DESIRED AT ALL COSTS: A Steadfast Spirit

Renew a steadfast spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

While on a family camping trip, a storm struck. The winds were so strong the parents stood the entire night clinging to the center pole of their old tent while their children slept. Had they not held fast to that center pole, the tent would have surely blown down and their outing would have been spoiled.

For Christians seeking to remain steadfast and faithful to God, the Word of God is our center pole! The world we live in will buffet us with winds of temptation, false doctrine, and compromise. To remain true to God and His call on our lives, we must hold fast to the Word and keep it central. When we look to the Word rather than the world, we can be assured that our doctrine will be correct, and our faith will be pure.


So, make it your aim to hold fast to the Word. Read it daily, and let it pervade your thoughts and actions. Consult your Bible in decisions large and small. In moments of confusion or trial, turn to the Scriptures for insight and guidance. Like the parents holding onto their tent’s center pole, hold on to the Word of God, and let it be your central focus.

Our strength is shown in the things we stand for. Our weaknesses are shown in the things we fall for. Hugh A. Cowan

Ouch! So, So Spot On!

Discovery: Experiencing God’s Word Day by Day Aug 12 David Jeremiah