The Ultimate Life Reversal Choice For All Humanity:

Either, Being Deceived Into Thinking You’ve Found Your Life Only to Die In Darkness, OR, Losing Your Life For His Sake, Guaranteed to Live & Be Found Forever In His Light.

Inspired by the Words of Jesus in Matthew 10:39, “Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.”

When we grasp this truth, we will undergo the ultimate paradigm shift: without Christ, any sacrifice we make is worthless. We are miserable without Jesus. Nothing we have can satisfy us. And even if it did, we couldn’t hold on to it.

So, when we hear Jesus tell us to take up our crosses and follow him, and say we should lose our lives for his sake, we’re tempted to think, “Then I will never be happy.” But in fact Jesus is saying out short-term sacrifices for him are a means to an end, and that end is true and abundant life for “Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it,” thus experiencing heavenly joy.


“Without the way, there is no going;

Without the truth, there is no knowing;

Without the life, there is no living.

Thomas a Kempis

Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word, Randy Alcorn, 2017, Pg 13, Harvest House.