Greetings Everyone! I was privileged again to be part of two services this morning …

… and both took their texts from Matt 7, Oak Ridge from verse 6, and KMC, from verses 13-14.

Oak Ridge, in the familiar scripture of not throwing your pearls to swine; is especially circumspect when read from The Message paraphrase: “Don’t be flip with the sacred. Banter and silliness give no honor to God. Don’t reduce holy mysteries to slogans. In trying to be relevant, you’re only being cute and inviting sacrilege,” likely well spoken advice during these days.

Carl by focusing on the Narrow and Wide Gates, listed the Three Invitations of Jesus, first being our Decision at the Gates, which depending on the Gate we select, then determines the Direction we travel, which in turn determines our ultimate Destination; destruction or reward!

I just finished the YouTube of the KMC service and was compelled if at all possible, to offer it to you even though I have other posts prepared. I just sense it is important Carl’s word’s of encouragement be available to you. Carl’s words begin 38 minutes in. Enjoy.