the gospel across the regions, followed by dramatic miracles and healing everywhere.

Merlin now speaking, I first began listening to this 50 minute clip on the January 12, 2022, just prior to leaving for Shaker Square to celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary. We were planning to finish listening while driving up but in our haste we left our phone so it’s conclusion was postponed until we returned home…. and I have heard it at least 5 more times since. I spoke to Carole’s office in Bradenton FL yesterday seeking documents and just ordered a used copy of her book co-authored with Barbara H Martin titled appropriately “Send Me Where No One Else Wants to Go.”

This 50 min clip, (that you may need to rewind or back-up to start at the beginning) certainly changed my perspective of doing LIFE here forward in the time yet allotted me. Carole literally strips off many of our prejudicial quirky beliefs and convictions that we’ve accumulated to-date from our “experiences” offered as strategies proliferating even more published “cemetery” information (I credit Pastor Dr. Howard Hendricks) and their subsequent wide spectrum applications, with unfortunately, little if any, actual worthy NT Acts of transformation.

On Tuesday, I picked up my monthly allotment of books at Christian Aid Ministries in Berlin and just began Friday night reading one of my favorite authors, Gary Miller’s new book “Reaching America.” He does have a way with words making the point “On Sunday we talk as though we want seekers, but many times when they appear, we find their presence inconvenient.” Gary admittedly says the following three categories are too simplistic, but he very uniquely divides today’s seekers that may show up in church into three basic types: “Manny Ishues,” “Seekun Ttooth,” and “Indy Cided.” Sorry, these are sufficient fodder for their own blog so I suggest you get your own copy to capture his reflective definitions and perspectives.

I rather anticipate Carole’s perspective on this 50 min clip ( she has more… her 26 or 28 min clip is pregnant with teaching) will effect far more transformational spiritual changes than anything I’ve ever offered prior. As some are inclined to say, myself included, “I guess we’ll see” or more generic, “truth always prevails.”

Just consider the “Baptism in Love” possibilities though, to effect REAL change, not just here in Wayne-Holmes or KMC or even the Americas, but across the whole planet! Even gives this Tonga underground volcano tsunami greater perspective! Pay attention.

Blessings as you GO FORTH SEEKING TRUTH>>>>> mle

Week One of 2021

First came the Achy Connective Tissue Flu….

Warning! This blog is not like any prior! Read at your own risk.

lost the last week of 2021. Seriously, I was totally mentally incapacitated. Perhaps the theory that the white hats instigated Omicron to once for all end this covid crud crap by providing all of planet earth’s yet living residents their needed natural immunity regardless of their injection history to date, any current or projected trauma, etc. It was bad! In fact it was so bad that Jan 1st  just before midnight, I realized our men’s prayer group was to meet Sun 8 AM. I awoke in time but not to dress so I went in my PJ’s . Told Loretta I’m not going to church, I’ll be back after prayer meeting. It was an amazing turnout too! Standing room only. I told everyone I wasn’t staying for church since I’d come in my PJ’s. But you know what? If you sleep in classy PJ’s, who is ever going to even notice? Especially with today’s fashions. So I decided to stay for church. PJ’s and all. Of course, I sat in my usual and customary pew in the east balcony, affording me a complete view of everyone in attendance.

And after the inspiring message spoken just right at me on my Damascus Rd encounter that prior week of crud, detailing so well  

1.) my sucky conditions of late;

2.) my confrontations & His ability to transform them;

3.) my big time confusion… Who are you Lord?;

4.) my current calling, get up, get dressed, No PJ’s, go into the city, stay for Church and SS!  Then I’ll tell what’s next..;

5.) followed by Commitment… not sure Carl, was it my C to Him, OR, His C to me?. Perhaps both!

 I even then met with my SS class of 4 die hard males!  Ages 85, 83, 73, and a youngster in his 40’s yet! I was at church over 4 hours in my PJ’s. Seldom am I ever at church that long!

Then Regaining Momentum….

So Monday  and Tuesday did not go well. Likely no big surprise. But I accomplished some major reading that will forever change my spiritual lookout as a coaching faith facilitator in the remaining time I have. I read in Moody Highlights (Paul’s name is on the label though) that Dr Gary Chapman at his retirement celebration recently told of visiting Lottie Moons gravesite years ago and was expecting to see a great gravestone; instead all he saw was a small stone engraved with her name, birth and death dates, and words that made Dr Gary weep at the time: Faithful until death. Lottie spent nearly 40 years (1873-1912) living and working in China. Born to affluent parents on her ancestral 1500 acre tobacco plantation near Charlottesville VA, she early on was a scoffer of faith until she was in college attending a revival service. She was one of the first women in the South to receive a Masters degree from UVA.

Finally, It was Time to put on the coveralls and get some work done…

On Wed in preparation for the colder weather I saw forecasted, I put on my coveralls and decided it was high time to get ready for the Artic blast. Actually temps were in the 40’s when I tackled getting my tool barn ready for winter. I pulled the Zero turn out, hooked up to the trailer and backed it in toward my 15 bags of potatoes ( only half-ful so I can handle them) that were put away last summer for friends and family. At harvest, I went thru them diligently separating those with blemishes and giving them away early on. Since, I’ve only been over to diminish the pile twice. I was really interested to see how well they were “wintering” thus far. I went thru each bag dumping them slowly into 5 gal buckets looking for culls that should be used earlier. And I was happy to have only sorted out maybe 8 lbs for such priority use. And I only found five spuds that had blackened, hardened and shrunk down since harvest. Last year I found too many more that had turned to “soft mush” frequently affecting a few more about them as well… but not one like that this year. So thankful, but in all honesty, I have no idea why or why not! Divine Providence!

I shall presume what I am witnessing amongst these “storing well” spuds on Wednesday, was natural immunity un-provoked by any such forced injections wherein they simply self-isolated restricting  any further spoilage. So in time, these 13 bags were re-situated into our garage on boards so they are off the concrete, wrapped up in old blankets, and then darkened by several black mats that inhibited weed growth during the summer. And in case, garage temps dip dangerously close to freezing before spring, we do have a natural gas heater available to lessen the chill…

So with the spud transaction transition complete, I turned my attention to moving the summer implements, such as the push mower, both tillers, and the 60 in. zero turn further forward into the space where the spuds had earlier resided. But now two other implements were in the on deck circle, that being my ’61 Cub Cadet with its unique rear carrier that Sterling McFarren had built years earlier for transporting himself and “making firewood” tools to and from any such endeavors of falling timber that were suddenly to present themselves. This carrier was large enough for both Stihl chainsaws, a jug of chain oil, a 2 gal jug of mixed fuel for the saws, plus a small plastic pail with 2 wedges, a rubber hammer, a vise grips, a channel Lock, screwdrivers, extra chains, etc.

FYI, one of the last times I used the Cub Cadet, I decided to make it a family outing. Since my dog was never taught to heel, (and just why not, could well be fodder for a classic short story, if not a novel on child rearing!)  I thought I’d attach a short rope to the Cub’s hitch with a link so as to attach it to my dog’s leash, Sir O Riley, so that he could accompany me on these adventuresome jaunts into our property’s 10 acre world of derelict decaying decomposing at one time magnificent stalwart Ash trees.

Historically, such trees were highly sought after by two very unique industries. For years prior to “synthetics” being introduced into the world of baseball, the baseball bat of choice was made from Ash wood. Also, since the beginning of time, horse drawn implements requiring a singletree attachment  between the team, frequently if readily available, also preferred Ash lumber.

First consider baseball. For decades, baseball bats had been exclusively of ash. But in the mid 1990s, Sam Holman, a sort of Johnny Mapleseed of baseball bats, started experimenting with maple, giving samples to several players, for the nearby Toronto Blue Jays. Eventually one found its way into Bonds hands. He liked the way it felt, and the results seemed self-evident. Correlation might not imply causation, but imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Since Bonds started using a maple bat to crush balls into McCovey Cove, maple has supplanted ash as Major League baseball’s wood of choice, a fortuitous change since America’s supply of ash has been imperiled by an invasive beetle species. It’s estimated now that around three-quarters of major leaguers swing a maple bat, and even though that’s brought its own problems, maple dominance is only expected to increase. It seems ballplayers are a superstitious lot, and ballplayers believe maple makes for better hitting, – even if the science might not exactly back it up. Oh, dear! And just where have we heard the likes of that before? Taken from Deadspin and Vince Guerrieri “How Maple Bats Kicked Ash and Conquered Baseball (8/28/18 2:45PM))

So, since our increasingly globalist driven world isn’t yet in a race for securing horse drawn implements, the availability of sufficient ash lumber here in OH shall not be of any great consequence to anyone. And I also suspect that Amish manufacturers, such as Pioneer Manufacturing, now Pioneer Corp, are well prepared for their future even though ash was the stronger lumber while also being among the lightest, and that the ash choice for singletrees was strictly one of many waiting in the wings given the Amish ingenuity, especially in this Wayne/Holmes community.

 By far the bigger peril to be exacted yet though in the former prolific woodlands of the ash trees across  OH and PA, will simply be the effects of gravity on the remaining trees. Within the past decade, I personally had two acquaintances killed by falling ash limbs while cutting firewood. Soon many woodlots with dead ash trees will be too dangerous even for children to play in or near unless the trees are closely scrutinized. The same is true for many of our roads, whether township or even St Rts. However, unlike the globalists continually needling their afflictions into all aspects of productive society, the statute of limitations will run out eventually on these dead ash trees. I predict within ten years the bulk of the towering danger will be safely at rest on the ground decomposing, although long past its usefulness as firewood.     

One final note though, that I do need to clarify. The only time Riley was ever so engaged with the Cub Cadet for his adventure to helping make firewood was the very first time I set it up, Monday June 29th, 2020. That date was remembered well because I logged nearly 21 miles that day on my Oura tracker working up 4 larger dead ash trees never once suspecting the next day (30th) the cardiac testing would reveal heart problems that then on the July 1st at 10 AM brought everyone running placing me in an ambulance headed to Aultman in Canton to fix a Widow Maker on July 7th.

And no, Riley and I have not done the caper again. We may soon go out on a bright sunny day to cut up several of at least a dozen ash trees on the ground that continually bug my 32 window peripheral vision perspective. I do live in my mother’s house. We designed it for her. She definitely instilled in me a love for trees, for cornfields, raspberries, anything green, and even more importantly, from the Genesis account:  And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over ….

You realize from my perspective as a MN woodsman since age nine, God created trees first for their intrinsic and holy beauty, and when mature, then for lumber, perhaps even shavings, etc. and if all else went a-muck in their lifecycle , they were always good for firewood but only if processed in a timely manner, so as not to bug my peripheral vision of being “wasted” wood. “Waste not, want not.”

 Neither the historical Marxists nor their elite globalists yet understand either waste or want; and certainly not “God is love,” or John 3:16, or ….. Sad indeed! Do remember how simple life really is: Faithful until death.

Go forth living in your fleeting moments of visible vapor leading to the commitment ….

Faithful until death!!>>>>>  merlin

Choosing The Right Kind of Help

Utmost For His Highest Dec 20

“And if I’m Lifted Up . . .I will draw all peoples to Myself” (John 12:32).

 Again, I’m compelled to continue this vital Utmost narrative. . mle

Very few of us have any understanding of the reason why Jesus died. If sympathy is all that human beings need, then the Cross of Christ is an absurdity and there is absolutely no need for it. What the world needs is not “a little bit of love,” but major surgery.

When you find yourself face to face with a person who is spiritually lost, remind yourself of Jesus Christ on the Cross. If that person can get to God in any other way, then the Cross of Christ is unnecessary. If you think you are helping lost people with your sympathy and understanding, you are a traitor to Jesus Christ. You must have a right – standing relationship with Him yourself, and pour your life out in helping others in His way – not in a human way that ignores God. The theme of the world’s religion today is to serve in a pleasant non-confrontational manner.

But our only priority must be to present Jesus Christ crucified – to lift Him up all the time (see I Cor. 2:2). Every belief that is not firmly rooted in the Cross of Christ will lead people astray. If the worker himself believes in Jesus Christ and is trusting in the reality of redemption, his words will be compelling to others. What is extremely important is for the workers simple relationship with Jesus Christ to be to be strong and growing. His usefulness to God depends on that, and that alone.

The calling of a New Testament worker is to expose sin and to reveal Jesus Christ as Savior. Consequently, he cannot always be charming and friendly, but must be willing to be stern to accomplish major surgery. We are sent by God to lift up Jesus Christ, not to give wonderfully beautiful speeches. We must be willing to examine others as deeply as God has examined us. We must also be sharply intent on sensing those Scripture passages that will drive the truth home, and then not be afraid to apply then.

Accomplish Your Mission. Fulfill Your Destiny. . . mle

Amidst all our Glitz, Glitter, and Christmas Celebrations, the Ultimate Reason for the Season, Less We Succumb to the Deception

Utmost For His Highest     December 19 reading

As I read this first thing today as usual, I was compelled to blog this reading verbatim for someone today.

Confronted Once Again! Author Oswald Chambers is relentless.

Perspective at the Crossroads.…… His or Mine?

Reading based on “I did not come to bring peace but a sword” (Matt.10:34).

“Never be sympathetic with a person whose situation causes you to conclude that God is dealing harshly with him. God can be more tender than we can conceive, and every once in a while He gives us the opportunity to deal firmly with someone so that he may be viewed as the tender One. If a person cannot go to God, it is because he has something secret which he does not intend to give up – he may admit his sin or wrongdoing, but he would no more give up that thing than he could fly under his own power. It is impossible to deal sympathetically with people like that. We must reach down deep in their lives to the root of the problem, which will cause hostility and resentment toward the message. People want the blessing of God, but they can’t stand something that pierces right through to the heart of the matter.

If you are sensitive, to God’s way, your message as His servant will be merciless and insistent, cutting to the very root. Otherwise, there will be no healing. We must drive the message home so forcefully that a person cannot possibly hide, but must apply its truth. Deal with people where they are, until they begin to realize their true need. Then hold high the standard of Jesus for their lives.

Their response may be, “We can never be that.”

Then drive it home with, “Jesus Christ says you must.”

“But how can we?”  

“You can’t unless you have a new Spirit.” (see Luke 11:13).

There must be a sense of need created before your message will be of any use. Thousands of people in this world profess to be happy without God. But if we could be happy and moral without Jesus, then why did He come? He came because that kind of happiness and peace is only superficial. Jesus Christ came to “bring a sword” through every kind of peace that is not based on a relationship with Himself.”

In addition to giving us His Spirit, he has provided us the scriptures.

Consider, this introduction in each Gideon Bible.

“The Bible contains the mind of God,

the state of man,

the way of salvation,

the doom of sinners,

and the happiness of believers.

Its doctrines are holy,

Its precepts are binding,

Its histories are true,

and its decisions are immutable.

Read it to be wise,

Believe it to be safe,

And practice it to be holy.

It contains light to direct you,

Food to support you,

And comfort to cheer you.

It’s the traveler’s map,

the pilgrim’s staff,

the pilot’s compass,

the soldier’s sword,

and the Christian’s charter.

Here Paradise is restored,

Heaven opened,

And the gates of hell disclosed.

Christ is its grand subject,

Our good the design,

And the glory of God its end.

It should fill the memory,

rule the heart,

and guide the feet.

Read it slowly, frequently, and prayerfully.

It is a mine of wealth,

A paradise of glory,

And a river of pleasure.

It is given you in life,

Will be opened at judgement,

and be remembered forever.

It involves the highest responsibility,

Will reward the greatest labor,

And will condemn all who trifle with its sacred contents.”

May rich blessings penetrate your heart, mind, and spirit as you

prepare for the celebration of His birth>>>>> mle

“Pulling In vs. Pushing Out”

Utmost For His Highest…  December 13 Intercessory Prayer

The prior blog briefly mentioned  intercessory prayer. I’m thinking perhaps some clarifications are now in order for all of us.

Utmost today, December 13, titled “Intercessory prayer” cites Luke 18:1 “men always ought to pray and not loose heart”, or quit, or faint, etc. Not surprising, Chambers states “you cannot truly intercede through prayer if you do not truly believe in the reality of redemption. If so, you are only turning intercession into useless sympathy for others, which only increases their contentment for remaining out of fellowship and spiritually floundering.

Interesting how Chambers says true intercession involves bringing either the person or the circumstance, that seems to be crashing in on you in Real Time, before God until you are changed by His attitude toward that very person or circumstance. People describe intercession by saying “It is putting yourself in someone else’s place. That is not true. Intercession is better described as putting yourself in God’s place; and ultimately, having or identifying with His mind and His perspective toward the individual or situation in question.

Chambers warns us as an intercessors, we are not to seek too much information from God about the situations we are praying about, simply because we may become overwhelmed, hindering our prayers because the circumstances of those we’re praying for become so overpowering, that we can no longer see God’s vision to be accomplished because we are unable to get to the underlying truth. God wants our work to be in such close contact with Him that we have His mind about everything we do. If we operate without His mind, we then tend to substitute “doing” for “interceding.” Or could it be said we become merely “human doings” aligning ourselves perhaps with the social justice agenda rather than seeking God’s mind as fulfilled “human beings.” Trust me, those thoughts were not the original Utmost wording.

However, I think Chambers foreseen the emerging social justice shortcut when he said such substituted “doings”  does lead to praying for someone to be merely “patched up” rather than praying the person completely through into contact with very life of God. Pause for a few minutes and reflect on the number of people God has brought across our paths and even in our doors, only to see us drop them! We’re back again to Craig’s message Sunday encouraging us to “pull” others in, rather than to “push” them out. And that’s exactly what happens when we pray on the basis of redemption, for God will create something He can create in no other way than through effectual intercessory prayer.

I am reminded of a story used by Dutch Sheets on the last page (285) of his 25 year old book simply titled “Intercessory Prayer,” now virtually a classic during these last days as we enjoy his “spiritual preppie kingdom.”

Are We Ready?

We need to be like Sam and Jed. Hearing that a $5000 bounty had been offered for the capture or killing of wolves, they became bounty hunters. (Sorry, in typical Dutch fashion, he sometimes omits pressing details that allow our minds closure) Waking up one night, Sam saw that were surrounded by at least 50 pairs of gleaming eyes – ravenous wolves licking hungry chops. “Jed, wake up,” he whispered to his sleeping partner. “We’re rich.” (See, Jed & Sam had all the details (we don’t yet) and KNEW they were going to be rich. Much like God only knows all the details of our heavenly riches!)

Premier Point Here! WE need to see the present multitude of unbelievers (ravenous wolves) around us not as threats, but as limitless opportunities. Our task would be overwhelming were it not for the fact that we are relying on God’s strength and ability, not ours. Though a host should encamp against us, we can still be confident (see Ps. 27:23). Gideon’s 300 were more than enough to defeat 135,000 with God on their side. If He is for us, who can successfully be against us? (see my favorite verses, Rom. 8:31-39)

Let’s demonstrate the awesomeness of our God.

He is ready. Are we?

Are we ready to walk in our calling as an intercessor?

To re – present Jesus as the reconciler and the warrior?

To distribute His benefits and victory?

Are we ready to birth, liberate, to strike the mark?

To fill some bowls, to make some declarations, to watch and pray?

Are we all ready?

I challenge you to also add this book to next year’s reading list. Stop procrastinating! Sometimes available used on thrift books for only $4.69! Exercise your spiritual leadership training. Skip your fancy indulgence just once and really nourish your soul. GO FORTH TODAY GREATLY ENCOURAGED>>>>> mle

Meet My Father: Joe Robison

During the next year, my sophomore year in high school, my biological father came back into my life. My mother and I were staying with a different aunt this time, in a house that actually fronted on a street. One day a man drove up out front and parked his car halfway onto the curb in the yard. My mother called me to the door and said, “Come here, son. Joe Robison’s here . He’s your daddy.”

A tall man, about six feet two, got out of the car and started staggering toward the house. He came inside, smelling of booze and we visited for a while, and I can remember thinking, with the hopeful naivete of a boy who grown up without a dad, Maybe he can play catch with me sometime.

I soon found out he couldn’t even throw a ball to save his life. All he had ever done since he was nineteen years old was open whiskey bottles and beer cans.

When my mother got another in – home nursing assignment, we moved into the patient’s house, and my father came to live with us as well. I didn’t understand why my mother would allow a man who had raped her back into her life, but I had no say in the matter.

I has purchased a motor scooter with money from my job, so I now had transportation and I didn’t have to walk as much. I was really careful out on the roads, but one day a police car turned right in front of me, and I had a terrible wreck.

Just before the collision, the police officer saw me and instantly accelerated, and his car lurched forward so that I almost missed him altogether. If he braked instead, I would have hit the car broadside and would have certainly been killed.

With no time to react, all I could do was hit the brakes, lay my bike down and hope for the best. Like most people in those days, I wasn’t wearing a helmet. They weren’t required and were seldom worn by anyone. But though I miraculously avoided cracking my head apart, I took off the back part of the police car – the bumper and taillights – with my right thigh. To this day, my leg has a big indention where the muscles were compressed in toward the bone.

After radioing for an ambulance, which came pretty quickly, the officer came over, picked me up and moved me onto the grass median. He was really shaken.

“I’m so sorry, son,” he said more than once.

He followed the ambulance to the hospital and later visited me in the hospital and at home and became a real friend.

I got an insurance settlement from the scooter wreck, but I didn’t want to buy another scooter, so I , bought .30-06 rifle, a pre-64 Winchester model  70, hoping that one day I’d be able to go hunting with it.

One day my dad came in a drunken rage and choked my mother until she passed out. Thinking that he had killed her, he left the house and drove off. When I came home from School that day, my mother had marks on her neck. When she told me what happened, I became really angry.

“Son,” she said, “if I hadn’t passed out, he would have killed me.”

I don’t remember if it was later that day or sometime the next day, but when my father came in drunk again, and when he found out my mother wasn’t home, he started cursing me and threatened to kill me.

When he sat down in a chair still cursing me, I ran back toward my bedroom, where I had a baseball bat leaning up against the wall just inside the door. I grabbed the bat and looked to see if my dad was coming after me. If he’d been there, I would have hit him. That’s how scared I was.

When I saw he hadn’t followed me, I dove under my bed and grabbed my rifle. This was just a few days after I had shot an oil can filled with water and blew a hole in it the size of a softball, so I knew what it could do.

I chambered a bullet, went back to the front room, and sat down on a little stool by the telephone, which was mounted on the wall. Sitting maybe twenty feet from my father, and with the safety off, I pointed the rifle at him and said with all the firmness I could muster, “If you move so much as a finger, I’m going to blow a hole in you big enough for someone to crawl through.”

I reached for the phone, dialed 0, and asked the operator to send the police. “My father threatened to kill me,” I said, “but I’m going to shoot him.”

Within ten minutes, the sheriff’s deputy who had hit me with his car was standing at the front door. He had been to the house many times after the accident to visit me, so the minute he heard the address on the emergency call, he came right over.

Here’s the amazing part: although my father sat there cursing me and calling me every name under the sun, he never moved a finger. If he would have so much as raised his hand to scratch his cheek, I would have shot him. And I would not have missed. At age fourteen, my world would have been turned upside down. Who knows what would have happened? But I believe the prayers of the Memorial Baptist Church of Pasadena, and the people who had been praying for years for the little boy who had stayed with the Hales, froze my father and kept me from killing him.

That story is part of the miracle of my life, and that’s why I tell people “Don’t ever give up on your prayers, and don’t ever give up on the people you’re praying for.” We don’t always see our prayers answered, or answered in the way we would choose, but prayer is like love – it doesn’t fail. And it’s an amazing privilege to be able to pray for people.  

MLE now:

 I find it interesting that this Sunday’s Utmost reading focuses in on personality. Personality, Chamber’s reminds us in the Dec 12 Utmost reading, is the unique, limitlessness part of our life that makes us distinct from everyone else. Such perhaps is too vast for us to  comprehend when examining our seemingly mundane lives, but when we read wisdom books such as scripture or  like this boy’s future life being spared possible devastation as portrayed in “Living Amazed,” we suddenly realize the visible portion of our island of our personality is merely the top of a large mountain, and similarly, our personality is much like that island. We really have no idea of the great depths of our being, expressed as our personality, as neither we or anyone can measure ourselves. We may start out life off thinking we can, but if we’re honest, we soon realize there is only one Being who fully understands us, and that is our Creator.

Personality is the characteristic mark of the inner, spiritual man, just as individuality in the Dec 11 reading is described as the characteristic of the outer, natural man. Folks, don’t worry if you’re struggling with all this, I’ve been reading Utmost for fifteen plus years (not continuously though) and I’m just beginning now to grasp its truths.

Our Lord can never be described by individuality and independence, but only in terms of His total Person – “I and My Father are one”(John 10:30). Personality merges, and you only realize your true identity once you are merged with another person. Consider the chemistry activated when love or the Spirit of God comes upon you or another person; you or they are transformed! You or they will no longer insist on maintaining your or their individuality or the isolating portions of your personality. Our Lord always spoke in terms of the total person – “. . that they may be one just as We are one. .” Love is always the overflowing result of one person in true fellowship with another.

I’d be remiss now not to tell you this truth forms the basis of the best book on marriage I’ve found to date. Tim Keller’s book of accumulated sermons titled “The Meaning of Marriage: Facing the Complexities of Commitment With the Wisdom of God” is essential reading for anyone who wants to know God and love more deeply in this life during this culture’s chaos! Consider reading it in 2022. Such wisdom books change lives. Perhaps enjoying self – centered  entertainment for Christ followers will soon no longer be so enjoyed? Perspective?

Consider how even before James reached fifteen years of age and the necessary understanding of the dangers described in Ephesians 6:12 “ For we wrestle not merely against flesh and blood , but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of darkness of this world , against spiritual wickedness in high places,” God reached down and protected this child once again by the earlier prayers of his intercessors. They no doubt were quite limited in assessing or acknowledging the magnitude of the darkness about James, but they chose to concentrate on the provision of God’s abundant light far surpassing James momentary present darkness. These intercessors possessed an opportunity to intercede for James, it was not merely a job or an assignment!

And as James matured spiritually, his book explains his love for David starting off as a shepherd boy through his entire life. James understood he who is forgiven much, loves much, as well as the inverse. It is also evident throughout the book that James fully appreciated God’s continual demonstration of protection.

The question begging an answer now, is do we? Or do I?

Listen to the Kidron Mennonite Church 12/12/21 sermon by Pastor Craig about receiving and dispensing Joy in a dark world. May we be found “pulling” people in, rather than “pushing” them either out or away!