Why Can’t We Just Listen?

Let everyone be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger. James 1: 19

Perhaps today in this age of email, we should add “slow to send” to this verse.

God in His great wisdom created mankind with two ears and only one mouth. Perhaps that was because He wanted us to listen twice as much as we speak. Most of us are really poor listeners. Bob and I rate this skill as one of the top priorities in having a good relationship. I guarantee if couples would take the time to become better listens, their relationships would be improved through better understanding and increased patience.

It’s important to remember, though, that women tend to be better listeners than men, probably because most men immediately want to fix what is broken and listening is considered a waste of time. To them, the solution is what’s important; they want to go directly to the bottom line.

So be brave and ask several of your trusted friends soon how they would rate you on your listening skills.Be prepared to take their honest answers and act upon the information constructively. Don’t get into the trap of thinking you are so much better at listening than so-and-so. Almost everyone is below par in this skill.

We will become better listeners when we realize how people value being heard. It gives people an awareness that we care for what they have to say and that we truly love them. Our own spirits are lifted up when those around us know we care for them.

Listening is truly an art form that can be mastered if we practice. Observe yourself in a crowd, or even one-on-one, to see how you do. Change comes when you know and act on Spirit revealed truth.

This morning I was reminded again, that James 1:19 compels us in our hearing, to not only distinguish truth from narrative chatter, but then in our “provoked human response,” be slow to speak and slow to anger. And as I alluded to above, perhaps we need also to be slow in our temptation of the moment, to “hit the SEND button.” Perhaps, like waiting a few hours, or even, to sleep on it! Just saying.

Inspired by and adapted from Minute Meditations For Women by Emilie Barnes


 Father God, I know I frequently get into trouble with my relationships when I stop listening and start to open my mouth. Or, even hit the send button too soon. Please forgive me for the words that I have said or SENT OUT foolishly over the years. Heal the wounds I have left behind. I must improve my relationships. Let such begin with me TODAY.  Amen.


Seek out a few friends and have them reflect on what kind of a listener you are to them. Be brave, loving, and willing to hear and act on what they have to say. Practice patience and above all, due diligence before SENDING and/or SPEAKING, especially when provoked!

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