Work For Your Night Is Coming …

Day 156 Matthew 19:23-30 All to Jesus: A Year of Devotions. Robert J Morgan 2008

Peter answered and said to Him< “See, we have left ALL and followed you.” Matt, 19:27

David Livingston was one of the most famous men on earth when he disappeared in darkest Africa. After months without word from him, the New York Herald sent its overseas correspondent, Henry Stanley, to search for him. When Stanley asked how much the paper was willing to invest, he was only told to spend whatever it took, but DO FIND LIVINGSTON! And, he did find Livingston, greeting him with the famous words, “Dr. Livingston, I presume.”

Sometime later pressing further into Africa, Stanley wrote a letter that included “King M’tesa of Uganda has been asking about the white man’s God … Oh that some practical missionary would come here.”

Stanley entrusted the letter to a French soldier, Colonel Linant de Ballefonds, but the colonel was slain at the Nile. English soldiers discovered his body shortly afterward, and while burying him, they pulled off his long boots and found Stanley’s letter inside, stained with the dead man’s blood. The letter was forwarded to the English general in Egypt, who sent it to a newspaper in London.

On December 12, 1875, while traveling in Berlin, Alexander Mackay picked up a copy of the Edinburgh Daily Review, and as he read the letter a thrill shot through his heart. He knew he was the man. God instantly called him to Uganda, and Mackay left all, followed the call, never looked back, and spent 14 years evangelizing Uganda before dying of malarial fever.


We need heroes today more than ever who will leave all and follow Him. Perhaps even though, right from your desk, or if you’re physically challenged, from your wheel chair or recliner.

Once more folks, claim your birthright! Live your destiny in Him. His Kingdom has no time for couch potatoes while the internet yet circles the earth! And none of this “someday I’ll” attack HIS spiritual bucket list for me! If you can use a phone and a computer and are compelled by His Spirit to be an Ambassador of Encouragement for Jesus Christ today in your spheres of influence, you have the opportunity to be an underground intercessor with heavenly connections. If desiring such opportunities, pray about it before contacting me. And if you’re already so engaged similarly, praise God and feel free to share.