A Mission Opportunity Re-Visited, This Time Though, Shared With You …

The following 800 word document accompanies the book I offer faith seekers, much as some Christ Followers offer gospel tracts when out in public. The book is titled How Can Anyone Say God Is Good, written by Gary Miller of Christian Aid Ministries (CAM) Berlin OH. I wrote this doc perhaps 4-5 years ago, anticipating its distribution and here I am today, not so much anticipating, but rather now, contemplating my options to implement a plan.

So, after prayer and contemplation, I decided I should share this dream first with my blog mailing list of 230. And this opens another can of worms. I dare not call you subscribers because likely less than 30 of you actually subscribed; the other 200 were merely hijacked as former current or prior acquaintances or prospected from business cards, etc. I seriously more than once, have considered removing all 230 names from the blog list and then opening it up only to those who subscribe. That way, I WOULD KNOW those on the blog list actually chose to be part of this communal written adventure. The way it is now, the only thing I know for sure, is that you’ve chosen not to unsubscribe. You may never open, or, if you open, may never or seldom read. So, it is a rather tenuous relationship, at best, but certainly within the scope and confines of God’s ability to reassure me to continue in this mission of being an encouragement to seekers of Him, at least for now.

With all that out of the way, I am offering each blog reader a copy of this book. I think I’ve purchased at least 4 boxes of them from CAM thus far, because a box of 50 copies is only $50., and that is why I can afford to distribute them as tracts. I just checked thriftbooks and their price tonite is $7.39.

Both the author Gary Miller and CAM are evidently very serious about making this book available to those servicing, encouraging, inviting, confronting the billboard seekers out & about our communities, perhaps even the too comfortable in our pews, with this real deal Gospel message. So, if this is a book you desire to read, contact me immediately as we hope to be in Panama for the winter by early October. Seriously, I’ll mail you one. I’ll leave a supply at Kidron Mennonite for you locals, or while on your next trip to Berlin area between 8-4pm, you should just stop by CAM and buy your own box and have them handy in your car’s trunk to distribute whenever God so compels you. And He will! Get Blessed. Just imagine the lives God could change thru your actions for less money than it costs three of you to eat at your favorite Amish restaurant. No comparison!

Also, may I remind you we need to take advantage now of our freedom to disseminate literature and assemble to worship freely. I’m told assuredly by those in the KNOW that this may well soon change. We are not to be compelled by fear (false evidence appearing real) but rather, by the immensity of His love for all of mankind and that none would be lost from His eternal care, even if at the last moment as was the thief on the cross, being told “today, you’ll be with me in paradise.”

Folks, I had no idea all this would flow forth this afternoon when I sat down to write after lunch and a 75 min nap. Now I need to send Mr. Nisely and Paul Miller at CAM an email informing them we need to get this book available in Spanish ASAP. Perhaps it already is. I’m hoping.

Below is a rough draft of the insert I’m contemplating of including when each book is given out. If you buy your own box for distribution, I suggest you offer your contact info somehow someway for their follow-up. Feel free to contact me with your ideas, or simply adapt the document to make it work for you. Blessings

So, you’ve endured about all you can handle in this life? Do you keep thinking that somehow someway your life has got to get better soon?

Believe me, you are not alone. Five years ago before covid was launched, a study estimated 75% of the world’s population had suffered loss, trauma, or betrayal in a primary relationship.

Would it help you to know that 50+ years ago, not only had I personally suffered such loss and trauma, but then in its aftermath, I too set into motion the poisoning of relationship betrayals causing decades of more loss and trauma. God indeed was unbelievably gracious and merciful to me. Hence, David’s Psalm 51 holds a unique & special value to me and it is my personal burn for you to avoid any additional loss, trauma, and betrayal, and to gain a life of victory NOW! And, similarly, this is exactly where we pick up the loss, trauma, and betrayal story of our novel’s main character, Nick, in the 78-page novel titled, “How Can Anyone Say God Is Good?”

First, you need to know that beyond your Almighty Father God in Heaven, in this very community there are persons much like the Andy in the novel who has the bicycle shop; persons who are willing to listen to your problems, try to answer your questions, love you unconditionally, just as God is loving each of us right now. This book best exemplifies, other than the Bible, just how we are to love our neighbors, be they rich or poor, young or old, down on their luck or in the clover, sick or healthy, friendly or friendless, happy or sad, focused or totally confused, perhaps because of recent brain surgery; it just doesn’t matter. We all need to be loved, respected, encouraged, and accepted as active participants in just such a community as demonstrated to opportunity-less Nick, who is literally right now, at the end of his rope. So, first things first, read the book! Enjoy the hope that Nick experiences so vividly replacing his stinging loss, trauma, and betrayal.

Once you’ve finished reading the book, you may choose to contact the person who gave it to you, and catch him/her up on what has happened since you first spoke. And at some point, you may consider the following suggestions:

  1.  If you already have a church home or are periodically visiting one or several, I suggest you meet with a staff person from your favorite congregation and indicate your interest in strengthening your relationship with Jesus Christ and being mentored by a mature disciple like Andy from the bicycle shop to strengthen your faith and coach you on the narrow way.
  2.  I’m told living a joyful victorious Christian life involves three simple modules:

First, we get our directions from the Word of God by reading and studying the Bible.

Second, we dedicate ourselves, including our desires and emotions to the specific Will of God for us.

Third, we are obedient to His instructions to perform the Work of God.

More on those specifics later. Also, if you don’t have one, I strongly suggest you get a One-Year Bible to begin reading the Bible daily, but there are other programs utilizing your primary Bible, even your phone or tablet. I keep a supply of used One-Year Bibles available.

  •  Perhaps after reading the book, you realize you have never met a person quite like Andy, so generous and so loving to so many people. And, unfortunately, most of us in this culture of separation, individualism, self-protection and self -promotion, seldom do meet such a person as Andy. But down thru history, for the past 2000 + years, there are persons much like Andy who exist in your community, who are Spirit empowered to daily live, believe, and practice that God is good, and desire that you experience much more than merely becoming a convert with membership in a church somewhere by your profession of faith, while not fully understanding the accompanying doctrinal practices to move your faith far beyond merely the “academic head knowledge” to the “transformed heart experiential inspiration.” Nick witnessed this dynamic spiritual interactive tension every time he delivered mail to Andy’s bike shop, because he saw persons experiencing Jesus first-hand while they were being discipled, mentored, and coached in Andy’s faith community.
  •  In the event you are without a church to contact, or if the one you visited is not yet similarly equipped, please contact us and we’ll do our best to find you a personal mentor to walk with you on your journey Living in Faith.
  •  For more information, contact Merlin Erb merlin.erb@gmail.com (330) 465-2565 Blog: merlinsmustache.com, Request a Word doc: Ten First Steps for the New Christian by Woodrow Kroll, Back to the Bible.