Sacrifice of Praise: Shelter Out of Solitude, Service, & Struggle…

“By Him let us continually offer the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving thanks to His name” (Hebrews 13:15).

In the month that lies before you, you’ll have countless opportunities for sacrifice. Think of that person at work whom you struggle to love. What if you visualize yourself placing that relationship upon the altar as an offering of praise to God?

Your marriage needs to be offered up as a sacrifice every day. So does the way you spend your free time. If you begin to make a list of the things you could offer up in sacrifice, you might never stop writing. The truth, you see, is that when your life becomes a temple, a home for Jesus, you begin to see His face in the face of all those who surround you. You begin to treat them as you would treat Him. You begin to realize that all ground is holy ground, because God is there. You begin to see every situation as a potential act of worship, a time to magnify the name of the Lord.

Earlier this week I sat supposedly to read in the fast-food break area at Cosco’s over noontime while Loretta was shopping. Soon, most of the seats were taken. I then became preoccupied with which gentleman or couple might allow me to join them so my 4 seats would be open for others, but then the rush was over and empty seats prevailed.

But not before I found people watching much more captivating than even a favorite book. I was reminded of Jesus in Matthew 23:37 when he said while looking over Jerusalem, “How I wish I could gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings.” The exiting shoppers possessed a variety of facial expressions, demeanor, health challenges, language, actions, quite revealing interactions with presumably their spouse, or children, etc., all of which provided an abundance of character clues possibly to be developed into imaginary captivating short stories; all from a 20-30 second quick study on this holy ground, as they exited the fastest check-out counters I’ve ever witnessed.

Notice though, I didn’t mention any spiritual evaluations. But actually, don’t we Christ-Followers, actually begin with that first? For me at least, compared to ten years ago, today “the image of Jesus weeping over Jerusalem and the mother hen and her chicks,” is now front & center, especially when I’m out in public, sometimes even in church. But please don’t take that personal, for as you should realize by now, I have a vivid memory of past events, though not always of last week.  And though I struggle now just remembering names, make no mistake, 46 years ago while I was sitting in the east balcony contemplating my miserable lack of joy and peace while listening to Pastor Bill invite all of us home under God’s protective and empowering “abiding,” make no mistake, my SHELTER was SCARCE in a congregation of abundance! Ask me about my journey if you’re curious; I’ve got nothing to hide. After all, it is His-Story.

Again, please consider this Solitude-Service-Struggle cause or effect situation to gain Shelter during the coming chaos. And then ultimately, the ONE that encapsulates them all: SACRIFICE. Worship in the midst of these six S words! And when that happens, be prepared to throw open the doors of your life, sharing your overflowing well of joy and peace.


The world is waiting to see the person you will become when you live every moment in the wonder of worship!

Prompted from David Jeremiah’s 2002 devotional Sanctuary: Finding Moments of Refuge in the Presence of God June 20.