Be sure to scan the comments. Really good stuff for we “quietly hiding out in the land” to encounter the reality of evil about us NOW! FYI, the full Tucker 85 minute interview follows the (and I don’t necessarily, advise this full length podcast for everyone!) Nick Jones 30 minute clip, and the 4 minute “Revelation” song is last. (PS: This morning (5:44 am) my phone will not access the three YouTubes whereas my computer does, I presume because my phone has tighter settings?)
Do remember though before you pass your quick off the cuff judgements, that this song wasn’t designed for me and many of my readers, as John Rich makes very clear; rather, it’s for the younger crowds and fans under the influence of our culture’s demonic music barons, such as Eminem’ newest album. Even disregarding the music, too many of you can’t yet even stomach Tucker since he left Fox and you in the fog; sorta reminds me of staying on “milk” too long, when we really ought to be thriving on spiritual “meat!” See I Corinthians 3:2; I Peter 2:2; & Hebrews 5:11-14.
This is your invitation to a quantum spiritual leap (or two) in a single simple post. In fact, this is the last post for the week. You have not time for any more. I’ve been quenching the Spirit for over a week, ever since my ever sleuthing wife Loretta introduced me to Nick Jones hitting hard on quenching the Spirit. I listened to the clip three times before watching it as I was in the flower bed with ear buds. I instantly knew I’d at some point share it with you.
I’ve given you some exquisitely vibrant material all in one post to jump start your spiritual digestion this week end. Remember the comment from the youth SS teacher who said “I actually used this video as a start for a lesson in Quenching the Spirit for my High School age SS class…” How will they (HS aged SS) ever learn sound teaching & doctrines if we of the 2 & 3 prior generations don’t get real & quit quenching the Spirit in our own lives today?” And, I do mean NOW!” I’ve been guilty of such procrastination far too long. May God grant me (us) mercy.
At 13 minutes into the Nick Jones clip, John shares his X account introduction to the song by saying”This is the most important song I’ve ever written. I hope it brings courage to the saved, conviction to the lost, ( Tucker included) and absolute terror to the truly wicked.” Within 48 hours, the song Revelation was battling with the big boys for top billings for downloads. Well done John Rich!
No idea. Yet.