Setting the stage for greater understandings:

Most mental health problems that are not biologically rooted come from a handful of human issues that manifest themselves in various clinical, relational, and performance systems. (Said another way, many of these same symptoms can come from the same underlying issue.) And, these human issues are basically what the Bible is about. It names them over and over and, beyond that, gives us the processes that cure them. I have never seen an evidence-based treatment, one that has been proven to work, in which the underlying process involved is not an issue the Bible covers. That is what blew my mind, and it still does.

Next, we will identify four issues that validate this evidence-based treatment, proven to work, involving an underlying process indeed being an issue the Bible speaks to.   

Issue One: Attachment, bonding, and connection versus human emotional isolation, disruptive connection, or lack of connection.

This is the primary, number one problem the Bible says caused everything else. We were designed for connection to God and to others from the beginning. When we broke connection with Him, we lost our source of life, which is an unbroken relationship. Both with God, but also with other humans. Said simply, broken relationship is the problem, and restoring, or revitalizing that connection or linkage, is the answer to that problem.

The psychology of human development, clinical psychology, and performance psychology have borne this out. Developmental delays, brain development, physical development, immune systems as well most everything else can be affected by the absence of or complications and injuries in the attachment process. Beyond developmental delays, psychological illnesses are myriad that can be connected to attachment issues, from clinical problems like depression, anxiety and addictions, to relational dysfunction as well. Emotional isolation of the heart and disconnectedness is a major cause of many mental health problems. The list is endless.

In the Bible, as well; as in psychology, the process for healing connection issues is explained in exactly the same way: a safe “love object” to attach to; overcoming the need-fear dilemma through vulnerable expressions of need and pain, to finding emotional attachment, empathy, love, and understanding from a “safe person” on the other end. The Bible and psychology both give exactly the same tasks, responses, and process involved in healing this “basic fault,” as the great psychologist Michael Balint termed it. Genesis would say it is the “basic fault” as well, and the rest of the Bible affirms it and calls us to healing one another through empathy, kindness, support, containment, responsiveness, compassion, and many other directives.

The result, as the New Testament says, is having hearts “knit together by strong ties of love” ( Colossians 2: 2 NLT ) When a therapy group fosters connectedness and heals the fear, defenses, or resistance to connection, they are using proven therapeutic processes and agreeing with the Bible about the problem and its resolution.

Every deep system of therapy that is proven begins with something called therapeutic alliance, where safety and connection can make way for the healing process that will follow, and that same connection will drive the internalization of love and structure from the outside that will become psychological emotional regulatory systems within the person.


Said another way, a lack of good relationships injures us, and good ones heal us…


Issue Two: Freedom, separateness, autonomy, boundaries, differentiation, and control. Whew! Another boatload. Stay tune.

In a more practical vein, consider this Eternal Perspective from Randy Alcorn’s Truth: A Bigger View of God’s Word. Harvest House 2017.

Teach me your ways, O Lord, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. Psalm 86:11 (ESV)

Psalm 86 tells us that we we must learn the ways of God in order to walk in the ways of God. Jesus said, “Come to me … Take my yoke and learn from me” (Matthew 11:28-29).

Walk in God’s truth, and then you’ll be in position to receive His daily guidance. A. W. Tozer said, “Practice the truth and we may with propiety speak the truth.”

Have the courage to ask Christ to show you what he really wants for your life – not what others want for you, but what He knows is right for you. Listen to His word for the answers, and call upon Him to show you the truth and empower you to live it.

“If God is your co-pilot, swap seats!” Max Lucado