Ever Seen This Devotional?

Daily Light for Everyday

I recently stumbled across this uniquely invaluable devotional (scripture only, no comments) first published in the King James Version in Great Britain in 1794 by the Samuel Bagster family, a forerunner of Marshall Pickering, a publishing company of 644 works between 1888 & 2021, bought by Harper and Row in 1988, now part of Harper Collins. Published now by Thomas Nelson in the New King James Version and copyright 1998 by Anne Graham Lotz.

The verse printed in bold at the top of the page following the date gives the theme for the verses that follow. At the back of this Lotz volume are selected Scriptural readings for Life’s Moments: the Seasons of Life, Special Occasions  in Life, Sufferings in Life, Success in Life, Struggles in Life, Strength for Life, and Salvation of Life. The Scripture reference for each verse is given at the bottom of the page.

Even better, the Bagster family edition is available free on the internet at “dailylightdevotional.org” for your convenience on the go.

I was going to publish this back on May 7, but it was preempted apparently. Therefore this May 7 date rather than today’s, was typed up. Today’s scripture from Aug 18 morning reading really spoke to me, especially the last scripture from Deut 29:29. Since I have not time to type them all, I’ll just give you this verse from the NKJV ” The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and our children.” The Message reads “God, our God, will take care of the hidden things but the revealed things are our business. It’s up to us and our children to attend to all the terms in this revelation.” referring to the Covenant Oath from Deut 29 given the children of Israel by Moses on the plains of Moab. Understand, I prefer to interpret and apply this verse to a broader more inclusive aspect of discerning foundational truths for living as Christ followers today. Yes, including even the Rapture, Tribulation, etc.

So, since these future events are on the table, and as said prior, I for one am at the bottom of this learning curve and am merely seeking basic truths to live by. It is my aim to stimulate such an interest in your reading/listening as well in our preparation for these future events. And I believe Scripture is the key foundation for such revelations, and yes, even though there may well be author’s personalities and preferences involved, our foundation is first, based on Scripture. Much can be said for Spirit and “in community” revelations of truth vs. only reading or hearing them from others, and frequently, perhaps even then, with ulterior motives.

I say all the above to accent why I personally am increasingly preferring to read from Scripture each morning rather than only devotionals. The insights I receive daily from my One Year Bible and this dailylightdevotional.org without any editorializing has been refreshing and invaluable to me on my pilgrimage lately. Now understand, I still always read Chamber’s Utmost, and even other devotionals, but my One Year Bible and Daily Light are always first; the other devotionals come after, and understand, that’s just me, as I believe aspiring writers must consume relevant print constantly. Now onto an example of Bagster’s work.

May 7

You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled.

God is our refuge and strength., a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though its waters roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with its swelling. <> Come my people, enter your chambers, and shut your doors behind you; hide yourself as it were, for a little moment, until you’re the indignation is past. For behold, the Lord comes out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity. <> In the shadow of your wings I will make my refuge, until these calamities have passed by. <> Your life is hidden with Christ in God.

He will not be afraid of evil tidings; his heart is steadfast, trusting in the Lord.

These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

Matt 24:6; Ps.46:1-3; Isa 26:20-21; Ps. 57:1; Col 3:3; Ps. 112:7; John 16:33

I’m not sure where we’re going on tomorrow’s blog. This was certainly not planned for today. It’s best if we live in the moment as He leads. Blessings today!

Called To Fight… seventh in a series

Inviting You to Comprehend God’s Calling on Your Life

Kidron Church’s Summer Sermon Series

We’re all Called by God to:

               Fellowship: June 26   God desires to walk with us

               Freedom: July 3   Free us from Satan’s bondage

               Follow: July 17   Know Him as Savior and experience Him as Lord of our life…

               Faithfull: July 24   Living in willing continual obedience day to day….

               Fruitfulness: July 31   Our reward for being faithful… Added by God, not our choice…

Forgiveness: Aug 7   Our condition, our condemnation, His command to forgive as He forgave us.     


August 14: Called to Fight – Text on video from Eph 6:10-18 begins at 38 minutes.

Sermon Notes

Christians are in a continual spiritual battle. If you’re unaware, perhaps you’re asleep (or spiritually dead)

Resources for Christians so Engaged In the Fight:

1.) Consider the Enemy

Since the Garden….

Job – target of Satan out looking … , a hedge of protection

Cosmic War Between Good & Evil

David & Goliath

Jesus 40 Days in the Wilderness, Satan left Him for a more opportune time

Luke 22:31 Jesus said “Satan has asked for you Peter, that he may sift you as wheat..

2. Consider the EQUIPMENT Needed for the Fight

You have access to everything needed to Engage the Enemy & Emerge the Victor

First, Consider the Devil’s Five Tools:

               Deception: twists God’s Words, good becomes evil, evil becomes good …

               Difficulties: Persecution Acts 8: 1+

               Discouragement: Elijah hiding from Jezebel after Mt Carmel victory I Kings 19

               Distractions: Sower of Seeds on the Soils… Matt 13: 3+, life’s riches & pleasures

               Divisiveness: disunity, dishonor, to get the church to be divided against itself…

Second, Consider the Christian’s Armor of God, First Five are Defensive Tools (weapons)

              Belt of Truth: To Combat Deception, We Must Know the Truth, “I am the Way…”

              Breast plate of Righteousness: Right living before God empowered by Holy Spirit

              Feet shod with Gospel of Peace, Shalom, shoes with studs for traction…

Shield of Faith: quench Satan’s fiery darts, requires both childlike faith (David & Goliath, and huge faith demonstrated by Stephen, Paul, Peter, Martyr’s Mirror…

Helmet of Salvation: Protect your Vulnerability, what Satan makes looks like certain defeat will be a victory. Consider the Cross and the Tomb… the power from knowing that God is at work in my life, I’m preparing for eternity since I know who I am in Christ…

Sword of the Spirit: … which is the Word of God, (this is the only offensive piece of equipment, Jesus used Scripture to defeat Satan when tempted in the wilderness …

Pray in the Spirit: Continually and on all occasions. Regardless, keep on praying…

3. Consider the EXPECTATIONS of your fight…

Attacks are Inevitable: If none in sight; rest in the Spirit, refuel, strategize, role play, plant seeds, invite, evangelize, etc.

        Check your Allegiance: If you’re on Satan’s side, he won’t attack you.

Never Forget, The War is Won! Read Revelations for even though the Battle Continues, Satan is a defeated foe for you’re not fighting the devil on your own, God is on your side providing you all the equipment (resources) you’ll ever need.

You will be victorious if you stand! Verse 6: 13

Christ is going to be glorified, for all He has done – is doing – and will yet do…  

Summary & Sending Prayer

We indeed are called to Fight. We pray this scripture today will be an encouragement to us; to know who the Enemy is, to identify the Enemy, to know what our resources are, and then to know that through Jesus Christ the victory is already won. May we all be encouraged as we go out into the world as we go about doing spiritual battle. In Jesus Name, Amen

You Familiar With Ten “D’s of the Tribulation?

As alluded to yesterday, according to Jesus and for your consideration without any editorial comments from me, these are the ten things that will continue to multiply and progress as the first three and a half years of The Great Tribulation unfold.

  1. Deception: “Many will come in My name saying, “I am the Christ, and will deceive many.” (Matt 24:5)
  2. Dissension: “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars … Nation will arise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.” (24:6-7)
  3. Devastation: “There will be famines.” (24:7)
  4. Disease: “Pestilences.” (24:7)
  5. Disasters: “Earthquakes in various places.” (24:7)
  6. Death: “They will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name’s sake.” (24:9)
  7. Disloyalty: “Many will be offended, will betray one another, and hate one another.” (24:10)
  8. Delusion: “Many false prophets will rise up and deceive many” (24:11) It should also be noted that part of the delusion will be an increase in drug use. One of the characteristics of the end times’ false religion will be what the book of Revelation calls “sorceries” (Rev 9:21) The word John used is pharmakia, from which we get the word pharmacy. It is an ancient reference to the ingestion of drugs. The use of mind-altering substances such as narcotics and hallucinogens will be associated with false religions, doubtless with the approval of the government.
  9. Defection: “Because lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold” (24:12) People will turn away from God from one another.
  10. Declaration: “This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations” (24: 14) In the midst of the darkness the light of the good news of Jesus Christ will shine brighter than ever. People everywhere will run to Jesus Christ for forgiveness, peace, and life.

Jesus spoke clearly about the Tribulation, but He is not alone. Several passages throughout the Bible describe the events that will occur during the Tribulation period. These descriptions occur in the writings of various OT prophets and in brief references here and there in other books of the Bible. But it is the book of Revelation that describes the Tribulation events in the greatest detail.

Time for a break from this future Tribulation Talk! Tomorrow we’ll focus on Christians being “Called to Fight.” Can we be any more timely?

The Significance of “Isaac’s Storm” For Today….

Isaac’s Storm is a fascinating book about the 1900 hurricane that wiped out Galveston TX in one day. One of the main plot lines of the book is about how everyone was convinced that a hurricane could never strike Galveston, even as a monster storm was bearing down on them. The author vividly describes how, as the streets began to flood, people went about their business as if nothing was wrong. Children played in the water, people gathered for breakfast at the local diner, and no one fled from the storm that was about to strike with all its fury.

Some didn’t worry because Isaac Cline, the National Weather Service officer in Galveston, assured them it would not be a severe storm. Others simply believed that Galveston, was invincible. Some thought that since they had never seen a hurricane strike Galveston, one never would, So, for a variety of reasons, people assured themselves nothing bad would happen. And as a result, more than six thousand people died one tragic September day.

Like Galveston in 1900, a storm warning has been issued by the Creator for the entire world in the end times. A tempest of judgement is metastasizing and gaining steam. It will hit with the force of a Category 5 hurricane. I wish I could tell you the opposite. I would love to tell you that everything is going to be peaceful and prosperous in the days ahead and that all will be well, but that would follow the tragic example of Isaac Cline; except much, much worse.

Some people have not and will not take this storm warning seriously because of our culture’s fog, its accompanying “narrative,” enhancing even the smoke & mirrors. Have you ever considered pessimism and optimism are irrelevant in every situation where God’s Word has clearly spoken.

And yes, you’re correct in that I didn’t write most of this. How could I? By tomorrow, some of you wisdom book readers will recognize my source. Regrettably, as no doubt for more than a few of you, this is the first time I’ve ever seriously approached the subjects of rapture and tribulation. Times past apparently, I chose to be deceived! Indeed, God has and is continually, extending me His Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace!

This thread sort of reminds me of a question answer & sequence I once heard. Question: What’s the difference between Ignorance and Apathy? Answer: I don’t know and I don’t care! Ouch! Rather offensive but?

Think you’re ready now for the Ten Characteristics of the Tribulation from Matt 24 tomorrow?

You’re Covered! Whether It Be It Rain, Snow, Fog, Smoke & Mirrors, or “the narrative!”

Have you ever driven on an unfamiliar, winding, pitch-dark road in a blinding rainstorm? (Actually, yes, many times but it was it was an intensely foggy night near Sugarcreek three years ago that totaled my car while going less than 25 miles an hour at a fork in the road. Had I angled slightly either left or right, I may have fared quite well, but second guessing in the fog that I was still in the middle of the road only crashed me into the road bank and a fence after a full length sideswiping of the stop sign. So much sheet metal damage!  

At such times all you want is to be able to see beyond the edge of the headlights, to see what’s ahead. If only there was some way short of radar and going 5 mph to see what’s ahead. Sometimes I think that is the way I feel right now about all the fog, smoke, mirrors, and narrative (No, I’m not describing some church services) we are seeing and hearing; and even worse, what we then are imagining! Ever feel like you’re driving blind? You are yearning and straining to see beyond your headlights – to know, to prepare; hopefully to avoid disaster. But how can you? Is it possible to see assuredly what’s next?

Actually, the Bible has a great deal to say about what’s coming. Dangerous, dramatic days are ahead. You can see the warning signs all around. We all need to know what’s coming.

Tomorrow we’ll examine Isaac’s Storm, a fascinating book about the 1900 hurricane that wiped out Galveston TX in one day killing more than six thousand people. Tune in tomorrow for another pertinent perspective in less than 300 words.

Focus For Today, Tomorrow & Beyond

God’s Promise:

For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you or forsake you.” So we may boldly say: The LORD is my helper; I will not fear. What can man do to me?” (Hebrews 13:5-6)

My Prayer For You:

Father, Your children are lost and searching for answers. They are so confused. Nothing seems to make sense anymore. The world is literally shaking under their feet. They recognize now, like never before, that they need you, that they do not control the world or their lives – You do.

Thank You for Your patience and love. And for giving us Your Word, the Bible, to guide them through these tumultuous chaotic times. Give them

hope in Your promises,

peace in Your presence, and

rest in Your power.

Do not let their despair swallow them. Please open their eyes to understand what’s happening and soften their hearts to receive all You have for them.


Why Today Are Many Christ Followers Seemingly Content to Just Wait, Rather Than Seeking His Wisdom on How Best to Prepare Themselves?

For years I’ve been intrigued with Naaman’s account in II Kings 5:2 that states the captured Israelite servant girl to Naaman’s wife encouraged her mistress to send her Syrian General husband Naaman to see the prophet in Samaria for he would heal him of his leprosy. Intrigued because I am questioning today whether our children or even we adults in our “culture” if in similar captive circumstances with whomever, would breathe the rarified air of presenting Jesus as Savior effectively in any viable authentic form.

Because of this unnamed Jewish servant girl, Naaman had an encounter with the God of the universe that indeed changed his “culture.” Read “the rest of the story” in v. 17-19 “please let your servant be given two mule loads of earth; for your servant will no longer offer either burnt offering or sacrifice to other gods, but to the Lord. Yet in this thing may the Lord pardon your servant: when my master goes into the temple of Rimmon to worship there, and he leans on my hand and I bow down in the temple of Rimmon, may the Lord please pardon your servant in this thing.” Then Elisha said to him, “Go in peace.” I find it beyond interesting, how two military men, Naaman here; and then the centurion upon encountering Truth in Luke 7:9 when Jesus stated, “I say to you, I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel!”

Perhaps Utmost for His Highest today (July 24) explains it best when Oswald aptly states “the great wonder of Jesus Christ’s salvation is that He changes our heredity. He does not change human nature – He changes its source, and thereby its motives as well.”

We do give lip service to “cultural” transmission though that does not insure spiritual heredity. Post It notes on the bathroom mirror or by the back door into the garage “And whatever you do in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him …” is a good start though! By focusing on our spiritual mission today, tomorrow and beyond, much as Germany faced in the 30’s, then just imagine someday when either by global tyranny or your all-consuming captors/oppressors, regardless of their origin, presents you the choice of either renouncing the Jesus of your “culture” or your immediate extermination, will you be mentally prepared as was Daniel and his friends when bowing was demanded? This possibility suddenly elevates the Biblical account of Daniel to a higher more significant and relevant intimate perspective. Again, I ask, am I (we) prepared? For what are we waiting except to prepare?  

While we are living in uncertain times, indeed waiting as referenced in Kerry Shook’s Daily Devotions excellent clip titled “God’s Waiting Room,” where he states “Most of the time that we are waiting on God, God is really waiting on us.” Am I, or are we, preparing ourselves and others for the inevitable future persecution and beyond? I find few of our “culture” today under 60 have actually read from “Martyr’s Mirror: The Story of 17 Centuries of Christian Martyrdom…”  I offer you the perspective of this one account of martyrdom to possibly break your North American trance of being content to be “the quiet in the land.”

Consider this historical account from Kindle location 11939 of 16912 (72%). Since I use Kindle extensively, my physical copy is now buried in a box so I can’t give you a page # but it is in the chapter of the tenth century occurring in 1022 A.D.

Heribert and Lisoius were greatly esteemed and beloved by the king and the lords of the realm, as long as their case was not known. Glaber further relates how they were discovered. Heribert and Lisoius, sought at Rouen, to bring a certain Dreist over to their belief (not mere culture), to expound to him the mystery of their doctrine, and who endeavored to persuade him by saying that very soon all the people would fall over to them. (In other words, the papal insistence for infant baptism, the mass or transubstantiation was in error and the scriptural truth was being discovered and replacing the papal untruths.)

When the priest understood this, he immediately went to Richard, the Count of that city, and told him the whole matter. The latter instantly sent letters by express messengers to the king, informing him of this secrete pestilence (as he calls the true faith). King Robert, much grieved at this, without delay convened a council of many bishops, abbots, and other religious persons(thus he calls this blood-thirsty council), and, through them, caused very strict investigations to be made, both as to the authors and the adherents of said heresy.

When inquiry was made among the layman, as to what the belief and the faith of each several one was, the aforesaid Heribert and Lisoius immediately discovered themselves, that they differed in their belief from the Roman church, and afterwards others also declared that they differed in their belief from the Roman church, and afterwards others also declared that they adhered to Heribert and Lisoius, and that they could in no wise be drawn away from their faith. Being interrogated more closely, whence and by whom this presumption had originated, they gave this answer, “This is what you have long called a sect, which you now, though late, recognize. But we have waited for a long time, that you as well as all the others, of whatever law or order, might come over and unite with this sect, which, we also believe, will yet take place.” They then immediately presented their unbelief, undoubtedly after the manner of the Albigenses and Waldenses, as shall be shown hereafter.

When the king and all those present saw they could not be moved from their belief, he commanded that a very large fire of wood should be kindled not far from the city, in order that perhaps, terrified thereby, they might desist from their belief. But when they were about to be led out to the fire, they cried aloud, saying, that they greatly longed for it, and gave themselves into the hands of those who were to draw them to the fire. They, thirteen in number, were committed to the flames, and all who afterwards were found to be their adherents, were put to death by the same means.

Again, in the records of the parish church of Orleans, called St. Maximus’ church, the time is specified, when this took place. It occurred, it is there stated, publicly at Orleans, A.D. 1022, in the 28th year of King Robert. The above citations are taken from the writings of the papists; hence, the reader is admonished, to judge charitably with regard to the accusations which these inveterate adversaries have so bitterly cast up against these pious witnesses of Jesus Christ.

So why do the revival fires of one generation burn out in the next?

Why do the children and grandchildren of believers leave the church?

Why does each generation need to be re-evangelized?

Why is our world getting morally and spiritually worse instead of better?

The answer to these questions I believe lies in 1.) the failure to pass the truth that leads to faith in Jesus Christ from one generation to the next; and 2.) we grossly underestimate the wiles and tactics of our mortal enemy, Satan, to destroy the committed redeemed of Christ’s Kingdom.

Passing the truth is much like a relay race in which runners compete as a team. Winning a relay race depends not only on the speed of the runners but also on their skillful ability to transfer the baton. In our race of life, the “baton” is the truth that leads to personal faith in God. Each generation receives the “baton” from the previous generation, runs the race to the best of its ability, then passes the “baton” smoothly and securely to the next generation.     

The prior post detailed the Christ Follower’s Call to Follow, after earlier messages on Fellowship and Freedom. Today, July 24, Pastor Carl detailed our Call to Faithfulness. These four succinct instructional messages for your spiritual significance can be likened to “batons.” Are we in shape for the legacy race of our lifetime? What are we waiting for? Your destiny and your posterity’s, is at stake. Review all four.

One final encouragement from James 4:8 whom instructs us to “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” This is the greatest invitation ever issued – the Creator of the universe requests our presence – especially while in our daily waiting rooms of life. This intimacy is God’s unwavering desire – He longs to be known by us. (John 1:18) We in our “culture” may emphasize the liberation from sin and death but is that enough? No way! I too long neglected to declare or experience the intimate relationship awaiting me with all those who’ve been made free. Waiting for whatever is on your spiritual radar at the moment without 1.) A strategic continual communication and intimacy with the Trinity, and 2.) “without an effective interactive protective community is the broad path to spiritual oblivion and too often, spiritual bankruptcy. Just consider how in nature, hungry wolves move a herd of deer seeking to separate out the weak, the lame and the stragglers for the kill. Your earthly spiritual lifeline is continual intimacy vertically with the Trinity and horizontally with other Christ Followers. Guard both judiciously!

We as Christ Followers are Called to Follow Jesus… And are Empowered to steer clear of fuzzy EXPECTATIONS, selfish EXCUSES or compromising ENTANGLEMENTS.. As then from the account in Luke 9, are we today also seeking a ‘short-cut’ Messiah whom offers us bread, political clout, and abundant miraculous happenings?

The You Tube link below is for the Kidron Mennonite Church worship service this morning, July 17. The text today was from Luke 9:57-62 and Pastor Carl Wiebe provides expectations, excuses, and entanglements as the anchor points in this third in a series “Of Being Called.” June 26 was Called to Fellowship and July 3, Called to Freedom. Scripture reading begins at 13 minutes. Sound improves with Carl.

The Summary Thought from Pastor Carl… “Sometimes because we look at each other, and we are the models for each other for what discipleship looks like, we tend to be doing it all the same way, but when we look at the models throughout history, when we look at models in different places where discipleship is difficult, then we have to decide, well, what are my expectations for this relationship with Jesus, am I making excuses, what are my entanglements and how are they affecting me? I think that is the challenge I see today in this portion of scripture. We are being called to follow and we must look beyond each other and ourselves, ultimately to Jesus….

A Few Suggestions Tonight For Your Consideration Before Spring Gets Underway…..

This blog has in the past dealt primarily with encouraging you to prepare for the inevitable spiritual transitions in life we all will face. I realize I’m perhaps preaching to the saints here, but that is going to radically change as I’m compelled to now steer you in the direction of your personal food production.

FYI, much of the chatter we were aghast to hear from the independent media years ago has now occurred or appears imminent. It appears now one such fracas buried by the deep state in July ’20, was when Hunter Biden’s laptop surfaced and was given to the deep state authorities for possible prosecution but it all got buried; until last week that was, when apparently now, it appears perhaps the deep state will bring out the evidence from the laptop and who knows where else, as their excuse to change leadership in the current regime as the White House is becoming increasingly embarrassing and a liability at home and around the world; understandably with food and energy prices escalating, the imminent midterm elections, the possible collapse of the dollar, and now, a war between Russia and the Ukraine.

Apparently, this scenario was set into motion decades ago by corrupt US agencies and politicians collaborating with corrupt Ukrainian officials in Russia’s front yard and Putin in time, became aware of it. Putin, being Putin, and looking for an excuse to show his muscle, and especially so when these corrupt US and Ukrainian actors provided the emotional stage to hopefully capture the world’s attention. The prolific propaganda being spewn forth by everyone now is beyond confusing and I certainly have nothing to add except I’ve heard the war is what the corrupt US and Ukrainian officials, perhaps even some Russian officials also, were actually desiring to accomplish.

Perhaps my sources are entirely wrong, or just half correct. The significance here though, is regardless, the world is in a pickle, and it appears we may all be eaten for lunch!

None of the above makes much sense to me as I’m definitely not a historian; perhaps, though, it does to you. I only tell you because the bottom line is many millions of people are currently suffering. And it appears, if this war continues, the whole world will suffer. Personal food production and access to good water will be paramount, likely even in the US. In the future, I may share such statistics as many experts are now agreed we have passed the tipping point of returning to stability.

Now, that was enough of the negative to set the stage for what’s next. Spring is here and many of you have gardens and have always canned and frozen your produce. Gardening year around here in Ohio is likely a new concept for many. I strongly suggest though that everyone view at least the first video (21 min) to be exposed to the simplicity of growing your greens year around. Combining this downspout gardening with sprouting in quart jars for protein sources could make all the difference for you and your family.

Loretta and I will be experimenting too as we’ve not done this form of hydroponics prior. The beauty of beginning our research now is that we can do it all this summer in the great outdoors with abundant natural lighting. Doing it under the new LED grow lights during the fall, winter, and early spring, is entirely another matter. Don’t be fooled just because the equipment is cheap and easy to come by; the intricacies of effective hydroponics, though simple, does have a learning curve to achieve. And then there is always the matter of the grid possibly going down, which doesn’t impact sprouting as much, but does mean utilizing windows, skylights, natural gas generators, or most desirable, solar with back up batteries.

There is so much that could be said. But for now, just watch the first video and consider the possibilities for you. Experts are saying there will be severe food shortages. Don’t count on the grocery stores being as they are now. Even Biden said last week there will be food shortages.

I do not ever recall a time in my history when so much is at stake, and that we’ve been the worst prepared! The Cuban Crisis, the Berlin Wall, the Vietnam War, the Oklahoma City bombing, and 911, were all a walk in the park compared to what is on the table tonight. These are the days we need to be searching our souls in prayer for God to reveal to us, first, what we need to be doing to get prepared for this spiritual battle, in that the conflict today may not be with guns and in uniform being traditionally non-resistant or as conscientious objectors for us this time, but rather, more like a mass psychosis or a brain-washing deception of the nation, perhaps even the church, even congregations, perhaps even ourselves, our families, our friends, neighbors, peers, etc. Paul says it so well in Ephesians 6: 12-13 “For we do wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”

The Message paraphrased it this way: “Be prepared. You’re up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so when it’s all over but the shouting, you’ll still be on your feet.” Going on through verse 18: “Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You’ll need them throughout your life. God’s word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long. Pray for your brothers and sisters. Keep your eyes open. Keep each other’s spirits up so that no one falls behind or drops out.

Christ Followers (CF) must never forget the real battle is against Satan; he is the one who brings evil into their lives, and tempts then to sin. The world is his stage, as is every leader in every nation including our beloved US. CF’s who view other people as the enemy will not be able to vanquish the real foe. God’s people do not fight with arguments or violence but with truth, righteousness, the gospel of peace, faith, salvation, and the word of God.

I am reminded of my blog from March 24, The Genius of Jesus, where Erwin R McManus speaks of the old adage of “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” He disagrees as God has absolute power and He is incorruptible. We could even say absolutely incorruptible! McManus says rather, “Absolute power REVEALS completely. Power gives freedom to what has been hidden within the human heart. Power tells the truth about who we are. Power sets free what has been imprisoned within you. It is why you can live in a free country and still be captive by the condition of your soul.” I’m not sure I’ll live long enough to have all the deception of the prior decades up to the present revealed, but rest assured, truth always does prevail.

Blessings as you Go Forth Empowered with the Fruits of the Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, Self Control. Remember also, it’s been said “it’s what you read when you don’t have to, that determines what you will be (or do) when you can’t help it.” Perhaps this has special significance to CF’s?

At One Time, You Didn’t Know…

Henry David Thoreau once stated, “I regret that I was never as wise as the day I was born.”

Once, not so long ago there was a little boy who grew up simply wanting to collect glass bottles to take to the grocery store to turn them in for pocket change to buy ice cream for his friends and to give the spare change to the homeless man on the corner who always offered wisdom.  There was so much love, happiness and smiles.  

He didn’t know he wasn’t in Heaven.

He would then go home and throw paper airplanes with his sister until their arms got tired. Then, he would sit by the pool and save bugs. There was so many smiles and so much love back then. When his mom came out, she would say “what are you doing?” He would say “I’m saving bugs so they can get home in time to have dinner with their families.” Occasionally, he would find a dead one and try and blow on it to make it come back to life. When this didn’t happen, he felt so sad, but he didn’t know why. He had empathy. There was so much love, happiness and smiles.

He didn’t know he wasn’t in Heaven.

Occasionally a new person would move into the neighborhood and the little boy would take them fresh cookies and smiles to make them feel welcome.  He made so many new friends. There was so much love.  Occasionally they would find stray animals and instinctively care for them. He was so caring.  Nobody taught him that.  He didn’t know there were words called stress, anxiety, overwhelmed or competition.  There was so much love, happiness and smiles.

He didn’t know he wasn’t in Heaven.

One day his mother announced it was time to begin school.

The little boy learned the “BEST” kids played something called sports; that there was something called competition, and that there were so many kids that were better than him.  He learned he was less.  He got picked last for teams and was laughed at every day.  He learned something new called anger.  He then used this anger to kill bugs so he could be better than something.

He learned he wasn’t in Heaven.

The little boy then learned that the people who had the best cars, clothes and homes were the happiest.  He wanted his happiness back so he became part of the machine.  But none of those things made him happy.  He then went around thinking he was broken because those things made everyone else happy, or sure at least, it seemed so.

He knew then he wasn’t in Heaven .

He was in the rat race that produced horrible results; Over 50 % divorce, millions of deaths from addictions, and thousands of murders, all committed by people who weren’t in Heaven.  

One day when he was all grown up and so very miserable, his wife told him he was bringing a new life into the world.  His daughter Kaylee was born.  At his rock bottom on his 36th birthday, his daughter made him a birthday card telling him he was the best dad in the world and how much she loved him.

He knew fulfilling this mission of becoming the greatest dad in the world had to become the center of his life, right after Jesus and his wife.  He is now fulfilling this mission. 


By showing people they are still in Heaven.


By being forgiving, loving, caring, empathetic and compassionate.

Now, there is visibly more love, happiness and smiles. Caring about following the noise of the world simply fell away.

The groundswell of “The Contagious Renewed Mind” (CRM) momentum is producing infinitely more love, happiness and smiles in the neighborhood.

So, why are you here?

To show more people they are still in Heaven via CRM; especially to the ones who are the hardest to love.  

Written 04/01/22 and submitted by Jonathan Dunn,   Dream Leader Institute 

P.S.  And by the way, Thoreau was not a credential theologian. Neither is DLI.