Isaac’s Storm is a fascinating book about the 1900 hurricane that wiped out Galveston TX in one day. One of the main plot lines of the book is about how everyone was convinced that a hurricane could never strike Galveston, even as a monster storm was bearing down on them. The author vividly describes how, as the streets began to flood, people went about their business as if nothing was wrong. Children played in the water, people gathered for breakfast at the local diner, and no one fled from the storm that was about to strike with all its fury.
Some didn’t worry because Isaac Cline, the National Weather Service officer in Galveston, assured them it would not be a severe storm. Others simply believed that Galveston, was invincible. Some thought that since they had never seen a hurricane strike Galveston, one never would, So, for a variety of reasons, people assured themselves nothing bad would happen. And as a result, more than six thousand people died one tragic September day.
Like Galveston in 1900, a storm warning has been issued by the Creator for the entire world in the end times. A tempest of judgement is metastasizing and gaining steam. It will hit with the force of a Category 5 hurricane. I wish I could tell you the opposite. I would love to tell you that everything is going to be peaceful and prosperous in the days ahead and that all will be well, but that would follow the tragic example of Isaac Cline; except much, much worse.
Some people have not and will not take this storm warning seriously because of our culture’s fog, its accompanying “narrative,” enhancing even the smoke & mirrors. Have you ever considered pessimism and optimism are irrelevant in every situation where God’s Word has clearly spoken.
And yes, you’re correct in that I didn’t write most of this. How could I? By tomorrow, some of you wisdom book readers will recognize my source. Regrettably, as no doubt for more than a few of you, this is the first time I’ve ever seriously approached the subjects of rapture and tribulation. Times past apparently, I chose to be deceived! Indeed, God has and is continually, extending me His Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace!
This thread sort of reminds me of a question answer & sequence I once heard. Question: What’s the difference between Ignorance and Apathy? Answer: I don’t know and I don’t care! Ouch! Rather offensive but?
Think you’re ready now for the Ten Characteristics of the Tribulation from Matt 24 tomorrow?