The You Tube link below is for the Kidron Mennonite Church worship service this morning, July 17. The text today was from Luke 9:57-62 and Pastor Carl Wiebe provides expectations, excuses, and entanglements as the anchor points in this third in a series “Of Being Called.” June 26 was Called to Fellowship and July 3, Called to Freedom. Scripture reading begins at 13 minutes. Sound improves with Carl.
The Summary Thought from Pastor Carl… “Sometimes because we look at each other, and we are the models for each other for what discipleship looks like, we tend to be doing it all the same way, but when we look at the models throughout history, when we look at models in different places where discipleship is difficult, then we have to decide, well, what are my expectations for this relationship with Jesus, am I making excuses, what are my entanglements and how are they affecting me? I think that is the challenge I see today in this portion of scripture. We are being called to follow and we must look beyond each other and ourselves, ultimately to Jesus….