FACT: Lawrence of Arabia Visited Paris 100 + Years Ago…

The whole assembly fell silent and listened to Barnabas and Paul describing all the signs and wonders God had done through them. Acts 15:12

After World War I, Lawrence of Arabia visited Paris accompanied by friends who had never been outside the desert. Lawrence showed them City of Lights, (just think how they would react if they were there today for the summer Olympics?) but he was amused to find they were most fascinated by the faucets in their rooms. They constantly turned them off and on, marveling at the instant supply of water. While packing to leave, Lawrence found them in the bathroom trying to detach the faucets. “It’s very dry in Arabia,” they explained. “What we need are faucets.”

They didn’t realize they also needed the plumbing that went with them. (what a good analogy to the Church today? Faucets everywhere, though only a few are hooked up!)

When we labor for Christ, it’s encouraging to see ourselves as faucets. It’s not what we do for Jesus, but what He Himself does through us by His Spirit. (Amen)

Jesus said, “If anyone is thirsty, he should come to me and drink! The one who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, will have streams of living water flow from deep within him” (John 7:37-38). Notice that we drink from Jesus (“come to Me and drink”), but from that drink comes a stream (streams of living water flow from deep within him”). In response to simple faith, the Lord does far more through us than we can ever imagine.


It doesn’t depend on our personalities, gifts, skills, or looks. Any old faucet will convey water so long as it’s connected with the source. Don’t think about what you can do for Christ, but never underestimate what He can do through you.

Thanks again to Robert J Morgan’s “All to Jesus: A Year of Devotions. Day 57 2008


After reading Acts 15:12, my continually questioning mind asks me, just when exactly was the last time I witnessed that “the assembly fell silent and listened to anyone describe all the signs and wonders that God had done.” OR, even much more pertinent, is now doing. Give me an example. I pray you can, especially, from within the last week.

Truth be told though, our worship today is not geared for that interchange, even if examples or pertinent material were present. Might I include our SS classes also? I have in fact at times removed myself from the “assembly” to escape the worship on stage…., which quite frankly reminds me more of the Baal worship Elijah observed on Mt Carmel than the “falling silent and listening” in Acts 15. Just saying.

Or consider, the other extreme, being lulled to sleep by professionals who may have the knowledge but have not yet fully experienced His streams of living water in their faith community, or perhaps even more likely, have an inhibiting audience that will not tolerate such capers. This clip, as well as yesterday’s, on truth and grace, really cut to the chase with me.

As a child, I personally witnessed a few churches with members possessing and displaying spiritual knowledge and a few with startling transformations. Today unfortunately, we have made a “profession of faith” the goal of evangelism and there too often, we end the process. Contrary to popular belief, this professing belief in Jesus does not make one a Christian, biblically speaking.

We must consider these words of Jesus, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord’, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven” (Matthew 7:21). Anyone can mouth the words, but that’s not the same as actually believing it, and then, acting on it.

So, given the trends, pressures, & chaos, too often our churches are filled more by the “professors,” rather than disciples – and Jesus never commissioned us to gather in professions of faith; rather, didn’t He commission us to make disciples of the “called,” not the “coerced.” That is exactly why I so much appreciate books like Wendell Martins Go Now, & Jamie Winship’s “Fearless Living: Exchanging the Lies of the World for the Liberating Truth of God.” I just happen to believe in today’s twisted church cultures, there are those aspiring vibrant Christ-Followers that would benefit from reading & implementing the scriptural truths in these two books, and perhaps, even have copies to loan out “for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you.” Truly a different perspective.

Understand, although I could have written and I sorta did in last Friday and Saturday’s posts, the last two paragraphs are from another brothers position paper titled “Shifting Our Evangelism Paradigm: A Deeper Look at a New Re-Formation” sprouting from Galatians 4:19, “My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you,” might I add via discipleship, not merely professions of faith. Sorta reminds me today why the Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences were written and posted on their blog door in 1517 that caused the first Reformation, doesn’t it?

I just searched the internet with the above title and was inundated with screens of evangelism paradigm shifts. Just wait up searching now until I get permission to post this brother’s succinctly abbreviated paper as I much appreciate his wisdom, interpretation, and approach to the challenge.

In the meantime, review the BOTTOM LINE once more from above. It is absolutely not the faucet; it’s all about being connected, transformed, transparent, and obedient! Consider today how vital the authentic vibrancy of our “assembling” speaks volumes to both the “seekers” and the “planted in our midst each Sunday morning , whether they be “disconnected from the vine, or a disconnected faucet.”

Again, as I’ve said before, we do live in exciting times to disciple effectively by:

1.) remodeling the disconnected faucets within our walls, Or

2.) if you prefer only plumbing new construction as I see in the Help Wanted ads, stay outside the walls and the dry dusty church culture crowd and run new lines to the dry faucets out and about your centers of influence whom were never yet in a church or certainly vowed they’d never return…

In parting, I Peter 1:22 “Seeing that you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren, see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently.”

These are powerful words folks. Think on them.