No Scarcity Here!

Infinite Grace To Give

And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work. II Cor 9:8

We used to think of air and water – perhaps sunlight also – as being available in super-abundant quantities, more than was needed; but no longer, as the question now is whether the scarcity is actual, or merely contrived to enhance an agenda or promote a narrative. Time will reveal all truth.

Today clean air has become a rarity in many parts of the world, and experts are predicting that clean water will be fought over by nations in the future. Food, air, and water are now becoming limited rather unlimited resources.

But take heart, there is one resource needed for life – indeed, the most important resource of all – that exists for Christ-Followers (C-F’s) in infinite quantities: the grace of God. Nowhere in Scripture is grace pictured in limited terms. There is always more grace to come, more grace to replace grace that has been given. Because true giving is enabled by grace, our ability to give knows no limits. Paul writes here in this passage that God is able “to make all grace abound” toward us, that we will always have “all sufficiency,” and “abundance for every good work.”

If you sense God is leading you to give, I urge you, do not hold back for fear of running out. When you open your hand to give, grace is able to fill your empty hand with exactly what you need, and much more. Take particular note that today’s predominance of fear of scarcity such as of material goods in our supply chain, may well be for C-F’s their empowering link to the infinite quantities of the grace of God by contemplating this year on Him capably “making all grace abound toward us,” that we possess “all sufficiency and abundance for every good work.” No limits! This infinite source is indeed totally awesome! And so freeing!


Inspired by and adapted from David Jeremiah’s January 17 devotional, “Destinations: Your Journey With God.”   

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