Examining Truth-claims (And the conclusion, Part Four of the Introduction to Randy Alcorn’s book “Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word.”)

         In an age of endless Internet gossip, tabloids, false advertising, lying politicians, and “made up reality,” how important is the truth? Reformer Ulrich Zwingli wrote, “The business of the truth is not to be deserted, even to the sacrifice of our lives.”

          Luke makes a profound observation: Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true” (Acts 17:11).

          They searched the Scriptures – probing, not just skimming. The Bible should be primary, all other truth-claims secondary. We need a worldview informed and corrected by God’s Word.

          They searched the Scriptures daily. (People died to get the Bible into our hands; the least we can do is read it!) Unless we establish a strong biblical grid, a scriptural filter with which to screen and interpret the world, we’ll end of thinking like the world. We desperately need not only Bible teaching, but group Bible study that explores the text and applies it to daily life.

          The test of whether scripture is my authority is this: Do I allow God’s Word to convince me to believe what I don’t like, what’s contrary to what I’ve always believed and wanted to believe? Do I believe it even when it offends me?

          It’s impossible for me to write a book on truth without repeatedly citing God’s Word. John Newton said, “He has not promised to reveal new truths, but to enable us to understand what we read in the Bible.” Jesus said he would send us the Holy Spirit who “will teach you everything and remind you of everything I have told you” (John 14:26 NLT).

          This book contains reflections not only on the general topic of truth, but also on many facets of truths found in Scripture, including eternity, purity, holiness, and happiness. I hope you you’ll spend time meditating on these brief reflections, great quotations, and Scriptures. Ask God’s Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind as you read these 200 daily devotionals illuminating His Truths in an Eternal Perspective

          I always encourage readers to carefully evaluate my words and thoughts in light of Scripture, our objective standard of truth. “This God – His way is perfect; the word of the Lord proves true” (2 Samuel 22:31 ESV).

          As you read and contemplate and share these insights with others, may you gain a deeper, more worshipful appreciation for our wonderful Savior Jesus, who is the perfect embodiment of Truth.

          FYI, Thrift Books recently had 3 used copies @ $6.19 ea. Amazon is currently out of stock. Randy is a wordsmith in that he creates a wealth of focused impact in usually less than 150 words. Certainly the kind of communicator I need to aspire to become! merlin